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Posts posted by Krysta

  1. "I don't care if it even takes us a week, let alone a month, to locate our friends. I'm willing to put in the effort, lives could be at stake!" Krysta explained. "Would you search day and night for a friend or comrade of yours, no matter how long it took you? If so, I'm sure you would be able to relate to the position I'm in." Vigilon explained that they have about twelve hours in this day before they either camp out, or return to town. "I see. Very well, I can accept that amount of time for today." There was such a thing as fatigue in SAO, so Krysta would need to make sure she got enough sleep to keep going the next day...even if it meant only six to seven hours of rest. Taika seemed confused, and Vigilon had to explain what his typical nightly routine was, revealing that he had trouble sleeping at times due to a habit of having slept on benches. He remembered that Veriost was probably with him, and he awakened the familiar, who was apparently sleeping in-between his garments. Krysta giggled as the small white frost dragon flew by her, and then she noticed that there was some extra weight attached to her coat from the inside. Little Yolviinsil was probably being her shy self again, this time with a new hiding space guaranteed to keep her out of sight. "It's alright, Yolviinsil, you can come out. There's currently nothing to worry about, and Veriost is out and about, too!" The small ruby red feathered dragon poked her head out, climbed up to Krysta's shoulder, sneezed, shook herself off, and dove back under Krysta's coat, only poking her head out from between the garments. Must have been the cold. Krysta giggled once more at her shy familiar's antics.


  2. Krysta had gotten so caught up with her sense of urgency in the matter, which was why she headed off as soon as she could in the first place. She remembered how Kimberly would often wonder what life would be like as a noble, heroic adventurer, and now she wondered if this was what it was truly like. Krysta heard Vigilon ask her to wait for the others, and said that the tunnel network could be found in any of the mountains. She stopped to think for a moment. If that was the case, there were two options here. She could attempt to try and pick one mountain to search for the tunnel complex in, or she could ask Ryu if he had seen or been to the tunnel complex. One option seemed much better than the other. She walked over to Ryu, keeping an eye out for any materials she could use as she walked over(of course, there didn't seem to be anything around). "Pardon me, you wouldn't happen to know of a maze of tunnels within the mountains, do you? If so, where do you recall it is?"

    ID# 113807 LD: 6(Nothing found)

    @Vigilon or @RyujinSeaLord

  3. Krysta made sure she was ready to make the trip. Now she just had to reach Deepedge, and hope that Dazia wouldn't decide to not show up. She had a route planned out, and it was the shortest one, too. The only thing that concerned her was the possibility of running into monsters along the way. Sure, she had a teleport crystal, but she intended to save it for the coming fight, should she fail. She wondered if she was going to succeed, or if she was going to fail. No, she couldn't focus on that just yet, she needed to reach the area. She took the intended shortcut route, but there was someone blocking the road. Wait, not just someone...it was an orc. It seemed to be keeping watch, so maybe Krysta could find a way around? She attempted to do so, but the orc in the road spotted her. "Hey! Just what do you think you're doing?" The orc demanded. "Getting past without getting in your way." Krysta answered. "Hmph, don't try and pull a fast one. This here's a toll road, you see, gotta pay to get by." The orc explained. Krysta noticed that it was just one orc, and there didn't seem to be any proof that this was officially a toll road. Therefore, Krysta believed he was lying. "This doesn't even appear to be such a road. Knowing this, you demanding payment for crossing is like a roundabout method of stealing. I won't pay without the proper reasoning." Krysta explained. The orc wasn't too happy about that response. He pulled out his axe. "Is this reason enough for you?" He threatened.


    Stats and Equipment:


    Level:  20
    HP:  400
    EN:  40
    DMG:  7(OHR Rank 3[+3], Saber of the Thunderhearts[+1], Yolviinsil[+2])



    Saber of the Thunderhearts(Damage, Paralysis, Bleed)

    Guardian Vest(2 Mitigation)

    Regal Retribution(1 Mitigation, 2 Thorns)



    One handed Rapier Rank 3

    First Aid Rank 2 

    Familiar Mastery: Fighter rank 2


  4. (OOC: This thread's PvP shall be RP combat, as to give both of our characters equal odds of 50% chance for victory[worry not, nobody will die in this thread].)

    It was high time to search for Dazia. The battle was imminent, but if Krysta did not put a stop to her soon, terrible things would surely follow. Besides, she wanted to avenge her cousin, Wardege, who she recalled, was mercilessly murdered in a duel. She pulled up her messenger, for she would have to bring the killer here in order to bring the end of the ceasefire, and, through that, the end of Dazia.


