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Posts posted by Krysta

  1. Krysta noticed how quickly players started to arrive. First was a player in dragon bone armor, asking if they could team up on the quest. "Sure! I might be in a fairly decent level, but my weapon of choice can only target a single enemy, so as a result I can easily be swarmed if too many arrive at once..." It wasn't long before a player with purple hair arrived, also interested in taking the quest. "Of course you can join in." Another player started walking towards them, and yet another player sprinted towards the group, initiating conversation with the violet haired player almost immediately. Krysta got up and spoke to the two players. "Hello, I'm currently hoping to take a quest involving fighting off a variant of a certain monster to acquire medicine to save the village from a disease that is growing worse and worse. Care to join us in the quest?"

    @Reinholt @Arabelle @Fetu Lagi @Spangie


    Stats and equipment:


    Level:  15
    HP:  300
    EN:  30
    DMG:  7(OHR Rank 3[+3], Star Saber[+3], Yolviinsil[+2])

    MIT: 18



    Star Saber(+3 DMG)

    Guardian Vest(+18 MIT)

    Andvari's Blessing(3 LD)



    One handed Rapier Rank 3

    First Aid Rank 1


    Extra skills:

    Familiar Mastery: Fighter rank 2(Does not apply, due to enhancement cap)


  2. From what XOXXie said, the reason this fight over a pendant happened was because she wanted to find favor with her Guild leader, and so that she could end her desperation born from loneliness. At least, that's what Krysta guessed from it. Either way, now that there were definite, but different reasons the two players were fighting, there would be less anger towards this player...hopefully. "So then, you are lonely. You haven't been able to experience once-in-a-lifetime moments like what Vigilon and I share... You became desperate, grasping on to anyone who caught your fancy as they walked by, but you could never reach them... Your loneliness brought fear and desperation, this particular fear, along with the desperation progressed to anger and jealousy towards women who already had what you so desired... and then that lead to hate and envy... You need to put a stop to the dark thoughts dwelling in your head, or your emotional condition may worsen to suffering! We both have reasons to fight, so I will continue my part in this duel. But you must at least think about where the road you're walking will lead!" Victory remained optional, but Krysta would still stand and fight. XOXXie and Krysta both rushed for each other, but had missed by an inch. Perhaps Krysta would be able to land another hit next time.

    ID# 100156 BD: 3(Miss)

    Turns left: 9

    Krysta: HP 276/300, EN 20/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT (24/150 HP depleted)


    XOXXie: HP 256/280, EN 17/28 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 1 ACC (24/140 HP depleted)

  3. Krysta watched as Veriost reacted to the bell, responding to the situation in a similar manner to a cat, noticing the object, then freaking out and moving all over the place, then going on her back as she used her maw and forelegs to try and remove the bell from her tail. Afterward, Veriost blasted the bell with her frost breath, a bit of an overreaction, then she hid under Vigilon's cape, looking embarrassed, which was yet another thing cats did. "Heehee, seems to me like some of Veriost's behavior is similar to a cat's." Arabelle said that she thought Yolviinsil was the only well-behaved familiar here. "Well, I'm actually not sure about that. She's kind and empathetic, and possibly more, but she's a little shy, especially around players she doesn't know." Arabelle spoke of exploring the mansion. "That sounds great, we'd be glad to tag along!"

    As the players talked, Vigilon recalled two situations, one that Krysta was involved in, and one that Krysta wasn't there during the time it happened. "Oh, those two. I had some real trouble with that XOXXie woman, she seems to have a real envy problem...At least we were still able to retrieve the pendant." Vigilon spoke a bit about his encounter with April. "So you have another rival, and she's already tier two??" She suddenly heard a dragon's roar. She turned to see a golden dragon the size of a large dog cloaked in golden yellow flames, and then a voice announced the arrival of "Lady Auranika", a woman of beautiful form wearing a golden dress. The golden dragon landed by her side, so it must have been her familiar. Krysta saw the confidence emitting from her, and the entrance could easily make someone awestruck. "What an entrance..." Vigilon pointed to her, saying she was April, then he tried to change the subject and talk about the manor tour again. "...Are you alright, Alex? Is something wrong?"

