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Posts posted by Krysta

  1. Vigilon complimented on the fact that Krysta found the chest, but when he noticed it was out in the open, he immediately became suspicious. Turns out, there was an antman trying to take the chest, but it failed in its task, not only because it wouldn't fit, but because Vigilon pulled it out of its grip. Kanari and Akudo assaulted the monster as soon as it got out of the hole. It made sense, for the Antman's cursor had changed from yellow to red. Vigilon opened the chest, and gave some of the items inside to Krysta. "That's very kind of you, Alex, thank you." Krysta noticed the chest was empty after the transfer. Krysta looked over to Kanari and Akudo, who seemed to be trying to figure out how to divide the loot they got from the Antman. She considered the two to be lucky they managed to get any loot at all, for that single antman might not have been strong enough to hold anything of value to them. She would have gladly shared what she received with them if they hadn't.

    -Accepted the offered 700 Col and 3 T2 Materials


  2. Vigilon decided it was time to leave. Vigilon seemed to be keeping his eye out for any materials, so Krysta decided to search, too. She stopped walking upon spotting something better than a single material. "Hey! I found another chest!" She exclaimed as her face lit up with a smile. Now that the killer issue was dealt with, the party should end this day on a happy note, in Krysta's opinion. She actually didn't know this Akudo very well, so she considered speaking to him when the players were on their way back again. She would be reluctant to speak with Kanari, due to her reckless nature, as self-described. She seemed to have a good heart, but she was...not the most mindful player in existence. "I'm not certain that I can befriend her, but I'm not sure about Akudo, either, but who am I to judge? I haven't even spoken to him in casual conversation. I just feel...out of place, somehow. Why?" She thought.

    ID# 118449 LD: 12+3=15(Success, found a chest!)


  3. Krysta watched as Venorim dragged Azrea away. She didn't seem to be the kindest individual...in fact, she seemed to be one who loved destruction, but was only trying to keep it under a legal radar. She seemed to be one who craved the deaths of her enemies... Krysta pulled up her messenger, and would begin typing up a message to Vigilon. As she was making the message, Kanari shouted out to the sky, something about lazy writing, which didn't make sense to her. Stryker also pulled out some rope from her inventory, and tied up Leyran, to keep him from getting away. Krysta sent the message, which would be as thus:


    To: Vigilon

    Subject: Azrea

    I do not trust Azrea, she seems to be some sort of "Under the radar" killer to me. Good reason or no, she seems to act as if anyone with an orange cursor is an excuse to kill.


    Upon sending the message, Vigilon would ask Krysta, Kanari, and Akudo if they would like to return to town together since they were still in the same party. "Certainly."


  4. Zayla would open the door, and the two players would be greeted by Zackariah, who seemed happy to see Krysta again, and asked what the two needed. Zayla raised her hand and softly stated that she was here to accept his quest, and that she wanted to let him know before she headed out. Zackariah would ask Zayla if she knew where to go. Zayla seemed to be unsure on how to answer his question. "Well, everyone starts somewhere, and some start in different positions than others." Krysta thought. She looked over to Zayla, and would give an explanation that essentially gave the answer. "Well, you will need to begin by gathering materials, which we can find outside the town. Once that is finished, you will need to assist in creating some potions. I can offer some assistance with the gathering, and prevent any real danger from harming you while you are outside the town." When she mentioned assistance with the gathering, she pulled up her menu, and brought out an item from her inventory. A golden necklace, named Andvari's Blessing. "I can let you borrow this for a bit, it should help you with finding things, such as the materials you will need for the quest."

    -Offered to loan Andvari's Blessing(+3 LD) to @Zayla for the quest duration

  5. The player Krysta spoke to seemed to have been startled slightly. "Oh! Aha...I do apologize, I never meant to startle you!" Krysta said. The player admitted that she would like some help, explained her position, and introduced herself as Zayla, with an outstretched hand. Krysta would shake her hand, accepting the greeting, as she introduced herself. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Zayla. I am Krysta." Zayla would ask on how she was supposed to begin the quest, and she seemed to be a little uneasy. "Oh, it's quite alright, he is definitely here. Most players just walk in, but it would be far better to knock, I guess. If you've already tried that, I believe we can still enter. Chances are, you might have not heard him say to come in, even if he did. Then again, I'm not entirely certain how far his voice can be heard, so...I suppose we could walk in. He might just be a little busy." Krysta reassured.


