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Posts posted by Krysta

  1. Krysta found herself...pretty much everywhere, and she was almost dizzy when she found herself inside the building. She was able to remember some things she had heard, primarily from the announcements the Priests made. She also tried to listen to what the players around her were saying as she tried to piece the situation together in her head. "Right, Demonic influence, a practically inevitable fight,  I have no Cross Necklace...wait, what if that was some kind of protection? A ward or talisman of sorts? Oh dear..." Her thoughts were going through her head like crazy, and, whether or not she needed the necklace during or after the coming conflict, she would appreciate having one in her possession. The only comforting words she heard during the moment were from Vigilon. "There you are, I was looking for you." She turned to see Vigilon as he offered his excess consumables. "Oh, Alex! It's nice to see a face I know after so much happened so fast... I'll probably need some of these, thank you!" She looked through the items inside the bag. "Could there be a...? Nope, no extra cross necklace...such a shame, really, it would be nice to keep one, a reminder of one that is of importance..." She took out what she needed, and added them to her inventory. She thought there might have been something mentioned before she had a chance to obtain them, so she decided to speak to the one who she heard it from. Before she could, she noticed that Vigilon had tossed the bag, along with it's remaining contents, to...Dazia? She was here? ...And Vigilon helped her...? She decided that she would speak with him again, but not until after making sure she didn't miss any chances to increase her stats before the fight, since she considered herself underprepared. WAY underprepared. She walked up to the man( @Black), and asked, "Pardon me, but I think I might have missed something that you may have said. Do you mind recapping what you said back in the courtyard regarding...items, I believe? I may have received some items from Vigilon, but I still feel that I am underprepared, even with the items I originally brought with me."


    -Accepted Greater Nature's Vitality(+15 MIT), T1 Immolation potion, and Teleportation Crystal from Vigilon 

  2. Krysta couldn't stop thinking about what she was told about by a mute player, and when she received a message from two priests, she knew the situation was dire, and she would need to take action. "Come, Yolviinsil, we must help the priests with their plight on the thirteenth floor!" The small ruby red feathered dragon reluctantly came to Krysta and climbed up to her shoulder. Krysta gathered her things, and left the Inn for the thirteenth floor.

    Once she arrived, she saw how dark and dreary the floor's environment seemed. "I don't like the looks of this place..." She made her way to the cathedral, and saw that many players were gathering there. If there was indeed going to be any combat involved, this might as well be Krysta's first raid. What kind of raid was still uncertain, especially since she knew little of the situation. She saw Vigilon up ahead, and rushed over to speak to him. "Hey, Alex! It's wonderful to see you again! Say, do you know what the situation is? Whatever the case, I'm sure we can do it together!"




    Level:  18
    HP:  360
    EN:  36
    DMG:  7(OHR Rank 3[+3], Star Saber[+3])



    Star Saber(+3 DMG)

    Guardian Vest(2 Mit. [Total 18])

    Andvari's Blessing(3 LD)


    Consumables in inventory:

    Standard Damage Crystal (+3 DMG)

    Uncommon Health Potion(x5) (Restores 40 HP)

    Chocolate Cupcake(1 ACC) 



    One handed Rapier Rank 3

    First Aid Rank 2

    Familiar Mastery: Fighter rank 2[Does not apply, due to an equipped item]


  3. When the fight started, she was about to make a move when she realized something...the weapon she was holding was a staff, how was she supposed to use it? This weapon that she had never before seen in this game boggled her mind as she tried to wrap her head around it, and understand more than one way to attack a monster with it. Vigilon came and offered some help, by telling her about stick fighting, then reassuring her that she didn't need the Martial Arts skill to use it properly, followed with a demonstration of its actual usage. "Ohhh... I see that now, thank you so much, Alex!" Vigilon left to attack the Crabs, even though his attempt failed to hit any of the monsters. She looked at her weapon once more, and swung it around, trying to get a feel for the weapon, like Vigilon suggested. When she felt that she was ready, she made her way to the Crab that had avoided the most attacks, and attempted to make a focused strike against it. The attack failed to hit, but Krysta assured herself that now since she has actually joined in with the combat, she might be able to strike this one down eventually.

