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Everything posted by Shield

  1. To the people waiting on posts from me, I apologize for the lack of communication. IRL has been a little more demanding, so I'm taking my time to deal with it. I will be back among you by tomorrow and posting up a storm.

    1. Baldur


      LE GASP!

    2. Macradon


      LE GASP! IRL!

  2. Unidentified Armor Loot ID#: 85051 Type ID# 85173 - LD: 18 - Heavy Armor Item Name: Bruiser PlateItem Type: Heavy ArmorID: 85174 | 85175 | 85176 | 85177*Roll: CD: 9 + 3 = 12, LD: 13 - THN | CD: 9 + 3 = 12, LD: 12 - THN | CD: 10 + 3 = 13 - LD: 13 - THN [Exceeds item cap] | LD: 5* - H.M.Tier: 3Quality: PerfectEnhancements: Thorns 2, Heavy Momentum 1
  3. The caverns of the twenty first floor had finally begun bearing fruit. It wasn't much, but Shield finally found a set of armor that might pull in some profit. With Tier 3 items being as rare as they are, this could go at a premium. Affixing his jeweler's loupe, he set about the process of studying the armor. As he settled his sights, so too did the edges of the armor come into focus. Before, it had not been identified, but now in his hands, it took the shape of a heavy chest plate. Already intrigued, he probed deeper, uncovering not one, but two slots of thorns, as well as a slot of
  4. - Applying Glittering Snowflake Sticker to Manticore Mask - Item Acquisitions: Sticker - Given by Beatbox as payment Mask - Quest Reward Item Name: Manticore Mask Item Type: Heavy Armor > Shield [2.0 patch] ID: N/A Roll: N/A Tier: 2 > 3 [Sticker Applied] Quality: Perfect Enhancements: Taunt, Damage Mitigation, Flame Aura
  5. 1 Sunset's Light Item Name: Thorns ID: [Original Craft ID] 83892 / 84165 Roll: [Original Craft] 11 / Craft: 11 + 4 = 15, Loot: 17 - Thorns Tier: 1 Type: Light Armor Quality: Perfect Enhancements: Damage Mitigation, Evasion, Thorns Description: A Trench Coat without any buttons or such for bringing the two front ends together. It is the color of Sunset(Basically All warm colors), with an orange sun des
  6. Shield glanced up from his work, squinting at the newcomer. The face was familiar. While he was never one for names before Sword Art Online, being an actual business man had forced him to get a little better. "Vigilon, right?" he asked, his eyebrows quirked at such an angle to indicate that he wasn't one hundred percent sure. "We met by the Monument of Life not so long ago." He took the armor and gave it a quick look before tapping to accept the transaction and settling back down into his work station. He held the jeweler's loupe up to his eye and inspected the armor, turning it over
  7. The meeting had drawn to a close in preparation for the battle with the twentieth floor boss, Mothra the Magnificent. Shield rummaged around his shop inventory, his hand still shaking. The boss was not so frightening to illicit such a response from him, though. It was the meeting itself. It had been ages since he had been around children, and having Eira wander around the meeting had been more than he was prepared for. "I guess there really are kids out here who are in danger too, not just the grownups that are out fighting the battles," he thought aloud to himself, his voice unsteady eve
  8. Name: Shielding Light Profession: Tailor Your Rank: 3 Roll ID: 83623 / 83798 / 83799 Roll: 10 / Craft: 10 + 4 = 14, Loot: 18 - Damage Mitigation / Craft: 11 + 4 = 15, Loot: 7 - Savvy Item Type: Jacket Tier: 1 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: Mitigation 2, Savvy 1 Description: A leather jacket that has a shield emblem embedded in the shoulder. The jacket is a Midnight Blue, though the shield is bright, being a complementing red to the blue. In the working is small patches of cloth that are unnoticeable, softening the impact of blows.
  9. Although he had been sitting on Stryder's order for some a while, Shield had lost track of the order and only just found the note a number of days later. "Well, this won't do," he thought aloud. He took out the Shielding Light that had been left for him and set about studying the item. Strangely, it did not relinquish any information readily, and it actually took him some time to finish his attempts. "Well, hopefully that will provide some use." He dusted off his hands and sent Stryder a message that his item was completed before turning to the other checks of the day. There were onl
