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Posts posted by Krysta

  1. The Rain Minions were far more troublesome than they had been thus far. Always dodging and anticipating, cackling as they did so. They had begun to mock their opponents, despite the fact that it appeared as though the last of them had now gotten involved in the battle. Whether that was true or not, Krysta tried to focus on defeating the creature she had been trying to handle for some time, and this creature had clearly found a way to dodge every attack that Krysta had. Clearly, someone else might have to handle this one... Krysta did not want to switch targets like this, but she might have to, since this one knew exactly how to deal with her assault. "How aggravating!" She growled to herself. "I may have to look around, and try to defeat one of the other creatures that we are facing. Trying to strike this one over and over may only bring strife and strain."

    ID# 122088 BD: 2-1=1(Miss)

    Party 2:


    [H:0-3-3] Mace: HP 290/300 l EN 10/30 | DMG 4 | MIT 47 | Taunt 1 |
    [H:0-3-3] Kirbs: HP: 330/330 | EN: 3/30 | 8 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 PAR | 1 Bleed | 2 REC 
    [H:0-0-0] Krysta: HP:430/430  EN:15/40 l DMG:  9   MIT:27   Thorns: 28  (paralyze/Bleed on crits)
    [H:0-0-0] KityuisaHP:116/120  EN:6/12  DMG:5   MIT:23  ACC:3   EVA:1
    [H:0-0-0] Dazia: 289/290  EN:4/26  DMG:6  MIT:24  ACC:1  EVA: 1


  2. "Beginner quests? Ahaha, I'm afraid you are mistaken, the beginner quests have a level cap, this is simply a quest that will allow me to attain the profession of tailor. I've taken it up as a minor hobby back in the real world, so I figured that I might do that in this game as well, creating light armor, clothing, and handwraps for the players to use. At the moment, I can only make items without enhancements, but that will surely change once I receive the profession!" This player seemed to be under the impression that Krysta was still a beginner. "I'll have you know, I'm actually only a few levels away from the second tier!" Yolviinsil slowly climbed up onto Krysta's shoulder, still looking at the player shyly. Krysta would turn to the side, pull out her rapier, and perform the sword art Known as Neutron in the empty space, as Yolviinsil let loose her flames in the same empty space. Krysta would sheathe her weapon, and turn back towards the player. "I'm actually quite capable of handling myself, but I wouldn't mind having a companion for the duration of this quest!"


  3. (House D20 method discarded, Krysta will now be frozen in fear on non-critical misses)

    Krysta had to gain the courage to face this monstrosity, but how? She would close her eyes, hoping to find some courage within her... Arakkia would think that Krysta was giving up in a subtle manner at first, but she would learn that she was wrong the hard way. Krysta would drift into her memory, and would hear a voice in her head, despite that the voice would echo through the halls of the room the two combatants were in, for some reason... "If you let your emotions control you, you may never see the larger picture, Jewel. Instead, let them work with you, bringing joy to your life, and to others, that you may weep when others cry, and save your anguish for when a true threat steps forth to harm those you care for... If you strive toward your current path, you will need to overcome fear. There will be times when there is something not as harmful as it may seem, despite its appearance. When such times come, let joy grant you courage." Krysta took the words from her memory deep within her, that memory of her mother's teachings. "...Let joy grant you courage." Krysta repeated. Arakkia realized what was going on. "EEEAAAARRRRRGH!!!!! The accursssssed words of Eliora Adelaide! Kytrassssssss! Ssssilence that wretched voice!" Krysta would charge her Strongest Sword Art, Crucifixion, and strike the monstrosity, remembering that although this was a death game she was in, it still was only just that, a game. She managed to smile when she realized her attack cut down Arakkia's HP by almost a third. A few successful hits would surely vanquish Arakkia before long. Arakkia would manage to sting Krysta again, but the low damage dealt by the attack wouldn't hinder Krysta.

    ID# 122029 BD: 9(Critical, +1 Base DMG), MD: 8(Hit)

    Crucifixion: 8x6-3=45 DMG


    Krysta: HP 290/300, EN 18/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Arakkia(Inner Demon 3)[Fear, Terror]: HP 105/150, 21 DMG, 3 MIT

  4. Krysta smiled as Fuyuno looked at the necklace in wonder, her eyes sparkling. The girl was truly excited over wearing the golden trinket. Truly an adorable display. Fuyuno would then send Krysta a message, thanking her for letting her borrow the item, and asking if it looked alright on her. "You're welcome, and it looks great on you!" Krysta would then walk beside the girl until something felt off, just a few steps away from the door. She would turn and see that someone was watching them from a balcony above. She did not recognize the player, so green or not, Krysta felt like her personal bubble, as well as those of the other two, was being pierced by a pair of prying eyes. The three were being spied on. "You there," She called out as she drew her rapier, pointing it at the player, as to show she really meant business. "Why do you spy upon us?" She would wait for a response from the player watching them.

