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Posts posted by Krysta

  1. Krysta watched the battle continue, wondering what she should do. She watched as everyone rose to strike down the demon, using their most powerful Sword Arts. Every able warrior prioritized the damage they were dealing over their own lives... Thus, she would watch in horror as the terrible demon would finish off yet another player from the first party. She couldn't take it anymore. This was the final stretch, she wouldn't be healing anymore. She took out the damage crystal in her inventory, and used it to increase her damage. The time was now. She would pull out her weapon, and get into her usual justified battle stance as she would shout towards the demon, "I will not stand by a second longer watching people die!" Her eyes were ablaze, and one could see the justified anger in her eyes, blazing like blue flames in them. "I will strike you with all I have! Prepare yourself for your imminent defeat, Fiend of Hell!" She would rush in, and strike with all her might. This monster would die here. If not by her hand, then maybe a fellow party member.

    -Used Standard Damage Crystal(+3 DMG), Krysta's Base DMG has increased to 10 for the remainder of the thread.

    ID# 110329 BD: 6+1=7(Hit)

    Crucifixion: 10x6-25=35 DMG


    Player Stats:


    Party One
    [H:8]  Domarus:  412/840 HP // 16/84 EN // 21 DMG | 92 MIT | 5 ACC | 0 EVA | 4 REC | 1 TAUNT | [Event Item] 
    [H:7]  Hazado: 65/360 HP // 28/36 EN // DMG 7 | MIT 45 | ACC 1 | TAUNT 1 | Thorn -18 | 
    [H:0] Sunova:  0/240 HP //  21/24 EN // DMG 3 | ACC 2 | EVA 0 | MIT 12
    [H:4] Tricolor_mina : 0/240 HP // 23/24 EN // 8 DMG | 15 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 3 BH | 1 BLD [Event Item]  
    [H:4] Aereth: 542/980 HP // 60/98 EN // 18 DMG | 42 MIT | 2 ACC | 3 EVA | Thorn - 10 
    [H:3] Dazia: 31/240 HP // 9/24 EN // 9 DMG | 38 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | [Event Item]  

     Party Two
    [H:1] @Cosi : 276/360 HP //  36/36 EN // DMG: 4  | MIT: 66 | THN: 18 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | RGN: 5 | [Event Item] 
    [H:9] @Black 331/450 HP // 40/40 EN // DMG: 1| MIT:54 | THN: 18 | EVA: 2 | ACC : 5 |PARA : 2  | REC 1 | Taunt 1 
    [H:1] Krysta:  145/360 HP // 29/36 EN // 7 DMG | 28 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | [Event Item] 
    [H:2] @Kyot079/320 HP // 32/32 EN // 9 DMG | 26 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 Keen [Event Item]
    [H:7] @Vigilon: 236/540 HP //50/64 EN // 18 DMG | 48 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 REC | 9-10 Para | 1 BLD | 1 Taunt [Event Item] 
    [H:0] @Dustin84/240 HP // 24/24 EN // 8 DMG | 41 MIT | 4 EVA | 3 ACC | 1 PARA | 1 Savvy | 9 Thorns | BH: 2 

    Party Three
    [H:6] Kairi: 258/640 HP // 30/64 EN // 20 DMG | 90 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 Para | 1 TNT 
    [H:2] Hidden : 530/720 HP // 50/70 EN // 18 DMG | 58 MIT | 5 ACC | 3 EVA | 8 Holy DMG| 1 HIDE [Event Item]
    [H:3] Stryder: 638/700 HP // 14/70 EN // 17 DMG | 86 Mit | ACC  7 | EVA  6 
    [H:7] Mars: 440/855 HP // 2/72 EN // MIT:11 |  DMG: 19 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5  |  Savvy: 1|  10 REG | 
    [H:4] Neopolitan :338/560 HP // 24/56 ENG // 17 DMG | 70 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 2 BLD | 2 Para | 1 REC [Half Burn Damage] [Event Item]  
    [H:1] Kimi 439/660 HP // 48/66 EN // 18 DMG | 25 MIT | 4 ACC | 5 EVA |


  2. After receiving an invitation from Neopolitan and Hazado, Krysta just HAD to find a gift to bring. ...But what? She thought it over carefully,  Wondering just what she could possibly search for... She decided to look around various shops for something that might be a decent gift at the very least. She eventually came across a brightly colored building in the outskirts of Delilah, and entered to take a look. She saw a few things, and she wondered what would work best. She looked at them carefully, and decided on the item with the prosperity enhancement. She came up to the counter to purchase the item. Now she had something she could give. It might not seem like much, but she hoped that those who she would give it to would see the value of it.


    -Purchased Gold Coin(2 Prosperity), sent payment of 600 Col to Kirbs

  3. @Vigilon, I have good news and bad news about what you're looking at. The good news is, whenever our training is complete, we should be able to claim victory as long as the dice practically side with us.

