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About Atzo

  • Title
    The Forgotten King

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  1. Apologies for late responses, will have them out tomorrow

  2. (To cite my sources I will be listing a reference page that will take you to the books the settlements, notable locations, and mobs can be found. If they aren’t tied to a book I will be citing it as a link to the authors wiki. That said H.P. Lovecrafts work is in the public domain, but credit will be given where credit is due.) Description: Floor <<insert floor number here>> Is a dark and menacing floor. Half of the floor is covered in very deep salt water. There are constant waves hitting the shore that can be heard no matter where you find yourself. The sky is always heavily
  3. Looking for a power posting partner. I want to start and end a thread today so if anyone is interested please tell me

    1. Atzo


      If you don't know what power posting is, it is quick posting without pause between. You can clear threads and quests quick but you have to have the time to do it

  4. I'm back, I gotta make up posts. If I owe you posts, and don't get post from me within 24h please send me a link to the thread an I will get on it

  5. Hey, everyone who I have threads with, I am sorry for my delayed replies. Unfortunately I cannot say I know when they will pick up again. I am dealing with a substantial amount of stuff right now. My sincerest apologies.

    1. Anthium


      Luck and fortune 

  6. Atzo entered Shield and Beats shop, it was nice to see them again and he knew he had an odd order for Shield. Atzo was determined to get some better dueling weaponry, though he didn’t have the necessary materials to get the weapons appraised yet. Still he felt that he should get the weapons now so once he had the materials he would need he could get them appraised right away. Approaching Shield Atzo said “I need four unnamed two-handed straight swords that I will name myself, I have a few names in mind for them and need to get some dueling swords. I will probably pay you more than I need to, j
  7. I want to quest, anyone want to join me?

  8. Any player New or Old that wants to get some SP and possibly Join Emerald Harbingers feel free to post in 


  9. Atzo got the message from the tailor. It had taken him a little to find the time to go to the shop but he had finally fit it in his schedule. “Hello my friend, Thank’s again for your help. I will make sure that I come back to you as soon as I have more members in my guild to give uniforms to.” Atzo accepted the outfits and waved to the man. It was good to have a reliable person to go to for such things as uniforms. It gave him a little peace of mind, and the turnaround was something that he had not seen for a while. He walked back to his Mansion and thought about how he needed to call a guild
  10. My Apologies to everyone waiting for me to post, I will be purging all of my outstanding threads tomorrow.

    Thank You for your patience 

    1. Vale


      I wont get to work more until tomorrow. Got me a busy night. ;3

    2. Aoda


      I'll be waiting o/

  11. When you have over ten threads going but want more because you are impatient 

    1. Vale


      Meeeowwww~! Come to kitty.

    2. Atzo


      Link me and I'm down

  12. Finally Free from doing life. I think I am caught up. If I missed a thread with someone please tell me

    1. Baldur


      I wish I could be free from life =P

    2. Vale


      Yeah that jackwagon kept declining my idea's for Staff! I wonder why!? xD

  13. Atzo had finally done it. He knew what everyone in the High Council wanted for their uniforms. Walking back into The Wolf’s Cloak he walked up to the shop keeper. “I received your message.” He said as he accepted The Faces of the Damned. Equipping it he could feel the power that it had, it made him happy to feel that. He looked back at Aereth “I have a few more orders for you if you don't mind. It should be all for now, but then again with how quickly my guild is gaining members that can never be certain.” he smiled slyly and gave a chuckle. “Maybe you will be interested in joining me one day.
  14. Atzo walked back into the shop. Two out of his first three orders were ready but that was fine. “Thank you very much for your service. I understand that the third item will take longer so don't worry about it. Just send me a message when it is ready.” He equipped the Cloak of the Changing Tide. It fit him perfectly. He could feel the adjustments to his appearance, The fangs felt so natural, so much better than his own teeth, the ears were a fantastic touch as well, Now all he had to do was take the second cloak to Aoda. He was still unsure of what the others wanted but he was sure that he wou
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