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  1. My deepest apologies to all who have been waiting on me to post. I have been ill as of late.

    1. Lee


      Ain't nothin to fret about.
      Health before....well, most things so it is deemed important.

    2. Stryder


      As long as your okay, take your time :) No one here minds, just get better.

    3. Vigilon


      You have nothing to worry about! I can be patient :)

  2. Would anyone be willing to do a thread with me?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Seul


      Just sit back and enjoy the uniques 

    3. Macradon


      Now that exams aren't as bickering as they were at the start of the semester, I'm sure I can begin posting a lot again.

    4. Vigilon


      I am willing to do a thread. After all, despite not knowing/thinking little about it, Vigilon is in need of friends and allies. Only RPing is gonna fix that mess he's in. Heck, I tried taking on a Boar with 8 hp and dealt 4 Dmg. Vigilon escaped with 16 hp left. so a thread without fighting is fine by me.

  3. Profile Username: Nashoba Real name: Olivia Age: 17 Gender: Female Height: 5' 4" About: History/personality Olivia was alway a quiet girl, she didn't mind the lifestyle though, she a small group of friends but none of them ever stayed long. Her home life was okay once she was adopted. She had been an orphan until she was 13. She was taken in by a kind older woman who needed the company. Her adoptive mother, Grace, had a lot of stories to tell Olivia. Olivia always made sure to write down what Grace would tell her, in her free time she would re-read the stories, every one
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