    The bad news? Teion is a powerful T2 player with high Damage and Mitigation who has been seen in the frontlines. Unless the good news actually occurs, we're basically pretty much screwed.

  4. Once Krysta got back up from the sand, her ears were struck by a horrible screech that sounded to be in genuine pain. The distance caused the monster's cry to be almost earsplitting, but the muffled cry she still heard as her ears were covered, caused Krysta to rethink her actions. Why did this creature come out from the sands in the first place? Did it come out to fight, or was it merely defending itself? She looked the creature in the eyes, and it was...suffering, and defenseless. Krysta now realized what she was doing, but she was not in a position in which she could spare the creature. "Oh..." A single tear left Krysta's eyes. "I'm so sorry...I never considered how you felt about this whole thing...we've all been so cruel to you... Unfortunately, I am not in any position in which I can save or spare you. So I'll do my best to make this quick...I'm sorry..." With an extreme tug of remorse, she closed her eyes and attacked the Karka Queen.

    ID# 109847 BD: 3+1+2=6(Hit)

    Focused Stirke(Staff Attack 1): Dealt 5 Damage to, and paralyzed Karka Queen

  5. (OOC: Another AoE attack? Really?)

    The monster that took Miraak's body began to mock the players, and said something about stealing the healing that was going on. "What??" Suddenly she was struck by an attack that had drained her health, and she was struck the hardest, out of all the others. She noticed the red marks that the demon's attack had left behind, a sign of the immense damage. She heard someone call out to her that she should leave. However, it was who that made the suggestion that surprised Krysta. "W-...What... But why would...?" It was Dazia, who used a Teleport Crystal to leave shortly after. Did she actually care, or did she just notice an HP meter sinking low? Krysta looked to her HP, and she almost gasped at the meter's color, as well as how low it was. Her HP had never been in the red before, until now. For the first time in this game, her life was truly in danger...and yet... "There might just be another chance. If I use a health potion again, I might be able to stay in this fight. I will persevere, until I absolutely have to use a teleport crystal. My party needs their healer, and I won't just leave Alex here to die!" She took out another Health potion and drank it, restoring her HP. She smiled slightly when her HP returned to the yellow. She stood up, but said nothing. It would be foolish to let the demon's attention move to her to steal the HP she regenerated another time.

    -Used Uncommon Health Potion, recovered 40 HP


    Player Stats


    Party One
    [H:6]  Domarus:  459/840 HP // 28/84 EN // 21 DMG | 92 MIT | 5 ACC | 0 EVA | 4 REC | 1 TAUNT | [Event Item] 
    [H:7]  Hazado 34/360 HP // 28/36 EN // DMG 7 | MIT 45 | ACC 1 | TAUNT 1 | Thorn -18 | 
    [H:0] Sunova:  0/240 HP //  21/24 EN // DMG 3 | ACC 2 | EVA 0 | MIT 12
    [H:4] Tricolor Mina : 5/240 HP // 23/24 EN // 8 DMG | 15 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 3 BH | 1 BLD [Event Item]  
    [H:4] Aereth: 542/980 HP // 60/98 EN // 18 DMG | 42 MIT | 2 ACC | 3 EVA | Thorn - 10 
    [H:3] Dazia: 31/240 HP // 9/24 EN // 9 DMG | 38 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | [Event Item]  

     Party Two
    [H:0] @Cosi : 242/360 HP //  36/36 EN // DMG: 4  | MIT: 66 | THN: 18 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | RGN: 5 | [Event Item] 
    [H:7] @Black 331/450 HP // 40/40 EN // DMG: 1| MIT:54 | THN: 18 | EVA: 2 | ACC : 5 |PARA : 2  | REC 1 | Taunt 1 
    [H:0] Krysta:  145/360 HP // 34/36 EN // 7 DMG | 28 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | [Event Item] 
    [H:2] @Kyot0 : 79/320 HP // 32/32 EN // 9 DMG | 26 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 Keen [Event Item]
    [H:4] @Vigilon: 236/540 HP //57/64 EN // 18 DMG | 48 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 REC | 9-10 Para | 1 BLD | 1 Taunt [Event Item] 
    [H:0] @Dustin82/240 HP // 24/24 EN // 8 DMG | 41 MIT | 4 EVA | 3 ACC | 1 PARA | 1 Savvy | 9 Thorns | BH: 2 

    Party Three
    [H:4] Kairi: 258/640 HP // 41/64 EN // 20 DMG | 90 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 Para | 1 TNT 
    [H:2] Hidden: 530/720 HP // 50/70 EN // 18 DMG | 58 MIT | 5 ACC | 3 EVA | 8 Holy DMG| 1 HIDE [Event Item]
    [H:3] Stryder :  638/700 HP // 14/70 EN // 17 DMG | 86 Mit | ACC  7 | EVA  6 
    [H:7] Mars: 579/855 HP // 18/72 EN // MIT:11 |  DMG: 19 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5  |  Savvy: 1|  10 REG | 
    [H:4] Neapolitan: 338/560 HP // 24/56 ENG // 17 DMG | 70 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 2 BLD | 2 Para | 1 REC [Half Burn Damage] [Event Item]  
    [H:1] Kimi: 439/660 HP // 48/66 EN // 18 DMG | 25 MIT | 4 ACC | 5 EVA |  