    @Arabelle @Novafire @Vigilon

  4. Macaroon asked Krysta about why she chose to go with the tailor profession. "Well, I narrowed it down most of the way by thinking about which of the professions' crafts are closest to my real world skills. That had left two, Performer, from my ability to sing(my father once told me that I have my mother's voice), and Tailor, since I had actually sewn my own garments from time to time. Although I do sing, I just don't do it often enough to have it for a profession that I would make a living from. However, I have found multiple opportunities where tailoring would have come in handy, usually for some social event or the like. If I take up tailoring as a profession, I can be capable of enhanced clothing, light armor, handwraps...the list goes on, and I can see myself taking up tailoring for a profession." She then looked through a patch of tall grass, hoping to find something within. She found a cotton plant, and she harvested the cotton. "One down, four to go."


    ID# 100005 LD: 16+3=19(Success! +1 T1 Mat)

    Materials found: 1/5

  5. XOXXie's next choice of words would only upset Krysta further. Both players were clearly looking forward to victory, even though neither player had landed a single hit the entire duel. XOXXie then managed to actually deal damage to Krysta. What did this mean? No more mercy. She couldn't hold back now, especially since she had just been dropped to a position where she must successfully deal more damage and at least be in the lead to claim victory. Again, Victory was optional, but preferred, for the sake of teaching this woman a lesson. Krysta managed to deal her first successful blow in the duel as she retaliated with the Sword Art known as Crucifixion. "For the third, and hopefully the last time, what are your motives for retrieving the pendant? I won't stand for anything that you're doing at this moment. Why do you fight me over a pendant? Why?"


    ID# 100001 BD: 8(Hit)

    Crucifixion: 7x6-18=24

    Turns left: 10

    Krysta: HP 276/300, EN 20/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT (24/150 HP depleted)


    XOXXie: HP 256/280, EN 18/28 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 1 ACC (24/140 HP depleted)


  6. Krysta had been wandering the second floor, trying to see if there was something she could do. She was slowly getting to the point where she might have to turn to other players or NPCs to find anything else on the floors she had been traveling through. Maybe she could ask her boyfriend? Vigilon did seem to know some things here and there. "I wonder what else there is to find around here..." She got up, and started walking forward. She walked for about half an hour, undisturbed, which was strange because that meant there weren't many aggressive monsters about. either that, or they weren't interested in fighting a battle they couldn't win. Krysta soon saw herself among rocks, loose, jagged stones, pebbles, and boulders. She also saw a little home not too far from her position. She guessed it belonged to an NPC or something. Soon, she spotted someone familiar, but it brought no good memories... "Oh, it's you..."


  7. Nova exclaimed over Yolviinsil's cuteness, and asked whether she liked to be petted, or if dragons were different from cats and dogs. "Well, they usually have their own distinct personalities and such, but the smaller ones usually tend to have personality traits similar to the animals we know in our world as well as some refined personality. It's a bit confusing at first, but it's possible to wrap your head around it. Yolviinsil is fine with attention, but she's usually a bit shy around new people, so you'll have to let her warm up to you first. Reaching your hand out to her slowly seems to do the trick often." Krysta turned to look at the small ruby red feathered dragon which was slowly climbing back up to her shoulder. "Heehee, it's alright, Yolviinsil, you can come out and meet the hostess!" Yolviinsil looked at Nova shyly. Veriost had flown up to the chandelier, following the purple haired girl's crow, and Vigilon essentially told her to calm down and come back down. When he would speak to the purple haired girl, who he addressed as Arabelle, Veriost blasted some freezing cold frost breath at his face. Krysta giggled. "Oh, Veriost, what ever brought you to do that?" Krysta turned to Nova. "Well, I'll just see if a certain trait of common animals is within that riled up frost dragon real quick..." Krysta pulled out a ribbon and a small bell from her inventory, and with the ribbon, she tied the bell onto Veriost's tail. Krysta was actually curious as to what the little white frost dragon would do about it.

    Krysta was interested in singing once or twice, but she just didn't want to be the first or only one to sing. Karaoke was an option of something to do, but for now, she would speak with the players around, starting with this Arabelle girl. "Hello, Arabelle, was it? I'm Krysta, it's a pleasure to meet you."

    @Novafire @Vigilon @Arabelle

  8. Pretty soon, the room started to fill with players, and she soon heard a familiar voice. She turned to see Vigilon, who had just complimented her on her appearance. "Aww, thank you, Alex... You look quite dashing in that getup, it's so regal, and a bit lordly, I might add." Yolviinsil poked her head out in the open to see if Veriost was around. Nova came to the two players, and said,

    7 hours ago, Novafire said:

    @Krysta, @Vigilon, how nice to see you both again! Hope you have fun! I hear you a couple now, Is that true?”

