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About Gryas

  • Birthday January 7

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  • Guild Name
    Guardians of the New Dawn
  • Position
    Duke of the Earth - Rank 1 Tank

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  1. Gryas got the message that his order had been completed sooner then expected, and with no small amount of excitement he made his way to the Blazing Typhoon. "Evening Mac, got your message. Im here to pick up my order." Gryas opened the trade window and selected the col for the trade, and then saw his new sword appear in the transaction. It looked amazing, and the anticipation to try it out and use it in battle was nearly too much to handle. "Thanks a heap Mac, it's better then I expected!" This blade was going to help him immensely when it came to team combat, so long as he hits his target he
  2. Gryas entered the Blazing Typhoon and soaked in the bristling warm air that wafted over him. He had not been here in a long time, over a yearn in fact, nor had he spoken with Macradon since the last time he was here to pick up his armor. The armor and shield that he was in fact using right now. He had hoped that Mac would be willing to help him out once again as now he could afford one last upgrade to finish of his equipment. A sword that assisted with accuracy, that way he could continue to hit enemies, not doing so to actually do damage but so he could keep their attention so they would not
  3. Can anyone suggest some MUST DO quests from floors 1-10? I have come back to SAO after a loooong time away and have no idea where to begin. I am a level 8 Tank with [MIT] 40, some thorns and taunt so I can take a fair beating. (and a +3 to LD for those sweet sweet drops)

    Any suggestions of useful quests with must have items, or just ones that are Col / mat reward heavy would be appreciated! 

    Oh and if anyone could use a Tank... send me a message ;)

    1. Neopolitan


      Not sure where you were at before you left, but the lessons quests (pinned to the top of the quests sub forum) are a great place to start, especially if the systems have changed drastically since you left. Other than that, I would suggest sticking below floor 5 for the time being. If you want help on a quest or just someone to thread with though, message me and I'd love to RP with you.

    2. Hestia


      must do quests before you hit 15.

      Lessons quests as Neo mentioned, and after them the Venemous warg quest since those 5 quests have a level lock. That after level 15 you don't get the quest skill point rewards.

      When it comes to quests that give out a decent SP amount is long live the queen, Treant/Elf rivalry i believe.


  4. It has been a while since Gryas left the Chimeric Cauldron, his Alchemy shop and home that he has barely left this last year. He had received a few messages here and there from companions but after a while just stopped replying straight away and eventually they just stopped entirely. Gryas had withdrawn from the world. The world... That is what this is now. No matter how much he hides from it all that is what Aincrad is now, it might not be the world he was born in but it s the world he is stuck with. I wonder where everyone went? I wonder if they are still alive... I suppose the first stop is the Hall of Memories. Please don't be on that list...

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    2. Gryas


      Thanks, Haha it is going to take some reading to work out what I'm doing again. As for getting help from higher levels... I would need to make sure I dont get ahead of myself. Wouldn't want to end up in a trapped room due to over confidence from a strong party member!

      I will check the forum for the link to this discord and see if I can get a bit of a group going to get me back into it. Thanks for the positive response Hestia, I was worried that no one was still around but we are only up to the mid 20s so I got time to catch up!

    3. Hestia


      If you're looking for the discord link it is at the top of the page there is a social tab next to things like browse, and activity, and watch. You click social than click the discord option and it should take you to the link for the discord.

      But yeah their are plenty of people happy to help out and RP with and rather excited to rp with other and new people whether old or new. Welcome back and if you ever need help with something shoot myself or another member of staff a message and we'll due our best to answer as swiftly as possible

    4. Gryas


      Thanks again Hestia! I am now in search of a daring quest with mighty monsters to slay! Hopefully the treasure is worth the risk! If you want to start a thread however just send me a message and we can discuss what you would like to do! A dungeon maybe? Those seem fun! 

  5. Gryas entered The Blazing Typhoon again and welcomed the now familiar warmth of the building which was warm due to the forge in the back. There were plenty of good on display as usual but he was not here to window shop today, Gryas was here to pick up his new equipment that would help him get his alchemy store up and running. "Hey Mac!" He called out as he entered. Gryas paused a moment as he was worried he might have been too informal just then shortening Macradon with just Mac. Gryas had never been too good with people, he was getting better, was now more comfortable with speaking with them
  6. With a nod of thanks Gryas added the two items to his inventory and didn't wait any time at all before equipping his new armour and shield and moving around his body testing it out. It looked as amazing as it felt, the full plate of shining armour looked fantastic with the black lining and the embossed dragon on the front. He could tell it was well made as well and provided far more protection then the other piece of armour he was wearing. The shield looked equally impressive and intimidating, and knowing what enhancements were placed on it Gryas was feeling like he could finally contribute a
  7. Gryas walked into the Blazing Typhoon and walked right up to the counter. With a smile he greeted Macradon. "Good morning Macradon! I received your message that my armour is complete! That was very fast!" Gryas opened up a trade window with Macradon and selected 1000 Col, then as a side thought Gryas upped it to 2000 Col. "Here is the 1000 Col for the armour and shield, and another thousand in advance for another two orders!" Gryas sent the trade window up ready to accept his new gear, and grabbing two order forms Gryas filled them out. "Here we are, that should do it!" Gryas said as he
  8. Gryas was pleasantly surprised that he was willing to take only half payment now for the armour, but he supposed that helping to keep his customers alive was a solid enough investment as it was. Gryas dragged 200 Col out of his inventory and onto the front counter in the form of a coin pouch. Then turning and adding the Divine chestplate into his inventory he selected it, equipping it and stretched, trying it out. It felt far better then the old piece of starter gear he got when creating his character. His character... the thought of it made him chuckle. Considering this was all he could be an
  9. Feeling a bit blind for missing that part of the sign Gryas drew his attention back to the order forms. "My apologies! I think that wishful thinking clouded my understanding of it and give me selective reading! Back to the original topic however, here are the details for the orders i wish to place." Gryas said as he handed over 2 forms. "Would you be happy to receive the order now and for me to pay on pick up? It should hopefully be soon!" Gryas eyed the armour piece again and sighed. "You don't suppose that I could also purchase this piece of armour on.. store credit? I can pay half now and t
  10. Gryas walked into the blacksmith and felt a little out of place in his shoddy beginner armor and straight sword strapped to his side. He passed over several of the tables inspecting the different weapons and armours on display, stopping to inspect one of them. He poked it and the stats screen popped up. That chestplate looked quite useful. Unfortunately it was a tad out of his price range at the moment. Gryas turned and walked up to the counter with a friendly greeting to the owner "Good morning, quite the shop you have here. I heard about your store from some players back on level 1 an
  11. Gryas

    Gryas's Journal

    Profile Username: Gryas Real name: Alexander Hartdegen Age: 27 Gender: Male Height: 189 Total SP: 20 Spent SP: 20 Battle Card Name Gryas Level 9 HP Max: 180 Current: 180 Energy Max: 18 Current: 18 About: Background (Pre-Aincrad) Alexander had always impressed those around
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