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  1. With the possible tournament coming up, I'm wondering what I should do for a third enhanced item, since a +3 LD Necklace wouldn't do any good in such a situation. Right now, I'm thinking of either a necklace that has Accuracy and/or Evasion enhancements, or a shield with one mitigation slot, and two thorns slots.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Baldur


      Evasion is always good in duels, because at least you won't just give them a free hit. Most people come in with 2-3 accuracy, so that means a 30% miss change to a 60% miss change if you take the EVA. That's better than MIT

    3. Krysta


      ...this currently seems a bit one-sided...anyone else have something to say on this before I make my decision?

    4. Vigilon


      I've got a perfect shield or two in my shop's stock if you happen to chose that...not that it's currently helping you right now, I'm just letting you know, just in case.

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