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  1. @Nezumi hello? Did you want to rp with me or something?

  2. Yui and

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Yui


      Hello magda o.o

    3. Magda


      Hello Yui, it's nice to meet you.

    4. Yua


      It's a pleasure to meet you as well.

  3. Yui

    Yui's Diary

    Yui of the Yua & Yui Twins Profile Information Username: Yui Real name: Yuna Satoshi Birth date: September 2, 2004 Age: Eighteen Gender: Female Height: 5'3" Weight: 134 Hair Color: Snow White Eye Color: Crimson Red Apple History Yui always was graced with the wonders and splendors of the parents spoiling her with whatever toys and sweets that she would beg for as they wandered the through markets. It was a marvelous time to be had in her respect as she was loved and cared for by two parents who enjoyed
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