  6. Krysta liked returning to the first floor every once in a while. There was always a new player who finally gained the courage to rise above, and that was a good thing for all players!  Sometimes, she would be able to try and help out. Now that she was only five levels away from the second tier, she believed herself to be more capable of helping out the low-level players that had lived here in this one town for so long! She walked along, hoping to find someone she might be able to help. She was passing by the place where she accepted a beginner quest. She wouldn't be able to take it again, but she was helped by someone who wasn't able to take the quest either, when she took it. She saw another player at Zachariah's door, and it may have been a player who was ready to start out with a beginner quest. Krysta walked over, and asked, "Hello, fellow player, it looks to me like you're about to take the beginner quests. Would you like some help, if you would allow me?"


  7. Krysta saw that Stryker had joined in, and before long, someone else came along, striking from behind. The six players' onslaught was clearly too much for V0rX to handle, and his HP dropped to the red. V0rX seemed to know something about the cloak that the newcomer wore, addressing them as "Order Filth". The cloaked player poke, addressing V0rX and Leyran as "Griffin Scum", confirming that they were enemies before this encounter, then she finished off the orange player. She proceeded to threaten Leyran with an ultimatum as she pointed her blade towards him. Krysta felt the terrible power that radiated from the blade, and shuddered slightly. She didn't like this feeling at all. Perhaps it was just the weapon, or something about it, that sparked this unease. Leyran surrendered, ending his duel with Vigilon, and with the use of a Teleport Crystal, the mysterious newcomer disappeared. "My, that...happened so fast..." Krysta was honestly a bit surprised that this all happened. Petastora stood in silence, as if pondering what had just occurred, trying to make sure her eyes weren't deceiving her. Laida's jaw was dropped for a few seconds, and then she broke the silence with, "Wow, yet another Deus ex machina situation! are we lucky or what?"


  8. The other players were suddenly set upon by monsters, and they could do nothing to help in fighting the Orange player. Krysta would attempt another attack, but it didn't seem like she was doing much damage. Would this work? Krysta hoped that there wouldn't be any casualties on her side, for this player seemed to be a formidable one. "I sure do hope he doesn't succeed in his next attack..." He was able to do plenty of damage, and if he kept it up, there would likely be casualties. Krysta would prefer that V0rX be the only casualty if there are any. Laida's next attack failed to hit, and it didn't seem like much damage could be dealt without the help of status ailments... "We're going to need more firepower do accomplish this. We can't just stall for time, Judging by the attack just dealt upon him, we need to defeat V0rX so he can safely concede!"


  9. Krysta looked at her level and stats confidently. She and Vigilon could surely handle a foe like the one she was going to face alongside him. It was only the second of the dragon bosses in the quest they were taking, and they had recently heard of the next dragon's location. Krysta was slightly unsure, however, for the dragon might be another hatchling. The only way it could make any real sense would be that it was born evil, or was a reincarnation of evil, with all of its memories retained...that just had to be it, there would be no other way to explain it without making the players of Aincrad appear to be no different than the monsters themselves. "Come, Yolviinsil, there is an evil member of your kind that must be vanquished!" In Yolviinsil's case, it was nothing new, so there would be no offense taken. Krysta would begin to search for Vigilon, eventually spotting him near the safe zone's edge. "Heeeeey! Alex!" She ran up to him, and was wondering if he would speak of a potential discussion he had intended on...planning a date at last.