    To: @Dazia

    Subject: Discussing the Ceasefire

    Meet me near Deepedge on floor seven. There is an important matter that must be put to an end.


    Once she had finished her message and sent it, she checked her inventory and supplies. She was ready. Now all she had to do was make the trip there, and, hopefully, convince Dazia to send a duel challenge, which she will set to total loss, therefore ending the ceasefire and vanquishing the killer...

  5. The player didn't seem to be fond of joining a party, as he hurriedly and suddenly claimed that he didn't need to be in a party, and he also gave the name Ryu, but nothing else in regards to his name or username. "It is perfectly fine. Pleasure to meet you, Ryu, my name is Krysta." Ryu looked to Vigilon, and apologized for ignoring his introduction, saying that since he had been hiding, he was used to speaking with NPCs rather than players. "What could he have possibly been hiding from?" Krysta thought. Ryu then asked if the players should get going, and that he was sure that whoever they were looking for would rather be found sooner than later. "I agree, we must begin our search." Krysta looked towards the horizon, where the summits of a few mountains were visible. Surely, one of these mountains should have the tunnels that were spoken of. She drew her weapon and marched onward toward the mountains. "Onward we go, to the mountains!" She was feeling confident, ready to take on what the floor had in store for her. "I'm coming, Kimberly..."


  6. Akudo informed Krysta of the two possible places that the missing players could be, should they be on this floor. One of them seemed to be a place with many powerful monsters. Of course, knowing the fact that the more powerful common monsters in this floor could only have up to 200 HP, from what she had been told once, they wouldn't be too much trouble, unless the players were to get swarmed or something. Vigilon spoke to the recent arrival, mildly accepting his help, and explaining the situation briefly. He introduced himself to the player, but got no reply. Taika seemed to consider her position, opting out of any formed parties, claiming that her current skills would help her to deal with any stragglers on her own. "Oh, it's all right, I don't mind any new players joining into this, but it's ultimately your choice if you don't want to join a party on this journey, I respect your decision." The Ex-frontliner said he had a home on this floor, due to not only the weather, but the apparently limited supply of some kind of material known as star steel. He also mentioned that he would be willing to take the players anywhere in this floor, especially if it was a dangerous area, mentioning the name of his weapon as he noted the many fights he had been through. "I do believe it would be great to have another ally with us on the task at hand. You are welcome to join us in our search."


  7. (OOC: @RyujinSeaLord idk if you knew, but it is part of the current general site rules that all IC text in each post must meet or exceed 150 words[excluding the Merchants and shops section, which has a minimum of 100]...)

    Krysta felt reassured with what Taika told her, but also a bit nervous, since she managed to completely read into the situation. Akudo arrived at last, and the discussion would begin. Akudo confirmed that Kimberly has been seen in Aincrad, but she is currently missing in action with someone she joined forces with...someone Vigilon knew, for he mentioned the player's real name. "Well then, our course of action is clear, we need to search the floors and find them! Do you have any other leads as to where they may be, Akudo?" Krysta was relieved to know that Kimberly was currently fine, but she wanted to find her, she wanted to be reunited with her. Besides, players were still susceptible to things like fatigue... She couldn't bear to leave her friend to be missing, especially if she was in a terrible condition or situation! Someone then approached the group of players. He said that they seemed a little lost, and that, having been the one who helped clear the floors, that he could help if they needed it. Krysta didn't recognize this player, nor did she remember seeing him with the other frontliners that she saw at the end of the Event Boss fight back in floor 13. "So then, you're a frontliner? ...Or were you once among them? I've heard that they are struggling through some difficult times as of late."


  8. (OOC: I assume you may need a description of the missing player Krysta is searching for if Akudo is going to be the one to confirm it, so you'll find the faceclaim in the spoiler below)



    Krysta had only recently woken up when she received a message from Akudo. Apparently, he had plenty to speak of in regards to the missing player rumors, and he needed to speak to Krysta and Vigilon at the Hearth and Harrow in the fourth floor. Once she left the inn, she looked around the settlement of Taft in search of a tailor's shop in hopes of finding something warm to wear on top of her usual adventuring gear. Not much luck, but she was able to find a cute pair of tights to keep her legs warm. Now she just needed to find something to keep the rest of her warm. "Maybe I'll find more in the fourth floor...after all, it's always cold there, so they probably have some shops filled with warmer garments..." So she made her way to the teleport gate, and was off to the settlement of Snowfrost. 