    "Heehee, yes it is!" Krysta said as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend and gave him a peck on the cheek. Yolviinsil then noticed Nova as well, but, of course, she had never known Nova, so she retreated and pulled her head back down, and hid on Krysta's back. Krysta giggled. "Aww, I'm sure you're fine, Yolviinsil, there's no need to be shy, Nova is a very nice person!" Yolvinsil slowly poked her head above Krysta's shoulder, looking at Nova shyly. Nova greeted the players coming in, and spoke of what was available to do.


  9. XOXXie didn't answer Krysta's question. Instead, while the two players had their blades in lock, XOXXie noticed the fires beginning to burn within Krysta's eyes. She then remarked about snuffing it out. "First, you didn't answer my question. Second, I take that as a threat, and your threat shall have a response in which the truly justified can wield; I will defeat you, and quash your assault! You will not win this battle, as long as I have breath! Even if you were to somehow win this duel, I WILL find the pendant!" Krysta broke the lock, but her next attempt to attack was avoided. From how things were going, this would end in a draw. Hopefully, she would find out how she could be able to strike her opponent, and still be able to avoid and block her opponent's attacks. She would find the pendant, victory in the duel was merely optional. Of course, XOXXie did need to be taught a lesson.


    ID# 99810 BD: 5(Miss)

    Turns left: 11

    Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 25/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT (0/150 HP depleted)


    XOXXie: HP 280/280, EN 23/28 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 1 ACC (0/140 HP depleted)

  10. Krysta giggled as the player gave Yolviinsil some attention. "If you ever need help on the quest, you can always message me, I'll be glad to help!" The player then retracted her arm, and realized that she too, had forgotten to introduce herself. The player introduced herself as Macaroon, but also said that Krysta could call her Mack if it was easier for her, and then she outstretched her arm in greeting. Krysta shook Macaroon's hand. "Pleasure to meet you too, Mack!" Macaroon said to lead the way, and the two players would be off to the fields of the first floor. The safe zone's exit wasn't that far, and thus the players would be able to gather materials sooner than Krysta originally thought. Once she had passed the gates, she would see if there was anything that a tailor could use that was within her sight. There didn't seem to be anything around within the first few yards(in terms of distance, of course), but Krysta was certain that she would find the five materials she would need.


    ID# 99809 LD: 1=3=4(Failed)

  11. (OOC: Before. Definitely before. Also, I'm sorry for spawning the next group of mobs so early, I should have waited, and I might have unintentionally put some players in danger. I apologize for this, and I can assure you that this won't happen again.)

    Several players had jumped in and joined the fight. With this many players, the wolf pack wouldn't stand a chance. As wolf after wolf was vanquished, Krysta became less and less concerned about the other players' safety, assuming they would be fine with numbers like this. The last wolf that remained knew it couldn't possibly win this fight. It snarled viciously, all of it's teeth bared. The wolf bit at Sharr's leg, and then it began to reconsider it's actions. As it began to bolt off, Krysta made chase for it. "You're not getting away with that, foul beast!" She attempted to attack the wolf with a simple thrust once she caught up to it, but it turned around and caught the blade in it's teeth, and it growled at Krysta. It was clearly upset over how this whole fight was turning out, having one of it's comrades fallen to two players, then to be attacked by Krysta when it intended to avenge it's fallen friend, and now it's whole pack was slaughtered at the hands of several players.

    @Sharr @Reinholt @Vigilon @Grimm @Pinball @Hestia @H3LL0 @Arabelle

    ID# 99772 MD: 6(Hit)

    ID# 99773 BD: 5(Miss)

    [0]Krysta: HP 297/300, EN 21/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT

    [2]Sharr: HP 17/20, EN 0/2 | 1 DMG

    Reinholt: HP 60/60, EN 0/6 | 5 DMG

    [0]Vigilon: HP 439/440, EN 39/49 | 6 DMG | 9 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 1 Bleed | 2 Recovery

    [0] Pinball: HP 580/580, EN 50/58 | 14 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA

    Hestia: 1285/1285  ENG:111/124   MIT:151  Thorns: 54  DMG:6  Para: 2  Bleed: 2  REc: 1 Reg: 1 1:ACC  EVA:-1