  6. The mimic shattered, and Vigilon received some loot from it. He asked Krysta if she wanted half of, or all the col dropped by the mimic, for everything else that was received was tier two. "Are materials part of what was tier two? I might be able to use those if I manage to achieve my profession soon. If not, I wouldn't mind taking all the col if that's what you wanted." She heard Kanari say that she was going to take anything that Krysta didn't take. She proceeded to hear Kanari's conversation with Akudo, and it was clear that she was obviously going for as much loot as possible, even if she had to risk some of her own in the process. "I'm not sure if that's the smartest move for you to take, Kanari. I'm pretty sure you're better off taking half, and letting Akudo keep the other half." She looked back to Vigilon. "So...I'd prefer that you choose whether it is all or half. I'm sure we can find another chest at some point, plus, we can seek out lootable monsters almost anytime."

  7. Krysta watched as Vigilon used Tornado Kick on the Mimic once more, refreshing its status ailments. Perhaps this time, Krysta would be able to strike it. She waited for the opportune moment, she paid close attention to the distance, and thus she was able to reach the monster without much trouble. She attacked with the Sword Art known as Crucifixion. At this rate, the bleed damage should be able to finish it off. "There, that ought to do it." Krysta noticed that the other two players were having little trouble with their fight, as one of two enemies was already vanquished. What Krysta hoped now was that maybe the loot received from the mimic was at least similar to what a real chest could provide. Although it would be a shame to receive less loot from a mimic when compared to an actual treasure chest, it would at least be more than nothing.

    ID# 109595 BD: 7(Hit)

    Crucifixion: 7x6=42

    [6] Vigilon: HP 540/540, EP 56/64, | 12 DMG | 18 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 3 REC | 1 Taunt | 1 PAR | 1 BLD

    [3] Krysta: HP 360/360, EP 24/36, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Mimic: HP 6/270, 81 DMG Bleed: 2 Turns, 12 DMG {Paralyzed}

  8. Krysta didn't exactly hear any suggestions. The Karka Queen made an attempt to strike Vigilon, but missed. However, it did spark a mild tremor that Krysta almost ended up getting caught in. She looked at the miniboss, hoping she could find a way to deal with the creature. She looked for Vigilon, and noticed he was...circling the monster. At first, she was a bit confused. Why would he do this? Then she remembered, that most players try to circle a boss to find its...weakness. She did what she could to try and follow Vigilon, and this seemed to be helpful, for he stopped, then he leapt up to attack as he called out "WEAK SPOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!" Krysta had to keep herself from giggling slightly. Sure, this was humorous, but she had to focus on the task at hand. She readied herself, taking her usual justified battle stance. "Prepare yourself, foul creature!" She rushed for the miniboss, then leapt up and struck the miniboss where the crack was. She fell back down to the sand after, so she couldn't tell if she did anything to break through this chink in the defenses just yet.

    ID# 109526 BD: 10(Critical, +2 DMG) (YESSSSSS)

    Focused Strike(Staff Attack 1): 5+1+2-6=2 Damage dealt to Karka Queen, paralysis infliction damages breakbar

  9. One thing that Krysta wanted to start practicing was visiting the lower floors on occasion. Her boyfriend had done so, for the sake of helping players brave enough to step outside of the safe zone for the first time get up on their feet, so why couldn't she? She walked throughout the starting city, noticing places she had been to before, and some that she hadn't. There was always something new to explore in every floor, no matter how much time is spent there. She soon saw two players chatting, and she wondered if she could meet them. She thought it over for about a minute, then she walked over. "Pardon me, but may I join in this conversation?" Krysta knew exactly what happened when she felt some extra weight on her back. She smiled as she turned her head towards that area. "Oh, don't worry, Yolviinsil, I'm pretty sure these two are nice." The small ruby red feathered dragon poked her head over Krysta's shoulder, looking at the two players shyly.

    @Bismarck @Kirbs

  10. The Mimic snarled ferociously at Krysta, showing all of its razor sharp teeth. Clearly, she had angered it quite a bit. Krysta dodged the mimic's leaping attack, and then the mimic was kicked hard enough to send it flying towards a tree. It was also paralyzed, and, apparently it had the bleed status ailment as well(despite being a living chest, is it actually capable of bleeding?). Its one eye glared at Vigilon, who had caught its attention. Krysta rushed in to attack while it was immobilized like this, but...somehow she missed. How could such a thing be possible? It was right there, paralyzed, incapable of movement, and yet, she missed? Krysta couldn't understand this at all. "I must have misjudged the distance. That is the only possible explanation, and thus it must be the case." Perhaps looking before striking, and making sure the attack would be precise, would be a better course of action when attacking a paralyzed foe.