    Once she was there, the first thing she did was seek out another tailor's shop, since the cold began to strike once she arrived. She managed to get herself a white coat that complimented her outfit, and a pair of leather gloves, too. She hoped that she wouldn't be late from the shopping she had done. Once she arrived, she saw Vigilon over at the meeting place, and someone else was there with him. Who might she be? "I'm sorry if I'm late, I had to find something to keep me warm..." She then looked to the other female player. "Oh, I don't believe we have met. I'm Krysta...Vigilon's girlfriend. It's a pleasure to meet you."



    Stats and Equipment:


    Level:  20
    HP:  400
    EN:  40
    DMG:  7(OHR Rank 3[+3], Saber of the Thunderhearts[+1], Yolviinsil[+2])



    Saber of the Thunderhearts(Damage, Paralysis, Bleed)

    Guardian Vest(2 Mitigation)

    Regal Retribution(1 Mitigation, 2 Thorns)



    Field Rations[T1](+30 HP)
    Teleport Crystal x3
    Tent(-1 to energy cost for two expenditures in combat)
    Water Canister(+5 Out-of-Combat Regen[3/3 Charges])



    One handed Rapier Rank 3

    First Aid Rank 2

    Familiar Mastery: Fighter rank 2


  9. Krysta had begun hearing some rumors about a player missing in action. Most of the descriptions were empty, but one missing player rumor reminded her of someone she knew: one of her friends from the real world, Kimberly. Whether this was her friend or not, Krysta couldn't just leave this player to be missing in action, she had to do something! ...But what could she do? She asked an ally of her boyfriend for some information regarding that missing player rumor, and left to see if she could find a place that might prepare her for the long journey ahead. Upon hearing of one particular merchant shop, she chose to go there and see what they had.

    She looked throughout their stock, and found quite a few items she'd be needing. She brought them all up to the counter for purchase. "Hello, I'd like to purchase these items here. I've been needing to prepare for a journey that might take a while..."



    Field Rations[T1](330)
    Teleport Crystal x3(2640)
    Water Canister(440)

    Total: 3850(Sent to @Shield)


  10. Vigilon named the price he was offering, smiling as he did so. Once again, it was a twenty-five percent discount. Whether the reason was being a fellow future Guild member(just like before), or just because she was his girlfriend, she didn't know which one of the two it was. Of course, it could have easily been both. Either way, it was very sweet of him. "Another discount? Alex, you really don't have to keep doing this for me, but thanks, that's very sweet of you." She paid for the item, and then she left the shop. Surely, at least for a while, what she just bought could be helpful in a fight, especially if it is a tight situation.

    -Paid 525 Col to @Vigilon

    +Regal Retribution

  11. V0rX laughed and took Krysta's words to be a challenge. Kanari came to her, saying that Krysta wouldn't do it alone, that she would help. Azrea also jumped in and made the first strike, before the orange player came and attacked all three of the players that were ready to fight him. Laida saw this fight that didn't start too well, and she felt that she needed to help. "I've got to do something... Maybe if I catch him by surprise, he will divert his attention to me, rather than who he's already hurt..." She muttered. Krysta got back up on her feet, and rushed over to V0rX, attacking him with the Sword Art known as Crucifixion. She didn't get a chance to see how far his HP had dropped, for he was then attacked from the side by Laida, who managed to get a good strike on him, paralyzing him, and inflicting bleed, too. "This is our chance, we must strike while he is immobile!"

  12. Krysta would notice what Kanari had said. "In a relationship? Yes." The expressions on Vigilon's and Kanari's faces told Krysta something that brought a potential problem. Based on the situation...there was a chance that Kanari liked Vigilon...and he had just now realized it. Krysta's calm demeanor broke, being replaced by concern. Yinangi called out for Vigilon to kiss Krysta back, which he did. Krysta tried to focus on the positives, but other than her relationship with Vigilon, they were starting to dwindle... Vigilon would ask Krysta if she thought they should see what the merchant across the road had in stock. "Sure, I'll come along." When she passed by Yinangi and Dazia, she thought about the two. Yinangi seemed to be a much kinder person than Dazia, so why did she befriend that murderer?

