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Posts posted by Krysta

  1. Krysta would attack another time, dropping Kytras's HP to the red. Kytras would retaliate with a well-placed strike. Krysta felt strain being placed upon her, she felt the weight of her weapon, she felt...fatigue. She had ran out of energy. Kytras stood up while Krysta fell to the ground, exhausted. "Look at you, you've overexerted yourself. All just to try and kill me. You cannot be just light. To be one but not the other is to reject humanity. Without the bad days, how will you appreciate the precious memories you have? Without evil, we would all be going about our days living in perfection, but since it is not so, we must live in balance, not war. You say it is your quest to kill me, right? Did she send you here? if so, what did she say? I want you to recite her request, word for word." Krysta took several breaths before speaking. "Why...why would...you...want to know?"

    ID# 122881 BD: 8+2=10(hit), MD: 9(Critical! +1 DMG)

    Crucifixion: 7x6-5=37


    Krysta: HP 266/300, EN 0/30, | 7 DMG | 23 MIT | 2 ACC


    Kytras: HP 41/225, 5 MIT, 31 DMG
  2. Krysta had to think about this. "Whatever do you mean? Besides, my quest requires me to defeat you!" She would attack again, and with a powerful strike, her sword art would drop Kytras's HP down to yellow, close to red. "Darkness was created, Jewel...Evil was found, evil was learned. The darkness did not know of evil once, the night was pure! The balance of good and evil, it came when it entered the picture! What do you have to say about that?" Krysta was now conflicted herself. "I- ...I...N-no...It...can't be..." Kytras lowered her weapon slightly. "How long have you lived by the stigma, Jewel? Must be many years, seeing this reaction to my words." Krysta thought about it all...it was true, day and night existed before evil did. Light...and darkness. Kytras's words were starting to make sense...and that troubled Krysta. She saw herself as one who needed to defeat evil, and bring justice, call forth the day to end the night...

    ID# 122880 BD: 10(Critical, +2 Base DMG), MD: 2(miss)

    Crucifixion: 9x6-5=49


    Krysta: HP 275/300, EN 6/30, | 7 DMG | 23 MIT | 2 ACC


    Kytras: HP 78/225, 5 MIT, 31 DMG
  3. Krysta would rush in to attack Kytras, but she deflected her attacks and with a sweeping kick, Krysta's legs were no longer on the ground, and Krysta fell on her back. Kytras would walk up to Krysta, and thrust her blade into her. "How does it feel, being struck in the heart like this? I doubt you'd care, having fallen for the lies of the stigma. The people of Earth grew to hate the darkness because evil hid within it, and then they began to associate the two with each other... Do realize that your boyfriend may walk on both paths, like I was hoping you would be fine with?" Krysta was angered by those words. "Why would he walk with the darkness? He fights for the light!" Kytras grimaced. "He fights evil specifically, fighting darkness when it turns to evil. Light is just as capable of evil as Darkness is, It is simply found with the darkness more because evil waits for the right time to strike, and what better place to hide then the darkness, which conceals those within?"

    ID# 122879 BD: 1(Critical miss!), MD: 9(Critical! +1 DMG)


    Krysta: HP 275/300, EN 12/30, | 7 DMG | 23 MIT | 2 ACC


    Kytras: HP 127/225, 5 MIT, 31 DMG
  4. Krysta would once again deliver a powerful attack to Kytras, and receive a retaliating strike in return. "Why would I listen to your words? You speak as if you intend to guilt-trip me, and why have that expression on your face? I thought you were expecting a fight, knowing me." Kytras shook her head in dismay. "No, no, no! Darkness and evil are NOT the same! I may be more inclined to do evil than you are, but I am nowhere near less human then you are, and I will be more human than you if you kill me! It was I who told you to kill Dazia and avenge Leif, it was I who urged you teach that fool a lesson three years ago! I have spoken to you on more occasions as well! Please, do not give in to the stigma about darkness!" Krysta could not believe what she was hearing. "I have heard so many tales, partaken in quests, all to vanquish evil and drive back the darkness! Why wouldn't I fight you, knowing you are darkness? What stigma is there?"