    ID# 121992 LD: 20(Found Ennakai)

    (There's nowhere you can run where I can't find you with this roll, boi!)

    @Fuyuno @Kityuisa @Ennakai

  5. As Krysta was nearing the edge of the safe zone, she was greeted awkwardly with an "Afternoon". She looked over to see a man who appeared to be a little groggy. Despite his current condition, it would be best to respond, even if he couldn't hear whatever she said. "And Afternoon to you, good sir. Pardon me, but I'm afraid you don't look so well, are you alright? I have a healing skill at the ready if you have been harmed." Yolviinsil poked her head out from behind Krysta, looking at the player shyly. For now, the small ruby red feathered dragon would be watching him from Krysta's shoulder. Krysta didn't know this player, but she had grown skilled, so she believed she would not be in any danger, and would be able to spot the signs of it before it reached her. Not to mention, the player's cursor was green, so that wouldn't seem to be any cause for alarm at the moment.


  6. Krysta had learned of the NPC who teaches players how to become tailors at long last. She would reach the shop of Rufus Textillion, and knock on the door. When she was told she could come in, she entered the shop to see the NPC she was looking for. "Why Hello there! My name is Rufus, and I'd love to show you around if you got the time." The NPC seemed to know how to dress, his clothing screamed fashion, and Krysta can't help but notice the expert sewing that went into the clothing he was wearing. "Pleasure to meet you, Rufus. I was wondering if I could learn how to take up being a Tailor as a profession." He beckoned Krysta back to his work station in response, hoping she would follow. "Now, this is where I make my latest in fashion, maybe you could use some help with it yourself," He explained as gave Krysta a quick look up and down, "Blast it! I have completely run out of materials to show you what I am talking about, the process is so beautiful, and the clothing that comes out is amazing... Wait! You seem like you can take care of yourself, would you mind searching for some for me? I can even show you how to craft the best fashion around the world! I would just need five materials, sounds easy right?" Krysta smiled and nodded her head. "I shall find all that is needed! You can count on me to relieve you of your latest strife!" With that, she would leave the shop, and begin making her way to the safe zone's edge. She equipped Andvari's Blessing, a golden necklace that would also assist her in finding materials, then she would soon encounter someone as she made her way out of the safe zone.

    Krysta's currently equipped jewelry item grants her an LD bonus to +3


  7. Krysta was ready to strike the creature once combat was initiated, but when she tried to attack, the twigs that rose from the ground tripped her. "Agh!" She looked to see the twig there, her foot caught within. Around her, other twigs had formed. Krysta realized what the informants meant by this hatchling being a prankster... "This one is evasive, not only by flight, but by trickery..." Krysta would call out to Vigilon, "Alex, watch out for the twigs! The dragon has power over them!" Hopefully, her words would reach Vigilon, warning him of Zylara's strategy for avoiding damage. 

    ID# 121848 BD: 2-1=1(Miss)

    (OOC: I accidentally forgot that Krysta has rank 3 Rapier in this thread, so the dice roller will show an incorrect sword art. It was a miss, anyway, so it's not like it would matter...)


    Vigilon: HP 600/600, EN 68/70, | 14 DMG | 18 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 3 REC | 1 Taunt | T1 Bleed | PAR

    Krysta: HP:430/430  EN:38/40 l DMG:  7 |  MIT:27  | Thorns: 28 


    Zylara, the Quartz Hatchling:


    HP: 175/175 - MIT: 35 - ACC: 1 - EVA: 0 - DMG: 65

    [                                   ]


    <<Mend Mini-Twigs>> : On a natural roll of 15+ in LD when this attacks, miniature sticks will form in front of your character in attempts to trip you, in result you will receive -1 ACC on your current attack.


    Auranika seemed to not have many words she was willing to say on Petastora's question. "Ah, at a loss for words, are you? Is there something you are hiding?" Petastora asked. Laida chuckled and said, "It's ok, you can tell us!" Auranika claimed that her intentions were not to fool anyone. She then asked if there was anything wrong with her leading the party. "Oh, no. Nothing wrong... Even little Laida here could lead the party if she wanted to." Petastora explained. Perhaps her words would make a minor point.

