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About Prince

  • Birthday November 25

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    Art, writing, cooking
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  1. This isn't relevant to me now but it will be in the future... I know that for combat rolls, it's 1 roll per post. What about daily crafts in your shop? Can you do multiple rolls in one post, or should it all be separate?

    1. Macradon


      You can "spam" rolls when crafting :)

    2. Baldur


      Yes, Please put all of your rolls for a single day in a post. Don't put multiple days in a single post though.

      Your goal is to make it as easy for the PSTs to track as possible, so that we can approve your crafted items faster.

  2. Confused about accuracy. It says it costs 1 slot and can have a max of 3... is each slot another +1 to BD? 

    1. Birdie


      Mhm! So if you get a perfect item, you can choose to use those 3 slots for Accuracy and you'll end up with +3 BD.

    2. Beatbox


      What she said.

    3. Paglikha


      What they both said.

  3. Fun story: a few months ago, before I moved out, my mom and I went to Walmart and she spent a good 20 minutes talking to the person at the hair dresser check out. I got bored and went to the bakery and bought some cookies. Note, I am very short (5'2''). Anyway, my mom told me that when she realized I was gone, the lady at the desk said, "oh, the little boy? He went to the bakery." I'm 18. The struggles of being short and having a baby face, haha

    1. Baldur


      Tough cookies, mate

    2. Macradon


      I know the feeling way too well at some point. Now. I don't know how people would judge my age, but few people actually believe I'm above 16 years. Though some believe I'm around my thirties ... I'm 19 :v

    3. Baldur


      I got carded yesterday, so that made me happy ^_^

  4. Hey, so if I were to make a PP with 2 invite slots, would people be interested in joining? (you'd have to PM me asking to join first, seeing as it's PP)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Teayre


      Fair Enough, that's always a good option if you want to meet people in an RP :)

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      If you want some mental scars for your character, I'd be happy to rp with ya.

    4. Macradon


      Macradon would love to join

  5. I got approved!! :0

    1. Birdie


      Congratulations! Welcome Prince ^_^

    2. Macradon


      Woah, Gratz man!

    3. Baldur


      Congrats :)

  6. If anyone noticed I left the group chat, don't worry, I just don't think I'll use it enough to want it around :P

  7. Prince


    Prince Profile Username: Prince Real Name: Oliver Mario Age: 19 Gender: Male Height: 5’5’’ About Oliver grew up in America with his mother, father, and several odd pets (2 blue tongued skinks, 3 birds, and an opossum.) While his parents were caring, they made their fair share of mistakes, like every other family. Unfortunately, despite their best efforts to fight it, Oliver was bullied and harassed severely in school by both peers and teachers. He did not make friends, but didn’t mind much, since he preferred to be alone anyway and had
  8. Waah, you guys are so nice! I haven't even finished making my journal yet and I can already see why my friend loved this website so much :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Macradon


      Yes, that's the one! :D

    3. Baldur


      Just be careful, there's scientific evidence to support that it may cause cancer. :P

    4. Lessa


      Welcome to the site, Prince.

      Be wary of the Skype group. Strange things occur there.

  9. Got another question. Okay, to preface this, a friend of mine actually used to use this site a TON and I decided to join it based on all the good things she had to say about it. Anyway, how do NPC players work? For example, a character in SP that takes the role of another player. Can that be done for 1 SP? (not to be used again--i know i'd have to make a new character if I wanted to do that. Just something for non-combat roleplay so I don't get rekt by a boar)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prince


      Yep! So basically, I can have an NPC player. Out of curiosity, can I use this more than once with the same character, so long as they do not use any game mechanics? Thanks for the quick replies, by the way. Really helpful :)

    3. Domarus


      Again my friend, my servant Keres is a perfect example.  She's an npc player that remains with him throughout his time in Aincrad.

      My shop's post are a perfect example of this, though she is in some of my other threads as well


    4. Baldur


      Yes, an NPC player can be a reoccurring character.

  10. I’m reading over the rules and I’m a little confused about minimum requirements for mob loot. It says that  damage has to be floor#*10, but then it says a few lines later that mob damage per floor is floor#*3. Which is it that will get me mob loot? I would guess the second one, because a mob taking 1/2 of my health on first floor seems kind of crazy..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Prince


      Aah, okay. Thank you!

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      The boars on floor 1 have the highest kill count of Aincrad.

    4. Baldur


      The minimum damage is just that, the minimum a mob on that floor level has. The minimum requirements to drop loot is something completely different.

      You are more than welcome to fight mobs that do not drop loot, for example, but they would still need to meet the minimum mob strength for the floor.

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