    [0] Arabelle: HP 60/60, EN 2/6 | 4 DMG | 1 ACC | 2 Para


    Wolf 1: HP 7/10, 3 DMG

  12. The player seemed interested in tagging along. "Sure! I'd be glad to have some company on this task!" The player spoke sweetly to Yolviinsil, and asked where Krysta found her. "I found her in the seventh floor. You can actually find familiars on any floor, but only through a quest. Unlike most quests, though, this one would come to you by an NPC. This NPC can come by at any moment, and tell you the secret to taming them. Due to how this quest can suddenly come to you, it usually doesn't hurt to prepare for it first. When I found her, she had been having problems with a large dragon, and needed friends to be able to face it. Eventually, the beast was vanquished, and I'd permanently earned Yolviinsil's trust." The player then had her arm out-stretched for the small ruby red feathered dragon. Yolviinsil hesitated, slowly moved towards the arm, and after a light sniff or two, she was brushing her head against the arm. Krysta realized she'd forgotten something. "Ah! where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Krysta."


  13. Krysta was in a good mood, and had high hopes for the night. She walked along, and she was also singing.

    "The valley green was so serene,

    in the middle ran a stream so blue...

    A maiden fair, in despair, once had met her true love there and she told him...

    She would say... 'Promise me, when you see, a white rose you'll think of me.

    'I love you so, never let go, I will be your ghost of a rose...'"

    She soon found something on the bulletin board. It read thus:


    TO: Whom may concern

    Hey! Its me! Novafire! Some of you remember me, some don't, I'm fine with that. Anyway, I'm hosting this really cool party, and I think you should come, unless of course you want to crash it. Please stop in, have a coffee, socialize, and most importantly, have fun! Please try to wear something nice!

    On that note, she checked her inventory for something she could wear, and just her luck, for she remembered the nice dress she'd sewn. She found a place where she could change into the dress, and it was off to the event. When she arrived, she was taken aback from how regal it seemed, and the fact that it was practically empty. It seemed that she was one of the first guests. "Wow..."



    Krysta's Dress:




  14. When the two players had bumped into each other, Yolviinsil flew onto Krysta's back, and slowly climbed up towards her shoulder. The player Krysta had bumped into said she was fine, asked if Krysta was alright, and said that there wasn't any need for an apology. "Oh, I'm fine, I was just heading over to the safe zone's exit to search for materials. I'm hoping to become a tailor, you see, but the NPC teaching me has run out of materials. Thus, I needed to head out and find some." Yolviinsil was poking her head above Krysta's shoulder, looking at the other player shyly. Krysta noticed, giggled and said, "Oh, I'm sure this person is nice, there's no need to be shy." The small ruby red feathered dragon climbed up to Krysta's shoulder, continuing to look at the other player shyly. "This is my familiar, Yolviinsil. She's a little shy around those she hasn't met, but she's also very sweet."


  15. Krysta was in the first floor, in the town of Horunka. She entered one building, and was approached by an NPC. "Oh, please don't tell me another one's sick...oh! Are you perhaps...an adventurer? Please! you need to help! Disease is spreading, and we are out of the medicine we need, the <Little Nepent's Ovule>. If we don't get any soon, this could escalate to a plague!" Krysta couldn't believe it. A plague? She couldn't just stand idly by and let it happen. "Don't worry, I will retrieve the medicine for you. Um, do you know where it can be found, by any chance?" The NPC responded with, "Oh, thank you! The medicine can only be found within a particular kind of nepent. It will either have a large red flower on it, or have fruits on it. Be careful, though, these nepents are aggressive and territorial plantlike creatures. Last I heard, they have been gathering in numbers lately. The medicine is actually quite rare, so please don't lose your grip on it once you have it." From what Krysta could tell, she was going to need some help, otherwise she would be overwhelmed, swarmed, or something else of the like. She would find a spot in town, out in the open, and sit on a bench there, in hopes a player would be around to help.

    (OOC: after making some calculations, I can say that in order to encounter a variant, we must kill ten nepents... two battles with four, and one battle with two.)