    Stats and equipment:


    Level:  20
    HP:  400
    EN:  40
    DMG:  7(OHR Rank 3[+3], Saber of the Thunderhearts[+1], Yolviinsil[+2])

    MIT: 27(Guardian Vest[+18], Regal Retribution[+9])

    Thorns: 18(Regal Retribution)



    Saber of the Thunderhearts(Damage, Paralysis, Bleed)

    Guardian Vest(2 MIT)

    Regal Retribution(1 Mitigation, 2 Thorns)



    One handed Rapier Rank 3

    First Aid Rank 2

    Familiar Mastery: Fighter rank 2


    "So you're sure we can handle those things?" Laida asked Petastora. "We have nothing to worry about, for the strongest of them is the minimum for my level." Was the response. Laida thought about this for a moment. "Wait, you've become that strong? Then why train here? I'm sure the tier three floors will be more rewarding!" Laid reacted. Petastora chuckled, and explained, "I am better off helping you train. Besides, I could use some tier one recording crystals for my shop. Not to mention, I don't have any current need for col." Laida smiled. "That's very nice of you, Peta! Maybe I can catch up with Kaldui now! She's gotten soooo strong since I last saw her!" Not too long after she said that, the two players saw a familiar face, the player who was being searched for some time ago. "So we meet again. Auranika, was it?" Petastora asked.


    For those wanting to know the faceclaims of Laida and Petastora:











  10. Krysta kept her eyes toward the boss and its actions as the others attacked it. Mina ended up missing the boss, Kirbs dealt another strong attack. What luck she seemed to have in this fight! Runa, on the other hand, ended up with another mishap, tripping over a root or two. Krysta rushed for the currently immobile creature, and finally, at last, managed to strike the boss, dealing a fair amount of damage. Furry got over its paralysis again, and it looked directly at Kirbs. Anyone who saw the boss's expression could tell that it saw Kirbs as a major threat. Well, at least Runa would be safe from harm, for the most part! "I think I've got your pattern down now." Krysta began. "I know not what it is that brought you to, as others had spoken of you, 'terrorize the floor', but I came for more than the rewards, I came to protect! Making sure that those who can't protect themselves are safe is another duty of mine. Therefore, should the words of the people be true, your demise shall be a punishment befitting of your crimes!" The boss looked absolutely confused as it heard Krysta's words. Could it only leave messages in the human languages, or could it not understand them at all?


    ID# 17580 BD: 7+2=9(Hit) (FINALLY)

    Crucifixion: 9x6-25=29

    [Paralysis refrains Furry, Fluffy Avenger from taking action]

    Bleed Damage: Furry, Fluffy Avenger takes 12 DMG


    [1] Krysta:  HP 400/400, EN 32/40, 9 DMG | 27 MIT | 2 ACC | 18 Thorns | 1 BLD | 1 PAR

    [1] @tricolor_minaHP 330/330EN 23/30, 8 DMG | 16 MIT | 3 ACC | 1 EVA | 1 BLD | 1 PAR

    [6] @Kirbs: HP 330/330EN 19/28, 8 DMG | 24 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | 1 BLD | 2 PAR

    [1] @RunaHP 110/110EN 2/6, 5 DMG | 28 MIT | 1 ACC


    Furry, Fluffy Avenger:


    HP 129/250 [                               Bleed: 1 turn, 12 DMG

    DMG: 50 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 2 / MIT: 25 
    <<Creme Egg Power>> : On a MD roll of 9-10, Furry will eat a Creme Egg adding 10 DMG on a roll of 9, and 15 on a roll of 10.
    <<Bunny Frenzy>> : On a CD roll of 9-10, Furry will use both of its legs to hit the player down with the highest hate adding “Paralysis” to it’s attack.
    <<Rabbit Rampage>> : On a CD roll of 11-12, Furry will hop on the ground causing an earthquake effect adding “Area of Effect” to it’s attack (Does need to roll for each player.)

  11. Krysta watched as the other players attacked the boss. Mina managed to successfully strike it with the Sword Art known as Crucifixion, and then she noted that it was so pitiful that she almost didn't want to attack it, but the rewards were far greater than the benefit of not killing it. Kirbs struck it with an attack that paralyzed it again, and judging from the boss's expression, it wasn't too pleased about being stopped in its tracks a second time by the same player. Runa attempted to attack, but she got swung by her own weapon's weight. Krysta readied her weapon and rushed in to attack...but once again, Furry got over its paralysis, and dodged the attack. "You're a nimble one, aren't you? You clearly seem to get over immobilization, too." Krysta would probably have to act faster if she was to actually manage to strike the boss. Surely, however, the players would achieve victory, hopefully soon.

