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    Land of Windmills
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    Using this face so much that it annoys people ---> ^-^

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  1. Syl

    Sylvia Strauss [WIP]

    Skills [SP USED: 5/5] Non-combat: » Passive: » Combat: » Weapon skills: »Rapier Mastery [5/50][Rank 1/5] ~~~~~~ Inventory ITEMS EQUIPPED: 1] Basic rapier [Good item] 2]Cute starting outfit [Good item] Description: Green skirt, light green shirt, and a brown jacket. Does it protect the wearer? Not at all! 3] STORED IN INVENTORY: -10 Bread -15 Water ~~~~ Roleplays » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other
  2. Username: Syl Real name: Sylvia Strauss Age: Eighteen Gender: Female Height: 5'5 Profession: none yet TBA Virtues: -Social: Sylvia was blessed by the gods with the ability to easily talk to anyone. She is far from shy, and always enjoys a lovely little chat once in a while. Mostly because it makes her learn more about people, and makes her gain their trust, which makes manipulating them easier. -Loyal: A trait that really seems to be out of place, yet is still true. If she happens to really like someone and not have any interest in messing with them, Sy
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