    @Arabelle @Spangie @Reinholt @Fetu Lagi

  16. Krysta had heard of an NPC tailor who might be able to help her learn in the art of her intended profession. Finally, her opportunity had come, now that she had actually been able to find an NPC who can teach her. She entered the shop, and found the NPC. "Hello? I hear that you can teach me in the art of tailoring." The NPC's sense of style was quite exquisite, each detail carefully sewn in. If anyone could teach her, it was this NPC. "Why Hello there! My name is Rufus, and I'd love to show you around if you got the time." The NPC then beckoned for Krysta to follow him to his work station, and she followed. "Now, this is where I make my latest in fashion, maybe you could use some help with it yourself," He turned and gave Krysta a quick look up and down. "Blast it! I have completely run out of materials to show you what I am talking about, the process is so beautiful, and the clothing that comes out is amazing... Wait! You seem like you can take care of yourself, would you mind searching for some for me? I can even show you how to craft the best fashion around the world! I would just need five materials, sounds easy right?" Krysta knew where this would lead. A Quest. "I am certainly willing to help. I'll bring back those materials as soon as I can!" Once she had left the building, she dashed for the safe zone's exit, her familiar, the small ruby red feathered dragon Yolviinsil, followed close by via flight. Krysta then made a sharp turn at one of the road's intersections, then accidentally bumped into someone. "Ah! Oh, goodness, I am so sorry! Are you alright?"


  17. (OOC: oh boy, things are getting crazy now. Newbies, you might not wanna hit what's coming. Everyone with HP higher than 40, look out, I'm bringing the party to you. And yes, @Reinholt, Vigilon is correct, meaning you haven't taken damage yet. @Sharr, maybe once this fight's over, we could just gather materials.)

    It wouldn't be long before the rest of the pack arrived. The two players attempted to fight off the wolves, and one of them struck the more powerful one. Vigilon called for the players to get back, and he finished off two of the wolves, including the stronger one that was hit earlier. The other wolves arrived on the scene, one of them pushing a player out of the bushes. This player then pulled out a scythe, looking at the wolf that had pushed him out. The fact that he may or may not have been hiding for one of many possibilities, one of them being that he was hiding from the wolves, although that seemed unlikely. One of the newer wolves seemed to be larger than the other wolves, and it probably dealt more damage, too. She would rush towards this particular wolf to keep it from reaching the other players. "Alex, you go help the others fend off the other wolves, I'll take on what is probably their alpha!" Krysta would strike the large wolf with the Sword Art known as Crucifixion, dropping it's HP to the red. After it failed to retaliate, it let out a loud bark or two, and the wolves perked their ears, as if they were receiving orders. Two wolves charged for Krysta, and after she avoided their snapping jaws, two other wolves flung themselves upon her from behind. The other four wolves rushed for Vigilon, only one of them managing a single hit. Clearly, the Alpha had ordered the wolves to attack the biggest threats. Krysta turned toward the Alpha Wolf, which continued to growl at her.

    @Vigilon @Grimm

    ID# 99565 BD: 7(Hit)

    ID# 99566 MD: 2(Miss)

    ID# 99567 MD: 10(Critical! +2 DMG)

    ID# 99568 MD: 8-1=7(Hit)

    ID# 99569 MD: 6-1=5(Miss)

    ID# 99570 MD: 2-1=1(Miss)

    ID# 99571 MD: 6-1=5(Miss)

    ID# 99572 MD: 6(Hit)

    ID# 99573 MD: 5(Miss)

    Crucifixion: 7x6=42

    [0-0-0-0-0-0-0-1]Krysta: HP 297/300, EN 22/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT

    Sharr: HP 17/20, EN 0/2 | 1 DMG

    Reinholt: HP 60/60, EN 0/6 | 5 DMG

    Vigilon: HP 439/440, EN 40/49 | 6 DMG | 9 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 1 Bleed | 2 Recovery


    Wolf: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

    Wolf 2: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

    Wolf 3: HP 0/10, 3 DMG

    Wolf 4: HP 0/10, 3 DMG

    Wolf 5: HP 0/15, 4 DMG

    Wolf 6: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

    Wolf 7: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

    Wolf 8: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

    Wolf 9: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

    Wolf 10: HP 15/15, 4 DMG

    Alpha Wolf: HP 8/50, 15 DMG

  18. XOXXie made a rather rude remark on her style of speech, and called her cliché. Now that was an insult. Krysta's face began to color with red, her eyes began to flare up with anguish. "Cliché!? Hmph, the very thought! Do you know what's really cliché? Fighting over a piece of jewelry and some jealousy! So someone's already taken, so what? Besides, is there anyone around you that would have given you valid reason to seek out the pendant? Someone I know has been hoping to see it, and that is my primary motive for the search! What are your motives, hm?" Krysta took a justified battle stance, and she readied herself to attack. She rushed for her opponent, but all that happened were two blocked strikes, and the third ended in lock. Krysta's eyes, now glaring directly into XOXXie's, were clearly getting closer and closer to the point where they would be ablaze.