    @Vigilon @Dazia


    Vigilon noticed that there was a raffle, and he decided to sign up for it. Since Krysta's pockets were probably too light for certain items, she might as well enter it too. "I would like to enter as well."

    -Krysta enters the raffle


  13. Krysta smiled when Vigilon came over to her. He complimented on her appearance, then he asked what she needed him for. To answer, she would simply kiss him. If Vigilon got confused, she would simply point above the two players' heads, where a mistletoe was hanging. "I just knew you'd come to me, whether you knew about the mistletoe or not. It's good to see you here on this wonderful time of year, Alex." She looked over to the other players, and saw two who she recognized. Kanari and Fae. The conversation seemed completely normal, so was Vigilon proven wrong, was this a facade, or did Fae have a change of heart once more? Only one way to find out. Treat the conversation as if it were a normal one. "Oh, hello Fae, you seem to be doing well." She then looked to Kanari. "You haven't been causing too much mischief, have you?" Finally, she would look over to the player she didn't know. "Hello, my name is Krysta. And you are?"

    @Vigilon @Stryder @Fae

  14. Krysta loved this wonderful time of year...but if only she had any family to spend it with... Memories of both sides of her family drifted throughout her mind, reminding her of all who she had lost, including one she had lost in this game... "I will avenge you, Leif, no matter what it takes... I will vanquish the one responsible for your death one day..." Why was it now that she must take a wistful walk down memory lane? She wondered if most of Aincrad's players had a shattered past, being trapped in this game, unable to return to their families or lives. Will the holidays ever be the same? Although the sights remained beautiful as always, there was always the pain of loss and separation to annually tear into Krysta's heart. She remembered so much, how her mother would often tell her stories, wonderful ones of adventure, chivalry, justice, and more, not to mention the Christmas stories she was told during December. Those childhood memories were precious to her, for they were among the memories she had from the years when her mother was still alive. She sat down on a bench for a minute in hopes of calming down, for tears began to run down her cheeks. The memories, and her situation, had began weighing down on her.

    About a few minutes later, she was able to wipe her tears away, and begin focusing on the positives of this time, hopefully for the rest of the event that might be ongoing. She might not have had any family left, but she did have friends, and, of course, a very sweet boyfriend. She soon found Vigilon, talking to some players. Kanari was present as well. She looked around her, then above her. She smiled once she spotted something in particular hanging down from an overhang of a building's roof. She looked back over to Vigilon, smiling as she did so. "Aaaalleeeex, do you mind coming over here for a quick second?" Now all she had to do was wait and see what happened.



    Krysta's Attire:


    Please note that I couldn't find any holiday attire pics with garments suitable for Krysta, so bear with me as I attempt to give a description of Krysta's apparel.

    She is wearing a coat in the shape and style of a dress that is red, with a white hem and trim. Over the coat-dress is a red capelet with white trim. She also is wearing a red sash that goes around the coat-dress, a pair of white tights, a pair of red gloves, and a pair of black boots. No, she's not wearing a hat at the moment, but I may add one in if everyone thinks it would complete the outfit.



  15. Krysta smiled, knowing that everything was going to be just fine now...even better, thanks to the fact that the environment was being restored, light shining once again, and life returning to the grass. Vigilon would pass by and say to her before leaving that she could count on him being there if she needed him. "Same to you, Alex." She knew that her work was done here. Maybe she would visit the floor again someday, when the restoration of the floor was complete. She walked over to the two NPC priests who requested for the players' help in their time of need. "Farewell, and may The Lord shine his light, guidance, and grace upon your land." She would then take her leave, wondering what she should do next. For now, of course, she would head over to the teleport gate, and call it a day. "Teleport: Taft!" And she would teleport to the eleventh floor.

    -Krysta has left the thread

  16. With the Tournament fast approaching, Krysta looked throughout various shops, hoping to find something that may help her with combat against other players. Having nowhere else to turn at one point, she decided to go to her boyfriend's shop to see what he had up in stock. When she arrived, she looked throughout what was available, while Yolviinsil would take flight to find Veriost. "There must be something... Oh? What's this?" She found a shield made from white metal that was lined with silver. It was of elegant design, and Krysta began to think about whether or not she could use it. "I'm no tank...but that could sure help me out in a rough battle." After thinking it over, she brought the item up to the counter. "Hey, Alex, how much do you want for this?"