    ID# 107091 BD: 2(miss)


  4. The scavenger hunt was coming to a close, so Krysta walked over to the table that the Hostess would soon stand on, ready to finish. She had managed to catch her breath, so she would be fine when the combat would begin. The Hostess jumped onto the table and made her announcement that the hunt was now over, and that players could send her the crystals for the sake of tallying the scores. Krysta opened up her menu, sending four blue crystals and seven green crystals, for a grand total score of twenty-five. Krysta felt proud of her achievements, reaching such a high score without finding any of the white crystals. When the Hostess said it was time to prepare for combat, she pulled the staff out of her inventory, and all she had to do was wait for Vigilon to arrive, and await further instruction. "I'm ready." She said confidently.

  5. (OOC: Well, one last roll might not change my life, so I might as well.)

    Whether it be combat or a simple competition, Krysta wasn't one to surrender easily, and regarding this current situation, surrender was definitely NOT an option. If she was to go down in this competition, she would be defeated trying. However, with all of the rushing, frantic searching, and having failed to find a crystal in this current moment, she found herself in a state of exhaustion. She pulled out a weapon and thrust it into the ground, just before she could fall. "Breathe...inhale...exhale..." She couldn't possibly go on like this...but she was still unwilling to just give up. She placed the weapon back in her inventory, and she walked back to the field, where she practically fell to the ground to take a breather near where the Hostess would arrive. Either she would win, or she would lose. It was up to fate now. She was tired, exhausted, and was in no condition to keep going. It was only a matter of time before the conclusion to her efforts would be revealed...

    ID# 105928 BD: 6, CD: 2(out of blue, result is now failure)

    (OOC: Thy dice hath spoken, thou hast defeated thee! [but at least I've got second place])

  6. (It's Midnight where I am, can't this three-way dice duel wait till morning? [Rolled again anyway])

    The hunt was really heated now. The crystals were scarce, and the players involved were searching frantically, passionately, and quickly for whatever remained. Krysta's chances of finding a white crystal were slim, but if she could find it, she could completely turn the tide and claim victory. She decided to leave the empty field behind and search the shore, hoping there would be something there before other players could possibly find it. "You can do this, you can do this, you can make the top three at the very least...they cannot stop you, the path is right before you. You can find the remaining crystals, Jewel, you can do this!!" She focused as she gave herself some uplifting thoughts, and she managed to spot two crystals on a rock by the water. She took them both and returned to her search. "See? That's two more points. Victory is definitely possible."

    ID# 105926 BD: 9(Crystal found), CD: 7(Blue crystal), LD: 15(+1[2 total])


    Blue Crystals found: 4

    Green Crystals found: 7

    White Crystals found: 0

    Total points: 25


  7. (OOC: Like I'd just let this potential Victory slip by. ...aaaaaand green's gone...)

    Krysta looked back to see that two other players were now searching either frantically or passionately, and this meant that Krysta needed to get a move on. She looked over to one spot where a green crystal lay, but another player seized it just before she could grab it. The player there was the friend of the one she and Vigilon had talked to. She could recall his name being mentioned in that conversation...Hazado. He gave a warm smile that also showed he refused to give up. Kind of a bad choice regarding the situation, for Krysta didn't exactly take it very well, and his choice of words only made it worse. There was plenty that Krysta could have said, but she went with, "Well, I shall not be quick to surrender, either." With a light, barely audible huff, she returned to the search that was starting to draw to a close from the scarcity of crystals...


    ID# 105924 BD: 4, CD: 10, LD: 12(Failed[out of green])

  8. Dazia came near Krysta and gave her opinion on her chosen weapons. "And if I said that axe was tacky and a terrible choice, how exactly would you feel? Your statement contradicted itself there. I know nothing of what that axe can do, so do realize my example statement is false." Krysta...kind of took it personal. Dazia, for the most part, seemed to know her as "Princess", which didn't exactly feel like a compliment to her. She received Vigilon's reply in the messenger, which basically said that he would team up with her. With all of that in mind, it was back to searching for crystals, and Krysta dashed off, hoping she wouldn't miss anything as she made a quick run through the field. Her foot was caught under a small, thin root that snapped and shattered when she tripped, but it seemed to be for the better, for when she got back up, there was a green crystal beside where it was.


