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Posts posted by Krysta

  1. Krysta saw that, unlike most scorpion tails, Arakkia's was longer, allowing it to reach distances that it normally would, since the abdomen would hinder that if it was the typical size, due to said tail being attached to it. Krysta's eyes were wide open, and she didn't know what to do, or even what to say. "Then...w-what do you want with me??" "You only need to be shown your place, little girl... In time, you will sssssssee your situation: Hopelesssssss, a lossst cause..." Arakkia attempted to try and sting Krysta in hopes of keeping her where she wanted her, for whatever she had planned, but when Krysta swiftly dodged, Arakkia's stinger got stuck in the wall. "Nrgh! Eh?? Agh, cursessss!!" Krysta inhaled, and exhaled. She would have to fight sooner or later, or she wouldn't progress in the quest. She closed her eyes, and attempted to attack using Crucifixion. Hard to aim properly when your eyes are closed, though...

    (OOC: House's D20: 19[Takes Action])

    ID# 101431 BD: 4(Miss), MD: 1(Critical Fail)

    Krysta: HP 296/300, EN 26/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Arakkia(Inner Demon 3)[Fear, Terror]: HP 150/150, 21 DMG, 3 MIT

  2. Laida had a good laugh at Vigilon's reaction to the question of whether or not he needed therapy. Yolviinsil had been in flight during the latest few conflicts, and she had finally returned to Krysta's shoulder. Laida and Mitria spoke for a bit as Krysta accessed her inventory, and pulled out the pendant. "So, Mitria, you still want to see the pendant? I've got it right here." "Oh! That's right, the pendant!" Mitria studied the pendant very carefully, taking every inch of this particular one into consideration. "It's...beautiful...I...I think is kind of symbolizes a bond...between two people...intriguing..." Mitria handed the pendant back to Krysta. "It's such a lovely pendant. You should keep it as long as you can!" "Oh, um, thank you." Vigilon spoke of finding an inn for Krysta to stay for the night, and Krysta almost yawned. "Well, this day has been quite eventful...and exhausting. Maybe we should take some time off..."



    Krysta receives: 9 SP(7 from completing 7 pages, 2 from quest), 1716 Col, 2 T1 Mats, 2 <<Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables>>, and <<Hoya of Minos>>

    @Vigilon receives: 9 SP(7 from completing 7 pages, 2 from quest), 1266 Col, and 1 T1 Mat

    @Kasier receives: 2 SP and 266 Col

  3. Laida giggled when Vigilon spoke of the fear Kaldui struck within her enemies. "You didn't actually see that face, did you? My, you've been through more than I thought! Do you need therapy?" Krysta giggled at the question of whether or not Vigilon needed therapy. It wasn't long before the players reached the safe zone. Mitria was in sight. "Oh? Mitria! Hey, Mitria!" Mitria looked over to the arriving players. "Oh, hey, Krysta! So? Did you find it?" "You have no idea how much Vigilon and I went through to retrieve it, and return in the process..." Krysta admitted, recalling the various problems that got in the players' way again and again. Laida headed over to Mitria. "Hello, Mitria, I'm Laida. Nice to meet you!" Mitria turned to see Laida extending her hand in greeting. "It's nice to meet you, too, Laida!" Whenever they would finish introductions, Krysta would show the pendant to Mitria.


  4. "Those are some pretty good reasons to start a leveling guild. Aincrad needs some more justice these days, you know?" Laida remarked. When Vigilon assumed that Laida was under Kaldui, she giggled and said, "Cute guess, but no. See, I'm a sub-leader, too. As a result, we tend to work together directly. Seeing that danger runs from her, I try to keep the monsters' attention so that they don't flee in absolute terror. I guess that's just a given, since I'm a tank and all." "A Tank? I actually thought you were more of a balanced player." "That's probably just because of my weapon skill. Thorns and ailments can't do it all, you know." "Hm, a fair point... But if you and Kaldui work together often, how come you were alone before we ran into you?" Laida seemed to appear as though she was recalling something. "Well...last I remember, I was told to seek out players with potential, so I guess I'm looking for more members as well as doing what I usually do. Protect."