    ID# 122878 BD: 10(Critical, +2 Base DMG), MD: 6(Hit)

    Crucifixion: 9x6-5=49


    Krysta: HP 284/300, EN 14/30, | 7 DMG | 23 MIT | 2 ACC


    Kytras: HP 127/225, 5 MIT, 31 DMG
  5. Krysta would attack Kytras with the Sword Art known as Crucifixion, and Kytras would swing her blade at Krysta in retaliation. "Jewel, I do not want to do this, but I will if you force my hand! No one is without darkness, Jewel, you and your boyfriend are no different! I wanted you to rise above the creatures you allowed to torment you, then I wanted us to rejoin one another! You have been putting me aside, asking me to die, but where would you be without me?" Krysta would simply reply, "I would be doing good instead of evil. I have a distaste for it, and I will eliminate any that I can!" Kytras didn't know whether to laugh or to cry, and had a conflicted, shocked expression on her face instead. "J-Jewel, do you even hear yourself right now? You're claiming you can achieve perfection! We both know that is not possible! Light cannot exist without darkness, and darkness cannot exist without light! Paladins try to kill off their inner demons, all for the sake of perfection and duty, I know for a fact that you are not one of them! You are human, please, listen to yourself here, and heed my words as well!"

    ID# 122876 BD: 10(Critical, +2 base DMG), MD: 7(Hit)

    Crucifixion: 9x6-5=49


    Krysta: HP 292/300, EN 20/30, | 7 DMG | 23 MIT | 2 ACC


    Kytras: HP 176/225, 5 MIT, 31 DMG
  6. While Krysta indeed wanted to vanquish Kytras, Kytras was not as willing to fight, despite that Krysta did not realize it. Kytras would push a little harder in the blade lock, and Krysta would step back slightly, and push back at Kytras with enough force to knock her over. Krysta would attempt to strike her while she was down, but she rolled to the side. Kytras was already willing to admit she didn't want it to be like this. "Why do you fight me? I am trying to help us both!" Krysta shook her head. "You lie. You're only doing things for yourself, no one else. You are Darkness, correct? Then you will be stopped!" Kytras was not put in a good mood by those words. "Tch, so very paladin... I am not just any darkness, Jewel. I'm your Darkness; I am a part of you, whether you like it or not! We maintain each others' balance!" Krysta refused to believe what she had just heard. "N-no! I don't have darkness like yours! I fight for the light, any darkness is minimal!"

    ID# 122873 BD: 2+2=4(Miss), MD: 1(critical miss)



    Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 26/30, | 7 DMG | 23 MIT | 2 ACC


    Kytras: HP 225/225, 5 MIT, 31 DMG
  7. Kytras snickered. "Right you are, Jewel. You've done well. Those three who guarded the towers thought they served me...but they were wrong. They were a hindrance. They sought to suppress you. I had other plans...You've become of worth to yourself, you've become confident, you've overcome fear...aside from spiders, of course, but not even I want to get into that topic... At last, you are here. You must reunite with the best of yourself, now. Let us rejoin one another, and we can do anything. Nothing shall stand in our way!" Kytras got up, and held a hand out to Krysta. Krysta had other thoughts on this matter, however. "You bring darkness, and yet you call yourself the best of myself? Who or what do you think you are, suggesting that the Darkness is the ideal path?" Kytras would chuckle in response, and with a sinister expression, she would explain. "Why, of course! I suggest that path, because it's what I am! I am Darkness. It's all I ever am, ever have been, and ever will be." Krysta didn't like the sound of that, not at all. "No, why would you say such things? I fight for the light!" Kytras's expression wouldn't falter, as if this response was expected. "Yes, but in the end, there is Darkness in every heart, no matter how pure. There will always be." 