    ID# 105921 BD: 10(Crystal found, +1 bonus received to CD and LD), CD: 7+1=8(Green Crystal), LD: 13+1=14(no extra...)


    Blue Crystals found: 2

    Green Crystals found: 7

    White Crystals found: 0

    Total points: 23



    As Krysta continued her search, she heard the hostess make an announcement regarding the combat competition. She understood what she heard, but she didn't know if she should have her armor equipped during the competition, or if there was some provided. She kept an eye out for crystals as she made her way to where the weapons were, and managed to find another green crystal that was concealed in more long grass. There might be more green crystals in other places than the grass, though, so she might search those areas if she had enough time. She looked at what was available, and looked at the slips of paper that described them. The first weapon she picked up was a sword, one with a gleaming white blade, and an elegant design for the hilt, a ruby in the center of it. After deciding to take it, she looked through the various staves, and found one that seemed to have a quartz cap, with a smooth gemstone on top, probably a topaz. She also liked the design of this staff, too. She held the staff for a minute or two, then placed it in her inventory, and held the sword in her hand again. She was happy with her choices. Finally, if Co-op was encouraged like she heard, she would need to message Vigilon in hopes of fighting by his side.


    To: @Vigilon

    Subject: Competition(Combat)

    So if co-op is encouraged like the Hostess said, are you alright for us teaming up?



    -Krysta selects Regal Blade(Sword) and Dawn Staff(Staff)

    ID# 105913 BD: 5(Crystal Found), CD: 10(Green Crystal)


    Blue Crystals found: 2

    Green Crystals found: 6

    White Crystals found: 0

    Total points: 20


  10. Krysta looked to her left, then to her right. If she was going to win this, she was going to search thoroughly. She looked to Yolviinsil, who then took flight, hoping to see if anything sparkled, possibly hinting of a hidden crystal. The ruby red feathered dragon had more experience fighting than searching, but she was willing to help nevertheless. Krysta saw another patch of grass slightly taller than the rest. When she walked over to search in it, Yolviinsil came down and landed on the shorter grass, walking in a circle around her. When Krysta found and picked up one crystal, she saw Yolviinsil pick up another, apparently just a few inches away. The two crystals were green, so now Krysta had about seventeen points. Krysta smiled, she could do this, she could really do this, with all the green crystals she had already found. "I don't think Vigilon will have to worry about evening things out at this rate." She thought aloud.

    ID# 105754 BD: 7(Crystal Found), CD: 9(Green Crystal), LD: 18(+1 Crystal[2 total])


    Blue Crystals found: 2

    Green Crystals found: 5

    White Crystals found: 0

    Total points: 17


  11. Azrea told Krysta that she would do as she pleased, and called her a princess. The pink haired player rushed forward and threw the dagger at the woman, which was deflected, but then the woman was struck multiple times on the joints. She was about to retaliate, but then Azrea jumped in, striking both players with her sweeping attack, which seemed similar to the Sword Art known as Explode Catapult. It wasn't exact, but it was close. When the woman got back up, she struck Azrea in the torso with the other end of the spear as the pink haired player kicked her, effectively sending her to the wall. Venorim ordered Azrea to stand down. Krysta decided that she would intervene if Azrea didn't listen, otherwise she would abstain and keep herself a safe distance away from the fight. Yolviinsil watched quietly, waiting to see what would happen, and listening for anything Krysta might ask her to do.

  12. As Krysta continued searching, she felt more and more confident that she was going to succeed. She knew that she couldn't guarantee victory, but she could assure herself that it was possible. She noticed that Yolviinsil, her familiar, was looking at something. She looked in the direction that the ruby red feathered dragon was looking, and saw something sparkling in the distance. When she walked over, there were two blue crystals under one of the picnic tables. When she looked back up after picking up the two crystals, she saw Vigilon spot and collect blue crystals form under a table as well. "Great minds think alike, so the saying goes." She smiled at the thought. Two blue crystals and three green crystals...eleven points so far. She turned in the direction she would search next to see Kanari talking to a familiar white haired girl...Yinangi, was it? She didn't know much about her, but in her opinion, the girl had made at least one poor choice of who to befriend... She turned to try searching in a different direction, for she felt unwilling to be too close to the conversation, or find herself joining in when she had a task at hand.

