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About Hei

  • Birthday 05/08/1994

Guild Information

  • Guild Name
    Guardians of the New Dawn
  • Position
    Head of a Door

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  1. Hei was about to do one of his friends a favour, as she needed a new weapon, but she had not enough money to order one herself. Besides that, Hei wanted to surprise her with the weapon, so he choose the player he had heard off that was the best smith around and made his way to Macradon's shop. Once he entered the shop he greeted the smith that was behind his counter with a smile and took one of the order forms to fill it in with all the information. Once he was done he handed it over and said "Hey Macradon, I got this order for you. I don't have the mats to pay for it, so here is the col for
  2. Hei

    Hei's Journal

    Skills Non-combat: » Gatherer » Fishing Passive: » Survival (now 30 HP per post out of combat) Combat: » Weapon skills: »One-Handed Assault Spear (Rank 5) Extra skills: »Familiar Mastery: Accurate (Rank 3) Skillpoints 8/111
  3. House Name: The big Lake House Location: Floor 22 / Edge of Coral Description: On the Edge of Coral, right next to the big Lake there is a big log cabin, overlooking the small settlement. This three story high building still looks rustic as it's a simple type of building without any extras. The big upper floor is one huge open room that is both a living room and the two owners bed room at once. The first floor is taken by two rooms and an empty space that is designed to one day become the kitchen and the dining room. The two separated rooms are for both of them to do their work wit
  4. To everyone who lately ordered some perfect T1 items at my store (The Hander)
    i will need some time to gather T1 materials before I can start crafting.

  5. Hei had thought about changing into some elegant cloth, but had doff the idea and so he was standing in his shop, wearing his ordinary dark green and black sleeveless top and shorts, and waited for the first guests to arrive. He hadn't waited long, when Froppy arrived, loaded with food she had prepared for the party. "Thank you, feel at home and I hope Pin will actually bring cake." he said. While Froppy was laying down the food, another member of the guild arrived. It was Saphira, one of the lower level players he had been doing quest with quite frequently. He liked her, and hoped that she kn
  6. It had been over two years now, that Hei had been stuck in this game of death, but he had felt quite alive and it was almost normality for him by now, today was the day, that his body was getting one year older, and even though he wasn't in the real world, Hei would celebrate his birthday with all the friends he had made in this game. So the first he had to do was decorating the Hanger, so it would be an appropriate room for the celebration to be held, and right after that, he would need to go and get some drinks and some food. He knew that he had Pin and Froppy, who both were cooks, so he w
  7. I just had a look at the enhancements again and realized that there is no enhancement that is just for plushies or just for cloths. And both of them can just hold the +LD enhancement. will there be special enhancements for them again, or is it just useless to craft them as I could also craft it as armour. Just asking others opinions

    1. Teion


      Heyo! I actually noticed recently that along with Plushies, permanent crafting enhancements between Tailors and Artisans seemed to have gotten jumbled or dropped. I don't think this was intentional, so those two professions (at least) will likely be getting a small update. If you guys have any feedback on the matter, please feel free to share :3

  8. I am sorry for everyone who rp'ed with me the last week. I was ill and do I wan't able to put out as many posts as I liked, will be back within the next week

  9. Hei was waiting for his dragon snacks, as he was about to start looking for a familiar, so he was very happy when he got a message by Pin, that told him, that he had finished the first snack he had ordered. - It's just one, but it is better than none, so I should pay him a visit and grab my snack- he thought and finished what he was doing. When he left his store, he closed the door and made sure to turn the sign, now telling everyone, that he wasn't available, but orders could be sent to him. Walking through the forest he came closer to pins shop, and when he finally arrived his friend w
  10. Hei had been thinking about taming his own familiar since he had met Eatos' husky the first time. As he had heard, that having the right food on one, he was going to pay his friend Pinball a visit. His guild mate had opened a cooking shop on the eighth floor, so he teleported there and began his march through the big forest. After quite a walk, he reached the Arcade just the moment Fae left it waving at Pin who was still inside. He hadn't seen the small girl quite some time, so he sneaked up on her, and with a loud "Guess who's there!" he put his hands over her eyes. After that, he enter
  11. Anyone would help me with essence of steel?


  12. Skill(s) Being Dropped: <Two handed assault Spear (Rank 1)> Mod(s) Being Dropped: none SP Refunded: 5 Cost: 5000 col
  13. old item changed enhancement and type
  14. Col transactions and Material gain through rp here, Material consumption in shop 3874 col 0x T1 Mats 5x T2 Mats
  15. I'm back to posting, is there anyone I owe posts to?

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