  5. Laida made a chuckle close to a giggle at Vigilon's words. "Well, at any rate, what matters is that you two live to fight another day. You also handle yourselves quite well. I'm sure you'd do well in a guild..." Krysta had something to say on that subject. "Oh, well, Vigilon was thinking about starting one, and I've chosen to be one of the founding members. We are considering naming our guild the Rising Dragons." "O-oh. Um, well, good for you! To be honest, I was actually hoping you could consider joining the Crystal Crusaders...well, you know what some people say, 'every man for his trade.'" Krysta thought about the words Laida said as she walked towards the safe zone, keeping an eye out for anything...just in case. There didn't seem to be anything around that was worth looking for. "Well, it's actually been a bit of a while since we'd wanted to start a guild, but we haven't had much success in finding potential founding members..."

    ID# 101332 LD: 2+3=5(Failed to find a chest)

    (OOC: Alright, LD, I see your point, you don't want us to get any chest loot in this thread...well, at least we're getting plenty of SP...)


  6. The assisting player said it was no problem, then she introduced herself as Kasier. She suggested that Krysta and Vigilon not hesitate to contact her again should they end up in another dangerous situation, and that they should rest before getting into any more fights. She then said that she had to leave, and so she did. Vigilon recalled every conflict that had happened so far, and that reminded Krysta of what needed to be done next. They had to return to the safe zone, and show the pendant to Mitria! Laida came over to the two players. "Well, judging from what Vigilon said, you've had more than enough problems for a day. Maybe you two should consider taking a day or two off. I'll go ahead and see you two to the safe zone. Sorry I wasn't able to help you during the mimic fight..." Krysta nodded her head. "It'll be getting dark soon, we should return to the safe zone before the sun goes down."


  7. The battle was to be won. It was only a matter of time now. Krysta watched as Vigilon got up, and the assisting player activated Sharpness, temporarily boosting Vigilon's damage. While the mimic failed to deal any damage, Vigilon managed to stop the mimic in it's tracks afterward. Only one thing left to do now... She readied her weapon, and she rushed in to leap towards the mimic and thrust her weapon down into it; a fatal blow. The mimic's HP depleted to zero, and it shattered. It was over. It was finally over. Hopefully, this would be the last of the trip's battles and conflicts... She put her rapier away, and turned to the assisting player. "Thank you so much for helping us out in our time of need. I was worried that one of us wasn't going to make it..." She almost trailed off there, for she couldn't bear the thought of losing Vigilon. "I am Krysta."


    ID# 101276 BD: 6(Hit)

    [4] Vigilon: HP 420/420, EN 20/47 | 6 DMG | 9 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 Recovery | 1 Bleed | Sharpness: +1 Base DMG(1/2)

    [4] Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 6/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT

    [6] Kasier: HP 820/820, EN 44/82


    Mimic: HP 0/210, 63 DMG {Stunned}

  8. Laida had finished getting back up, and the battle would probably be over by the time she would get over there, so she decided to just continue watching the fight. They weren't in any danger anymore, after all. Krysta took a justified battle stance as the mimic snarled at her in annoyance. "What? Did you really think I would stand by and watch? Never! I won't leave you be as long as you're against us!" Which would basically be until the end of the fight, for it would be dead then. Krysta was going to attack it again while it's attention was turned to the assisting player, but she stopped moving towards the mimic when she realized Vigilon had the same idea. Vigilon then had a stumble, accidentally hurling the mimic into the air in the process. The mimic landed pretty close to Vigilon's head, so Krysta headed over to him, just in case the mimic got any ideas.


    ID# 101252 BD: 4(Miss)

    [3] Vigilon: HP 420/420, EN 26/47 | 6 DMG | 9 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 Recovery | 1 Bleed

    [3] Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 6/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT

    [6] Kasier: HP 820/820, EN 52/82


    Mimic: HP 32/210, 63 DMG

  9. Krysta waited as the assisting player increased Vigilon's damage for a short time, and Vigilon attacked the mimic, bringing the monster's HP to yellow. It wouldn't be long before the creature would be defeated. Laida continued to watch the fight from a distance, waiting for the battle to end. Krysta turned her attention back to the mimic, for it was her turn to strike, and it had began to move again, showing that paralysis had worn off. She readied her weapon, and waited for the moment the Mimic would least expect her attack. She attacked using the Sword Art known as Crucifixion, dealing a critical hit hard enough to drop the monster's HP to the red. Wow, with the given situation, the mimic didn't stand a chance. This fight had gone from seemingly grim, to no risk whatsoever. It was too easy at this point, and it was only a matter of time before the players defeated the monster.