    Krysta drew her weapon. "Then I shall vanquish you!" Kytras drew her own blade, a dark metal rapier with a silver hilt with red accents, the blade itself radiating dark power. "So be it, then. Let our battle decide your fate!" The two would attempt to use their attacks, but dodge each others' strikes, and then lock blades with one another.

    ID# 122781 BD: 2+2=4(Miss), MD: 3(Miss)


    Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 28/30, | 7 DMG | 23 MIT | 2 ACC


    Kytras: HP 225/225, 5 MIT, 31 DMG
  8. Krysta opened the door, and she appeared in what first seemed like a dimly lit hallway. There was indeed enough light to see fairly well in a fight, but the place was still dimly lit. She took a look around as she proceeded towards the end of the hall, only to realize that it wasn't just some hall...It was a throne room.

    Krysta looked ahead, and saw a dark figure sitting on a white throne with silver lining. She proceeded faster, and would stop when she could see the figure more clearly. The figure looked surprisingly a lot like Krysta. The differences were that the hair was black, raven black, to be precise, as well as the fact that her eyes were yellow, and her apparel also contrasted that of Krysta's. This figure wore a black battledress, with a dark red being the outfit's secondary color. She would look over to Krysta with an amused expression on her face. Krysta stood firm. "Kytras, I presume."

    [Final Inner Demon Spawned: Kytras(inner Darkness)]


    Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 30/30, | 7 DMG | 23 MIT | 2 ACC


    Kytras: HP 225/225, 5 MIT, 31 DMG
  9. The figure with the doors now seemed to be a bright silver in color. The clouds, however, had gone from even further dissipated to much thicker, much darker, and it they would brew into a storm. The figure would speak to Krysta. "Kytras has awakened. You need to stop her! Enter the final door, and take back the land!" Krysta nodded. "Now that I know what this place is, I know what I am protecting!" The figure now seemed intrigued. "So you have figured it out, then. Yes, this is all yours. Kytras dares to sit upon what is yours. Only you can defeat her." Krysta looked to the door, and this was by far the most mysterious of the doors. This door was once locked, but the three locks shattered, one by one. The door depicted two crystals, one a bright blue, and one a dark red. The door was black and white, the blue crystal in the white, the red crystal in the black.

  10. Whatever the case, she eventually found a book that appeared as if it was still being written. She would read it, and notice that the book was Krysta's experiences in the game. It would end at the Waterfall of the Sage, nothing but blank pages afterward. She closed the book, and found a place where it might fit. There was a book pedestal with a slot where it might fit. She placed the book onto it, and in front of her, another set of diamonds would form an arch, with a crystalline door appearing inside it. She would open the door, and return to the fountain plaza in the settlement. When she arrived, she looked to the spot where the third door once stood. In it's place, was the book being written from before. It's cover having a portrait of Krysta, appearing as a brave, noble heroine. Legacy. Treasure, Family, Legacy...what would the fourth door reveal?

  11. Light began returning to the room, and Krysta would let out a sigh of relief unlike any other this week. She shuddered over the memory of the creature. She may have triumphed over this demon, but she still wasn't on good terms with spiders...or, rather, on courageous terms with spiders... The webs dissipated when the light shone into the room. The room was a miniature Library, and the bookcases that were missing rose up from the ground. She would head over to them, and within, find books containing memories and stories. Memories of...Krysta's life. Stories that...were told by her mother. Krysta's jaw dropped, and she almost dropped the book at the realization. "This...this isn't... I'm not in some faraway land! ...I'm in my own head." It would make sense, to an extent. She was still in the death game, so it must be an interpretation of her mind created by the cardinal system...but just how was it able to access her memory?

