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About Cygnus

  • Birthday 11/01/1994

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  1. ohello SAO people. :3 Guess who's back?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hirru


      He's getting back into his groove.

    3. Lessa


      Slim Shady?

    4. Baldur


      Hey my friend! Welcome back! Let me know if you wanna pick up any of our threads :)

  2. So, i'm dumb and spilled water on my keyboard, so now it doesn't work. I now have to use my laptop keyboard, which means I have to open the lid, which means my monitor shuts off for some reason. (My laptop screen is broken) I'll be kind of slow getting to posts until I get a new one, which should be here in the next week or so.

  3. Sorry for my absence over the past few days. I came down with an awful stomach bug. I don't feel great, but I feel well enough to get to some posts, so I will do that later tonight.

    1. Baldur


      Yay! I was wondering what happened to you. Sorry your were feeling sick!

  4. -salutes Erron- A very merry birthmas to you!

  5. Sorry for my lack of activity this week. I've been too busy to actually reply to anything. I plan on getting to posting later tonight or tomorrow. To everyone I RP with, thanks for your patience~!

    1. Baldur


      Just glad you're still with us!

  6. To those I RP with; I have an exterminator coming to my house early this morning, so I will not be around until some time after 6pm CDT. 

    1. Baldur


      That stinks! But I guess it'll be better in the long run! You won't get bugged quite as much :)

    2. Cygnus


      i c wut u ded thar xD

      We ended up having to cancel, so i'm gonna get to work on posts! 

    3. Baldur


      Rats! I'm sorry they had to cancel. :P

  7. Damn, i've never posted 30 times in two days before... xD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Teayre


      The magic words *wipes a tear from my eye*

    3. Baldur


      Feels good, doesn't it?

    4. Cygnus


      @Baldur It does! xD I enjoy some brisk posting on occasion.

      @Teayre Getting to work on our thread!

  8. I have room on my dance card for one more thread. Anyone interested in starting one? :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cygnus


      Will do! Finishing up a reply, then i'll get right to it!

    3. Cygnus


      Here it is; 


      Sorry it took so long. Had problems with my internet.

    4. Baldur



  9. Cygnus began to sweat profusely when Lancelot mentioned him taking her to the Starlight Cafe. He didn't get a chance to turn his nervous stammers into a protest, though before she walked away from him, stating that she would see to their requests. He bowed politely once he was able to gather his nerves again. "Y-Yes. Thank you." Once the item was finished, Cygnus would bow once more. "U-Um thank you, miss." He turned and bowed to Lawfer as well. "Thank you for your generosity. I will find some way to repay you." He then hurried out of the shop.
  10. Cygnus was focused on his interaction with Lancelot, so he didn't see Lawfer enter and did not notice the man until he spoke his greeting. He turned to him, his body finally finding the ability to move, and gave him a wave. "Oh, hello, Lawfer!" He kept his voice from sounding too shaky. He was surprised when the man offered to buy him and Kooh a perfect item. He had been given a lot of help since he first arrived. It was getting difficult to even attempt to turn it down. He didn't want to ruin this for Kooh either, so he instead turned back to Lawfer and gave him a bow of gratitude. "My thanks
  11. Cygnus straightened and bowed as the shop owner's attention turned on him. The way she spoke made him a little uncomfortable. He wasn't used to when talking to him like that. The fact that she touched him made him even more nervous. He was clearly inexperienced at dealing with women. He would have bowed to greet her, but he felt like her touch paralyzed him from the neck down. Instead, he simply gulped and nodded. "Um, yes. Hello, miss. I'm just looking at this piece here. I'm wondering the price. It looks beautiful, did you make it?" He pointed to the clover carving in the case, using the sma
  12. Cygnus entered the little shop, looking around at all the things for sale. He noticed Kooh as he entered and gave her a friendly wave, not wanting to interrupt her and the owner, before going on about his business. He looked through the different display cases, trying to find something in particular. His eyes rested on a small carving of a four-leaf clover. "Oooh." He said quietly. He would love to have something like that. Cygnus always was a sucker for little trinkets. He straightened up and glanced over at the owner, waiting patiently, or as patiently as possible, for her business with Kooh
  13. To those I owe replies to;

    I had a VERY long day, (I won't go into details) so i'm heading to bed early tonight. I'll get my replies up first thing in the morning. 

  14. Anyone out there want to help me do the <<Earning a Living>> quest? I feel it's finally time for me to get that done.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Opal


      I'll be ready! :) 

    3. Cygnus


      I think i'm going to have to put the thread up tomorrow. xD I should be getting to bed soon since I have work in about 6 hours. I'll put it up tomorrow though! Promise!

    4. Opal


      No problem, doll. 

  15. Before I head out for the night, I just wanted to thank everyone who took me up on my RP offer. You guys are awesome and I hope this is the beginning of a long friendship!

    1. Baldur


      Welcome to the site :)

    2. Cygnus


      Thanks Baldur! I'm glad to be here.

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