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About ShinoTenshi

  • Birthday 05/05/1998

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    Probably Hell

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  1. God its been so long... First off I must apologize to those of you that I RP with. It was inexcusable for me to be gone so long. My reason is that our bills were a bit much for a while and I got a job to help out. But Im back, bringing along everyones favorite psychopath ^-^ Hope to RP with you all soon!

    1. Zandra


      I have to many threads up atm, but Im up for it when some is completed

      Also welcome back, hope it works/ have worked out with the bills and extra job and everything else. :)

    2. ShinoTenshi


      Wonderful, just let me know. And its just a job to help pay bills till Im out of school. My last year of school XD

  2. So sorry for my absence everyone. For some reason the site wouldnt load for me, but Im back and ready to catch up on everything!

  3. Anyone else notice the rise in murderous backstories? Shino is bound to make lots of friends if this keeps up ^-^

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jazmyne


      please don't ruin the song tak

    3. Takao


      it's too late now

    4. XWuZHeAR


      I got it from filthy Frank so probably not the best role model for children

  4. Anyone ever have those days where you wish you were a pokemon that knew self destruct?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      You'd think so. But no. One employee called the police and they said that if he isn't actually threatening violence, then they wont do anything. Same with the management. After checking into the guy they decided to do nothing. So now the person who basically outed him is scared she is going to be targeted, and the management are being stupid and saying crap like "Well, it's all being blown out of proportion" and "It was a joke."


      Joke or not, you don't take that lightly. Another employee who is trained in security and worked for the government said they were gonna not only send in a tip to the FBI, but that they knew some other people at DHS that they were gonna call. But it is still scary as all get out. I am seriously debating on not coming to work for a couple days. Gonna talk to my SO and decide tonight...

    3. Baldur


      No, but I often wish I was a Snorlax :)

      If it's something you're seriously concerned about, call the local news and mention how it's been reported, but no one would take it seriously.

    4. Kalesh


      Use metronome to fly, Baldur. It's the only way.

  5. Name: Shino Tenshi Age: 18 Gender: Female Height: 5'6" Weight: 150ish lbs Story Before SAO: Shino used to be your average everyday child. She was an average student with slightly above average looks. Her parents were never the best in her opinion, due to their praise toward her sister. She pretended not to care for the longest time, seeing as her sister always looked up to her. After middle school Shino got into her first clique. Most would look to them as outcasts, but she felt it as the place she best fit in. She always loved the music they listened to which was
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