  12. Krysta thought for a moment, and made a suggestion. "Well, while we're on this floor, we could visit the High Fields of Crossing. I've heard it is a monster free environment, so we should be able to speak to one another in peace there." They might be able to plan their date there, and potentially speak on other things, too. "We may be able to further discuss our first date, or hold a normal conversation, hopefully without any interruptions..." It would be best to not have any further issues, so this place would be one of the best choices in the floor, aside from the settlements.



    Auranika would spot some players on the horizon, and potentially notice one of them being familiar. Laida and Petastora were there when the mystery player came, so they knew her, too. "We know who you speak of, we saw her, too." The two would follow Auranika to the three mystery players, regardless of what she thought. The mystery player who rescued Vigilon earlier reacted defensively to the trio's arrival, the mystery player in white would follow suit, drawing out his katana. The last mystery player would ask about Auranika, as well as the cosmetic wings that were a part of the armor. "I believe the question here is, who are you three?" Petastora would decide. "You are clearly different than most, from what I can guess. May I ask why you three obscure your faces? Do you have something to hide yourselves from?" Laida would take a more friendly approach. "Um, Peta, maybe we should introduce ourselves before we ask them who they are. I'll start! I'm Laida."

  13. Arakkia was enraged by Krysta's course of action. "Then I am done fooling about with you! I will kill you insssstead! I should have known better than to ssssimply disssscourage the likes of you!" Arakkia would grow in size, and her voice would deepen. Venom would drip from Arakkia's fangs, a vicious fluid that was a sickly green color. "Behold, your nightmare shall be your end!" Krysta would wait for the right moment to strike. Her knees were knocking, her courage was fading, the monster was among the most terrifying sights Krysta had ever seen! Nevertheless, Krysta had gotten this far, so why be frozen in fear? She made a cereful approach, and struck the monster with Accel Stub. "Begone, Demon!" Arakkia shrieked upon this fatal attack, and would begin to shrink in her size. "You will never prevail! You may have bested me, but there are countless enemies for one as justified as you!!!" Arakkia shrunk down to the size of a common Tarantula, and Krysta would step on her, finishing her off, and the monster would shatter into pixels.

    ID# 122706 BD: 9(critical, +1 Base DMG), MD: 9(Critical! +1 DMG)

    Accel Stub: 8x3-3=21


    Krysta: HP 287/300, EN 0/30, | 7 DMG | 23 MIT | 2 ACC


    Arakkia(Inner Demon 3)[Fear, Terror]: HP 0/150, 21 DMG, 3 MIT

  14. "Have I made my point now, or do you need more persuasion?" Krysta inquired. "You claim that my ssssssisssssstersssss and I are no different with our intentionssss... Asssss I have told you before, Nihilita wasss enviousssss, and Anidaxta wasss wallowing in ssssself-ssssssssuffering. I am of neither... You are sssso clever, yet sssso foolish. If it weren't for the accursssssed wordssss of your mother, I would have proven my own point! You are but a scared little girl, Jewel. My kind is your worssssst enemy! The arachnidsssss force you to flee, no matter their size, I took thisssss form to prove the point I intend to teach you! But if only you would- EEEEYYAAAAAGGHHHH!!!!" Krysta's attack interrupted Arakkia's exposition, and dropped the creature's HP to the red. "So our battle rings out similar to a debate, then? We stand for our points, regardless what the other one is, whether we accept it or not? I'll have you know, I shall not cave to your will!"

    ID# 122705 BD: 5+2=7(Hit), MD: 3(Miss)

    Crucifixion: 7x6-3=39 DMG


    Krysta: HP 287/300, EN 3/30, | 7 DMG | 23 MIT | 2 ACC


    Arakkia(Inner Demon 3)[Fear, Terror]: HP 21/150, 21 DMG, 3 MIT

  15. Krysta got up, and held her weapon with a firm grip, ready to strike as Arakkia used her spider silk to ascend to where Krysta was. Krysta took the advantage of having the high ground fairly quickly, and used the Sword Art known as Crucifixion, from above, striking Arakkia in the abdomen. Arakkia let out a wailing screech as this happened, and Arakkia lost her grip on the silk, falling to the ground as a result. Krysta would fall as well, but neither would take any damage from the fall. Arakkia attempted to strike Krysta with her stinger another time, but Krysta moved off of Arakkia in time, causing the stinger to simply bounce off of the monster's exoskeleton. Krysta stood firm, well, other than the fact that she still shuddered at the sight of this living nightmare still being alive, that is. At least Arakkia's HP was in the yellow!

