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About Able

  • Birthday 11/05/1997

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    Solo Player

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  1. #BLM

    1. Baldur
    2. Krysta


      They sure do. Also, nice to see you again, Able.

    3. Adeux
  2. Holy cow, I've got a computer again.

  3. If anyone would wanna do a thread I'd be up for adding one or two more to my queue. Do mind, I'm just recently getting back into it.

    1. Kirbs


      I'm down, and welcome back!

    2. Benjamin Bookworm

      Benjamin Bookworm

      If you are looking for others, I'm willing to reach out and meet some new friends for quests and fun!

  4. The beards a bit thicker but this is one of my most recent pictures!
  5. Alright so I'm at work and I'm lazy and I know I missed a lot but I'll catch up. Drop a comment if you wanna do a thread. Up to 4 people per thread and I'm not doing more than 2 at once for now. Preferred to have less combat for now. Gotta get used to being in character again!

  6. Apologies to everyone for me not being active for a long time. I'm having really bad depression as well as some serious family issues right now, mainly because my mother is trying to get me out of the house because she can't stand me. So I sincerely apologize for everything and I hope I can be back soon. I miss everybody here a ton!

  7. If you play OW, add me Moundsy#1144 so we can get a 6 stack going. So far it's Beatbox (or Teion), Ariel, Macradon, Az, and I. So 1 more needed :P

  8. It was a Halloween costume of mine from like 2/3 years back, got it online on amazon XD
  9. This is from a few weeks ago, but nothing changed aside from the beard being gone due to my new job. Oh right, there's also this one, it's from a year ago, but come on, I think this is perfectly acceptable.
  10. Got my computer today, so I'll be able to do some posting again soon! If I don't do any today, I will for sure tomorrow!

  11. Won't be active for a few more days, buying a new computer Tuesday 

  12. If anybody needs posts from me later on (since I'm all caught up at the moment), I'll be posting later tomorrow, since I gotta work a 5 AM shift, so time to get some sleep for me to get up at 3 AM... I'M NOT EVEN A MORNING PERSON!

    1. Able


      Also, if you'd like to start a thread with me, just go ahead and start one and tag me, I'll gladly reply when I get on.

  13. BEHOLD IT ONLY TOOK ME 17 Hours after saying i'm posting to actually go through with my actions.

    1. Hirru


      I'm sure that that was not a personal record.

    2. Able


      I mean if you count my several month hiatus then no.

  14. Posting now.

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