    ID# 105669 BD: 4(Crystal found), CD: 3(Blue Crystal), LD: 15(+1 crystal[2 total])


    Blue Crystals found: 2

    Green Crystals found: 3

    White Crystals found: 0

    Total points: 11

  13. (OOC: Oh, NOW I get it! Why didn't I realize that before? Guess I'll have to check my LD results on previous posts...)

    Krysta walked throughout the field, making sure she wasn't missing any crystals. She wondered, how was her boyfriend doing in this competition? How was her enemy doing in this competition? How were the other players doing in this competition? It caused her thoughts to drift slightly, but she stopped herself, for the sake of keeping her focus, so that she could spot crystals without having to worry. Close to the picnic tables, there was another patch of grass longer than the rest, or was it the same one? When she walked over, she saw that it clearly wasn't, for when she moved her hand through the grass, she felt something hard, and picked up a green crystal. "That's three green crystals now, and that ads up to...nine points. I can win, I'm sure of it! I'll make the top three at the very least!" She also knew that this meant that if she kept this up, an enemy she knew would owe her some col...

    ID# 105586 BD: 4(Crystal found), CD: 10(Green Crystal) LD: 2


    Blue Crystals found: 0

    Green Crystals found: 3

    White Crystals found: 0

    Total points: 9

  14. Krysta continued her search, keeping her eyes peeled for any crystals that could be found. She had one green crystal, but she would need to find more before the other players get ahead of her. She noticed a stump over in the field, and when she walked up to it, there was a crack in it, a crack that started in the middle, and made its way to the edge. at the edge was a green crystal sticking out. Krysta pulled it out effortlessly. Once again, the position of the crystal could fool someone from a distance if they were inattentive. "Another Green Crystal... I think I can win this!" She was feeling confident now, and she was ready to search the rest of the field for all that could be concealed by the environment. She might just manage to achieve the highest score, or score higher than Dazia at the very least.

    ID# 105493 BD: 6(Crystal found), CD: 8(Green Crystal)


    Blue Crystals found: 0

    Green Crystals found: 2

    White Crystals found: 0


    Total points: 6


  15. The pink haired player turned to face the woman, and the words she spoke confirmed that there would be combat. Krysta waited to see what would happen, also considering whether or not she should intervene. The woman said, "Suit yourself." and took a defensive stance, ready to strike back if the player came close. "I'm ready." The woman waited to see what the player would do, whether she would back down, request that the fight take place outside, or come forward to fight here. Akudo seemed to be against the idea of indoor combat, and, honestly, Krysta was, too. There would be some destruction of objects in the area, not to mention, any others around might not be willing to witness a fight in this building. Krysta looked around her, and noticed that Azrea was pulling out her weapon. "Unless it is to intervene, I will not allow you to get involved." There was no need for unnecessary combat, so if there was going to be any more conflict, it would be so it would end quicker.

  16. Vigilon made an offer to Krysta, one that was very sweet. "That's so kind of you, Alex, thank you. I can be content with it being evenly shared, so no need to worry about the amount."  Sunova wished Krysta and Vigilon luck on the scavenger hunt, and Vigilon made a suggestion as to how the two players could cover ground. "Sounds good to me." As Krysta left her current position to begin searching, she noticed someone else sign up for the scavenger hunt, someone who looked familiar. She didn't see the player's face at the time, but she couldn't confirm her own suspicions. It was when she received a message from her that she was able to recognize her. Krysta would send the following response,


    To: @Dazia

    Subject: Regarding the Competition(s)

    You're on. Prepare to lose, murderer.