    ID# 109427 BD: 2(Miss)

    [3] Vigilon: HP 540/540, EP 58/64, | 12 DMG | 18 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 3 REC | 1 Taunt | 1 PAR | 1 BLD

    [2] Krysta: HP 360/360, EP 29/36, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Mimic: HP 138/270, 81 DMG Bleed: 2 Turns, 12 DMG {Paralyzed}

  11. (OOC: Ugh, again? You've been getting quite a few mimics lately...)

    Vigilon remarked on the fact that Krysta had spotted the chest. Kanari and Akudo worked together to free it from its wooden prison of roots. Unfortunately, there was one problem... When Vigilon tried to open it, it turned out to be a mimic. Not only that, but Kanari and Akudo found themselves occupied fighting off two Antmen. Krysta believed that she and Vigilon could take on this single mimic. It was two on one. As long as its damage wasn't too risky, killing and looting it would be a simple task. She attacked with the Sword Art known as Crucifixion, dealing a fair amount of damage. "If you wish to fight, come and face me, ravenous trickster!" She was certain that even if the mimic was able to strike her, Vigilon would be able to deal more damage to it, bringing it closer to its imminent defeat. Thus, she didn't mind having its attention for the time being.

    ID# 109423 BD: 9(Critical, +1 base DMG)

    Crucifixion: 8x6=48

    Vigilon: HP 540/540, EP 64/64, | 12 DMG | 18 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 3 REC | 1 Taunt | 1 PAR | 1 BLD

    [2] Krysta: HP 360/360, EP 30/36, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Mimic: HP 222/270, 81 DMG


    (OOC: I know that any Combat was originally intended to be RP combat before this mimic came along...but just to be safe, I made sure my stats and equipment were from the time this thread was created, from what I remembered. Maybe you should, too.)


    Stats and Equipment:


    Level:  18
    HP:  360
    EN:  36
    DMG:  7(OHR Rank 3[+3], Star Saber[+3], Yolviinsil[+2])



    Star Saber(3 DMG)

    Guardian Vest(2 Mit. [Total 18])

    Andvari's Blessing(3 LD)



    One handed Rapier Rank 3

    First Aid Rank 2 

    Familiar Mastery: Fighter rank 2[Does not apply, due to an equipped item]


  12. Krysta agreed with Vigilon's idea on how to split the parties, while Azrea did not. Apparently, Azrea only wanted to learn battle styles that she could use to "Tear apart her enemies without mercy". Oh, dear... Vigilon finished explaining his idea, and then Krysta would say, "I'm all for it." Petastora would add, "Sounds fair and balanced. There should be little to no risk with a party setup like this." It wasn't long before the players left the safe zone when Krysta noticed something different. Under the roots of a tree, there was a chest right there. This was unexpected. Only a few minutes after leaving the safe zone and she'd spotted a chest. "Um...Alex, I might have not found a person...but I still think this might be worth looking at." Chances were, it could either be filled with loot, or it could be a mimic that could be looted. Either way, it seemed like a fair idea to take a chance and go for it.

    ID# 109382 LD: 15+3=18(Success, Found a chest!)

  13. Vigilon had a question he wanted to ask before he gave his suggestion. He asked about the one Kaldui mentioned while speaking with Petastora. Akudo gave his answer, and then Kaldui told the story. "You were betrayed?" Krysta asked Petastora. "I'm afraid we were. We thought Druin was a kindhearted soul, but then one day, he showed his true colors as a man who sought to take anything he could have possession of. We haven't been able to get up so easily because of his actions. Sometimes I wonder what he is doing now..." Laida would come up to Krysta to add more to the story. "I was a Tank-in-training, Kaldui was a powerful DPS, Petastora was both a healer and a mild DPS, kind of like you seemed to be, and Druin was a scout. He only participated in the combat once he got his weapon skill grandmastered. We were a full party that took on some of the weaker dungeons when we started. Then we moved on to intermediate dungeons and quests. He tried his best to get to know us, and he shared some of his history with us...but it seemed that he didn't tell us everything. One day, I found him fighting Petastora, and he took quite a beating. He wanted to ask Kaldui if she could come with him, even if it was for a small while until he got back on his feet from expulsion, but Petastora refused immediately." Petastora looked shocked. "You saw us fight and argue?" Krysta had heard more than enough about Druin at this point. "Um... Shall we get back on track?"

  14. Krysta had heard about a tournament earlier, and she considered joining in, as long as any matches were fair. She soon received a message from her boyfriend, Vigilon. He was offering her a more effective weapon in exchange for her current one. She looked at her sheathed blade. Star Saber had helped Krysta in numerous battles, but it had also prevented Yolviinsil from taking action in combat. She thought it over for a few minutes or more, the pulled up her messenger to confirm the trade.


    To: @Vigilon

    Subject: Weapon Swap

    I accept the offer, Alex. I'll see you there.

