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Posts posted by Krysta

  1. (OOC: I'm fine with it as long as I don't keep missing.)

    Krysta thought that Vigilon was out of the forest by now, so she had left the forest. However, Vigilon was not in sight. What would happen if one of those two players came? She couldn't just remain out in the open like this... Krysta was worried that she would be found, and she wasn't in the mood for getting chased all over the place. Suddenly, she heard a voice. "Hey, are you alright?" Krysta turned to see a young girl in heavy armor. "Oh! Um, hello. I'm fine, thank you for asking...but I am a bit worried. A player recently tried to steal this pendant." The girl pulled out a one handed spear and a shield. "I can keep this person from trying that again if you'd like." "I doubt that I'll have to worry about anything then." Krysta replied with a nervous chuckle. "I'm Krysta, pleasure to meet you." The girl put away her weapon. "My name is Laida. It's nice to meet you, too."


    Laida(Again, this is just the visual image of the character):




  2. When Krysta looked behind her, it was only Venorim who was chasing after her. Could XOXXie have fallen behind, or did something else happen? Where was Vigilon? So much was happening, and Kyrsta was getting worried. She sprinted at top speed again to get a chance to hide, then found a bush with white flowers blooming from it. The mists began to gather more, and it was about three inches above the ground now. If Venorim didn't give up soon, all four players might get lost in this forest. She dove into the bush, and what luck, she wasn't found at all! "Thank goodness, I thought I was going to be chased all the way to the safe zone!" When Venorim would leave, and Krysta would find that the coast was clear, she would leave the bush and begin looking for Vigilon. Once the two players regrouped, they could return to the safe zone peacefully, and show the pendant to Mitria.


    ID# 100807 LD: 19(Successfully hidden from Venorim)

  3. "Well, I do admit that it is rather interesting to have found a shark that dwells in a place without much water, but either way, it shouldn't stand a chance at all." This should be fairly simple, especially since there were three players that would be going up against this creature. They couldn't possibly lose. Reinholt had mentioned that he'd defeated the monster before, and wouldn't mind doing so again. "Oh, hello again, Reinholt." Yolviinsil had seen Reinholt before, but not his familiar. The small ruby red feathered dragon hid behind Krysta again. It wouldn't be long before she climbed back up on her shoulder, though. Yolviinsil may be shy, but it took less time to warm up to other familiars than with players. Vigilon started walking out the gate, but Krysta had a suggestion. "Um, Alex, don't you think that since Reinholt has faced the beast before, and probably knows where it is, that he should lead the way to the monster's dwelling?"


  4. Vigilon agreed with Krysta, then asked Venorim why he would do such a thing. The reason why was absolutely ridiculous. He was willing to commit crimes for success that he could easily achieve another time? Vigilon remarked that their leader wouldn't approve of his methods, and that he should just accept his loss and move on. Krysta was about to say something, then XOXXie made her threatening challenge. She was now stuck in yet another problem. Vigilon managed to come up with an idea, and he told Krysta to hide, since both players were after her, meaning that it was only Krysta who needed to lose them. She reached top speed again, then found a bush to dive into. She had hidden too early, and thus she would begin running again. Hopefully, Vigilon would be able to keep the two players distracted, and Krysta would be able to make her escape.


    ID# 100772 LD: 2(Too low, discovered)

  5. Vigilon guessed that whatever reason the players were chasing after Krysta and Vigilon for, it couldn't be good. Venorim began gaining on them, and...he tried to swipe the pendant?? Vigilon stopped running and let himself be a sudden obstacle, thus stopping Venorim in his tracks before running again. "I'm not sure, but why would he ever go that low? I can't believe it, why would he do such a thing? Stealing? How dishonorable!" It seemed that there was a roadblock after all. Venorim was chasing them to steal the pendant, and XOXXie was probably chasing to make her attempt to challenge Krysta to another duel, but one that was to the death. XOXXie's threat could easily be stopped if it was truly the case, but as for Venorim, Vigilon and Krysta would need to outrun him. If they would ever be able to succeed and show the pendant to Mitria at this rate, they would have to make a fast getaway before the mists fully gathered...