    ID# 116871 BD: 2+2=4(Miss) (Ugh, AGAIN?)

    [Paralysis refrains Furry, Fluffy Avenger from taking action]

    Bleed Damage: Furry, Fluffy Avenger takes 12 DMG


    [0] Krysta: HP 400/400, EN 38/40, 9 DMG | 27 MIT | 2 ACC | 18 Thorns | 1 BLD | 1 PAR

    [1] @tricolor_minaHP 330/330EN 23/30, 8 DMG | 16 MIT | 3 ACC | 1 EVA | 1 BLD | 1 PAR

    [4] @Kirbs: HP 330/330EN 22/28, 8 DMG | 24 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | 1 BLD | 2 PAR

    [1] @RunaHP 110/110EN 3/6, 5 DMG | 28 MIT | 1 ACC



    Furry, Fluffy Avenger:


    HP 185/250 [                              ] Bleed: 1 turn, 12 DMG

    DMG: 50 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 2 / MIT: 25
    <<Creme Egg Power>> : On a MD roll of 9-10, Furry will eat a Creme Egg adding 10 DMG on a roll of 9, and 15 on a roll of 10.
    <<Bunny Frenzy>> : On a CD roll of 9-10, Furry will use both of its legs to hit the player down with the highest hate adding “Paralysis” to it’s attack.
    <<Rabbit Rampage>> : On a CD roll of 11-12, Furry will hop on the ground causing an earthquake effect adding “Area of Effect” to it’s attack (Does need to roll for each player.)


  12. (OOC: Kirbs, just thought you would like to know that you also afflicted bleed on the target, since you rolled a natural 9. From what I was told, all status ailment-inducing enhancements on the weapon will activate upon the required natural roll unless the target has a resistance to a status ailment.)

    Mina fell from the tree she was climbing, apparently because there was a rabbit in the tree after all. She came to where Krysta and the boss were, and she, too, was surprised over what the boss was. Kirbs replied to Mina's words of shock and confusion, stating that only Kayaba knew. "It's terrible, is what I'd say. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he's using creatures like this one to torment us." Kirbs readied her spear, and rushed for the boss, ...muttering something about the boss being more intimidating when its cute...? Well, in their own way, Kirbs's words made at least some sense. Kirbs impaled the boss with her weapon, inflicting both Paralysis and Bleed upon the boss. Runa followed by slamming her candy cane "Axe" onto the boss. Krysta intended to strike as well, but the boss got over its paralysis before she had a chance. "This is going to be a rough battle..." she thought.

    @tricolor_mina @Kirbs @Runa


    ID# 116534 BD: 2+2=4(Miss) (Paralysis removed evasion, consumable added accuracy, and yet...I STILL MISS[by the way, the MD rolled a 10])

    [Paralysis refrains Furry, Fluffy Avenger from taking action]

    Bleed Damage: Furry, Fluffy Avenger takes 12 DMG


    [0]Krysta: HP 400/400, EN 38/40, 9 DMG | 27 MIT | 2 ACC | 18 Thorns | 1 BLD | 1 PAR

    [0]Tricolor_minaHP 330/330EN 28/30, 8 DMG | 16 MIT | 3 ACC | 1 EVA | 1 BLD | 1 PAR

    [2] Kirbs: HP 330/330EN 24/28, 8 DMG | 24 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | 1 BLD | 2 PAR

    [1] RunaHP 110/110EN 4/6, 5 DMG | 28 MIT | 1 ACC



    Furry, Fluffy Avenger:


    HP 226/250 [                              ] Bleed: 1 turn, 12 DMG

    DMG: 50 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 2 / MIT: 25
    <<Creme Egg Power>> : On a MD roll of 9-10, Furry will eat a Creme Egg adding 10 DMG on a roll of 9, and 15 on a roll of 10.
    <<Bunny Frenzy>> : On a CD roll of 9-10, Furry will use both of its legs to hit the player down with the highest hate adding “Paralysis” to it’s attack.
    <<Rabbit Rampage>> : On a CD roll of 11-12, Furry will hop on the ground causing an earthquake effect adding “Area of Effect” to it’s attack (Does need to roll for each player.)