    ID# 101242 BD: 10(Critical, +2 Base DMG)

    Crucifixion: 9x6=54

    [3] Vigilon: HP 337/420, EN 27/47 | 6 DMG | 9 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 Recovery | 1 Bleed | Sharpness: +1 Base DMG[2/2]

    [3] Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 7/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT

    [6] Kasier: HP 820/820, EN 56/82


    Mimic: HP 32/210, 63 DMG

  10. Krysta saw how, with the two successful attacks Vigilon had landed, the mimic was slowly returning it's attention to him, causing her to become worried again, only to exhale a sigh of relief when the assisting player used Howl again. Laida continued to watch all of this as she climbed out. The three players would surely take it down soon enough. The assisting player recommended to Vigilon that he not use up all of his energy at this current moment, since she was going to give him a damage boost. Vigilon waited so he could recover his energy, so he must have decided to stick with the suggested plan. Krysta watched the mimic attack the player, only to get paralysis, and the damage it dealt was so minuscule, she could hardly see any change in the player's HP. Krysta decided to try another attempt to deal some damage as well, now that the creature was paralyzed. She took a justified battle stance, and rushed for the helpless mimic. "You will regret harming him!" She attacked with Crucifixion, dropping the mimic's HP close to half.


    ID# 101224 BD: 8(Hit)

    Crucifixion: 7x6=42

    [2] Vigilon: HP 337/420, EN 28/47 | 6 DMG | 9 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 Recovery | 1 Bleed

    [1] Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 12/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT

    [6] Kasier: HP 819/820, EN 67/82


    Mimic: HP 120/210, 63 DMG [Stun Immunity: 1 turn] {Paralyzed}

  11. Krysta had recently heard from an NPC that there was a garden on the first floor that was full of materials, so many, in fact, that it was bustling with materials and would be a great place to search in. She began to ask about exactly where this garden was, and once she had marked it on her map, she was able to know where it was for future reference, just in case it was always full of materials. However, she didn't want to be the only one who knew about it. Thus, she had the thought of sharing the location via bulletin board. She walked over to the bulletin board, and posted something on it, and it read thus,

    To all who are interested:

    I've heard of a garden to the northeast of the Town of Beginnings, a garden that is an ideal place to search for materials! I'm certain that you'll have better luck finding things in this bountiful garden than other areas of the first ten floors. Come to this garden, I'm sure you won't be disappointed!


    And with that, she left for the garden that was said to be bustling with materials.

  12. Krysta noticed that both her and Vigilon's HP had been restored, and thus Vigilon was going to be fine. Laida had managed to get her head and arms out of the hole, and was currently trying to pull herself the rest of the way back up. She noticed the three players involved in combat with the mimic. She had originally hoped to help, but this time, she would let this new arrival in the conflict have her chance. After all, everyone deserved a chance. No longer worried about whether or not Vigilon was going to be okay, Krysta turned her attention towards the mimic. Vigilon managed to strike the creature, and now it was her turn to do so. Unfortunately, she ended up timing her strike too late, for she had missed the creature by about an inch. At least they didn't really have to worry as much anymore as they did when this started.


    ID# 101177 BD: 2(Miss)

    [2] Vigilon: HP 337/420, EN 27/47 | 6 DMG | 9 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 Recovery | 1 Bleed

    [0] Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 17/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT

    [3] Kasier: HP 820/820, EN 66/82


    Mimic: HP 162/210, 63 DMG [Stun Immunity: 2 turns]

  13. The spiderlike monster then began to use it's hind legs to start working with it's silk, clearly hoping to immobilize Krysta. "All you need do isss to sssssstay sssssstill.... It will all be over sssssoon...." Krysta yelped and bolted to her left, managing to avoid a sudden movement made towards her. "Now, child, did you really think I would do what most arachnids would do after capturing? I have other planssss for thisssss...." Krysta drew her weapon, and held it firmly, but it was still shaking in her hand. The monster moved over to try and grab Krysta, but instead of just evading and striking, she bolted the other way and clung to the wall. "J-j-just what do you want with me?? Who- W-what are you??" "Hehehe.... Oh, I'm sssssssso glad you assssssssked.... My friends call me Arakkia, that is, if I had any friends. Nihilita was jussssst sssssso enviousssss, Anidaxta was ssssssuffering from her own sssssself, but I am of neither."