  6. The maze's exit was in sight, and Vigilon asked Krysta if she would like to equip the pendant since she was going to keep it anyway. "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt..." No sooner did she equip it, they were found by Venorim and XOXXie. How they found the route back so easily was a mystery to her, but it would never be answered. Vigilon took Krysta's hand, and they made for the exit. Mists began to gather as they traversed the hidden path that they walked to reach the maze some time ago. Vigilon suggested they move fast, lest the mists make it too hard to see, or Venorim and XOXXie catch up to them. Krysta was already running, but it would certainly help to run a top speed for at least a bit. "They can't possibly be looking for a fight at this time! Why are they chasing us?"


  7. Krysta was making her first visit to the fifth floor, and it happened to be a desert. The color of the sands were not what she expected of a desert floor, however. She thought the sands would be white or of a similar color, but it didn't seem to be that kind of desert. She soon learned that the settlement's name was Fortaleza, and she put two and two together. "Oh, it's that kind of desert, one that I might find in the continent of North America." But that would only bring confusion. Such a desert had never been a place of swords and noble warriors...had it? She soon received a message from Vigilon, speaking of a shark in the sand. "But if it's a monster, could it be a shark that was attuned to the sand? That would be the only logical explanation for it..." She made her way to the city gate, and found Vigilon standing there. "Hello Alex! So I assume we're going to fight an elemental shark?"

    @Vigilon @Reinholt

  8. Vigilon managed to lead them back to the beginning of the maze so far. Perhaps they could slow down a bit. Vigilon may have said that they weren't out of the woods yet, but there was still a little time to look for something in particular. She soon learned that the crumbling area of the maze was basically barren. She couldn't possibly find a chest here, nor could she find a usable material that a tailor could use. "I'm sorry about stalling, let's move on!" She would be able to bring the pendant back safely, that was certain, and she would show it to Mitria before the day ended. How long had it been while they were in the maze? There was still daylight, but how long would it last? She began to wonder how Mitria would react to seeing the pendant, then she wondered what would possibly happen while on the way back.


    ID# 100748 LD: 6+3=9(Failed to find a chest)

    (OOC: Dang, no chest. I guess there's always the next thread, though.)

  9. Vigilon came through again with some reassurance. "Aww, thanks...she actually wouldn't harm a hair on a man's head, apparently, so if you were to place yourself in the way like a meat shield, you can bet she'd reconsider her options." Vigilon shared his thoughts on the pendant. "I can see why, too. If there was lore behind this, I could guess that whoever owned it first had treasured it so much that two Minotaurs were given the task of preventing it from falling into anyone else's hands." Turns out, Vigilon had a way back fresh in his mind, and he was hoping to leave before he could forget it. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Krysta would follow Vigilon until they reached the exit, and then they would make their way back to the safe zone next, to show the pendant to Mitria. "You'll see this mystical pendant, Mitria, we're coming!"


  10. Vigilon reminded Krysta to return to the present by initiating conversation involving it. He asked what had happened before the spider. "I had a run in with XOXXie... She is envious of me, and she dueled against me. I emerged victorious, but she intended to begin a full loss duel once our energy had recovered. Strangely, if it weren't for the spider, I would have been stuck in a duel to the death!" Vigilon spotted something sparkling within a room. A room? this room must be where the pendant is! She entered the room, and saw a pendant on top of a pedestal that sunlight shone on via a skylight. The pendant was elegantly designed, made from silver, and with a rose-colored jewel in the center, as well as one amethyst to the left of it, and one topaz to the right of it. "Wow..." She took the pendant from the pedestal, and returned to Vigilon, saying, "We now have the pendant, let's get out of here before the other players realize we've taken the prize!"


  11. Krysta still clung to Vigilon, but she stopped saying the name of the monstrous creature's kind, and her legs stopped trembling. His embrace and his words gave her feelings of security and comfort. Thus, rather than terrified clinging, this began to look like a tight embrace. "Th-th-thank you.... Th-thank you, Alex...." Krysta was happy to know that he cared deeply for her, despite this somewhat embarrassing revelation of her phobia of spiders she'd gone and openly revealed with her frantic actions. She continued to hold tightly for about a minute or more, then her grip lessened. Yolviinsil watched this from a short distance, letting Krysta have her little moment of reassurance. Krysta now felt much better, and wasn't worried about a spider anymore. Besides, it was too far to try and track her down. She gave him a light, short kiss on the cheek. Then she would listen to what Vigilon had to say.