    ID# 122704 BD: 9(Critical, +1 Base DMG), MD: 5(miss)

    Crucifixion: 8x6-3=45 DMG


    Krysta: HP 287/300, EN 9/30, | 7 DMG | 23 MIT | 2 ACC


    Arakkia(Inner Demon 3)[Fear, Terror]: HP 60/150, 21 DMG, 3 MIT

  16. An angered Arakkia would attempt to sting Krysta again, and would follow the missed strike by attempting to swipe at Krysta with her claws, which also penetrated nothing. Krysta leaped onto the stinger, and jumped onto a safe spot above, it had a wooden surface, and it was slightly sticky, due to Arakkia's webs being on it. Nevertheless, she pulled out something that would assist her in this battle. A bowl of roasted chickpeas, capable of granting an accuracy buff, which Krysta kind of needed at this point. Arakkia felt taunted that Krysta dared to stop for a snack in the middle of battle. She let out a piercing screech, exposing her mouth's interior, there were apparently more than just the two large fangs often with spiders, there were other, although smaller fangs as well. Krysta tried to not pay attention to that monstrous sight. Of course, had she been a second later before consuming the item, she would have dropped some of it, potentially losing the buff. But that wasn't the case, and now Krysta had greater accuracy. That didn't stop Krysta from holding her ears closed when Arakkia let out the screech, of course.

    -Roasted Chickpeas

    [Krysta gains an increase of 2 ACC and 5 MIT for the remainder of thread]

    ID# 122703 MD: 2(miss)


    Krysta: HP 287/300, EN 15/30, | 7 DMG | 23 MIT | 2 ACC


    Arakkia(Inner Demon 3)[Fear, Terror]: HP 105/150, 21 DMG, 3 MIT

  17. Krysta would take a deep breath, and attempt to attack again. Of course, Arakkia deflected Krysta's attacks with her stinger, and proceeded to sting her in the left shoulder, too. Krysta would ask about this Kytras that Arakkia had spoken of. "Who is this 'Kytras', foul creature of hell? How do you know that the memory of my mother is granting me inner strength?" Arakkia would let out a noise that was probably a chuckle. "You mean to sssssay you don't even know where you are? You should have noticed, unlessss our presssssencesss have tainted it all... If you can defeat me, you will surely meet Kytrassssss... If not, you will ssssee the truth, the painful, but oh ssssso undeniable truth..." Krysta heard every word. "And just what do you claim this truth is? Self-worthlessness? Uncertainty? Fear? I have faced those who have tried to hinder me, all to no avail! I doubt you are any different!"

    ID# 122702 BD: 3(miss), MD: 6(hit)


    Krysta: HP 287/300, EN 14/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Arakkia(Inner Demon 3)[Fear, Terror]: HP 105/150, 21 DMG, 3 MIT

  18. Now having a mild sense of courage in the situation, she would consider this to be a fight against a miniboss. It was her against the creature, and the creature didn't stand a chance. Krysta would remember what her mother had told her, and it seemed that Arakkia had heard these words as well, for some reason. "Kytrasssssssss!!! Heed me, Kytrasssssss! She gains courage from memory! Sssssilence that wretched voice, so that I may overpower her!" Arakkia would notice that instead of attacking, she had called out, and Krysta was headed in her direction. Krysta's attack was dodged, but Krysta managed to stand firm, for it was only by an inch that the sword art had missed by. Krysta still found herself shivering slightly at the sight of that horrifying creature, but she would gather enough courage to keep her in the fight, and heed the words of her mother...