  13. Mina asked how long it might take for the boss to actually show up. "Honestly, I'm really not certain. Hopefully soon, though." Mina seemed to believe that the boss may be hiding within one of the trees, but she searched to no avail. Kirbs disliked the fact that she had to play hide and seek with the boss, for it seemed that she didn't have a good history with it. Runa began searching through the bushes and got jumped by a squirrel. Krysta thought for a minute, then she began looking near the bushes, and walked over to the other side of said bushes that were searched earlier. There seemed to be something different here. She saw a grass-lined burrow, and there was a puff of white sticking out of it. "Oh? What could this be?" She knelt down and touched the puff that was sticking out. This white puff wiggled a little, then something suddenly sprang out of the burrow, startling Krysta. "Ahh!" What had sprang up landed near the players, and if they turned around, they would see the boss, for it had a red cursor with a yellow border, indicating that it was a quest target. Krysta turned around to see the creature, and it was a little adorable, to be honest. It wasn't as large as Krysta guessed it would be, but it was definitely larger than the typical bunny. Honestly, Krysta was expecting the boss to be something more malevolent-looking, large, or, heck, something ferocious, maybe even undead, but she never expected this. The name <<Furry, Fluffy Avenger>> appeared under the cursor, and under the name, a boos HP meter could be seen. Once again, Krysta was in a position where she had to fight something that didn't exactly appear to line up with darkness or evil in any way. "Ohhhhhhhh, curse you, Kayaba, not again!"

    ID# 116376 LD: 19(Success, found the boss!)

    [Due to successful roll, the target monster has been spawned]


    [0]Krysta: HP 400/400, EN 40/40, 9 DMG | 27 MIT | 2 ACC | 18 Thorns | 1 BLD | 1 PAR

    [0]@tricolor_minaHP 330/330EN 30/30, 8 DMG | 16 MIT | 3 ACC | 1 EVA | 1 BLD | PAR

    [0]@KirbsHP 330/330EN 28/28, 8 DMG | 24 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | 1 BLD | 2 PAR

    [0]@RunaHP 110/110EN 6/6, 5 DMG | 28 MIT | 1 ACC



    Furry, Fluffy Avenger:


    HP 250/250 [                              ]

    DMG: 50 / ACC: 2 / EVA: 2 / MIT: 25
    <<Creme Egg Power>> : On a MD roll of 9-10, Furry will eat a Creme Egg adding 10 DMG on a roll of 9, and 15 on a roll of 10.
    <<Bunny Frenzy>> : On a CD roll of 9-10, Furry will use both of its legs to hit the player down with the highest hate adding “Paralysis” to it’s attack.
    <<Rabbit Rampage>> : On a CD roll of 11-12, Furry will hop on the ground causing an earthquake effect adding “Area of Effect” to it’s attack (Does need to roll for each player.)


  14. Krysta listened to the other players' suggestions as she drank the potion and ate the snack, increasing her damage and accuracy. She pulled up her map, and saw the distance between her location and the coordinates she had marked. "Nearly there now..." She thought. The red haired player introduced herself as Kirbs. Mina suggested one of the things that was on Krysta's mind: Healing the low-leveled player when she needs it. If anyone else's HP dropped too low, she would heal them, too. "I agree. Seeing that I have the healing skill, I should focus on healing whenever anyone's HP drops too low." Some time of traveling later, Krysta would notice a sign up ahead. "Oh? What's this?" She ran up to the sign, and it read, "I want to play a little game! Come play hide and seek with me! ;) -Furry"  

    Krysta didn't exactly expect this. "Um, it appears that we have to search for the boss. The coordinates were right here, and instead of the boss, there's a sign here that claims that the boss want's to...play hide and seek."