    ID# 99477 BD: 5(Miss)

    Turns left: 12

    Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 26/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT (0/150 HP depleted)


    XOXXie: HP 280/280, EN 24/28 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 1 ACC (0/140 HP depleted)

  19. (OOC: @Vigilon when your character is using an AoE attack, be mindful of players around! At least you had the wolves change position so that nobody would get caught in the crossfire. By the way, weren't you slowly making a full switch to MA?)

    Krysta was worried that something might happen if she was swarmed by these wolves. The players she was hoping to keep from harm appeared on the scene, defeating the original purpose. Despite that they missed, they seemed to be handling themselves well. The wolves had their teeth bared, ready to attack one of the players, when suddenly Vigilon appeared on the scene, utilizing his sword battle combo with Veriost, and attacking the wolves, striking one of them down. Now it was Krysta's turn to attack. She attempted to strike one of the wolves, but once again, it dodged the attack. It also came behind Krysta to bite at her from behind. The damage was mitigated, but surely the wolf wouldn't be getting away with that easily. The other wolf looked at the other players, realizing it was outnumbered. It let out a howl, and as two other wolves emerged from the bushes, there was also the sound of more advancing footsteps...

    @Sharr @Reinholt

    ID# 99450 BD: 4(Miss), MD: 8(Hit)

    [Wolf 2 Called for help!]

    Wolves 4 and 5 spawned

    [More mobs incoming!]

    Krysta: HP 299/300, EN 27/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT

    Sharr: HP 17/20, EN 0/2 | 1 DMG

    Reinholt: HP 60/60, EN 1/6 | 5 DMG

    Vigilon: HP 440/440, EN 45/49 | 6 DMG | 9 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 1 Bleed | 2 Recovery


    Wolf: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

    Wolf 2: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

    Wolf 3: HP 0/10, 3 DMG

    Wolf 4: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

    Wolf 5: HP 15/15, 4 DMG


  20. Krysta had heard that there was a beach on the sixteenth floor. If it was monster free, or monsters were seldom about, it would be a nice place to relax every once in a while. What would the sunsets look like? If everything she had heard was truly as she had heard it was, she could see if she could go to the beach with Vigilon and watch the sunsets... With hopeful thoughts about the future in mind, Krysta decided that she would get a good lay of the land, and possibly find something, too. She was wearing a floral patterned sundress over her modest swimwear, and soon she saw a child alone on the beach. She didn't recognize her as Fae due to the change in hair color. She decided to walk over to the child. "Hello, you look like you could use a friend. Are you all alone? Is someone coming, and you're waiting?"


  21. Krysta couldn't help but feel sorry for Anidaxta now, especially since she had also heard her history. Krysta got back up, wiping a tear of sympathy from her eye. She never knew that such could happen. Was it merely a fate from her beginning? Nevertheless, it was too late to dwell on such sorrowful thoughts any further. It was time to move on. She looked around her, the ice had all fully melted, and she saw that there were statues and portraits depicting her family. One of them even depicted Krysta herself, looking kind, noble, even a bit regal. This began to confuse Krysta. Wherever she was, why were there statues of her family? Why was there a statue of Krysta here? The questions began to boggle her mind, and she couldn't understand it all. She then saw a portrait that was blank, but it looked like there was a place for it. She found a spot above the statue that depicted her, between and underneath two other portraits...depicting her own parents. Once the portrait was placed, color began to appear on the empty framed canvas, becoming a similar image like the statue, and depicting Krysta. The statue began to crack, and a layer of stone crumbled into dust, revealing a glittering assembly of diamonds that somehow split, and rearranged themselves into a door arch. Krysta walked around the arch until a door made from a crystalline material appeared in the arch. Krysta opened the door, returning to the fountain plaza within the settlement.