    Krysta was unwilling to lose to Dazia. She was ready to start searching hard, now that she had more...motivation. She saw a sparkle in the distance, and when she walked over, there was a patch of grass in the field that was longer. When she rummaged through it, she spotted a green crystal there. Fairly clever place to hide it, where the colors would seem to be the same, making it easy to overlook. "It seems like I'm off to a good start!"


    ID# 105439 BD: 6(Crystal found), CD: 10(Green Crystal)


    Blue Crystals found: 0

    Green Crystals found: 1

    White Crystals found: 0

    Total points: 3

  17. The conversation continued, and Sunova made a lovely compliment on Krysta's real name, and she proceeded to speak of her own real name, Sumiko, a Japanese name meaning "Clear Child". Vigilon agreed with Sunova's compliment, saying that he could never imagine a better name. "Aww, thank you, Alex..." He also noted that last time he checked, his own real name meant "Defender of The People", and that he found it interesting to uncover the meanings of names. The name Jewel was self-explanitory, for it meant "Precious Stone". Thus she became curious about why she was given this name... however, in this moment, that thought was beside the point, and it was time to move on in the conversation. Sunova mentioned that Vigilon saved her from a bunch of guys, possibly stalkers. To Krysta, this proved what Vigilon guessed was his name's meaning to be a coincidental match to his personality. Whenever he wasn't fighting to survive, he was fighting to protect, from what Krysta knew. She then looked over to where the other players were looking, to see Kanari dump ice water onto Sunova's friend Hazado, who picked Kanari up and ended up hurling her and himself off a cliff above the water. Vigilon asked Sunova if Hazado was the persistent type, saying that should it be true, that they would never hear the end of this. Vigilon's familiar was in sight now, and after the small white frost dragon gave him the "Feed me" look, Krysta's familiar, Yolviinsil, a small, ruby red feathered dragon, poked her head out from behind Krysta to look at her icy friend. Yolviinsil was often shy, so she had clung to the back of the dress Krysta was wearing this whole time. Krysta giggled, and spoke to her familiar. "No need to be shy, Yolviinsil. We're around some friendly faces at the moment." The conversation paused, since it would be moving to the picnic tables. When they got there, however, the hostess of the beach event got on top of a table to make an announcement regarding the competitions. Krysta was interested in the combat and scavenger hunt ones, so she walked over to the papers the hostess had placed, and signed up for the combat and scavenger hunt before returning to Sunova and Vigilon.

    @Vigilon @Sunova


    -Krysta signs up for the Combat and the Scavenger hunt. @Zandra

  18. Krysta looked over to see what was going on in the water, since Vigilon looked over to it to see his friend drag someone under, followed by Arabelle dragging the other under, and when they all resurfaced, they were all dragged under by the first to be pulled under. Vigilon explained his experience being one of those who Kanari had dragged under. It explained why Vigilon wasn't surprised with Kanari dragging the guy under. Sunova said that Krysta and Vigilon were cute together, and that Vigilon had a nickname for her...? "Oh, ahaha, actually, Jewel is my real name. We decided to call each other by our real names when we got into a relationship. Although, if it wasn't my name, it would truly be a nice nickname." Sunova said that she heard that Krysta was very romantic and that she respected that. What could have brought that to her- The note. Vigilon must have told Sunova about it. It would be the only explanation for this. Krysta blushed slightly upon the realization. Sunova seemed to be hyper at this time, for she was hopping up and down a bit over seeing Krysta and Vigilon together.

    @Vigilon @Sunova

  19. "Volleyball...I've never done it myself, but I've watched it once or twice. Of course, If I was to do it, I'd be on your team." Shortly after she said that, Vigilon's friend rushed by, heading straight for the water. To Krysta, Kanari seemed unbelievably reckless. Kanari dove into the water, splashing the two guys she dove in front of in the process. Krysta turned to see a white haired girl coming up to her and Vigilon. She introduced herself as Sunova, then asked Krysta about her name, hoping to guess it correctly. "Why, yes. I am Krysta. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sunova." Sunova seemed acquainted with Vigilon. Chances were, the two had spoken about Krysta. She turned to Vigilon. "So, Alex, now that we're here, what should we do first?" She was curious as to what Vigilon would think of doing first. There seemed to be plenty of people to talk to, and quite a few things to do.