  12. Krysta had actually done it. She had defeated XOXXie. Well, in a way, because she surrendered. XOXXie then began to speak. She was about to mention something, which sounded like XOXXie hadn't learned her lesson, since it sounded like she was about to say "to the death". XOXXie had noticed something, and when Krysta looked, she wished she hadn't... "Ahh....S-sss...Sp-....Spi-.....SPIDEEEEEERRR!!!!!!!!" She wasn't gonna stick around for one more second. A spider. It just HAD to be a spider. She screamed as she ran at top speed, as fast as her legs could carry her, throughout the maze in an attempt to get as far away as she could from the spider. Eventually, she would spot Vigilon walking. He couldn't possibly see the next thing coming for him. Almost instinctively believing he could protect her, she ran into him at the full force of her speed, and clung to him, her legs trembling. Literally. "S-s-s-s-spider.... S-s-s-s-spider...."


  13. XOXXie somehow found a way to turn the tide in her own favor with her words. After Krysta avoided her attack, she would consider taking this chance to strike. She would have to time it carefully so that she wouldn't miss, because if she did, she might actually end up losing. Avoiding that would be a good choice. As a result, she would need to evade her opponent's attacks as much as possible, as well as land as many as she could on her opponent. She would eventually win this, and she wouldn't let anything happen to her objective. She hoped Vigilon was alright, and that she could be able to handle envious XOXXie here. She managed to attack with the Sword Art known as Quadruple Pain, putting herself in the lead, probably for good. At this rate, victory was guaranteed. "You were saying?" With the damage she had managed to deal, there couldn't possibly be any way to lose now.


    ID# 100699 BD: 7(Hit)

    Quadruple Pain: 7x4-18=10

    Turns left: 3

    Krysta: HP 191/300, EN 0/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT (109/150 HP depleted)


    XOXXie: HP 168/280, EN 0/28 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 1 ACC (112/140 HP depleted)

  14. Did Vigilon really need to send a message to check in now? She appreciated he cared to see if she was alright, but how could she respond in a situation like this? She would have to respond when she didn't have combat to worry about. XOXXie attacked while Krysta was busy trying to figure out what to do about the message. However, the damage was mitigated, so XOXXie had clearly ran out of energy. Even so, her opponent still aimed for victory. Krysta had enough energy for one Sword Art, so she would have to be precise in her aim and timing if she was to take and keep the lead in this duel. ...So she ended up missing. Big deal, she still had enough energy for one more Sword Art, since a miss doesn't consume much energy. She began to feel slight exhaustion. Clearly this fight would be likely to end by the timer, and not by someone's strike. "So be it. We won't bend to each other's demands, so I'll just have to hold you off!"


    ID# 100671 BD: 3(Miss)

    Turns left: 4

    Krysta: HP 191/300, EN 3/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT (109/150 HP depleted)


    XOXXie: HP 178/280, EN 0/28 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 1 ACC (102/140 HP depleted)

  15. XOXXie had taken the opportunity to strike while Krysta was busy trying to get her sword out of the wall. When XOXXie's smile had faded, Krysta guessed that it was something that could be seen on her interface, like the time, or her energy meter. Either way, This left an opening for Krysta to make an attempt to retaliate. She attacked using the Sword Art known as Crucifixion, thus making a successful retaliation while XOXXie's guard was down. "So what if our energy is running low? We can still choose to continue or end this however way we see fit! So will you continue to make your attempts to strike me down, or will you surrender to your coming defeat?" Krysta was feeling confident about this now, and she still had enough energy for one more Sword Art. She would try to win this now. Even though she would be unlikely to deplete her HP to the yellow, she could at least come close, and win by progress once the timer ended.


    ID# 100665 BD: 7(Hit)

    Crucifixion: 7x6-18=24

    Turns left: 5

    Krysta: HP 192/300, EN 4/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT (108/150 HP depleted)


    XOXXie: HP 178/280, EN 1/28 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 1 ACC (102/140 HP depleted)

  16. The players introduced themselves to one another, as well as to Krysta. It was time she introduced herself as well. "My name is Krysta, it's so nice to meet you all! I think we have enough here to set out and enter the forest. I've heard that the enemies we shall be facing are not only plantlike, aggressive and territorial, but have been spreading out and gathering in numbers. Thus, I happen to believe that we might be doing more than just one favor regarding these creatures, as we may end up thinning their numbers in the process. Even if we somehow get swarmed, I'm sure we can pull through with our numbers! Our foes are sure to be outmatched, too! So, are you all ready?" Five players, one goal, and a whole lot of nepents. That was the situation. Thankfully, the enemies would be no match for this team of five. Two of them had even done the quest before! Once all the players were ready, Krysta would say "Then onward to the forest!" as she pulled out her rapier and point it towards the sky before heading over to the safe zone's exit.