    @tricolor_mina @Kirbs @Runa

    -Krysta's base damage is now 9 for the remainder of the thread

    -Krysta's accuracy is now 2 for the remainder of the thread

  15. Mina confirmed the meeting to be true. However, she seemed disappointed that Krysta didn't seem to need some of the items she offered. She also noted that the boss has apparently been defeated before, and was capable of dropping a Demonic Quality item. The red haired player believed Yolviinsil's name to be interesting(probably in the sense of unusual), but did compliment that she was a beautiful familiar. "Oh, yes, about the name... When I first found Yolviinsil, she led me somewhere, hoping I could help her out. Upon reaching the destination, a larger dragon, a Hungarian Horntail to be specific, landed near her, and seemed to speak to her, addressing her by that name. It wasn't easy to tell at first, for it spoke in a language of its own. Later on, someone I know revealed it to be Dragon Tongue from a game known as Skyrim. With that in mind, she guessed that the name the dragon we fought addressed her as meant 'Fire-Shine-Soul'. I believed this to be true, and from my experience, it seems to be her true name, as she would always respond to it, even when we only began working together." Krysta explained.

    "Well then, I believe we are ready." Krysta pulled up her menu and sent party invites to the three players. When they finished accepting/declining the party invite, she would turn in the direction that would lead to the recent sighting's coordinates, drew out her rapier, and called out, "Now, onward we go, to where the creature was last sighted!"

    @tricolor_mina @Kirbs @Runa

  16. Once Krysta had reached the meeting place, she was soon approached by three players. First, there was one of the players who "died" in the event boss fight against the demon. "Well, I am nearing tier two, I just have five levels to go. Yes, I intend to find and vanquish the boss said to be terrorizing the first floor." The player then began to explain the items she was willing to offer. "Oh, um, I'm not certain I'll be needing all of these..." After selecting the ones she'd be using, Krysta asked, "So...Mina, right? Vigilon told me that you were one of the first players he'd met, is that true?"

    Krysta and Mina were soon approached by another player, who was red-haired and had what must have been an uncommon familiar on her shoulder. whatever it was, it certainly wasn't anything Krysta had seen, nor heard of. Yolviinsil's head was poking out from behind Krysta, as she was on her back again. The small ruby red feathered dragon, shy as usual, hid herself behind Krysta completely upon seeing the unusual familiar. "I don't mind at all! I intend to seek out and defeat a boss that had been seen terrorizing this floor. Would you like to take part in the battle?"

    As soon as she finished asking, Krysta was approached by another player, who introduced herself as Runa, Defender of Sweets. She explained that she is looking for players willing to fight the boss that had been sighted. "As a matter of fact, I do."

    Krysta would now address all three of the players. "Well, I'd better introduce myself. My name is Krysta, it's a pleasure to meet you all. I have heard of an event boss that has been terrorizing this very floor. It is my intention to seek out the creature and vanquish it. However, this task cannot be accomplished by one alone. Perhaps we can form a party and defeat it together!" Yolviinsil slowly poked her head out from behind Krysta. "Oh, it's fine, Yolviinsil, you can come out, I'm fairly certain these are nice people." Of course, it wasn't the three players that Yolviinsil was looking at. She was cautiously looking towards the redhead's familiar. "This is Yolviinsil," Krysta explained. "she's usually pretty shy, but she knows how to fight whenever the situation calls for it."

    @tricolor_mina @Kirbs @Runa

    (OOC: personally, Mina, I recommend that Runa be given the Mitigation consumable, since she has the lowest HP. That way, she won't be too badly damaged should the boss actually strike her, whether it be direct attack, or AoE attack. Also, Krysta already has three enhanced items equipped, and thus cannot equip any more at this time.)

    Krysta accepts from Mina:

    Rare Damage Potion (+2 DMG)
    Rare ACC Snack (+2 ACC)

  17. Krysta had begun to hear that an event boss had been sighted on the first floor. Other than the fact that the boss existed, she had been told little else, save for the coordinates of where it was last seen. Seeing that this was a boss that was being spoken of, as well as the fact that only tier one players could challenge it, Krysta was going to need some allies... "I'm certain that there was a place in the first floor where tier one players like myself often gather...other than the gates in the Town of Beginnings..." After some thought, she recalled a place where players often gathered. "Tolbana, of course!" She then made sure she had the equipment she needed, and then she made her way to Tolbana. Once she entered the settlement, she looked around for the town's amphitheater-like meeting place where players gathered. Surely there would be someone coming here for the same intentions: to form a party to battle the boss.