  8. Krysta giggled slightly when Willow jumped onto Krysta's head. Yolviinsil tilted her head, trying to figure out what to do in regards to Willow's tail. She would guess that Willow was willing to let her tail be played with, but she didn't know if it was as durable as Veriost's tail. She would nip it, but keep it as a squeeze, rather than a sharp pinch or bite, as she would do with Veriost's more durable tail. Then she would try option B, which would be to "paw" at the tail. Krysta noticed that Yolviinsil was trying to be considerate as she played with Willow, whether she was successful or not.

    Once inside the shop, Kityuisa explained to Zackariah that she and Krysta would be speaking for Fuyuno. Krysta didn't mind, should she need to do so. She thought she heard something, and she looked to Yolviinsil, who looked off in a direction, cautiously alert. Krysta would gently lift Willow off of her head, and return the feline familiar to its owner. "Pardon me, I believe I heard something just now." She would look outside the door, her right hand on the hilt of her rapier. She looked to her left, to her right, and even up. She didn't seem to see anyone other than NPCs. She returned to the other two, but she would now be keeping her eyes peeled for anyone trying to stay hidden... She pulled an item out of her inventory, a golden necklace that would help one with their searching abilities, and offered it to Fuyuno. "Here, I'll let you borrow this for the quest. You may need it."

    ID# 121833 LD: 3(Failed to find Ennakai)

    -Offered to loan Andvari's Blessing(+3 LD) to Fuyuno for the thread.

    @Kityuisa @Fuyuno @Ennakai

  9. Krysta listened to Vigilon's words. He was clearly trying to reassure her, and had a theory that would claim that the hatchlings were evil from the start. "Well, that's nice to hear and all, but there remains a hole in your theory. How can a creature be born evil, other than logic-breaking game standards?" Vigilon explained that he was available on Fridays and Saturdays. "Oh, that is wonderful to hear! I have more time on Friday, so will that do?" The journey would begin at this point. Surely, the coming fight would either be difficult...or just as simple as the last one.


    Auranika admitted that what Petastora had explained seemed new to her. "Oh, so you always stepped up to the position of leader whenever possible, then? What do you think you'll achieve by doing so?" Petastora asked. Auranika stated that she wouldn't mind learning from her, and explained what she'd planned on doing, sending Laida and Petastora party invites as she spoke. "So, did you send us invites 'cause you're used to doing that, or is it because you're the one who came up with the activity? Just curious." Laida asked. Petastora chuckled. "So you claim that you wish to learn from me, yet you try and start this party with yourself as the leader. I'll join, of course, but do not think for a moment that you have fooled me."

  10. "Another hatchling? Why would- rrgh! Kayaba, why do you put us in such positions?" Krysta took a deep breath. Then another. She calmed herself down. She was still disgruntled over having to kill a hatchling, which should be on the more innocent side, still able to make a change to good. Vigilon explained more about the questline, from what he had heard. Afterwards, he asked Krysta if they could talk about which days were available. "Well, I'm available next Tuesday night, and next Friday night, maybe even next Saturday night. What about you?" Krysta preferred next week, not only because she was available those days, but because she would be busy the next few days, and she wanted to have her first date as soon as she could.


    Auranika asked Petastora what it was like to lead a guild. Oh, the memories that came from this question. "First off, it is nothing simple. If one wishes to lead, it is usually best to follow first. That way, one will be able to understand what those following them can, will, or may go through. This understanding makes leadership far better. I have learned to put others first, and myself second. This has gotten me far. Of course, let us not forget the importance of security and caution, for an enemy can be found anywhere...even among your own company. Traitors, spies, and those who seek an advantage are among those to be on the lookout for." She explained.

  11. As the battle continued, the players on Krysta's party had little to no success in slaying the creatures, aside from Kirbs, it seemed. Krysta looked back to her target, and attempted to strike the creature down once again. The creature practically had a pattern when dodging. Krysta either needed to swap targets whenever she attacked, or figure out those seemingly unpredictable movements. "They are starting to get onto my nerves, these creatures." She heard a loud cry for help, it was a familiar voice...an extremely familiar voice... "Alex!" She wanted to help, she wanted to get him out of whatever predicament he was in...but she was in no position to do so, for the last of these Rain Minions were in her way. "I care not how long it will take. I will vanquish the likes of you, and I shall reunite with my closest ally!" She didn't care about her quarrel with Dazia at this point, she wanted to answer her boyfriend's call for help. "I'm coming, Alex!"