    @Reinholt @Arabelle @Fetu Lagi @Spangie

  17. Krysta listened to what Macaroon said. "It's good to know that we still think of our families back in the real world. I sure do hope my father is alright, he must be devastated right now, knowing his only daughter is trapped, with the possibility of never returning... He's already lost my mother and my cousin, I couldn't bear the thought of letting him down now..." Krysta shook off the thoughts, and changed the subject to what was being talked about beforehand. "So, a French cuisine, you say? I guess it might be fitting for the shop to be in the settlement of Taft, over on the eleventh floor. To be honest, I wouldn't mind setting up shop in that city as well." She returned to looking for materials, and she let Macaroon's words encourage her as she searched. There didn't seem to be anything around that a tailor could use. "Maybe we should move forward a bit. Others might have cleaned out this area already."


    ID# 100605 LD: 5+3=8(Failed)

  18. XOXXie made a successful attack, and then spoke of possibly adding a little risk to this fight. Why ever did Krysta recklessly just tell XOXXie that this fight changed nothing while she was riled up like this, and was completely against her for ridiculous reasons. However, she did have a way to avoid the possible consequences that might occur if she was to somehow be defeated. "But such risk cannot be added without consent, and you do not have mine! Nothing shall change!" Krysta readied her rapier and rushed in to attack. Not only was her attack dodged, but her rapier got stuck between the wall's stone bricks. This couldn't possibly be good. Hopefully, she would be able to deal with the issue, and at least win by progress once the timer ended. How would XOXXie respond to Krysta's words? Will she realize that these kinds of situations cannot be changed without others' consent?


    ID# 100603 BD: 1(Critical Fail!)

    Turns left: 6

    Krysta: HP 228/300, EN 9/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT (72/150 HP depleted)


    XOXXie: HP 202/280, EN 6/28 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 1 ACC (78/140 HP depleted)

  19. (OOC: I hope nobody minds if I use a D20 I have at home to determine whether or not Krysta does anything, for she has a 50% chance of doing anything while in a situation where she is facing a spider or spiderlike creature and cannot escape/escape without failing on important matter, otherwise she just runs.)

    A voice came from behind. "Why, hello there, misssssss...." Krysta's eyes widened, she turned around to see an arachnid horror, and she let out a sudden shriek at the top of her lungs. The creature that was before her was primarily like that of a spider in appearance. But the monster also had a scorpion tail,  the bottom of it's lower half attached to the abdomen. It first looked like it had two sets of pedipalps, but the ones closer to the legs were raised, revealing them to actually be arms of sorts, and they even had bone-thin, sharp claws on what seemed to be hands. The horrible creature's eyes burned an unholy, violent blood-red shade as they practically pierced into Krysta's with a terrifying gaze. The eight eyes also seemed larger than the typical size for even one like this. The spider's height was 5'8", and it appeared similar to the Huahini Birdeater Tarantula. The mouth area appeared to be in a way that could actually allow human speech, and it even had a snake tongue. What a nightmarish creature... Krysta completely clung to the wall, heavily breathing from the frightening sight. "My sssssissssssstersssss....you have already ssssslain two of them, haven't you? Well, allow me to put a sssssstop to your asssssssault." The monster stung Krysta using a well aimed attack with it's scorpion stinger, and Krysta didn't even budge an inch! "Hehehehe...you haven't even drawn out your weapon...thissss will be all too eassssy..."

    (OOC: House's D20: 9[Takes no action])

    [Inner Demon 3 Spawned]

    [Krysta is frozen with fear!]

    ID# 100415 MD: 9(Critical, +1 DMG)

    Krysta: HP 296/300, EN 30/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Arakkia(Inner Demon 3)[Fear, Terror]: HP 150/150, 21 DMG, 3 MIT

  20. Couldn't all of this happen another time? Would there ever be a chance for petty fights like these to be settled in other ways? Krysta would refuse to lose, so she would do what she could to at least discourage XOXXie from the fight. So far, XOXXie seemed interested only in victory as far as this quarrel was concerned. "Victory is optional. For both of us. Even if there is victory for one of us, it won't change a thing in regards to which one of us will retrieve the pendant first! This whole fight is meaningless!" She would still do her part in the fight. She rushed for her opponent in hopes of discouraging her opponent at the very least. She managed to deal some damage to XOXXie, but what began to trouble Krysta's thoughts was that she might not be able to deplete XOXXie's HP enough with what little energy she had.


