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Posts posted by Krysta

  1. Krysta had been planning an event for a small while, at least. After discussing a few details with Tsu, she'd made a few flyers to post on the bulletin boards, one for each floor. On the morning of the event, Krysta paid a visit to all of the first ten floors, posting the following flyer to each floor's bulletin board:

    To all players in Aincrad:

    You are all encouraged to join us for a Karaoke Night on Floor 10! Enjoy this chance to relax, sing, and take a break from the usual grinding, toil, and strife!

    Where: McFroppy's

    When: The event begins at 5:00 PM

    Players don't necessarily have to sing if they don't want to, but they are encouraged to.

    We hope to see you there!


    She then walked back to where she was currently staying at, and spent a few hours to sew a cute white sundress that she would wear to the event. She wanted to go with something casual, not too fancy, but something different than the other casual white dress that she wore most of the time during this game. Once she was happy with her work, she changed into the sundress, and was on her way to the tenth floor. When she had reached the building the event would take place in, she hoped Tsu was still around, since Krysta came earlier than she originally intended to, in case there were any more details to work out. Upon entering, she greeted Tsu. "Hello, Tsu, I came a bit earlier since I just wanted to make sure that there was nothing left to discuss." After any answers and/or responses, she looked at her time, which now displayed 4:49. "Ah, it looks like any guests would be arriving soon." It was true, the first guest would indeed be arriving shortly.


    (OOC: the change in apparel was my choice for my character, it is not necessarily required.)

    Krysta's Sundress




  2. It seemed that things were going more in the direction of downhill than Krysta had thought. They really were going to fight over a pendant. Krysta had expected this to happen from the green haired player, not XOXXie here. And yet, here she was, looking ready for blood, too. XOXXie seemed rather blunt on her motives for fighting Krysta. Jealousy? Perhaps, but it seemed like something else to Krysta. "Envy is your motive? What a horrible, beastly reason to fight someone!" Once again, her cousin's choice of words had blended with her own. Then again, the words were refined, but never too fancy. She'd never fully gotten any accent from Leif's speech, however. Either way, Krysta wasn't at all happy with the motive that XOXXie had. She wasn't just jealous, that was clear. She was envious; she wanted what Krysta had. After all, it was easy to despise what one couldn't get. She took her battle stance, and was ready to fight.



    Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 30/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT (0/150 HP depleted)


    XOXXie: HP 280/280, EN 28/28 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 1 ACC (0/140 HP depleted)

  3. (OOC: Oh, brother, one of these kinds of people...)

    Clearly, the player wasn't interested in either just going in different directions, each with an equal chance at finding the pendant. In fact, she was more interested in starting a fight! Krysta could already tell there was something up the moment the woman had called her Blondie. "Just what is all this about? Of course I'm working with Vigilon! How could I not? I couldn't just betray my boyfriend and join you instead! That would be wrong!" Yolviinsil growled softly. The pink haired player introduced herself as XOXXie, and spoke of preferring to fight women other than men. Just what was with her? What was her deal? "W-what are you talking about!? Can you be more clear on this? I don't understand, what is all this about?" She still accepted the duel, and she set the victory conditions to half-loss, but she had no clue as to why XOXXie was behaving this way. She drew her rapier. "Despite not having the knowledge of your motive for fighting, I will stand my ground against your assault!"


    Krysta has accepted the challenge

    Set victory conditions to half-loss

    ID# 99290 LD: 12

    Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 30/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT (0/150 HP depleted)


    XOXXie: HP ??/??, EN ??/?? | ?? DMG | ??? (0/?? HP depleted)

  4. At some point, the pendant would be found, but the question was always who would retrieve it. She hoped Vigilon would be alright throughout the rest of the trip, and that they could retrieve the pendant and be able to return to the safe zone with little worry, and show the pendant to Mitria. However, it seemed that such a moment wouldn't just come to them easily, for someone seemed to be headed in Krysta's direction. She stopped, and the other player followed. It was the pink haired one. She took notice of Krysta in a not entirely friendly manner, and this caused Krysta to become slightly worried. However, she remembered that it was the green haired one that she was told would be one to start a fight. So she would attempt to get out of the situation peacefully. "Oh... Since this is an intersection, why don't we just take the choice of left or right and see who fortune favors?"


  5. This pendant would eventually be found, that was certain. What was uncertain was who would be the one to retrieve it. Would Krysta and Vigilon be able to complete their task, or will the prize be pilfered by those two other players? Vigilon said that if Krysta felt ready to split up again, that she could go on ahead, and that he would try to take a different route to try and locate the pendant. "I'll be sure to let you know if I find the pendant, or if something happens." She walked along with Vigilon until they came up to a T-intersection. Since Vigilon had gone right, Krysta would be going left. Krysta wasn't going to just walk around in this maze idly and fail this task. There were multiple reasons to keep going. Krysta was interested in the pendant, she needed to retrieve it and show it to Mitria, she had already dealt with the dangers within the maze...there was no way there would be any turning back...