    ID# 121567 BD: 4-1=3(Miss)


    Party 2:


    [H:0-3-3-0]@Mace : HP 292/300 l EN 10/30 | DMG 4 | MIT 47 | Taunt 1 |
    [H:2-3-0-0]@Kirbs: HP: 329/330 | EN: 1/30 | 8 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 PAR | 1 Bleed | 2 REC 
    [H:0-0-0-0]@Krysta: HP:430/430  EN:17/40 l DMG:  9   MIT:27   Thorns: 28  (paralyze/Bleed on crits)
    [H:0-0-0-0]@KityuisaHP:116/120  EN:10/12  DMG:5   MIT:23  ACC:3   EVA:1
    [H:0-0-0-0]@Dazia: 289/290  EN:9/26  DMG:6  MIT:24  ACC:1  EVA: 1


  12. The Rain Minions started to cackle, their morale restored. However, Krysta still had plenty of energy at the ready. She wasn't afraid to continue her assault against the creatures, despite only being able to deal damage to one at a time. Her weapon truly was designed for one-on-one combat... Of course, she had her party working alongside her. Together, they would vanquish these monstrosities. She saw that one of her teammates left the party to assist the other party, which was not doing as well as hers. "Go forth, lend your aid, friend!" Were the words she said to him as he left to assist the struggling party. Krysta turned back to the monsters. "I can still wipe those smiles of your faces. Whether it be by keeping us alive, or by harming the likes of you, I will do my part in this battle. Do not prematurely celebrate your victory, for the battle has yet to end." Krysta declared to the Rain Minions. "Besides, I'm not even tired yet." She thought to herself. She readied her weapon, ready to strike her target. Perhaps it would be best that she saved her words until having made a successful attack, for the Rain Minions expected her attack. Her target dodged the attack with ease. "I just need to speak less, and strike sooner!" Krysta thought and decided.

    ID# 121389 BD: 4-1=3(Miss)


    Party 2:


    [H:0-3-3-0]@Mace : HP 293/300 l EN 10/30 | DMG 4 | MIT 47 | Taunt 1 |
    [H:2-2-0-0]@Kirbs: HP: 330/330 | EN: 3/30 | 8 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 PAR | 1 Bleed | 2 REC 
    [H:0-0-0-0]@Krysta: HP:430/430  EN:19/40 l DMG:  9   MIT:27   Thorns: 28  (paralyze/Bleed on crits)
    [H:0-0-0-0]@KityuisaHP:116/120  EN:10/12  DMG:5   MIT:23  ACC:3   EVA:1
    [H:0-0-0-0]@Dazia: 289/290  EN:11/26  DMG:6  MIT:24  ACC:1  EVA: 1


  13. Yolviinsil was happy to have made two new friends, Fuyuno and Willow. The ruby red feathered dragon allowed herself to be stroked until Fuyuno was done. Yolviinsil then returned to Krysta's shoulder, still keeping her tail in motion for Willow. The small ruby red feathered dragon would look over to Willow, wondering how she was going to play with the feline familiar, for she knew little on how to do so. Kityuisa and Fuyuno began to head over towards Zackiriah's shop, and Krysta would do the same. She remembered her experiences with the tutorial quests...she managed to clear out two of them before she was incapable of taking the remaining two quests. Then again, she had been busy before and after taking the quests, so there was nothing more for her in terms of tutorial quests anyway. She remembered that she had an item in her inventory that she could loan to Fuyuno if she had need of it...

    @Kityuisa @Fuyuno

  14. Krysta currently saw herself as having only one foe, yet this one was far more evasive than she thought it would be. One opponent, she was focusing on one opponent, and every attempt to vanquish this one Rain Minion has ended with her springing towards it, and it dodging the attack just in time. Either this tricky little creature was anticipating her attacks, or she was just getting the timing wrong. either way, this was starting to become irritating. "Alright, I see that you're quite an evasive one. However, you will not last this battle. No matter how long it takes, we shall defeat you all." Surely, the players could defeat the hordes, for the monsters were not powerful enough to strike down the players. Some of the weaker players might possibly need healing later on, when the parties' energy levels recover. Either way, victory was almost guaranteed, but it would take some time to get there...