    @Vigilon @Sunova

  20. Krysta was wondering what she would do for the day, when she received a message from Vigilon. She would send the following reply,


    To: @Vigilon

    That sounds lovely. I would be glad to go there, even if all we end up doing is strolling on the beach and watching the sunset...although, it would be nice to both enjoy the event and a sunset...


    She then made sure she had the right attire for the occasion in her inventory. A modest white swimsuit, and a white dress with a floral pattern. She then traveled to the sixteenth floor(after spotting the notice on the bulletin board, of course), and she walked over to the beach where the event would be taking place after equipping the swimsuit and dress. She looked around, and saw only three players she knew, including Vigilon. Obviously, the first thing she would do would be to walk up to Vigilon and speak. "So, Alex, I read about the event on the bulletin boards. Have you figured out what competitions there will be?"




    Krysta is wearing a modest white swimsuit, and over that, she is wearing a white dress with a floral pattern. It's not a fancy dress, it's actually casual, and quite fitting to the beach.


  21. Krysta's thoughts drifted to her memory of that fateful day, when the game's creator revealed that this was no longer a game. Before she had holed up, there was a short period of time, starting from the announcement, and it lasted about three days before she hid herself in the Town of Beginnings for a long while...

    "I...I can't believe this..." she thought. "I must be having a nightmare or something... Wake up, Jewel, wake up!" She pinched herself, she slapped herself in the face, but to no avail. She felt the pinch and the slap, but not the pain. "It...it can't be... Am...am I on my lonesome in this mysterious new world?" Nothing seemed to make sense at this moment, she wasn't taking the news too well. "Now I've lost all of my family...first the plague took Mother while she fought against it, it took Aunt Alison and Uncle Damien as well...on Father's side, my family spread out too far for frequent visits...now I've been separated from Father and Leif, and I'm trapped in this game..." She walked as she revealed this horrible truth to herself, and then she tripped over the legs of someone sitting down, for she was not paying enough attention to notice the player there. "Oof! Ahh, I'm so sorry!"



  22. Krysta had trouble understanding the pink haired player's logic for having the least amount of players on the task that she was essentially dominating. She decided to speak up in favor of the one who had decided to begin this task in the first place. "The matter was first addressed by Vigilon. By all means, he should have a say in all of this, since he was the one who chose to act first." The woman who spoke to the pink haired player saw her hold a dagger to her neck; a false threat. It was obvious, seeing that no damage could be dealt in a safe zone, unless there was a duel. "Please." She rolled her eyes, and pulled out her own weapon, a two handed spear with a spearhead that shone like a crystal...wait, was the spearhead itself a crystalline material?? She pointed the weapon at the pink haired player. "Your false threat means nothing to me. Besides, in this game, I've been through worse, more intimidating foes than the demeanor you seem to portray. Let the other players go with you. If you don't agree, I will come along myself to assure that we work together as a group. You might learn something."


  23. Krysta smiled, and took a bow before leaving the stage once her audience finished applauding. She was happy to know that the other players enjoyed listening to her sing. As she made her way off the stage, she walked past Vigilon, saying, "Good luck, Alex." It was soon announced who would be singing next...Dazia was here. It wouldn't do to try settling the conflict here, as not only was there a ceasefire, but it would also reflect poorly on her in various ways. She wouldn't end this yet...but soon... Krysta decided to watch her sing, and was actually surprised. Dazia, as it turns out, sang pretty well, and the song she sang was not without feeling and meaning....but the question was, is Dazia truly trying to make her way into the light? Was she having doubts? Krysta might need to learn more about this Dazia, in case there was more to this than she thought... She looked up and saw that Yolviinsil had flown to the chandelier, looking down shyly towards the multitudes of players. Krysta giggled, and said, "Come on down now, Yolviinsil, I'm sure most of the players here are nice!" Yolviinsil hesitated, but she did fly down and land on Krysta's shoulder. She walked over to Tsu. "So...what did you think of the song I sang?"

    @Vigilon @Froppy

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