    ID# 122700 BD: 5(miss), MD: 3(Miss)


    Krysta: HP 290/300, EN 16/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Arakkia(Inner Demon 3)[Fear, Terror]: HP 105/150, 21 DMG, 3 MIT

  19. There seemed to be nary a single material that tailors could use in sight, so Krysta decided to move on to a different spot. She noticed that Corvo, although having ran off, was still within sight. from what she observed, it was painfully clear that he was low-level. Krysta had guessed that he was either level four or five, but the combat expertise he displayed with the boar seemed to be very little. From what she had been told, Vigilon also had a not-so-good history with boars. There was apparently a player who had nicknamed him "boar bait" because of this. It reminds him of those memories every time. Krysta actually had a less than fair history with boars, too. She hardly faced them, and during the times she actually fought them, she was forced to fight boar pups, essentially young boars. She HATED the experience. They were young creatures, they should still have the ability to chose whether or not they want to live peacefully, or in hostile terms.

    ID# 122688 LD: 3+3=6(failed)


  20. (OOC: If a common monster rolls a 10, it deals 2 extra damage, in your case, dealing a total of 8 damage to Corvo.)

    The next thing to think about, as she searched for possible materials, was where to have her shop? "I know I'm considering setting up in either floor 1, floor 3, floor 11...I'm not certain about floor 7, though...Sure, Alex will be there, but I'm not sure I will feel at home in such a floor..." It was true, floor seven was an option, but it was only an option because Vigilon had set up shop in that floor. Then again, Krysta had gotten used to the inns of floor eleven, despite it being a tier two floor. Then again, she was stronger than level eleven, so she could get around safely. Floor 3 seemed like a mild possibility, but at this rate, it would be tied with floor seven. This left floor one, where she could set up shop in the Town of Beginnings, and floor eleven, where she might set up a shop in Taft.

    ID# 122609 LD: 8+3=11(failed)


  21. The scarlet haired man said it would be his pleasure, and he ran off, unsheathed blade in hand. Krysta wondered why some people were drawn to fighting? Vigilon didn't mind fighting, but in a game turned life like this one, he preferred to use it as training, or to defend someone. It was all a game, yes, but with mortality in the mix, it was a virtual prison. Krysta looked around, and saw some more cotton. She would collect the cotton, and that would be two materials, three to go. "I wonder what Alex is doing right now..." She said, thinking aloud. "He's probably over in the seventh floor, training or something. Hmm...Tomorrow is our date, so maybe I could take the opportunity to sew a dress for myself to wear once I'm finished with the quest." This thinking aloud seemed to have it's perks. She could hear her own thoughts more clearly, the only risk being that someone might hear them if eavesdropping, or just simply nearby.

    ID# 122488 LD: 16+3=19(success, found 1 T1 Material)

    Materials found: 2/5



    The sun shone again as the leader of these monstrosities was vanquished, but the battle's condition hardly changed. Dazia called out for Krysta to try and target a different Rain Minion. As much as she hated to admit it, the murderer was right. This one was far too slippery for her. Kityuisa stood firm, and decided to try taking charge, recommending the players of her party to take certain actions. Krysta nodded. "With your newfound strategy, together, we may triumph!" Krysta would then turn her attention towards the strategy's intended Rain Minion. She would attempt to use the Rapier Sword Art known as Penetrate, but either this Rain Minion was just as slippery, or it had been seeing all of Krysta's failed attempts to strike the other Rain Minion down. Either way, this was not a good thing. She would need to try a different approach to this...but what exactly?