    ID# 120823 BD: 4-1=3(Miss)

    Party 2:


    [H:0-3-3-0]@Mace : HP 296/300 l EN 9/30 | DMG 4 | MIT 47 | Taunt 1 |
    [H:2-0-0-0]@Kirbs: HP: 330/330 | EN: 4/30 | 8 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 PAR | 1 Bleed | 2 REC 
    [H:0-0-0-0]@Krysta: HP:430/430  EN:21/40 l DMG:  9   MIT:27   Thorns: 28  (paralyze/Bleed on crits)
    [H:0-0-0-0]@KityuisaHP:116/120  EN:10/12  DMG:5   MIT:23  ACC:3   EVA:1
    [H:0-0-0-0]@BahrHP: 240/240  EN: 11+1-4=8/24  DMG:7  MIT:14  Thorns:10  ACC:4  EVA: 3   (bleed on crit)
    [H:0-0-0-0]@Dazia: 289/290  EN:11/26  DMG:6  MIT:24  ACC:1  EVA: 1


  15. Krysta noticed how the girl's eyes lit up with curiosity and wonder when Yolviinsil poked her head out. Krysta giggled slightly, and looked over to Yolviinsil. The small ruby red feathered dragon climbed up onto Krysta's shoulder, and started slowly making her way to the girl, walking on Krysta's arm. Kirbs explained to Kityuisa and Krysta that the girl's name was Fuyuno, and that she wasn't much of a talker. She also mentioned that she was going to help her out with her tutorial quest. "Ah, the tutorial quests..." Kityuisa stated that she had grown much stronger since she had last seen her"Why, that is wonderful to hear!" Kityuisa's familiar apparently wanted to play with Yolviinsil, and the small ruby red feathered dragon noticed. Yolviinsil looked to Krysta, a familiar expression on her face. Krysta managed to figure it out. Yolviinsil was still interested in meeting Fuyuno, but did not want to ignore the other familiar completely. Krysta accessed her inventory, and pulled out the tail extension she'd made for her. It was originally used when Yolviinsil played with Veriost, Vigilon's familiar. The two small dragons used to have trouble playing tag with each other's tails without having an accidental struggle, so Krysta had made tail extension toys to help out with that. It was two feet long, and weighed hardly anything. Surely, this would help. Krysta attached the tail extension to Yolviinsil, who would keep the tail in consistent motion for Willow from then on. Yolviinsil then made her way over to Fuyuno, ready to be petted. Kirbs gave Fuyuno a quick rundown of how the menu worked, and then decided to leave. Kityuisa asked if Krysta was in to assist Fuyuno. "Of course!"

    @Kityuisa @Fuyuno

  16. Krysta was ready to leave the eleventh floor again. She had recently made a habit of returning to the Town of Beginnings on the first floor every once in a while. She did recall that her boyfriend, Vigilon, had made the same habit before. "Teleport, Town of Beginnings!" She called out once on the teleport gate.

    She would arrive on the first floor's teleport gate, and step into the settlement. "Come, Yolviinsil," She said to her familiar, a small ruby red feathered dragon that was on her shoulder. "There may be something for us to do here! I don't mind coming back here every once in a while, as long as I don't recall the dark memories!" Of course, the very mention of such memories triggered them. The memories of hiding away from the dangers of the game, the loss of her cousin, Leif, the first moments of being outside the safe zone! She shook off the horrible memories, and continued on. Perhaps a song would get her mind onto more positive thinking. She would be coming closer and closer to a few players that she would soon encounter as she sang, her singing voice being enchanting as always.

    "Three black crows were sitting on a fence, watching the world pass them by,

    laughing at humanity and its pretense, wondering where next to fly.

    And they cackled in joy and dove through the air, like the winds of a hurricane,

    and they spread their wings as if to declare, 'Onward, let freedom ring!'

    Three black crows were sitting on a fence, watching the world pass them by.


    Three black crows were sitting in a tree, looking down on mankind,

    loving how it feels to be so free, leaving us far behind.

    And they cackled in joy and dove through the air, like the winds of a hurricane,

    and they spread their wings as if to declare, 'Onward, let freedom ring!'

    Three black crows were sitting in a tree, watching the world pass them by.


    And they cackled in joy and dove through the air, like the winds of a hurricane,

    and they spread their wings as if to declare, 'Onward, let freedom ring!'"


    If the players she would soon encounter were to hear her sing, it would start out soft, hardly audible, but could be heard more and more clearly the closer she got to the players. By the time she had finished singing, the three players were about three yards away. She saw two players she recognized, and one who she did not know. She had seen Kirbs before, and she had seen Kityuisa during the raid against the horde of monsters. The one she did not recognize may have been a child, by the looks of it. "Oh, Kirbs, Kityuisa, hello! It is a pleasure to see you two again!" After greeting those she knew, she looked to the other girl. "And who might you be?" She asked the girl, with a sweet smile on her face. Whether she would get a response or not, she would introduce herself. "My name is Krysta, it's a pleasure to meet you." She said as she extended her hand to the girl in greeting. Yolviinsil would poke her head above Krysta's shoulder from behind, looking at the girl shyly. Krysta giggled a bit before saying to the girl, "And this is Yolviinsil. Don't worry, she's a kind little dragon whenever I'm not fighting, and she's usually shy around people she doesn't know during social situations."

