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About Wolfie

  • Birthday 01/02/1998

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  1. Wolfie entered the shop once again. “I got your message Aereth, What was it you wanted to talk about?” Wolfie was unsure though expected that this would be about payment. “I hate having no col but that’s what I get for waiting so long to start.” He thought to himself as he wanted for the shop owner. Looking around this shop was very well made. And the design was pleasing to the eyes. “I wonder what made him choose this design” He thought out loud “the rustic feel is common though I don’t know why.” Wolfie walked back to the counter and examined the wall decorations. “Its amazing the things
  2. Hey, eveyone I'm doing threads with, I'm sorry but I may be delayed on most of my posts because my cocky procrastination caught up to me and I have a ton of stuff due tomorrow. I may pop in and out but posting will happen once everything is sorted out

    1. Hydra
    2. Sey


      Aye! :3 You got it, captain!

    3. Wolfie


      Actually, things just changed, apparently a disease of some kind was attacking me and about an hour ago decided to make it so I can'tell even stand up. so maybe I will get to those threads sooner seeing as my doc told me not to do anything stressful in order to keep from having to send me to the hospital because of my mental and/or physical stability as of late.

  3. Hey, I think I am caught up with threads. If there is anyone who I missed please inform me in some way so I can get to it. Thank you.

  4. Wolfie walked into the shop on the fourth floor. It was weird to him, being on a floor above the second. He felt unwelcome. But he needed something for himself, something that would give him the edge he needs outside of combat. Something that would allow him to have the same intimidating edge he had in the real world. Thinking back he remembered the Cloak he used to wear “Maybe I can find one of those” He thought as he approached the counter. “Hey, Mister.” He said assertively to the shop keeper “I would like to make a custom order, however I don’t have the money to pay right this moment. If y
  5. to all of you who have threads with me  and want to know why my text is suddenly un-colored, my CPU is dead and cannot be revived so I have to use my phone 

  6. I am now the lead developer for GGO if anyone would like to be part of the Developer team please go to This link for instructions on how to apply

    1. Zandra


      I could have joined if it wasnt because Ive only seen GGO once and dont red any manga/light novels. But good luck anyway.

    2. Grave


      I haven't read the manga or light novel version of GGO either, Zandra, and it doesn't matter too much ^^ We're making it our own world, really

  7. I guess I may as well post one too And then another
  8. I need a major distraction front the real world, anyone up for a thread?

  9. Gotta love the shock to your system a 15 Credit Hour Term gives you... especially when you have to go from start to finish in 3 months or less

  10. So ether I see you or we are stuck in a paradox due to our locations XD

    1. Wolfie


      Assuming, of course that you are suggesting that you are looking at the person who's face you are in front of

  11. How do I add Col from locked threads to my Spending account?

  12. So, I am sure I am not the first to bring this up, but why hasn't throwing needles been implemented yet? it is clearly shown in the anime that SAO has that as the soul ranged weapon. I feel like it would make sense if it was at least a very weak type of attack that could allow for less agro from mobs for the ranged attacker if there is another person in the Party fighting up close.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfie



       that makes sense, especially with the short amount of staff they had when i first started.

      @Takao@Takao obviously, I am in no position of power but if y'all plan to try to impliment it, I do have a few Ideas for how to make it work if you need some help or someone to bounce ideas off of

    3. Takao


      Feel free to put a post up in the Support Ticket section. It's the best way to start discussion on a suggestion.

    4. Wolfie


      Alright! I would be happy too!

  13. I am glad that I haven't lost my touch when it comes to making my RP thread titles something of Meta-commentaries 

    1. Baldur


      I always enjoy coming up with thread titles. Back when I first started to RP, and you had actual threaded forums that showed each post as a different link, we'd end up having very meta or humorous conversations through the titles. 

  14. Row

    I will get my post up today (so much work to do lol)

    1. Wolfie


      Take your time!

  15. Anyone want to RP? 

    1. Teayre


      If you're still looking for an Rp partner I don't mind helping out :)

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