  10. Name: Accuracy Blade ID 83732 Rolls: [CD: 2] [LD: 6+8= 14] Quality: Rare Type: 1hss Tier: 2 Enhancements: Accuracy 2 Description: A long, narrow blade with a shield emblem across the crossbar. White gems are set on the ends of each crossbar arm. Familiar: Lilith Species: Bush Viper ID: 83738 Roll: 20 + 8 = 28 Size: 5 ft (1.5m) Enhancement: Healer
  11. There were still a number of appraisals that Shield owed Teion, and with her new set of armor, it was time to make good on some of them. He downed his Craft Mac N' Cheese as well as his Hearty consumable, but unfortunately, the result was a suit of armor that he was fairly certain would not meet her expectations. He frowned as he handed the armor back. "Sorry about that," he said, opening his menu and updating her IOU in his ledger to 8 appraisals. "You've still got a few tries. Feel free to come in any time." With that, he turned back to the remainder of the items that h had yet to
  12. 1 Item Name: Solace ID: 83508 / 83597 Roll: Craft: 11 + 4 = 15, Loot: 7 - Savvy Tier: 2 Type: Light Armor Quality: Perfect Enhancements: Mitigation 2, Savvy Description: A highly-detailed set of light armor consisting of a cream-colored open-shoulder cloth top, a dark maroon bodice, and dark fitted pants with light brown knee guards. Several leather straps are fixed to the guards and bodice, adding to the design. 2 Item Name: Solace ID: 83509 / 83598 Roll: Craft: 8 + 4 = 12, Loot: 5 - Light Momentum Tier: 2 Type:
  13. Shield waved a greeting to Teion, motioning her to join him at his workstation where he had his appraisal equipment laid out before him. There was certainly a lot to go through in the inventory she had brought in, but one item at a time, he assessed the best application for each, sorting out the wheat from the chaff. He transferred 3700 Col to her up front to cover the lower quality equipment that he was adding to his general stock. "These likely aren't worth the time or energy appraising," he said, pointing out the tier 1 equipment. "However, we have some promise in these others." H
  14. It was with no small amount of awe that Shield received the payment for his work. True, he had been present to receive a Heart Sticker at the battle against Freylise, and it was still in his possession, but in his position as a merchant, finding the right enhancement on the wrong item posed a constant problem. With the combined powers of both stickers, this issue would no longer pose a problem, at least not for the next time it occurred. He gave Beatbox an appreciative nod as he traded the sword over. The weapon was no good in his hands currently. Even with half of a foe's mitigation out of th
  15. Shield nodded, taking a look over the details of the transaction before opening his own transfer window to complete his half of it. Business had been picking up quite a bit in recent days, and knowing the current climate in Aincrad, it was easy to ascertain why. With the boss battle quickly approaching, and especially one that served as a gateway for a new decade of floors, the likelihood of the fight being easy-fought was slim. He transferred over the requested number of materials, accepting the payment and closing out of the window entirely. There were bags under Shield's eyes, and part
  16. Shield popped his head out of the back room and held up a finger to indicate that he would be right out, vanishing for a moment before emerging into the shop properly. He opened a transfer window with Beat, passing him the requested materials as well as the dimensional backpack. "Not a bad idea," he said with a nod. "I've gotten one for myself a long time ago, and I still never feel like I have enough space in my active inventory." He took another look at the transfer window, noting how many materials Beat was buying, he was able to make some guesses based on the recent events.
  17. 1 Item Name: Bleed Straight Sword ID: 82762 Roll: Craft: 11 + 3 = 14, Loot: 14 - Bleed Tier: 1 Type: Straight Sword Quality: Uncommon Enhancements: Bleed Description: A simple straight-bladed sword with a blood red gem in the pommel and a symbol at the center of the cross guard shaped like a shield. 2 Item Name: Bleed Straigh