    Once the message was sent, she made her way to the seventh floor, where she traded her old weapon for the new one Vigilon had crafted.


    -Gave Star Saber to Vigilon, and received Saber of the Thunderhearts in return

  15. (OOC: Sorry 'bout that, neo. Was running behind earlier.)

    With the foe being so large, one could think it could be easier to strike. Apparently, that wasn't the case. Even when Krysta tried again, she didn't manage to strike the large yet evasive creature. She needed to find some way to strike the creature, even if she had to ask a player who was actually striking the beast to do so. Perhaps in doing so, she might help the others with how they're fighting against the terrible beast. She thought over the possibility of doing so for about a minute, then she asked aloud, "Is there anything we can try in order to strike this creature? If anyone has any ideas, now is the time to speak up!" Hopefully, this would be the solution. A question that leads to a few ideas. Combine that with teamwork, and there, a battle plan! "Oh, I truly hope that this works..." She had to wait now, as well as avoid any incoming attacks from the monster.

    ID# 109342 BD: 5 (*headdesk* I MISSED AGAIN!)

  16. The situation turned dire once whatever was within Miraak had taken complete control, causing him to take a fully demonic form. Soon after, Krysta found herself being struck by the demon, so hard that she was sent flying. Her HP was in the yellow, but at least she didn't have the burn status ailment anymore. Vigilon called out Krysta's name as he rushed over to her to see if she was alright. "Alex...I'm fine, Alex, don't worry...I...was prepared for this." She took out one of the health potions he brought with her. It wouldn't restore very much, but at least it would help. She drank the potion, and got back up. She listened to the battle plan that Vigilon suggested. She looked to the boss's HP, then back to Vigilon. "I'm all for it. It shouldn't be long before we have the chance to finish off this demon, and if we recover now, we'll have a better chance to survive in the process!"

    -Used Uncommon Health Potion, recovered 40 HP


    Party One
    [H:6]  Domarus:  459/840 HP // 28/84 EN // 21 DMG | 92 MIT | 5 ACC | 0 EVA | 4 REC | 1 TAUNT | [Event Item] 
    [H:4]  Hazado : 119/360 HP // 28/36 EN // DMG 7 | MIT 45 | ACC 1 | TAUNT 1 | Thorn -18 | 
    [H:0] Sunova:  0/240 HP //  21/24 EN // DMG 3 | ACC 2 | EVA 0 | MIT 12
    [H:4] Tricolor_Mina : 5/240 HP // 23/24 EN // 8 DMG | 15 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 3 BH | 1 BLD [Event Item]  
    [H:4] Aereth: 542/980 HP // 60/98 EN // 18 DMG | 42 MIT | 2 ACC | 3 EVA | Thorn - 10 
    [H:3] Dazia: 31/240 HP // 9/24 EN // 9 DMG | 38 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | [Event Item]  

     Party Two
    [H:0] Cosi: 255/360 HP //  36/36 EN // DMG: 4  | MIT: 66 | THN: 18 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | RGN: 5 | [Event Item] 
    [H:7] @Black281/450 HP // 40/40 EN // DMG: 1| MIT:54 | THN: 18 | EVA: 2 | ACC : 5 |PARA : 2  | REC 1 | Taunt 1 
    [H:0] Krysta:  187/360 HP // 34/36 EN // 7 DMG | 28 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | [Event Item] 
    [H:2] Kyot0 : 108/320 HP // 32/32 EN // 9 DMG | 26 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 Keen [Event Item]
    [H:4] Vigilon: 264/540 HP //57/64 EN // 18 DMG | 48 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 REC | 9-10 Para | 1 BLD | 1 Taunt [Event Item] 
    [H:0] Dustin: 82/240 HP // 24/24 EN // 8 DMG | 41 MIT | 4 EVA | 3 ACC | 1 PARA | 1 Savvy | 9 Thorns | BH: 2 

    Party Three
    [H:5] Kairi: 258/640 HP // 40/64 EN // 20 DMG | 90 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 Para | 1 TNT 
    [H:1] Hidden  530/720 HP // 60/70 EN // 18 DMG | 58 MIT | 5 ACC | 3 EVA | 8 Holy DMG| 1 HIDE [Event Item]
    [H:2] Stryder :  638/700 HP // 25/70 EN // 17 DMG | 86 Mit | ACC  7 | EVA  6 
    [H:3] Mars: 718/855 HP // 27/72 EN // MIT:11 |  DMG: 19 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5  |  Savvy: 1|  10 REG | 
    [H:3] Neopolitan: 338/560 HP // 35/56 ENG // 17 DMG | 70 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 2 BLD | 2 Para | 1 REC [Half Burn Damage] [Event Item]  
    [H:1] Kimi : 439/660 HP // 48/66 EN // 18 DMG | 25 MIT | 4 ACC | 5 EVA |  


  17. Krysta was actually surprised about what this opponent was capable of. For a hideous and heavily armored creature, it was swifter than Krysta thought she would be. Clearly, the Karka Queen was not paralyzed, and most likely it would take several attempts to actually immobilize her. Hazado made his suggestion, but Krysta had to add her opinion. "On the contrary, I believe we should all focus on keeping the creature immobilized. Sure, this would most likely lead to a longer, more drawn out battle, but it is far better than risking defeat!" She turned to the monster, and rushed in to attack. However, the fact that she missed the beast by three inches meant that the Karka Queen was nimbler than Krysta originally thought. Exactly how were the players going to vanquish this horrific monster? When Krysta looked around the battlefield, she noticed that other players were failing to land any blows as well. "Oh I do hope we can avoid this thing's next attack..."


