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    In some Montana town working myself to the bone in over 100 degree heat
  • Interests
    reading, writing, video games, cooking, sports

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  1. Zachariah: Lv:1 HP:4
  2. Renegade96


    Username: Zachariah Real Name: Hiro Reks Age: 18 Gender: Male Height: Six foot Five inches Appearance: Hiro is six foot five with black hair with an inch on top and an half inch at the sides. He has steely gray eyes that are devoid of emotion. He is clearly in amazing shape. He wears a golden chain about the neck and his entire body is covered in scars History/ Personnality: Hiro was born to a poor family in Dublin Ireland. His parents weren't the best of people as his father was in prison for murder before he was born and his mother abused alcohol and other
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