  6. Kaiida told the waitress what she wanted. To be honest, Krysta was considering just desserts as well. Of course, for Yolviinsil, there would be something else. "I'll go with a strawberry sundae as well, and a meat pasty." The meat pasty would be for Yolviinsil. Vigilon made his choice, and told the waitress what he wanted. One of those sweets was definitely for Veriost, that was certain, for one didn't have to be around the small white frost dragon for very long to learn of her sweet tooth. Vigilon sighed and spoke to the familiar. Krysta chuckled at his words. While she was indeed told that the small, little dragons like Veriost and Yolviinsil sometimes leaned towards an omnivorous diet, but it wouldn't hurt to have a little balance in there. "Oh, I should have thought about getting an extra meat pasty for Veriost... Maybe we could have the one that was already ordered be split? I'm sure Yolviinsil wouldn't mind sharing." Kaiida asked for the players' names, and told them hers. "Nice to meet you, Kaiida. My name is Krysta." She also asked to the familiars if she was really that scary. Veriost seemed to be willing to accept the attention, so no problem there. Yolviinsil was still moving slowly towards Kaiida. As the small ruby red feathered dragon moved over to Kaiida's hand, Krysta giggled and said, "Oh, not to worry, she's not really scared, she's just a little shy around people."

    @Kaiida @Vigilon

  7. Vigilon also seemed glad to know that it wasn't a full-blown enmity. "I've been wondering...these people you've met back in the real world...what were they like that brought you to have minor issues with them?" Perhaps if Krysta knew the reasons why Vigilon had a rival and a frenemy, she might understand it better. Either way, there was a pendant to obtain, before other players could have a chance to take the chance away. She had to retrieve the pendant soon, and hopefully they would be able to, and show it to Mitria. She began to wonder what this pendant might look like, and what the possible reactions from Mitria could be. She wondered what would happen, other than a fight, should those two players happen to show up, or worse, show up at the room the pendant would be. "I sure hope we can find the pendant soon. I'd hate to fail this quest, after all we've been through so far."


  8. Vigilon managed to finish off the Falmer, causing it to crumple to the ground and shatter. Krysta looked to her HP, and she decided that they aren't in too much danger, and they could easily get to the next fight once their energy regenerated. "Well, we could easily try such. However, we hope you can still be close by if we end up biting off more than we can chew." For now, perhaps she could take this opportunity to see if there was anything that was in the falmer hut that the first creature came from, which was a safe distance away from the rest of the falmer camp. She noticed that there was a chest in the hut, and she walked over towards the others, and then said as she gestured to the hut. "There's a chest in the hut the creature came out of prior to facing us! Perhaps we'll find something inside!"

    @Vigilon @Mars @Benjamin Bookworm

    ID# 98975 LD: 20(Found a chest!)

  9. Vigilon seemed to be confused as to where his rival, Ind0minus, found such players for his Guild. Vigilon explained the whole "Frenemy" thing to Krysta. Basically it meant that they treated each other as both friends and enemies, but never too far to kill one another. "Well, at least that's far better than actual enemies who would always be at each other's throats..." Vigilon suggested that they stay together until Krysta's HP fully regenerates. "I should be fine pretty soon, there's no need to worry!" If they were to encounter that duo of players from the Guild Vigilon's rival lead, there would most likely be a fight. Thus, Krysta would need to keep her guard up, and not let it down. The monsters that roamed this area were gone now, but surely, there were still those two players that could easily become another obstacle, making it harder to retrieve the pendant...


  10. The Falmer attempted to attack Vigilon, but the attempted, clumsy attack was swiftly dodged. Vigilon took the opportunity to strike, and afflicted the creature with bleed as well. Mars and Benjamin made their attacks, reducing the Falmer's HP to a level where a well placed attack of Quadruple Pain would finish the fight. She took the chance, but if only the Falmer was focused on only one at a time, for it was able to realize Krysta was coming for it just in time to avoid the attempted attack by about a centimeter. "Darn, how did that happen?" It was unbelievable. As a result, She would have to rely on the other players' attacks on the grotesque white creature. "I'll have to leave the rest to you. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll win this, and other battles during this trip, too!" Now she had to wait. Hopefully, Vigilon would be able to smite the awful monster.

