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  • Guild Name
    Guardians of the New Dawn
  • Position
    Guardian, Co-Founder

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  1. Gunna try be more active, been a little too inactive. Anyone wanna do some combat threads? Probs lower level, at least for now. 

  2. I feel like i should be more active on this place, so if anyone wants to do something with me, i'm all game. Pm and i'm sure we can find something to do :)

  3. Skill(s) Being Dropped: Battle Healing Rank 1Mod(s) Being Dropped: NoneSP Refunded: 5Cost: 5,000
  4. Hi guys. Anyone wanna do a thread? Want to be more active on this site as i've been lazy this month. 

  5. You knows those moods where nothing can bring you down? That's me today when i purchased the book i've spent the past year waiting for. Tower of Dawn Hype!!

  6. Col: 5435 T1: 8 T2: 8 T3: 0
  7. Eatos

    Eatos's Journal

    Profile Username: Eatos Real name: Katherine Williams Age: 20 Gender: F Height: 5’8 Appearance: Katherine has long curly hair, dyed a dark blue. Her eyes are a light amber colour. She hasn’t got a lithe build, but lacks signs of obvious muscles. She prefers to wear long clothes (sweatpants, jackets), anything that’s loose fitting and comfortable. (http://sta.sh/01j830l6i6rp) Art made by SymphonicFire About: History/personality Katherine ‘Cl
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