    (OOC: House's D20: 14[Takes Action])

    ID# 101102 BD: 4(Miss), MD: 4(Miss)

    Krysta: HP 296/300, EN 28/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Arakkia(Inner Demon 3)[Fear, Terror]: HP 150/150, 21 DMG, 3 MIT

  14. When Krysta looked at where the mimic came from, it had apparently hidden itself within the chest. That was something you don't see every day. What a clever trick. Laida continued to try climbing back up, and though she made little progress, she would eventually get back up. She heard the shouting cry, and then she heard the mimic heading over. "Well, it seems like the rescue has arrived! Talk about Deus ex Machina!" Krysta looked over to the player that had just involved herself in the fight. The mimic attempted to attack the new arrival, but failed to do so, and was then stunned by Vigilon's attack. As long as his HP was this close to yellow, with the known damage output of the mimic, Krysta decided it would be best for her to stick to making sure he would be fine. She rushed over to him, and placed a glowing white hand on him, restoring his HP. "We can make it through this!"


    -Used First Aid on @Vigilon (16 HP restored)

    [1] Vigilon: HP 237/420, EN 28/47 | 6 DMG | 9 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 Recovery | 1 Bleed

    [0] Krysta: HP 282/300, EN 18/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT

    [3] Kasier: HP 820/820, EN 82/82


    Mimic: HP 186/210, 63 DMG {Stunned}

  15. Laida noticed that Vigilon seemed to know Kaldui. "Ahaha, yup, that Kaldui. From what I can guess, you're the one she'd escorted through floor seventeen, right?" Both players decided to watch as Vigilon would open the chest. Well, he almost did, until he realized it was actually a mimic, and it was then that it decided to lunge at him in a way that could make you think of a jumpscare. "Aahh!!" Laida pulled out her weapon, but little did she know the ground she was standing on wasn't exactly stable. The patch of dirt gave way under the combined weight of her and her armor, and she tumbled down a few feet. Krysta ran to the edge of the hole. "Laida! Are you alright?" Laida got up, and replied with, "I'm fine. However, I won't be able to get back up very easily. Go and help Vigilon!" Krysta noticed that Vigilon's HP was now in the yellow. He was clearly in no position to take on this creature. Krysta ran over to him and activated First Aid, restoring a smidgen of his HP. However, this couldn't possibly be enough to keep him alive. Something had to be done, and fast!


    -Used First Aid on @Vigilon (16 HP restored)

    Vigilon: HP 221/420, EN 32/47 | 6 DMG | 9 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 Recovery | 1 Bleed

    Krysta: HP 282/300, EN 18/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Mimic: HP 210/210, 63 DMG

  16. Laida watched Krysta charge in to help out Vigilon. "It's always nice to know there are players always willing to help each other out..." Vigilon avoided the Blaze Griffin's attack before finishing it off with Rage Spike. It was finally over. "Phew, glad that's over..." Krysta then looked to the stone that had basically summoned the creatures. It seemed like it could be... She walked over, and with some difficulty, she moved the top half of the stone off, revealing the chest hidden within. "Do you think the griffins were guarding this? It would explain why they would arrive whenever someone came over to the stone." Laida shrugged. "Beats me. All I knew about the stone was that it summoned fairly tough mobs that were always griffins. I guess Kaldui never thought about the possibility of a chest being within the stone..." Krysta pulled out the chest and set it on the ground.


    ID# 101066 LD: 12+3=15(found a chest)

  17. Laida continued to watch the fight. Krysta had already finished hers, but Vigilon's was still ongoing. Vigilon had managed to avoid the Blaze Griffin's attack, but he ended up with yet another mishap. His sword got stuck in a tree. Krysta couldn't just watch this keep going. She had to do something and help out her boyfriend. Laida saw the look in Krysta's eyes, and said, "Hey, there's nothing stopping you from jumping in. I might be waiting for things to go downhill first, but it's pretty much your fight. I only wanted to keep that one I was facing at bay. Go on, do what you've gotta do!" Krysta looked back at the creature, and decided to go for it. She attacked the Blaze Griffin using the Sword Art known as Crucifixion, bringing the monster's HP down to red. "I will not stand idly by while my boyfriend gets hurt!"