  22. Anidaxta chuckled softly, a cold expression on her face. "Why don't you step forward and prove to me that you have what it takes." Krysta was ready to try and finish the fight. She would need to, anyway. Krysta attacked with Rip Ravine, depleting Anidaxta's HP to zero, and shattering the ice axe. Anidaxta fell to the ground. Light began to return to the room. Through one of the windows, the light came from outside, reaching all the way to Anidaxta's face. She stared at the light that was upon her face. Her ice turned to sleet, her snow lessened to a minor flurry in density. "So...warm...I've...never felt the warmth of the light..." Krysta's expression changed. She put her weapon away, and came closer to her. The ice around was starting to melt, and the floor's material could now be recognized as marble. "You mean...you've only known the cold and dark?" Anidaxta's expression was the only thing that portrayed her admitting it. "I only wanted to show someone as unsure as I what life really was...or at least, how I saw it. Cold, unforgiving, cruel...I have never seen such a warm, gracious, kind light until now...it...it really suits you. A-although I'm leaving for eternity, never to be seen or known again, I...can't help but smile right now...what I mean to say is....thank....thank you...." Anidaxta began dissipating, then she shattered, leaving Krysta in a room in which light was returning.

    ID# 99417 BD: 10(Critical, +2 Base DMG)


    Rip Ravine: 9x2-2=16

    Krysta: HP 296/300, EN 8/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Anidaxta(Inner Demon 2)[Insecurity, Anxiety]: HP 0/100, 2 MIT, 14 DMG

  23. Krysta was just leaving the safe zone, wondering what the day had in store for her. She walked along, humming a lively tune, and it wasn't long before she noticed something going on. Someone was being chased by a wolf. However, another player had managed to defeat the wild beast, and Krysta let out a sigh of relief, knowing there was nothing to worry about. She was hoping to try and have a conversation with the two players, but she soon stopped when she heard a growling sound. She turned to the direction the sound came from, and spotted another wolf emerging from a bush, looking at the other players, and baring it's teeth as it continued to growl. "I can't just let this happen..." Krysta then rushed for the wolf. The wolf stopped, and it's ears perked, as if it heard footsteps, and it managed to spot Krysta, and avoid her attack in time. It tried to strike back, but the beast's teeth missed by an inch. Krysta heard more growling noises. Clearly, she had alerted more wolves to her presence with her attempted assault.

    @Sharr @Reinholt

    ID# 99408 BD: 3(Miss), MD: 5(Miss)

    Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 28/30


    Wolf: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

    Wolf 2: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

    Wolf 3: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

  24. The two players had their blades locked. XOXXie was hoping to discourage Krysta, but to no avail. "Your envious behavior and actions shall be swiftly quelled! It is you who shall feel the sting of defeat!" Krysta tried to release the lock in a manner that would leave XOXXie out of balance, and was hoping to strike while her opponent would try to regain balance. Unfortunately, what happened instead was Krysta ended up having an imbalance issue. She regained her balance quickly, but she would have to react swiftly if she was going to avoid her opponent's next attack. "There's no reason for me to back out of this fight. I have to retrieve that pendant! I can't let this envious woman have her way, at least without learning of contentment, first!" She would acquire the mystical pendant, and surely, Mitria would be able to take a look at it, too.


    ID# 99399 BD: 4(Miss)

    (OOC: Oh, no, not this again...)

    Turns left: 13

    Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 27/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT (0/150 HP depleted)


    XOXXie: HP 280/280, EN 25/28 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 1 ACC (0/140 HP depleted)

  25. Figures that there would be denial, it was actually expected. It also figures that there was someone else who had called her a princess. It seemed that all of Aincrad seemed to think that she at least acted like some sort of princess. Krysta sighed, and the word "Fight!" appeared between them. XOXXie rushed in to attack, only for that very attack to be foiled by a root that caught her foot. This was her chance to strike! She readied her weapon to attack, and she attempted to attack with the Sword Art known as Crucifixion. Problem was, she had failed to strike her target. Either she had just somehow missed, or her attack was deflected. Either way, she would then turn around, and prepare herself to either block or avoid XOXXie's next attack. She had to win this fight, so that she could reach the mystical pendant, the Hoya of Minos, and retrieve it before the other players could.


    ID# 99383 BD: 3(Miss)

    Turns left: 14

    Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 28/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT (0/150 HP depleted)


    XOXXie: HP 280/280, EN 26/28 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 1 ACC (0/140 HP depleted)

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