    @tricolor_mina @Kirbs @Runa


    Stats and equipment:


    Level:  20
    HP:  400
    EN:  40
    DMG:  7(OHR Rank 3[+3], Saber of the Thunderhearts[+1], Yolviinsil[+2])

    MIT: 27(Guardian Vest[+18], Regal Retribution[+9])

    Thorns: 18(Regal Retribution)



    Saber of the Thunderhearts(Damage, Paralysis, Bleed)

    Guardian Vest(2 MIT)

    Regal Retribution(1 Mitigation, 2 Thorns)



    One handed Rapier Rank 3

    First Aid Rank 2

    Familiar Mastery: Fighter rank 2


  18. Krysta had some consumables that she couldn't use, due to them being unidentified. She had been needing to take them to a merchant for some time. She looked around the various floors, hoping to find a merchant store that was open. She stumbled upon a building with a red door, and it seemed to have a name, probably a shop of sorts. "Valkyrie's Ascension", it read. This gave away the fact that the shop was player-ran, for such a name wasn't exactly fitting to the floor at all. She walked inside, and it appeared to be a slightly cramped merchant's store. She walked up to the counter, and placed the three unidentified items, as well as the col to pay for identification, onto the counter. "Hello, I'd like to have these three items identified, please."

    -Payment of 400 Col sent to @Kairi in advance


    Rare T1 Consumable 101036a

    Rare T1 Consumable 101036b

    Uncommon T1 consumable 101691

  19. Krysta was walking out of the Town of Beginnings, hoping to find someone she could help out. In troubling times like these, players who were just gathering the courage to step outside the safe zone may need some assistance during their first few days out there. So much had been going on as of late, so maybe helping others down here might get her mind off of such things, along with doing a good deed in the process. She looked around until she spotted someone who seemed to be pondering about something. She walked over to this player. "Um, pardon me, is there anything on your mind? You kind of seem to be pondering over something... I apologize for the wild guess, but is this your first time outside the safe zone? I'd be glad to help you out if that's the case." She held out her hand in greeting. "My name is Krysta, it's a pleasure to meet you."

    @Elouviana Zashira

  20. "I don't care if it even takes us a week, let alone a month, to locate our friends. I'm willing to put in the effort, lives could be at stake!" Krysta explained. "Would you search day and night for a friend or comrade of yours, no matter how long it took you? If so, I'm sure you would be able to relate to the position I'm in." Vigilon explained that they have about twelve hours in this day before they either camp out, or return to town. "I see. Very well, I can accept that amount of time for today." There was such a thing as fatigue in SAO, so Krysta would need to make sure she got enough sleep to keep going the next day...even if it meant only six to seven hours of rest. Taika seemed confused, and Vigilon had to explain what his typical nightly routine was, revealing that he had trouble sleeping at times due to a habit of having slept on benches. He remembered that Veriost was probably with him, and he awakened the familiar, who was apparently sleeping in-between his garments. Krysta giggled as the small white frost dragon flew by her, and then she noticed that there was some extra weight attached to her coat from the inside. Little Yolviinsil was probably being her shy self again, this time with a new hiding space guaranteed to keep her out of sight. "It's alright, Yolviinsil, you can come out. There's currently nothing to worry about, and Veriost is out and about, too!" The small ruby red feathered dragon poked her head out, climbed up to Krysta's shoulder, sneezed, shook herself off, and dove back under Krysta's coat, only poking her head out from between the garments. Must have been the cold. Krysta giggled once more at her shy familiar's antics.


