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Everything posted by B0nse

  1. Ahh, the Pending Purgatory. 

    View is nice from here B] 

    1. Rain


      Usually, when you message a PST to get your journal or pretty much anything that needs to be checked approved. This counts with threads, too. From the looks of it, @Mack's the one dealing with your journal. You should message him. :)

    2. B0nse


      Already done I'm afraid, just waiting for the incoming tide. :y 

  2. B0nse


  3. B0nse


    Profile Username: B0nse Real Name: Connor Blake Age: 39 Gender: Male Height: 5;11 Physical: Surprisingly, Connor is that rare breed who actually cares for their physical health, and as such he is well built. He is neither the six-pack wonder, the pot-bellied long distance swimmer, nor the lithe runner, but is a man of tight bulk. His muscles are thick, and while not absurdly proportioned, are pronounced clearly to any eye save that of the idiot, who would call him fat. Beyond this, he is cursed with an ugly face which starkly contrasts with the rest of his
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