  18. Shield set himself back to his work, pulling another armful of straight swords from his shop's inventory as well as the necessary materials to continue working on the order at hand. A few weapons appeared to have the bleed enhancement, and one was a keen weapon, but other than that, a large proportion of weapons seemed to be entirely mundane with no traces of special enhancement anywhere. That is until Shield found himself staring at the telltale golden exclamation mark in his loupe's display. "I can't believe it..." he thought aloud to himself. He wasn't even aware that other players had
  19. 1 Item Name: Paralyze Straight Sword ID: 82545 Roll: Craft: 7 + 3 = 10, Loot: 10 - Paralyze Tier: 1 Type: Straight Sword Quality: Uncommon Enhancements: Paralyze Description: A simple straight-bladed sword with a yellow gem in the pommel and a symbol at the center of the cross guard shaped like a shield. 2 Item Name: Keen Str
  20. Shield flipped through his stock, summoning out another batch of straight swords to continue his work under Beatbox's contract. The day's work went smoothly, if not uneventfully, resulting in a handful of enhancements that were commonplace, though still added to his weekly shipment down to the lower floors. As he pulled the last sword towards him, however, and began the work of inspecting it, the golden exclamation mark indicating a unique enhancement flashed in the display of his jeweler's loupe. "Freeze? Hmm..." he hummed to himself, opening his inbox and starting a new message to
  21. Shield accepted the transaction before pulling up the menu of his shop's stock and summoning out a handful of swords and the materials necessary to asses their qualities. He picked up his jeweler's loupe before giving Beatbox a quick glance. "I'm good at what I do, but I can't necessarily make promises," he warned. "I've only ever seen one weapon that had phase on it, let alone rolling more, but I'm always willing to try." With that, he set about his work, which although fascinating to him was likely very tedious to watch. He peeled back the layers of each new sword, studying its det
  22. It had been some months since the last time Shield dropped in on Macradon, but with his craft having reached a new level, it was time for him to refocus and set his nose to the grind. He needed items to fuel his appraisals, and now that his networks made tier one equipment and material an easily acquired commodity, he needed to work on maintaining his connections with skilled craftsmen. He stepped into the shop trying his best to clear the unruly hairs off of his forehead before giving up and raising his hand to greet the blacksmith. "How are you, Macradon?" he said, giving the blacksmith
  23. Item Name: Sharp Shooter ID: 80805 Roll: LD: 15 (12+3) CD: 1 Tier: 2 Type: 1HSS Quality:Rare Enhancements: Accuracy 2 Description:.A simple tapering straight sword whose handle is reminiscent of a rifle's handle, complete with a finger guard like that around the trigger of a weapon. Item Name: Seeker ID:80806 Roll LD: 11 (8+3) CD: 8 Tier:2 Type:1HSS Quality:Rare Enhancements: Accuracy 2 Description: A silver long sword with a red, spherical gem set in the pommel the setting of which is designed to look like a crosshair. Item Name: Guidance
  24. @Beat's Shi's TalonCrafter: ShieldID 82465 / 82467Roll: Craft: 12 + 3 = 15, Loot: 5 - Freeze / Craft: 7 + 3 = 10, Loot: 11 - ParalyzeTier 2Type: GauntletsQuality: PerfectEnhancements: Absolute Accuracy, Freeze, ParalyzeDescription: A set of clawed gauntlets designed to look and move like the talons of the bird that dropped them. 3 Item Name: Damage Straight Sword ID: 82468 Roll: Craft: 7 + 3 = 10, Loot: 19 - Damage Tier: 1 Type: Straight Swor
  25. Shield gave Beat a look before pulling the unarmed weapons closer to himself and putting them under the lens of his jeweler's loupe. He squinted for a moment, trying to discern if there was anything noteworthy. It took him a few long moments to inspect but eventually, the familiar golden exclamation mark that denoted a unique enhancement flashed before his focused eye in the display. "Freeze... Well, I believe that one's a first. Let's keep pushing... And it looks like it also has a slot of Paralyze. Well, it's an interesting assortment, but you'd be hard-pressed to find an opponent that
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