  21. Krysta had gotten so caught up with her sense of urgency in the matter, which was why she headed off as soon as she could in the first place. She remembered how Kimberly would often wonder what life would be like as a noble, heroic adventurer, and now she wondered if this was what it was truly like. Krysta heard Vigilon ask her to wait for the others, and said that the tunnel network could be found in any of the mountains. She stopped to think for a moment. If that was the case, there were two options here. She could attempt to try and pick one mountain to search for the tunnel complex in, or she could ask Ryu if he had seen or been to the tunnel complex. One option seemed much better than the other. She walked over to Ryu, keeping an eye out for any materials she could use as she walked over(of course, there didn't seem to be anything around). "Pardon me, you wouldn't happen to know of a maze of tunnels within the mountains, do you? If so, where do you recall it is?"

    ID# 113807 LD: 6(Nothing found)

    @Vigilon or @RyujinSeaLord

  22. Krysta made sure she was ready to make the trip. Now she just had to reach Deepedge, and hope that Dazia wouldn't decide to not show up. She had a route planned out, and it was the shortest one, too. The only thing that concerned her was the possibility of running into monsters along the way. Sure, she had a teleport crystal, but she intended to save it for the coming fight, should she fail. She wondered if she was going to succeed, or if she was going to fail. No, she couldn't focus on that just yet, she needed to reach the area. She took the intended shortcut route, but there was someone blocking the road. Wait, not just someone...it was an orc. It seemed to be keeping watch, so maybe Krysta could find a way around? She attempted to do so, but the orc in the road spotted her. "Hey! Just what do you think you're doing?" The orc demanded. "Getting past without getting in your way." Krysta answered. "Hmph, don't try and pull a fast one. This here's a toll road, you see, gotta pay to get by." The orc explained. Krysta noticed that it was just one orc, and there didn't seem to be any proof that this was officially a toll road. Therefore, Krysta believed he was lying. "This doesn't even appear to be such a road. Knowing this, you demanding payment for crossing is like a roundabout method of stealing. I won't pay without the proper reasoning." Krysta explained. The orc wasn't too happy about that response. He pulled out his axe. "Is this reason enough for you?" He threatened.


    Stats and Equipment:


    Level:  20
    HP:  400
    EN:  40
    DMG:  7(OHR Rank 3[+3], Saber of the Thunderhearts[+1], Yolviinsil[+2])



    Saber of the Thunderhearts(Damage, Paralysis, Bleed)

    Guardian Vest(2 Mitigation)

    Regal Retribution(1 Mitigation, 2 Thorns)



    One handed Rapier Rank 3

    First Aid Rank 2 

    Familiar Mastery: Fighter rank 2


  23. (OOC: This thread's PvP shall be RP combat, as to give both of our characters equal odds of 50% chance for victory[worry not, nobody will die in this thread].)

    It was high time to search for Dazia. The battle was imminent, but if Krysta did not put a stop to her soon, terrible things would surely follow. Besides, she wanted to avenge her cousin, Wardege, who she recalled, was mercilessly murdered in a duel. She pulled up her messenger, for she would have to bring the killer here in order to bring the end of the ceasefire, and, through that, the end of Dazia.


    To: @Dazia

    Subject: Discussing the Ceasefire

    Meet me near Deepedge on floor seven. There is an important matter that must be put to an end.


    Once she had finished her message and sent it, she checked her inventory and supplies. She was ready. Now all she had to do was make the trip there, and, hopefully, convince Dazia to send a duel challenge, which she will set to total loss, therefore ending the ceasefire and vanquishing the killer...

  24. The player didn't seem to be fond of joining a party, as he hurriedly and suddenly claimed that he didn't need to be in a party, and he also gave the name Ryu, but nothing else in regards to his name or username. "It is perfectly fine. Pleasure to meet you, Ryu, my name is Krysta." Ryu looked to Vigilon, and apologized for ignoring his introduction, saying that since he had been hiding, he was used to speaking with NPCs rather than players. "What could he have possibly been hiding from?" Krysta thought. Ryu then asked if the players should get going, and that he was sure that whoever they were looking for would rather be found sooner than later. "I agree, we must begin our search." Krysta looked towards the horizon, where the summits of a few mountains were visible. Surely, one of these mountains should have the tunnels that were spoken of. She drew her weapon and marched onward toward the mountains. "Onward we go, to the mountains!" She was feeling confident, ready to take on what the floor had in store for her. "I'm coming, Kimberly..."


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