  18. Krysta didn't accomplish more than just the final blow on the scorpion, so she didn't feel that she had done enough. The hostess announced that there would be a short break for refreshments. Vigilon complimented on Krysta's final blow against the creature, and reassured her that she would do well for the remainder of the competition. "Thank you Alex, that makes me feel better regarding the situation..." Suddenly the ground began to rumble, and Vigilon tried to figure out what it is, first saying that it couldn't possibly be his stomach...was he really that hungry? She pushed the thought aside, for it might just be that one might be willing to eat more than is needed for a certain period of time if they hadn't eaten anything for the entire day, not to mentio, all that he had was a glass of lemonade, a lemon wedge, and an ice cream cone, which didn't sound like very much. The monster rose up from the sand, and the hostess announced what was probably the last fight. "She shall be vanquished with all due haste!" Krysta may have been the last one to strike, but she did manage to use her best attack with the weapon she had: a single target attack that could paralyze the opponent. The reason she continued to use the staff she borrowed was because everyone else had a more damaging weapon with less effects. She had to keep the diversity, as well as keep the foe from doing much to the other players.

    ID# 109034 BD: 7+1=8(Hit)

    Dealt 5 Damage to, and Paralyzed Karka Queen

  19. Krysta's first attempt to strike her opponents didn't go as well as she had hoped. She had started to think about how she should go about this, but as her thoughts drifted from combat to the combatants, and from that to Dazia, and from Dazia to Wardege.... So much had passed by the time she snapped out of it and shook her head, getting her head back in the game and out of her doldrums. "Snap out of it, Jewel! You need to fight the monsters and help the others!" She rushed for the only creature in sight, ready to attack. She swung the blunt weapon with all her might, and from what she saw, she must have struck the monster's nerves. She looked to the others in the fight. "I apologize for standing around, trapped inside my doldrums. I will do what I can to continue fighting from now on!" She noticed that there was an extra fighter in the battle. When did he get here?


    ID# 108921 BD: 8(Hit)

    Dealt 5 Damage to and paralyzed Giant Scorpion 1

  20. (OOC: I've read the first thread already, but thanks anyway.)

    The pink haired player accepted her defeat. Petastora lifted the blade away and stepped off of her. Kaldui came and started speaking to her, worried about petty conflicts. "Worry not, Kaldui, it's only a mild disagreement that had to be settled. If you would like to assist us in the task ahead, you may feel free to join in." Krysta came closer and asked, "So...you two know each other?" Petastora would turn to her with a light, gentle smile on her face, and answer Krysta's question. "Yes, we do. We are in the same Guild, after all." Soon, another player called out, "Heey! is something going on here?" When Laida caught up to the forming group of players, she noticed and recognized four players. Vigilon, Krysta, Kaldui and Petastora. She first spoke to the two players she hadn't seen for some time. "Vigilon! Krysta! Nice to see you two again!" Then she looked over to the other two, one of them, she had not seen for even longer. "Kal! Peta! It's soooo good to see you again! It's been so looooong!!" Petastora chuckled. "I'm sure that we'll be working together more often like we used to. Don't worry, little Laida." Petastora then looked to Vigilon. "Since you were going to take action on the situation first, what do you suggest we do?" Krysta then added, "Yes, Alex, what do you think we should do?" There were so many players, and one task to do.

  21. Krysta was about to take action some time ago, but she was caught off guard by a blast of flame. When she got back up, she noticed all the damage dealt to her party, as well as the burn status ailment inflicted upon all of said party members. "Ohhh, if only I was skilled enough to have learned the purify mod. I could be more helpful, and even help myself recover from this! I was ill prepared; I should have invested more into healing..." Sure, she had some healing items of her own that she could use for herself, but the one taking the most damage was of a higher priority. She needed to make sure Vigilon survived this battle, and his HP was drawing closer to the halfway point. She rushed over to him. "Don't give up, I'll keep you in the fight!" She activated her First Aid skill, restoring his HP a little. She and her boyfriend weren't going to die here. Not here, not now. She didn't care if she felt a bit stronger at this moment, now was not the time to be swinging a blade just yet. For now, she needed to focus on keeping her allies alive.