    @Vigilon @Mars @Benjamin Bookworm

    ID# 98911 BD: 5(Miss)

    [4] Vigilon: HP: 420/420, EN: 36/47 | 6 DMG | 19 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 Recovery

    [2] Benjamin Bookworm: HP: 240/240, EN: 20/24 | 3 DMG | 10 MIT | 1 ACC | 3 EVA

    [2] Mars:  HP: 460/460, EN: 12/46 | DMG: 12 | EVA:3 | ACC:3 | Savvy:1 | Regen:10 HP when hit

    [1] Krysta: HP: 300/300, EN: 22/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Falmer: HP 22/500, 69 DMG [stun immunity, 1 turn] Bleed: 2 turns, 12 DMG

  11. The white haired player accepted their company, and the two players sat down. She pushed the menu over to Krysta and Vigilon, and Vigilon seemed to want Krysta to look through it first. Krysta looked through the menu. There seemed to be so much she could order. "So many choices...what should I go with? ...And what should I get for Yolviinsil?" Krysta's thoughts were interrupted by the white haired player asking if Veriost and Yolviinsil were familiars. Vigilon answered her question, and the white haired player seemed to be focusing on Yolviinsil, hoping to give her some attention. Krysta looked to the small ruby red feathered dragon. "Well? go on, Yolviinsil. I'm sure you'll be fine." Yolviinsil hesitated at first, but seemed assured by Krysta. She slowly moved over to the white haired player. Krysta smiled and looked back to the menu. Once she had made her decision, she gave the menu to Vigilon.

    @Kaiida @Vigilon

  12. Krysta had to admit, she had been through plenty throughout the week. Vigilon explained his week, mentioning the details of what he had done. "I agree, it has been quite a week. First we retrieved a pendant, and we even got chased for it. Well, I did say there was a chance. I wonder if the person you helped is grateful for your assistance. Hm, relaxing would surely be nice for a change...after having to face those...things...that were within me...Have you heard of the waterfall of the sage?" Veriost flew off of Vigilon's shoulder to look at the sweets on display. Krysta giggled, not only from the familiar's shenanigans, but Vigilon's comment on it too. Vigilon held the door open for Krysta. "Aww, thank you Alex..." Vigilon spotted someone sitting alone, and asked Krysta if they should give her some company. "I wouldn't want to be lonely myself, so, sure." Krysta followed Vigilon to the table. Krysta's familiar, Yolviinsil, the small ruby red feathered dragon, stayed by Krysta, looking at the white haired player shyly.

    @Vigilon @Kaiida

  13. Vigilon didn't seem to like the situation Krysta was in. It was good to know that he cared. He explained that if they were to have a run in with the other players, that there would probably be a fight, started by the green haired player. "Then it's best we steer clear of them as much as possible." Vigilon said that he didn't have any other official rivals at the moment, and that the only one that could come close to that would be what he called a "Frenemy", someone named April Darren. He also claimed that the chances of her being in this game were eighty million to one, or as he said, "when rocks fly". That didn't seem very possible. "Well, it seems that you're certainly telling me, that there is a chance, despite how low it is." Krysta decided to ask, "Are we going to stick together, or are we going to split again?"


  14. Krysta stood tall, ready to attack again. She struck her enemy with the Sword Art known as Crucifixion, dealing damage that dropped Anidaxta's HP to the red. "It is you who cannot win, Anidaxta! Your cold heart's desires will be thwarted, and the light will shine once again!" Anidaxta was upset in the position she was in. Her ice sword had shattered, so she made another weapon. She formed a two handed axe from ice, and swung it once to blow a chilling wind, and another time to strike Krysta. Krysta was knocked about four yards before landing on the ice coated floor. "You still think you have what it takes? Courage, confidence, certainty? Honestly, Jewel, do you really possess such traits? Can you really overcome your insecurity?" Anidaxta seemed kind of worried for a moment. Probably because another well made strike would finish her. "Anything else you feel the need to say? A last word, perhaps?"

    ID# 98772 BD: 9(Critical, +1 Base DMG)

    ID# 98773 Mob: 10(Critical! +2 DMG)

    Crucifixion: 8x6-2=46

    [2] Krysta: HP 296/300, EN 10/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Anidaxta(Inner Demon 2)[Insecurity, Anxiety]: HP 8/100, 2 MIT, 14 DMG

  15. Vigilon seemed glad that Krysta was able to pull through in the end. He said he was okay, that it was just a scratch. He then asked if she was okay. "I had a six miss streak before you came along...The awful brute knocked me five times...otherwise, I'm fine, and also glad I was able to obtain victory in the end. If you ask me, I'd say your appearance became quite the diversion that made an opening from behind. Thank you." Surely, at this rate, they should be able to find the pendant...and maybe something else along the way. Krysta looked around, hoping to find something that could possibly be valuable or usable. There didn't seem to be anything around. "Alex...if those other players are searching for the Pendant as well, do you think there is a chance we might run into them? ...You don't, by any chance, happen to have other rivals that lead Guilds, do you?"