    Ordered item: Regal Retribution(1 MIT, 2 Thorns)

  17. V0rX would call Krysta "girlie", and say that he admired her guts, before giving the information that was requested. "If you received that cursor during your time in the Guild, then I will not stand idly by while this Maliox does as he pleases! So long as it is possible for me to do so, and as long as I draw breath, such murderous schemes will not prosper! I shall stand against them!" Vigilon seemed to know something about the Griffin Legion, based on how he said it. The way V0rX responded to the knowledge of his name would only confirm that Vigilon had some history with one of them, someone named Garixon. Leyran would offer a challenge to Vigilon, one that could potentially kill him, unless he conceded, from what was discussed. Krysta had a reason to believe that Leyran intended to kill Vigilon either way, and that he might just send V0rX to finish him off, no matter the result. Leyran asked V0rX to make sure that no one interfered. "This is a trap..." Krysta looked around her, then she pointed her weapon at the orange player. "Perhaps if I kept you occupied, you wouldn't be able to comply if Leyran asked you to kill Vigilon. I will stand and fight, if that is what it will take!" She wasn't going to let someone kill her boyfriend. Not today, not ever.

  18. Krysta watched and listened as The other players spoke up. Auranika was confused when the other players showed up, but Stryker explained the matter. Petastora would say, "I helped to persuade the her to let the rest of us come along." The cloaked player would take the cloak's hood off, and reveal himself and his intentions. Before Krysta could ask what the Griffin Legion was, Leyran revealed that he felt threatened, and he would call for his backup, a player named V0rX. V0rX would emerge from the trees and take off his cloak, revealing himself and his physical build. The player had an orange cursor, which caused Krysta to become wary. She would point her weapon at him, saying, "What kind of person are you? Are you a criminal mercenary, or a murderer? I'll ask for honesty, please." She kept her distance though, for despite the fact that she had many allies near her, she did not know what level V0rX was, or what he was capable of.

  19. Krysta smiled knowing that all would be well, and that it was only the demon who was slain. At first, she was surprised to see that Miraak was fine. When she got closer, she saw Neo pull out her new weapon and point it at Miraak. The weapon would redirect when Sunova tried to intervene. Something just wasn't right with that blade... She found herself about to act rashly, and if the blade wasn't sheathed, Krysta may have been driven to deflect it using her own weapon. She turned to the NPC. "You weren't the only one at fault. The Demon is to blame for what we all endured in there! The monstrous being has been vanquished now, so we can all be at ease. I forgive you, Miraak. You had good intentions, despite having the wrong method. You can still make this world a better place, we each have a part to play in order to do so. We all have a part to play in the Lord's plan for us all. They are plans to prosper us, and not to harm us, and he hasn't failed yet, nor will he ever fail period." Krysta smiled as she finished her words.



    Krysta looked back to Neo. She should congratulate her on being the one to end the battle and vanquish the demon. She walked up to her. "Hello, I just wanted to congratulate you on finishing the fight and slaying the demon. As a rapier user myself, perhaps there are a few tricks I could learn from you." Her attention became divided after she said those words. Her eyes looked to Neo, then to the sheathed weapon, then back to Neo, and back to the weapon again. "I'm sure you may find a way to use that for the greater good...of course, I can't possibly imagine ever wielding a weapon such as that..." She failed to keep herself from cringing at the thought, which was followed by a mild shudder, with a shiver sent down her spine. "Oh...Sorry, I didn't cause any offense, did I? I never meant any."


    (OOC: RP trait discovered! Krysta will refuse anything containing the fallen enhancement. If her significant other has an item with fallen, she will just refuse to hold/equip it.)

  20. Vigilon asked Krysta if she had any use for a set of light armor that Vigilon pulled out of his inventory. "I might. If this set of light armor is not as good as what I have currently, or the other unidentified light armor I have, I can easily keep it to stock my shelves with later when I finally complete that quest." After thinking it over, she accepted the light armor. Vigilon stopped suddenly, and then began moving slowly. A conversation was barely audible to Krysta. "Do you hear something?" She asked quietly. Soon, she saw two players conversing with one another, one of them matching the description Vigilon had given. Vigilon accidentally stepped on a stick that snapped, and then Akudo walked in to make one thing clear. The shady player, from his words, seemed suspicious to Krysta in multiple ways. When Aranika finished speaking, Krysta would step up to speak. "I agree with Auranika. You appear shady and suspicious in almost every way, not to mention your deceit has been undone. Reveal to us your intentions!"

