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  1. Starting to think no one on here shares my idea of rp

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Beatbox


      Well... maybe people have other things that they need to do?

      Not everyone can be on the site as often as people can be, and just because they appeared online doesnt mean they actually are.

    3. Nezumi


      Also the response in my thread whas him pinging Sey

    4. Yui


      I'm sorry I went to bed last night I do want to rp I just am attempting to catch up on a few other posts as well really double timing it. Yui and Yua are open Nezumi.


  2. Looking for rp partners particularly people of moderate rp ability 

    1. Nezumi


      newer characters would be prefered


    2. Aereth


      If you want, I could do some things with you. Not a new character though... Just let me know if you're interested. 

  3. Username:Nezu Real name: Nezumi Mamoru Age:18 Gender:Male Height:5'8 About: Nezumi was not a person with many friends, throughout most of his life he was picked on for his effeminate appearance. That was until he was introduced to the internet and video games at the age of 15. With this he had finally found a place where he could exist with out the prejudice of his appearance being a hinder with him making friends... 2 years later Full dive gear technology was announced along with a launch game titled Sword Art Online. The game was supposed to fully immerse you in a fantasy worl
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