    -Used First Aid on Vigilon, healed 43 HP

    Burn Damage: Krysta takes 12 Damage


    Party One
    [H:6] Domarus :  567/840 HP // 40/84 EN // 21 DMG | 92 MIT | 5 ACC | 0 EVA | 4 REC | 1 TAUNT | [Event Item] [24 DMG 3/3]
    [H:4]  Hazado   : 236/360 HP // 28/36 EN // DMG 7 | MIT 45 | ACC 1 | TAUNT 1 | Thorn -18 | [12 DMG 3/3]
    [H:0] Sunova:  102/240 HP //  22/24 EN // DMG 3 | ACC 2 | EVA 0 | MIT 12[12 DMG 3/3]
    [H:4] Tricolor_mina : 130/240 HP // 23/24 EN // 8 DMG | 15 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 3 BH | 1 BLD [Event Item]  [12 DMG 3/3]
    [H:4] Aereth: 700/980 HP // 60/98 EN // 18 DMG | 42 MIT | 2 ACC | 3 EVA | Thorn - 10 [24 DMG 3/3]
    [H:2] Dazia: 165/240 HP // 14/24 EN // 9 DMG | 38 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | [Event Item]  [12 DMG 3/3]

     Party Two
    [H:0] Cosi: 339/360 HP //  36/36 EN // DMG: 4  | MIT: 66 | THN: 18 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | RGN: 5 | [Event Item] [12 DMG 3/3]
    [H:4] @Black389/450 HP // 40/40 EN // DMG: 1| MIT:54 | THN: 18 | EVA: 2 | ACC : 5 |PARA : 2  | REC 1 | Taunt 1 [12 DMG 3/3]
    [H:0] Krysta: 257/360 HP // 33/36 EN // 7 DMG | 28 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | [Event Item] [12 DMG 2/3]
    [H:0] Kyot0: 232/320 HP // 32/32 EN // 9 DMG | 26 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 Keen [12 DMG 3/3] [Event Item]
    [H:4] Vigilon: 379/540 HP //56/64 EN // 18 DMG | 48 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 REC | 9-10 Para | 1 BLD | 1 Taunt [Event Item] [24 DMG 2/3]
    [H:0] Dustin : 203/240 HP // 24/24 EN // 8 DMG | 41 MIT | 4 EVA | 3 ACC | 1 PARA | 1 Savvy | 9 Thorns | BH: 2 [12 DMG 3/3]

    Party Three
    [H:5] Kairi: 532/640 HP // 40/64 EN // 20 DMG | 90 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 Para | 1 TNT [24 DMG 3/3]
    [H:0] Hidden : 672/720 HP // 70/70 EN // 18 DMG | 58 MIT | 5 ACC | 3 EVA | 8 Holy DMG| 1 HIDE [Event Item]
    [H:2] Stryder :  652/700 HP // 42/70 EN // 17 DMG | 86 Mit | ACC  7 | EVA  6 
    [H:3] Mars: 807/855 HP // 43/72 EN // MIT:11 |  DMG: 19 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5  |  Savvy: 1|  10 REG | 
    [H:1] Neopolitan: 480/560 HP // 45/56 ENG // 17 DMG | 70 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 2 BLD | 2 Para | 1 REC [Half Burn Damage] [Event Item]  [12 DMG 3/3]
    [H:1] Kimi : 514/660 HP // 49/66 EN // 18 DMG | 25 MIT | 4 ACC | 5 EVA | 

  22. Krysta heard someone ask what was going on, and things started to get out of hand. Akudo called out for those not fighting to leave, and Krysta was about to agree. She then saw Venorim refuse, saying that he would not leave without Azrea. The pink haired player attacked with a right hook, knocking the woman a few feet. She was about to retaliate, when someone came and told them to leave immediately. The pink haired player fled, and Azrea was forcefully removed from the scene. The woman walked out calmly, as if everything was normal. As she was walking out, she asked the person, "Is it possible for me to return as long as I promise you that I will avoid indoor conflict from now on?" Once the players were outside, Krysta saw that the pink haired player was ready to fight again. The woman noticed this too, and found a way around the small crowd of players without being noticed. Once she was behind the player, she acted swiftly, making use of her weapon to strike her, deflect the next attack, knock her down with the other end of the spear, and point the blade at her throat as her foot was on her torso. "If this was real life, you would have lost. Now then, must we continue this, or will you concede?" Perhaps Krysta could learn something from this woman.

  23. After Vigilon had encouraged Krysta, several things happened, such as having to vote forgivable or unforgivable, or even abstain. It was clear that Mars didn't seem to care about one's life or deeds whatsoever, and it was as if he only did things for himself and his benefit. When the fight actually began, she looked in front of her just to be struck by a wave of fire. From the first party, Dazia began shouting towards Mars over what he had done. Krysta wasn't necessarily fond of some of the spoken words, but the point was made, and to an extent, Krysta had to agree. She then looked towards the party leader, waiting for any recommended actions to take. She heard him call out, "Doc, patch up Vigilon! “ She nodded her head toward him. "I shall do so at once!" She came near Vigilon and placed her hand on him as she activated her First Aid skill, restoring his HP"There, that should help! Please, be safe out there, I want us both to make it through this alive, after all!"