    ID# 101062 BD: 8(Hit)

    Crucifixion: 7x6=42

    [4] Vigilon: HP 261/420, EN 34/47 | 6 DMG | 9 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 Recovery | 1 Bleed

    [1] Krysta: HP 272/300, EN 9/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Blaze Griffin: HP 8/150, 45 DMG, Inflicts burn on MD rolls of 9-10

  18. Laida looked over to the two players, seeing that they were still fighting their griffins. "I guess I'll just watch for now. If things get really bad, I'll jump in then. This is their fight, I shouldn't disrupt it. I do like keeping others safe, but it's just as good to see players being able to handle themselves." Krysta saw Vigilon end up getting a powerful blow on him after he called the creature a name. From the creature's response, it might have been prideful as a hippogriff. Vigilon was at least able to drop it's HP to the yellow, though. Laida winced at what happened. "Ooh, I don't wanna be him right now." Krysta felt something similar, for it kind of hurt just thinking about it, especially that it was her boyfriend getting attacked! Krysta turned to see the Thunder Griffin recklessly rushing for her. Krysta sidestepped, and the creature crashed into the ground. "Might as well take this chance while I can" She thought. She attacked with the Sword Art Crucifixion once more, finishing off the Thunder Griffin. The loot menu appeared, showing she had managed to loot 450 col, two materials, and two consumables.


    ID# 101035 BD: 10(Critical, +2 Base DMG)

    Crucifixion: 9x6=54

    ID# 101036 CD: 8, LD: 16+3=19(looted 450 Col, 2 T1 Mats, and 2 <<Unidentified T1 Rare Consumables>>)

    Krysta: HP 272/300, EN 14/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Thunder Griffin: HP 0/150, 45 DMG, Inflicts Paralysis on MD rolls of 9-10

  19. As the players made their way towards the forest, they began speaking of a possible strategy to go with. Reinholt suggested that he and Arabelle should strike with Area of Effect attacks, and that Spangie should stun. He asked if anyone had any healing skills, hoping that everyone could remain in one piece. "Well, I have rank 1 First Aid, so if anyone gets hurt, let me know!" She did plan to go with damage and healing/support as her choice of build. Now that she was high enough level, she could start focusing on both her potential damage and her ability to keep other players in the fight. Fetu asked what level the other players were. "Fifteen." She began to think about how the strategy was set up so far. Two separate parties, one with three players, one with two. She also listened to what Arabelle had to say about it as well. "Considering all of that... Perhaps Reinholt and Fetu Lagi could be in one party, and Arabelle and I could be in the other." She turned to Arabelle. "Since you're level three, I'll do what I can to keep you in the fight if things start going downhill." She then had one last thing to establish before there would be a full strategy. "Spangie, which party do you wish to work with?"

    @Reinholt @Arabelle @Fetu Lagi @Spangie

  20. Laida was freed from the ice, but that came with an attack. She shook herself off, then she retaliated with an attack that hit the target hard enough to finish off the griffin. "That'll teach you."   Vigilon told Krysta that he would only jump in if things got difficult. She watched as The Blaze Griffin managed to deal damage to Vigilon, and then there was a strong retaliation that inflicted bleed on the monster. The Thunder Griffin missed Krysta, and she found herself able to move again. "Great, I can move again! You! Prepare yourself!" Krysta took a justified battle stance, and rushed in to attack. She dealt a well placed attack using the Sword Art known as Crucifixion. The Thunder Griffin's HP was in the yellow now, close to red. It wouldn't be long before she finished off the creature that stood before her. "I'll be able to return to the safe zone, Mitria. I'll come back with the pendant!"


    ID# 100986 BD: 9(Critical, +1 Base DMG)

    Crucifixion: 8x6=48

    Krysta: HP 272/300, EN 19/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Thunder Griffin: HP 48/150, 45 DMG, Inflicts Paralysis on MD rolls of 9-10

  21. Laida realized what enhancement the griffin had when it raised it's talon to strike her. "Oh, Darn!" The damage was mitigated, but she was still frozen solid. "Laida!" Krysta noticed that the damage done to Laida was mitigated only after she ended up frozen. "Oh...at least she's going to be fine. If that griffin I'm facing ends up getting a strong, paralyzing hit on me, I wouldn't be sure what to do..." Vigilon missed the griffin he was battling against, but the creature was too stunned to retaliate, or make an attack prior to Vigilon's. He should be able to keep trying, though. Krysta turned to see the Thunder Griffin attack her with a paralyzing strike. Krysta fell onto the ground on her back. Vigilon called out her name. "I-I'm fine! Finish the Griffin you're currently fighting first! I think I can handle this one!" Hopefully, Vigilon wouldn't end up worried. "Darn paralysis." She thought to herself.