    -Krysta has accepted the <<Unidentified T1 Perfect Light Armor>>

  21. Krysta listened carefully to the answer. She was a bit surprised about the material Auranika's armor was made from, and that it was complete with...apparently, flightless metal wings. "I fail to understand why she would wear armor made from gold. I mean, shouldn't gold be used in an artisan's crafts, for one? The weight of the armor would also be quite heavy, too." It wouldn't be long before Krysta received a message from one of the other parties.


    To: Krysta, Petastora

    Subject: Search

    Group B confirming that Auranika is not in the settlement! We're free to join up with one of the other groups if possible!


    "Well, Alex, it seems that Auranika has not been seen in the settlement, so that's one portion of this floor searched. Laida also noted that her group is free to join up with one of the other groups if possible." She wondered what his next choice would be, or if her party would run into the other one still searching.


  22. The battle was over, and the demon was vanquished. Krysta left with only a battle to remember, a valuable stone, and some col. Other than that, there wasn't much there. Domarus came up to speak to the players around. It made sense, and so far, it seemed like, in terms of her own level, she would be needing more practice. Krysta soon saw two players who she thought had been killed. She rushed over, and she thought her eyes were deceiving her. "Y-you're....alive? Wh- what happened? I- thought he...." here they were, alive and well. She saw two others talking to them. One was Hazado, the other, was someone she didn't recognize. "Oh, um, I apologize if I'm interrupting... I haven't seen you at all during the battle against Miraak... A frontliner, I presume?" Krysta was actually curious about how the frontlines were. If it wasn't too dangerous for someone of her build, she might be able to support them one day.

    @tricolor_mina @Sunova @Baldur

  23. After she had received an invitation, and purchased an item she'd hoped would be an acceptable gift, Krysta would make herself another dress. When she was finished, she would equip it, take the gift she'd wrapped, and head over to the floor where the wedding would take place. During her trip there, she received a message from Vigilon. She was almost there at this point, so she would just speak to him when she got there. She thought about the setting of the area. Perhaps the couple wanted to enjoy the sunset after the wedding. Seeing that it was a beautiful sight, the sun over the ocean, casting many warm colors over the waters...it was the only reason Krysta could guess at this particular moment. When she reached the event that had yet to start, she saw Vigilon speaking with Hazado. "Hello, Alex. I apologize for the delay of my response, but I was on my way to the wedding as you sent the message. I understand that you at least tried...so maybe the gift I brought can be from both of us." She then turned to speak with Hazado. "Congratulations, Hazado, I'm sure it will be a wonderful wedding ceremony."

    @Vigilon @Hazado


    Krysta's Dress(Note: I couldn't find a good image that someone wasn't modeling, so please bear with me and try to imagine Krysta wearing the dress.):




  24. If there was one thing Krysta liked to do, it was to see the beautiful scenery that changed throughout the seasons. The grove was often a beautiful sight, and it would be incredible to see again once winter came. She explored it for a bit, but soon she heard a splash of water. She looked to see that someone may have fallen into a pond. She rushed over to help out. "Goodness, are you alright? You're soaking wet, did you fall in?" Krysta then began to search her inventory for something that could help, then pulled out some linen cloth. "Here, you can use this to dry off." Yolviinsil hid herself behind Krysta as usual when she rushed to help out, and the small ruby red feathered dragon poked her head out from over Krysta's shoulder, looking at the player shyly. Krysta was still slightly worried about the player who was soaking wet from the pond. "I sure hope you're all right. With the weather getting colder, I'm not sure what might happen if someone was to fall into freezing cold water." She held out her hand in greeting, in case the player was willing to shake her hand. "My name is Krysta."


  25. Vigilon gave Krysta the col, all 810 of it, smiling as he did so. "That's very generous of you, Alex, thank you." She said as she smiled. Vigilon gave his suggestion to Kanari and Akudo, who then began doing Rock, Paper, Scissors as their solution, to which Vigilon facepalmed. "Well, not everyone has the same solution to a problem, besides, it was their choice, not ours." She thought. Vigilon spoke about what just happened, and smiled as he stopped facepalming. He then decided that it was time to return to the search. "He's right, we must press on!" Krysta had only seen this player they were searching for once, at a party, so she didn't know what she looked like out in the field. "Hey, Alex, do you know what Auranika looks like out in the field? I've only seen her at a party wearing a dress so far, so do you know anything about her appearance whenever she's outside the safe zone?"


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