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  1. Any players in levels 7-16, I plan on taking the quest <<Feeding The Enemy>>, but for story purposes, there's going to be something that must be defeated. There is no way it can be defeated by just 2, or even 3 players my tier. I have the link to the beast's stats and such provided below. If anyone in the levels of 7-16 are interested, please let me know! However, I wouldn't recommend going to assist without consumables and proper gear at the least...



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vigilon


      Well, seeing that 350 divided by 50 is 7, the earliest floor he can spawn in is floor 7.

    3. Krysta


      I Will be starting the thread soon, so if anyone else in the range of levels 7-16 would like to help, please let me know. Also, Should I go for rank 2 in the Rapier Skill, or should I get my hands on the First Aid skill?

    4. Mars


      depends what you want. Focus damage first, or be healing up people for 4% of their max health if you're just geting the first rank. Also i'm level 15

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