    [Paralysis refrains Krysta from taking action]

    Krysta: HP 272/300, EN 24/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Thunder Griffin: HP 96/150, 45 DMG, Inflicts Paralysis on MD rolls of 9-10

  22. Vigilon found it interesting that Yolviinsil was able to turn some of the sand into glass. Veriost started growling at something in what was either in a hostile or defensive manner. Krysta looked around, trying to see if a hostile monster was around. When Reinholt called out to Fenrir, telling him to "Be nice", she looked over, and saw that Veriost was apparently growling at Fenrir. Veriost soon made a gesture to Fenrir that might have been a defensive threat. Krysta decided to leave that alone for now, hoping that a quarrel wouldn't happen. Reinholt apologized about Fenrir, saying that he hadn't been around many other familiars, as well as the fact that their partnership was new. He then spoke of the partnership probably between Krysta and Vigilon, something to do with fire and ice. "Well...Sometimes, I don't get why some people try and match themselves with an element. While one's personality could mostly match an element, there will always be some traits from other elements, none of them in the same order. Every one of us is unique, after all. While I might have been told I can have a fire in my eyes during combat, that flame isn't the only thing within me."


  23. Krysta watched the other players take action as the fights raged around her. Laida attacked her foe using Arahabaki, cutting the HP of the griffin she was fighting by about half. She must have been a fairly strong player. Krysta looked over to Vigilon, who was attacked by a burn inflicting strike from the Griffin he was battling against. Krysta was actually a bit surprised when Vigilon ended up with a status ailment. Thankfully, Vigilon was able to retaliate with a stun Sword Art.She looked to the Griffin she was fighting. As displayed above it's HP bar, the monster's name was <<Thunder Griffin>>. The griffin Krysta was facing attempted to attack her, but she was able to dodge the attack. Now it was time for her to attempt another strike. Hopefully this attack will go just as well as the first one. She readied her weapon, and rushed for her foe, but she ended up missing her target by an inch. Hopefully, she could evade the Griffin's next attack, and make a well-placed strike against it.


    ID# 100941 BD: 2(Miss)

    Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 23/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Thunder Griffin: HP 96/150, 45 DMG, Inflicts Paralysis on MD rolls of 9-10

  24. (OOC: That's fair, giving me the one that paralyzes instead of DoT burns. I mean it. Also, I corrected the numbers for MD roll requirements.)

    Vigilon arrived, saying that Venorim had finally admitted defeat, and XOXXie realized the error in her ways. Finally, Krysta could relax. "Oh thank goodness, I was actually worried I might be chased all the way to the safe zone!" Vigilon saw and introduced himself to Laida. "I'm Laida. Nice to meet you, too." Laida looked back to Krysta. "So, do you two know each other pretty well? 'Cause if Jewel is your real name, I can see why you'd know each other by them." Krysta was going to speak when Vigilon accidentally brought some unwanted company. Krysta drew out her rapier, and one of the creatures landed specifically in front of her. The other two also seemed to pick a single opponent. "Well, it looks like you've accidentally summoned them! I'll make sure this one here doesn't have a change of heart!" Laida pulled out her weapon, held her shield firmly, and activated Howl. Krysta looked to the griffin she was facing. "Just you and me, feathered fiend!" Krysta readied her weapon, and she attacked with the Sword Art known as Crucifixion, dealing a good amount of damage to the beast.


    ID# 100896 BD: 10(Critical, +2 Base DMG)

    Crucifixion: 9x6=54

    Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 24/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Thunder Griffin: HP 96/150, 45 DMG, Inflicts Paralysis on MD rolls of 9-10

  25. Reinholt's familiar seemed to dislike the desert that was before them, and it took a little convincing to get it moving. Yolviinsil was still a little shy at the moment, but she was willing to not hide. The small ruby red feathered dragon flew around to see what kind of terrain the floor was. She landed on the sand, and blew some fire at it, turning some of it to glass. She then looked at it with curiosity. "Yolviinsil, you do know that's glass that you just made there, right? We've seen it various times within settlements." Yolviinsil returned to Krysta's shoulder, and then Krysta witnessed Veriost's shenanigans. "Oh, Veriost, you don't seem to learn or change, do you?" Vigilon and his small white frost dragon seemed to argue for a bit. At least Krysta and her familiar were more civilized in their ties than Vigilon and Veriost were, from what she knew.


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