    -Used First Aid on Vigilon, healed 43 HP

    Burn Damage: Krysta takes 12 Damage



    Party One
    [H:2] Domarus   816/840 HP // 68/84 EN // 21 DMG | 92 MIT | 5 ACC | 0 EVA | 4 REC | 1 TAUNT | [Event Item] [24 DMG 2/2]
    [H:2] Hazado   293/360 HP // 32/36 EN // DMG 7 | MIT 44 | ACC 1 | TAUNT 1 | Thorn -18 | [12 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0] Sunova   :  
    192/240 HP //  24/24 EN // DMG 3 | ACC 2 | EVA 0 | MIT 12[12 DMG 2/2]
    [H:2] Mina  : 214/240 HP // 24/24 EN // 8 DMG | 15 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 3 BH | 1 BLD [Event Item] [12 DMG 2/2]
    [H:1] Aereth: 873/980 HP // 84/98 EN // 18 DMG | 42 MIT | 2 ACC | 3 EVA | Thorn - 10 [24 DMG 1/2]
    [H:1] Dazia: 191/240 HP // 18/24 EN // 9 DMG | 38 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | [Event Item] [12 DMG 1/2]

    Party Two
    [H:0] @Cosi : 360/360 HP //  36/36 EN // DMG: 4  | MIT: 66 | THN: 18 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | RGN: 5 | [Event Item] [12 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0] Black444/450 HP // 40/40 EN // DMG: 1| MIT:54 | THN: 18 | EVA: 2 | ACC : 5 |PARA : 2  | REC 1 | [12 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0] Krysta: 316/360 HP // 34/36 EN // 7 DMG | 28 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | [Event Item] [12 DMG 1/2]
    [H:0] Kyoto : 281/320 HP // 32/32 EN // 8 DMG | 21 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 Keen [12 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0] @Vigilon : 506/540 HP //64/64 EN // 18 DMG | 48 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 REC | 9-10 Para | 1 BLD | 1 Taunt [Event Item] [24 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0] Dustin: 221/240 HP // 24/24 EN // 8 DMG | 41 MIT | 4 EVA | 3 ACC | 1 PARA | 1 Savvy | 9 Thorns | BH: 2 [12 DMG 2/2]

    Party Three
    [H:0] Kairi : 640/640 HP // 64/64 EN // 20 DMG | 90 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 Para | 1 TNT [24 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0] Hidden : 720/720 HP // 70/70 EN // 18 DMG | 58 MIT | 5 ACC | 3 EVA | 8 Holy DMG| 1 HIDE [Event Item] [24 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0] Stryder :  700/700 HP // 70/70 EN // 17 DMG | 86 Mit | ACC  7 | EVA  6  [24 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0] Mars :  855/855 HP // 72/72 EN // MIT:11 |  DMG: 19 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5  |  Savvy: 1|  10 REG |  [24 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0] Neopolitan : 560/560 HP // 56/56 ENG // 17 DMG | 70 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 2 BLD | 2 Para | 1 REC [Half Burn Damage] [Event Item]  
    [H:0] Kimi : 
    535/660 HP // 66/66 EN // 13 DMG | 0 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | [24 DMG 2/2]


  24. The man told Krysta the key points of the situation, and reassured her that she was in good hands. She revealed the mitigation potion she received from Vigilon to the man. "I was given something stronger, so I'll just return what you've given me. Thanks anyway." She pulled out the mitigation item that she was given out of her inventory and gave it back to the man. When the man was finished speaking with another member of the party she was in, he gave her his cross necklace. "Y-you're sure? That's very generous of you, thanks." She accepted the necklace, and put it on.


    She pulled out the consumables she would be needing, and she consumed them, giving her an accuracy boost, a mitigation boost, and what may be a thorns effect brought forth by the immolation potion. She then walked back to Vigilon, and she had a few things to speak of already. "I heard that we'll be fighting alongside each other, to the left of our party's leader. I believe it may help for us to know our positions in this battle. I can understand if it was for the sake of assuring a simpler fight for other players in different parties, but other than that, I don't see why you would help that murderer Dazia... I will admit, I am a bit nervous, seeing that this is my first time in a boss fight..." She heard that she was the healer, but if she needed to, she always had a damage crystal for herself at the ready, as well as some healing potions for herself, since the First Aid skill couldn't target the user. She knew she was ready for battle, but she was unsure of being fully prepared for a boss battle.


    -Krysta uses Chocolate Cupcake(1 ACC), Greater Nature's Vitality(+15 MIT), and T1 Immolation potion(non critical attacks against Krysta will now deal an unmitigated 10 DMG to the attacker)

    -Krysta accepts and equips the Cross Necklace



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