    @Kirbs @Kityuisa @Fuyuno

  17. Krysta raised her shield when she saw one of the Rain Minions coming to attack her. Although the damage was mitigated, the monster's HP didn't drop. Through this, she realized that they were immune to thorns and immolation effects. Still, she was not willing to back out just yet. She prepared to counterattack, but the Rain Minion was expecting that. She sprung forth to strike it, but it dodged the attack almost effortlessly. "It seems they're more agile then they appear...I'll have to watch carefully and anticipate their movement if I'm going to strike them down with ease. They cannot bring us down enough for me to have to use my healing skill, so I can use the rest of my energy to keep fighting. However, I'll probably need to rest and regain energy. While I'm doing so, I'll probably need to watch for the monsters' attacks, avoiding and deflecting their weapons." She thought. With an intended set of tactics in mind, she should be able to last this fight for some time. Some.

    ID# 120149 BD: 3-1=2(Miss)

    Party 2:


    [H:0-3-3-0]@Mace : HP 296/300 l EN 9/30 | DMG 4 | MIT 47 | Taunt 1 |
    [H:2-0-0-0]@Kirbs: HP: 330/330 | EN: 4/30 | 8 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 PAR | 1 Bleed | 2 REC 
    [H:0-0-2-0]@Krysta: HP:429/430  EN:14/40 l DMG:  9   MIT:27   Thorns: 28  (paralyze/Bleed on crits)
    [H:0-0-0-0]@KityuisaHP:116/120  EN:10/12  DMG:5   MIT:23  ACC:3   EVA:1
    [H:0-0-0-0]@BahrHP: 240/240  EN:14/24  DMG:7  MIT:14  Thorns:10  ACC:4  EVA: 3   (bleed on crit)
    [H:0-0-0-0]@Dazia: 289/290  EN:9/26  DMG:6  MIT:24  ACC:1  EVA: 1


  18. (OOC: Um, was I the only one to notice what Dazia did in her post?)

    The enemies that Krysta and her party were facing had suffered only one casualty this time around. It seemed that Dazia had managed to finish off one of the enemies, and knock its corpse into her teammate, which had gotten up from a mishap, thus ending up falling into the mud yet another time. Krysta was aggravated by this. Not by the fact that Dazia killed a monster while Krysta did not, but the fact that Dazia had used an enemy to further humiliate an ally that had already been humiliated, just before the creature shattered. She would settle that matter later, for the hordes remained vast. She turned towards the creature she'd failed to strike, and she sprung towards it from behind, the tip of her blade coming out of the creature's torso. "Not so lucky this time, are you?" After pulling out her blade, she turned to the other creatures her party was facing. "Foul monsters, you cannot win this fight. It is only a matter of time before your plans are thwarted!"

    ID# 120004 BD: 10(Critical, +2 Base damage, inflicted paralysis and bleed)

    Shooting Star: 11x7-10=67

    Party 2:


    [H:0-3-3-0]@Mace : HP 298/300 l EN 9/30 | DMG 4 | MIT 47 | Taunt 1 |
    [H:2-0-0-0]@Kirbs: HP: 330/330 | EN: 4/30 | 8 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 PAR | 1 Bleed | 2 REC 
    [H:0-0-2-0]@Krysta: HP:430/430  EN:16/40 l DMG:  9   MIT:27   Thorns: 28  (paralyze/Bleed on crits)
    [H:0-0-0-0]@KityuisaHP:116/120  EN:10/12  DMG:5   MIT:23  ACC:3   EVA:1
    [H:0-0-0-0]@BahrHP: 240/240  EN:17+1-4=14/24  DMG:7  MIT:14  Thorns:10  ACC:4  EVA: 3   (bleed on crit)
    [H:0-0-0-0]@Dazia: 289/290  EN:11/26  DMG:6  MIT:24  ACC:1  EVA: 1


  19. Krysta readied herself to attack the next Rain Minion. She sprung forth at her target, but she seemed to misjudge the distance. She slowly felt herself starting to feel fatigue, and she looked at her energy. Almost halfway. She looked around her, and there were still many enemies as far as the eye could see. "I may be among the strongest of these players," She thought. "But even I am finding myself with my energy slowly diminishing... I do hope I can last...I really don't want to fail in healing from a lack of energy...what should I do?" The hordes remained many, the players fought valiantly, but the only problem that she noticed, is that the  players' energy was now starting to diminish, and this would bring a new change in the tides, so to speak. These creatures have enough defenses to survive a simple strike, so if the players were reduced to that, it would be a tiresome onslaught. Her party's tank stated that she and Kirbs were low on energy. That already was a bad sign. Yolviinsil returned to Krysta's shoulder, wondering what was wrong. Krysta stood firm, ready to defend herself against the monsters.

