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    Plot Development Team

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  1. Crafts for 3/25/25 - Custom Ambition Tool Used ID CD LD Result EXP 1 243545 3 7 Fail (lose materials) +2 EXP 2 243546 12 14 Perfect +9 EXP 3 243547 8 8 Uncommon +4 EXP 4 243548 7 12 Fail (Salvage) +3 EXP
  2. Feast Rolls <- Link Here to roll in shop Crafting Feasts 2 Creme Brulee (ACC II) 2 Smores (EVA II) 2 Gelato (LD III) 2 Mousse (Prosp. III) 2 Bing (MIT III) 2 Bento (Protein II) Into -> ACC II Feast - 243400 EVA II Feast - 243401 LD III Feast - 243402 Prosp. III Feast - 243403 MIT III Feast - 243404 Protein II Feast - 243405
  3. Crafting Feasts 2 Creme Brulee (ACC II) 2 Smores (EVA II) 2 Gelato (LD III) 2 Mousse (Prosp. III) 2 Bing (MIT III) 2 Bento (Protein II) Into -> ACC II Feast - 243400 EVA II Feast - 243401 LD III Feast - 243402 Prosp. III Feast - 243403 MIT III Feast - 243404 Protein II Feast - 243405
  4. Picking up the above 2 Creme Brulee (ACC II) 2 Smores (EVA II) 2 Gelato (LD III) 2 Mousse (Prosp. III) 2 Bing (MIT III) 2 Bento (Protein II)
  5. Ryo reached up and wiped the sweat from his forehead, his hand gliding back and slicking his hair back to his scalp. He reached up and read over the quest box. "Yeah, fighting in the heat suck a lot. Just being in it sucks. This humidity sucks. I take back everything about your fifth floor." He said, finally reading the final line. "Wait, isn't this a different thing?" He asked, looking up at Teion. He pressed the circle button, getting rid of the pop up. Regardless of what he was supposed to receive, it was nice to get at least something for his troubles. "Well, at least it was easy." He said
  6. Ryo smiled, knowing full well that Calcifer probably couldn't see it in the looming darkness. "A shield?" He said repeating her, thinking aloud. He listened to her reasoning and chuckled along. "And what better to display your symbol of hope and justice." He said, suggesting the idea to her. "If you ever need decent armor, head to floor five. There's a woman there with purple hair like mine, her name is Teion. Tell her I sent you, and she'll get you whatever you need. I'll even go so far as to pay her for it. So no worries." He said, offering to buy the girl new arms and armor. He was interest
  7. Another hot day on floor five. The sand was particularly irritating today, the high gusts of wind carrying loose particles into his mouth and eyes. Today was a farming day, Teion and himself set aside some time to wander the wonderful desert to kill every sand worm, bandit, and scorpion within a twelve mile radius. And this deep into the desert, they sometimes posed to be a challenge. Were it not for Teion's remarkable knowledge of this floor, he'd be lost for sure. And the denizens of this floor proving to be a hassle at times, it would've been awful. Thankfully, he had decent company. H
  8. Ryo let out a small sigh of relief as Calcifier resigned to listen to him. Last thing he wanted was for her to accidentially get caught up one of these things and turn into pixels. "I've been around the block a few time." He said, watching the bat zip back and forth in the air. "So just watch the great Samurai Ryo, and he'll show you how it's done." He said, gripping his katana with one hand. He took a few steps to the side, so that he'd had plenty of room to move if need be. He had gotten the bat's attention at least, and now he would be its sole target. No more preying on the week for the ba
  9. Ryo fought against the maw of Cerberus. His heels dug into the craggy rock as he was pushed back. Grunting he spoke back. "Yeah. Not too difficult!" He said, throwing the beast off of him. It had gotten more wild, more desperate. Now with only one brain and set of teeth to work with it was getting harder and harder to land a hit. He needed some windup, some breathing room. Someone who tanked would be lovely. "I can't get a clean shot in." He said, trying to find an opening. Teion had already cleared out her mob pack, and now he was standing here unable to kill three heads in that time. How emb
  10. Trading to @Hakai -10,000 Col - Perfect Trinket4 (2) | ID 241950a, 241948a - Rare Trinket4 | ID 241511a - Rare Armor/Shield4 | ID 241949a - Uncommon Consumable4 (2) | ID 241947a, 241947a LENDING to @Hakai - Finder's Lens +3 PerfectTrinket +3 LD
  11. Name: Ryo Your Profession: cook Your Rank: 3 Roll ID: 243116a, 243116b CD: 12 LD: 18 Item Type: Snack Tier: 1 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: Prosperity | Prosperity | Prosperity Description: a small bag of hand made, salt free crisps. Gold Edition. Post Link: <Link>
  12. Crafts for 3/12/25 - Custom Ambition Tool Used ID CD LD Result EXP 1 243115 10 8 Uncommon +4 EXP 2 243116 12 18 Perfect (double up) +9 EXP 3 243117 4 13 Fail +2 EXP 4 243118 2 8 Fail +2 EXP
  13. x ID BD CD LD Result EXP 1 3 3 4 5
  14. Ryo stopped walking, and stared at the pink woman in disbelief. She had put in the effort to do the quests, or missions, or jobs or whatever they were. And had opted to NOT collect the reward? His hand found his forehead with a loud slap. "That's-" He began, before thinking about what he should say. He let out a sigh, collecting himself. His hand removed from his face. "Completing those jobs and accepting the rewards is how you get stronger in this world." He said. "You can't expect to save everyone without some strength. And without any power, you'll end up failing." He said, thinking back on
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