    ID# 100397 BD: 6(Hit)

    Crucifixion: 7x6-18=24

    Turns left: 7

    Krysta: HP 252/300, EN 10/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT (48/150 HP depleted)


    XOXXie: HP 202/280, EN 11/28 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 1 ACC (78/140 HP depleted)


  21. Krysta appeared in a darkened room, but whatever was around must have been a fairly dark-ish color, for she couldn't make out much of the colors within her vision. However, some bunches of white and light grey positioned in several spots of the room began to worry Krysta. She heard something that sounded like a claw scraping along the wall, and she turned her head towards that direction. Then she heard the same noise come from the opposite direction, and turned her head towards it. She heard footsteps that could come only from something she'd never hoped to see. "No...no, please no...." She turned towards the window, hoping that the scenery might get it off her mind, eliminate the thought of what was possibly around, that she thought was her mind playing tricks on her. She heard more of the footsteps, and they were coming behind her. "I-it's nothing, a self created illusion, there's nothing there, there's nothing there..."

  22. The unusual figure was lighter in color again. The figure used to appear dark, but now it seemed gray. "You're making great progress, the darkness is starting to recede, and the clouds have begun to dissipate. Two enemies remain, but I know you can vanquish them." The area was still shrouded in darkness, but surely that might change by winning the remaining two battles. She looked to where the previous doors stood. The one to the left had a crystal in it's place, like last time. The one to the middle left now had in it's place a painting containing...family. Yes, indeed, the painting portrayed Krysta's family. This...was unbelievably strange. The treasure room could be assumed as something, but the room with statues and portraits was confusing, and this...definitely brought questions. For now, she would walk to the third door. It depicted a crystal darkening, as it moved into the corner, because in the opposite corner, several red eyes opened... Krysta didn't like the looks of that. As a result, she hesitated before opening the door.

  23. Dazia was here. Krysta knew this day would come, she just didn't know when. "Not everything in this floor begins in Urbus, murderer." She didn't know why this child traveled with such a terrible person, but she would find out in the end. "This just seems like the situation, you know. No one could possibly interfere. What exactly could stop our fight from taking place here? There is nothing that could prevent us from settling our quarrel!" She said as she drew out her rapier and took a justified stance. "Leif will not have died in vain, I shall avenge him!" Her eyes were locked towards Dazia, and they were already full of vengeful thoughts, soon to be ablaze. "You are the only one that benefits from the ceasefire that was decided between us. Granted, I should have known better that other time, but here, now, I have the chance to finish this before you can get stronger!"


  24. XOXXie's response began with a stutter. She had been dealt an emotional blow. However, that only riled her up. Looks like a seemingly petty fight over a pendant was going to happen after all... XOXXie attacked swiftly, dealing damage to Krysta. Krysta had to even things out at the very least. Victory may be optional, but it was certainly preferred, and thus she wouldn't be holding back. She attacked with the sword art known as crucifixion, dealing a pretty good hit on her opponent. "You leave me no choice then. Prepare to lose, for I shall not be defeated easily!" This woman had a serious envy problem that would lead to not only her suffering, but possibly others, too, if left to worsen. If XOXXie refused to do it now, perhaps a good, sound defeat might be able to teach her a lesson. "I'm sure you know this already, but I refuse to hold back any longer."


    ID# 100373 BD: 9(Critical, +1 Base DMG)

    Crucifixion: 8x6-18=30

    Turns left: 8

    Krysta: HP 252/300, EN 15/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT (48/150 HP depleted)


    XOXXie: HP 226/280, EN 12/28 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 1 ACC (54/140 HP depleted)

  25. Vigilon claimed that nothing was wrong, and that it was a party, as if nothing could go wrong. "It's nice to be optimistic, but what seems to be nervousness just so happens to mislead me..." Nova got everyone's attention, and announced that there would be a karaoke competition, with six tier one materials being the reward for first place. Once again, Krysta was interested in singing, but she just didn't want to be the one who went first. She had quite the voice, but there were several reasons why going first would be a bad idea. "I'd be interested in singing, but I'd prefer not to go first..." Yolviinsil was on Krysta's shoulder, looking around, seeing the players near and far within the room. She curled up slightly, and if anyone was to make eye contact with the small ruby red feathered dragon, she'd stare at them timidly and shyly.

    @Vigilon @Novafire

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