    ID# 119634 BD: 5-1=4(Miss)


    Party 2:


    [H:3-3-3-3]@Mace : HP 299/300 l EN 8/30 | DMG 4 | MIT 47 | Taunt 1 |
    [H:1-0-0-0]@Kirbs: HP: 330/330 | EN: 5/30 | 8 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 PAR | 1 Bleed | 2 REC 
    [H:0-0-0-0]@Krysta: HP:430/430  EN:23/40 l DMG:  9   MIT:27   Thorns: 28  (paralyze/Bleed on crits)
    [H:0-0-0-0]@KityuisaHP:120/120  EN:10/12  DMG:5   MIT:23  ACC:3   EVA:1
    [H:0-0-0-0]@BahrHP: 240/240  EN:18/24  DMG:7  MIT:14  Thorns:10  ACC:4  EVA: 3   (bleed on crit)
    [H:0-0-0-0]@Dazia: 289/290  EN:17/26  DMG:6  MIT:24  ACC:1  EVA: 1


  20. The small creatures didn't seem to put up enough of a fight on this party's end, but they seemed to do some to the other party's healer. Krysta had a mild suspicion that the creatures might all try to strike her particularly if they realize she could heal her allies. She shook off the thoughts, and was ready to continue the task at hand. She glanced over to Dazia. "How many of these monstrosities can you defeat? Want to try vanquishing more than I would?" Upon either answer to the challenge, she would turn back towards the many creatures. She looked over to her familiar, Yolviinsil, who was ready to fight alongside Krysta. The small ruby red feathered dragon took flight and positioned herself behind one of the creatures. Krysta readied her weapon, and she sprung towards the Rain Minion, striking it in the front, well enough to inflict paralysis and bleed, while Yolviinsil would attack from behind. "Yol...Toor!" The Rain minion would be struck by a Rapier Sword Art in the front, and blasted with flame breath in the back. It would be unlikely that the creature would survive this attack.


    ID# 119442 BD: 10(Critical, +2 Base DMG, inflicted paralysis and bleed)

    Shooting Star: 11x7-10=67 Damage to Rain Minion 13


    Party 2:


    [6-3-3-6]@Mace : HP 299/300 l EN 22/30 | DMG 4 | MIT 47 | Taunt 1 |
    [0-1-1-1]@Kirbs: HP: 330/330 | EN: 8/30 | 8 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 PAR | 1 Bleed | 2 REC 
    [0-0-2-0]@Krysta: HP:430/430  EN:25/40 l DMG:  9   MIT:27   Thorns: 28  (paralyze/Bleed on crits)
    [1-0-0-0]@Kityuisa: HP:120/120  EN:10/12  DMG:5   MIT:23  ACC:3   EVA:1
    [2-0-0-0]@Bahr: HP: 240/240  EN:20/24  DMG:7  MIT:14  Thorns:10  ACC:4  EVA: 3   (bleed on crit)
    [1-0-0-0]@Dazia: 289/290  EN:22/26  DMG:6  MIT:24  ACC:1  EVA: 1


  21. (OOC: looks like I'd accidentally hidden the bonus from the Matriarch's Stinger in the stats...8+1=9, so Krysta's base damage for this battle is 9.)

    It seemed that Dazia had come to join in on this fight. She would state that while she doubted Krysta would heal her, they would have to put their differences aside and work together, although they didn't have to like it. She also noted that they could fight to the death another day, but due to the situation, that was already known. Krysta glared mildly at Dazia before turning her attention to the small creatures that were ready to charge. In the distance, the large creature roared, as if to signal an attack. The creatures had been planning this. The hordes began to circle the players as eight came straight towards them. The parties were surrounded. Her party's tank got the attention of the four that were after her and her allies, and two other players proceeded to attack. No one's HP was dropping yet, so Krysta felt inclined to attack as well. "Either fall in battle, or return to the depths from whence you came, foul creatures!" She managed to use the Sword Art Penetrate against one of the minions that was close enough to be attacked from the side, dealing a good amount of damage.