    Party 2:


    [H:3-6-6] Mace: HP 288/300 l EN 3/30 | DMG 4 | MIT 47 | Taunt 1 |
    [H:0-3-3] Kirbs: HP: 330/330 | EN: 3/30 | 8 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 PAR | 1 Bleed | 2 REC 
    [H:0-0-0] Krysta: HP:430/430  EN:15/40 l DMG:  9   MIT:27   Thorns: 28  (paralyze/Bleed on crits)
    [H:0-0-1] Kityuisa: HP:116/120  EN:6/12  DMG:5   MIT:23  ACC:3   EVA:1
    [H:0-0-0] Dazia: 289/290  EN:5/26  DMG:6  MIT:24  ACC:1  EVA: 1


  23. The man introduced himself as Corvo, a username derived from the word Corvid or Corvus, no doubt. Krysta recalled that the word was a class of scavenger bird, like crows and ravens....ravens...she knew a person who was like a dark raven. Dazia, the murderer. No doubt she had crossed out another name off the monument by now. Of course, she would lean towards the more positive thoughts for the time being. "Corvo...like the corvids, being crows, ravens, and the like? Interesting."

    As Krysta searched for another material, which she didn't seem to find any more in the current vicinity, she listened to Corvo's answer to her question. "Hm...that would actually help. I am far too powerful to receive anything from this floor's monsters, so if you would like to assist by defeating monsters, go right ahead, just don't go in over your head and get yourself surrounded by the tougher creatures, unless you have a weapon with a powerful area of effect Sword Art."

    ID# 122172 LD: 11+3=14(Failed)(reeeeeeee)



  24. The stealthed player had no fear, probably because this was a safe zone. Before Krysta could take action, or speak a word, the player who introduced themselves as Ennakai was already moving quickly. They came behind Krysta and patted Yolviinsil, but the sudden action would be too fast for there to be peace... "What are you doing!? Don't startle her!" Indeed, Yolviinsil was startled, and she didn't often handle being startled very well, as it usually brought forth defensive action. Sometimes she would simply fly off, but other times, like this one... As Ennakai continued their sudden movements, moving from player to player, familiar to familiar, Krysta saw Yolviinsil let out a sudden cry and take off. Krysta would crouch down and shield Fuyuno. "Fuyu, Kit, get down!" She exclaimed. Yolviinsil would finish her defensive reaction, attempting to breathe flame onto the one responsible for startling her, mistaking them for someone hostile... "Yol...Toor!!!!" The small ruby red feathered dragon would continue her assault, breathing fire about at least four and a half times before realizing this player didn't seem to be a threat. Upon that she would land onto Krysta's shoulder, clinging onto it, breathing quickly and heavily, with her eyes wide, still in a state of mild shock. Krysta sighed. "I'm so sorry about that..." Krysta said to Fuyuno and Kityuisa. "Anyway, shall we continue on, and try to put what just happened aside for the time being?" She would give Ennakai a mild look due to his rash action, then turn to the players originally going to make the trip, hoping the situation wouldn't degrade any further.

    @Fuyuno @Kityuisa @Ennakai

  25. The player would give a simple reply, and add a line of sarcasm. He was ready to set out, and, to be blunt, Krysta was, too. "Right, we shall begin the trip at once. I am Krysta, it's a pleasure to meet you." She would then gesture over to the ruby red feathered dragon on her shoulder as she continued. "And this is Yolviinsil. She can be a little shy in social situations, especially around those she doesn't know. Of course, her flames are not to be taken lightly within the heat of combat." She would begin her search once she was outside the safe zone. She would manage to find a cotton plant, and she walked over to harvest the cotton. "There, that's one, now I need at least four more." She wondered if he knew of any other kinds of materials that can simply be found scattered around the floor. Despite that the man probably knew little other than the first floor, she wondered if he knew anything. "Pardon me, but do you know of any materials usable by tailors that can be found on this floor? I know of cotton, and I can gather silk from silkworms, but what else is there? I doubt I'll just find leather laying about, that would probably require me to fight monsters to do so."

    ID# 122150 LD: 16+3=19(Found 1 T1 Material)

    Materials found: 1/5


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