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About Shadowpixel

  • Birthday 01/17/2003

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  • Guild Name
    Solo Player

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  1. I've been thinking about getting back in the swing of things, anyone wanna do a thread?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mars


      I would be fine with doing a thread.

    3. Ruby


      I am down to do a thread with you.

    4. Simba


      @Shadowpixel Yeah we can do that too.

  2. Only 5 more weeks until school ends and I can finally get back to rping, sorry to those I haven't been able to reply to.

    1. Nocturn


      Don't worry about it. ^-^

      School is just one of those many things that take up time from your day.

    2. Stryder


      Only 5??? I have another 10 :(

  3. I apologize to everyone I owe replies to. I have been super busy with school at the moment and I will try and get back to you as soon as possible.

  4. Does anyone want to do a thread?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hidden


      *needs SP* eh.., I'd be up for one... Warning though.... It might be hard to warm up with my character.... First impressions are VERY important with her.... 

    3. Rain


      Mind if I join in? *in need of SP* @.@

    4. Beatbox


      im down anytime.

  5. Does anyone want to RP with me? I could use a little company in my training.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Morgenstern


      Sure, Id love to meet your character.

    3. Nocturn


      I'm level one if that suits your fancy =3

    4. Beatbox


      If level 40 meets your fancy.

  6. Wow, I got three 1 rolls on the Battle Dice, missing all your attacks sure is fun.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vargas


      Could be worse. Get constant 1s for your attacks and 10s for the mob.

    3. Morgenstern


      Had it before.... Dice hates us...


    4. Sey


      The Diceman is taking a break before Christmas :3

  7. What is better? Being alone and getting strong fast, or being in a group and getting strong at a slower rate?

    1. Shizua


      AZIDE is exactly right. Don't do something if you're going to have less enjoyment from it.

  8. How long does getting your journal approved normally take?

    1. Creius


      As long as there is nothing weird or otherwise debatable about the journal, and other reviewed matters in fact, the response time is usually twenty-four hours or less. Usually less but it depends on how busy staff is, both with the website and their personal lives.

    2. Lycan


      Looks like 20 hours in this case. You have a response. Fix a few things and we can get you started on SAO.

  9. Profile Username: Shadowpixel Real name: Mia Payapa Age: 14 Gender: Female Height: 4'07 About: History/personality Mia is a very carefree and energetic girl, and a bit of a klutz as well. She never gives up her goals, and her heart is devoted to her sword. She tends to take things very literally, and ends up causing quite a few problems because of it. Of course, Mia usually never realizes it until the problem actually starts. Mia can be a bit flirtatious too, but that's something she hides rather well compared to most things. In
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