    ID# 119078 BD: 7-1=6(Hit)

    Penetrate: 9x8-10=62 Damage dealt to Rain Minion 7


    Party 2:



    [3-3-3-3]@Mace : HP 300/300 l EN 22/30 | DMG 4 | MIT 47 | Taunt 1 |
    [0-2-0-1]@Kirbs: HP: 330/330 | EN: 30/30 | 8 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 PAR | 1 Bleed | 2 REC 
    [0-0-1-0]@Krysta: HP:430/430  EN:32/40 l DMG:  9   MIT:27   Thorns: 28  (paralyze/Bleed on crits)
    [0-0-0-0]@Kityuisa: HP:120/120  EN:12/12  DMG:5   MIT:23  ACC:3   EVA:1
    [1-0-0-0]@Bahr: HP: 240/240  EN:24/24  DMG:7  MIT:14  Thorns:10  ACC:4  EVA: 3   (bleed on crit)
    [0-0-0-0]@Dazia: 290/290  EN:26/26  DMG:6  MIT:24  ACC:1  EVA: 1



  22. Krysta was beside Vigilon, trying to enjoy the event. However, disaster struck, bringing monsters and rain to the area. Ah, yes, evil sure does love the act of disruption, doesn't it? Krysta drew her rapier on sight of the monsters' arrival. Vigilon told Krysta to head over to the gathering players in order to help them, to serve as an ally or healer. Krysta thought for a few seconds and found herself agreeing with this decision, for Vigilon would do the same for those players if he was the healer. Krysta's skill in the blade remained greater than her healing, but her healing was rank two; better than nothing. "Right, we will each do our part, and our best, to help the players vanquish these foul monstrosities! I shall see you soon!" With that, she ran towards the gathering players, quite a few of them she didn't know. As she made her way towards them,  she pulled out and consumed her field rations and immolation potion, and then she applied the poison from The Matriarch's Stinger onto her blade. Once she reached the players, she would speak to them. "I do hope I'm not too late. I am Krysta, a fair damage dealer and a novice healer. I have come to assist you in vanquishing the creature's minions!"

    @Dagger @Arabelle @Dustin @Kirbs @Mace @Penelo @Bahr @tricolor_mina @Kityuisa

    Items used:

    <<The Matriarch's Stinger>> (+1 damage for the duration of one battle.)

    Field Rations[T1](+30 HP)

    [T1]Immolation potion(successful non-critical attacks against you deal 10 unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Effect lasts for one thread)


    Stats and Equipment:


    Level:  20
    HP:  400 +30(Field Rations)=430
    EN:  40
    DMG:  8(Rapier Rank 4[+4], Saber of the Thunderhearts[+1], Yolviinsil[+2]) +1(Matriarch's Stinger)=9



    Saber of the Thunderhearts(Damage, Paralysis, Bleed)

    Regal Retribution(1 Mitigation, 2 Thorns)

    Guardian Vest(2 Mitigation)



    Uncommon Health Potion(x3) (Restores 40 HP)

    Teleport Crystal




    One handed Rapier Rank 4

    First Aid Rank 2

    Familiar Mastery: Fighter rank 2


  23. Krysta was looking around the Twenty-first floor, seeing what shops were available. She eventually came by a shop near the hot springs, and decided to take a look. It turned out to be a merchant shop, which was a good thing, because she had two sets of light armor that she had been needing to have identified. a finely dressed, yet mildly shady-looking male was the shopkeeper. He seemed to be fiddling with a dagger until he saw her. He gave a smile and a slight bow, welcomed her to his shop, and asked how he might be of service. "I would like to have these two sets of light armor identified. While I'm here, I'd also like to purchase some items from your General stock." She looked through the general stock, placed what she wanted to purchase on the counter, along with the items she wanted to have Identified, and she would then place the col she would need to pay.

    -Paid 2960 col to @Dagger in advance.

    Ordered items from General stock:

    -Field Rations(320)

    -Immolation potion(320)

    -Teleport Crystal(840)




    ID: 95903a
    Tier: 1
    Type:  Light Armor
    Quality: Perfect


    ID: 100578a
    Tier: 1
    Type:  Light Armor
    Quality: Perfect


  24. Akudo came up to Krysta, and he would begin to speak to her. He guessed her username correctly, then he introduced himself, stating that he was a spy and informant who sells most of the intel he gathers. He then managed to figure out that Krysta felt out of place, and he did what he could to try and encourage her, and he even claimed that Vigilon was lucky to have someone like her. "O-oh, y-you think so...?" Krysta had trouble trying to hide the fact that she was blushing slightly over the fact that this young man she hardly knew was already complimenting her like this...but on the other hand, it was nice to know someone thought something good of her and her current relationship with Vigilon. Speaking of which, Vigilon seemed to slow down so he could stay by her. He realized that she felt out of place(probably from overhearing Akudo), and he must have wanted to try and fix the problem. That was so kind of him... 


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