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  1. Would anyone like to do a general RP at all?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cygnus


      Looking forward to it. :)

    3. Vyrtew


      If you have space for one more...

    4. Shinzoku


      Sure thing I'll set up a group PM :D

  2. Heyo. Would I'm looking to get a party of 4 or so together to do my earning a living. Sign up here!


  3. Wooooo thank you @Mack

  4. Shinzoku ~~~~~~~~ Real Name: Seishin Mizuko (Ketsueki) Gender: Male Age: 27 Appearance: Ronin's Back Background: Whilst his mother was still pregnant Seishin’s father died leaving him to be raised alone by his mother. The woman an avid martial artist pushed her son to pursue several styles. Kendo, Jujitsu, Karate, Judo and Aikido were what the boy studied. As he grew up he learnt respect from within these foundations and also how to read a situation. At the age of fourteen Seishin’s mother died, the one person who could say loved him, abandoning his father’s name h
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