    ID# 98771 LD: 3+3=6(Failed)

  16. "It isn't true now! Here in the present, your words are meaningless lies!" The two combatants jumped back, and Krysta attempted to attack. However, Anidaxta stabbed Krysta with her ice sword before Krysta could land a single blow. Anidaxta then kicked Krysta down to the icy floor. "Stop resisting. Embrace the truth. There is nothing that can keep you from seeing the truth, other than your own lies. Open your eyes, see what is wrong. You'll find the painful truth soon enough. It comes for everyone, in various ways. Everyone has doubts, everyone has anxieties, everyone has insecurities. Once you see yours, you will eventually be at peace. However, you refuse to see them. You resist, you trust your own lies, you act and speak with confidence even though you have none." Krysta got up. "It's...not...true...I...I will...finish this...with my blade thrust in your cold, frozen heart!" Krysta knew these were lies. At least, in the present, they were.

    ID# 98764 BD: 2(Miss)

    ID# 98765 Mob: 9(Critical! +1 DMG)

    [2] Krysta: HP 297/300, EN 16/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Anidaxta(Inner Demon 2)[Insecurity, Anxiety]: HP 54/100, 2 MIT, 14 DMG

  17. Krysta's thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice. Vigilon was coming around to fight the creature! He successfully executed a surprise attack on the Hoya Minotaur, and he began to speak to it, now that he had the guardian monster's full attention. Krysta would take the opportunity to try and finish it off. The Hoya Minotaur roared in anguish, and swung it's heavy two handed battle axe at Vigilon, knocking him about ten yards across the corridor. Krysta wouldn't stand for it. She took her battle stance, and rushed for the terrible beast. "Begone, foul monster!" She attacked with Rip Ravine, and the Hoya Minotaur's HP depleted to zero. The creature shattered, and there would be one less obstacle to face to retrieve the mystical pendant. "That'll teach you to bring great harm to those I love." She headed over to Vigilon, hoping he was okay. "Alex? Are you okay?"


    ID# 98759 Mob: 10(Critical! +2 DMG)

    ID# 98763 BD: 9(Critical, +1 Base DMG)

    Rip Ravine: 8x2=16

    Vigilon: HP 397/420, EN 43/47 | 6 DMG | 9 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 Recovery | 1 Bleed

    Krysta: HP 238/300, EP 22/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Hoya Minotaur 1: HP 0/45, 30 DMG Bleed: 2 turns, 12 DMG

  18. "Hmph, pitiful girl, you know nothing of your position. Try as you might, the truth will always be speaking to you. Stop believing these beautiful lies, and accept the painful truth." Krysta was, basically, no longer listening to what Anidaxta had to say. She was already through with it all. She didn't accept this lie, she didn't even remotely want to accept it. "I may have been in the past, but I will prove to you that such anxiety no longer grows and thrives within me!" Both combatants backed up, and after dodging one each others' attacks, their blades locked upon each other once again. "Admit it, Jewel, you can't win, at least, not like this. You're still unsure that you'll be able to free people from others' wrongdoing, aren't you? Embrace the truth, Jewel. You need to accept it." Of course, Krysta wouldn't be willing to, even for a second.

    ID# 98733 BD: 2(Miss)

    ID# 98734 Mob: 4(Miss)

    [2] Krysta: HP 298/300, EN 18/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Anidaxta(Inner Demon 2)[Insecurity, Anxiety]: HP 54/100, 2 MIT, 14 DMG

  19. Krysta knew she would have to be light on her feet if she was to avoid the Hoya Minotaur's attack, and be able to strike it down as well. Krysta had an idea in mind to do so, and she would put her idea into action. Sure, she was able to jump out of the way in time so that the Hoya Minotaur would crash into the wall instead. However, it made a quick recovery and managed to avoid Krysta's attack. Frustrated from being unable to lay a scratch on the Hoya Minotaur, she huffed and asked, "How are you this skilled in combat? How is a beast like yourself so evasive? How are you able to have gone through all this combat and remain unscathed? How?" She was confused as to why such a large creature would be untouchable like this. Was there something putting this fight in the Minotaur's favor, and causing Krysta to end up in such a tight spot?


    ID# 98727 Mob: 1(Critical Fail)

    ID# 98728 BD: 3(Miss)

    (OOC: Kill the Minotaur. Now.)

    Krysta: HP 238/300, EP 23/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Hoya Minotaur 1: HP 45/45, 30 DMG

  20. IC:

    Krysta had an idea on something to do for the players trapped in SAO. Everyone was usually talking about survival and everything, but even with all that, a chance to relax from time to time would be nice. She had an idea as to what she would do in regards to planning an event, but the problem was, where would it take place? She didn't have a clue, and she didn't have a place of her own just yet, either. Soon, she got an idea. She walked up to the Bulletin Board, and posted a request:

    Help Requested:

    For what?    A Karaoke Night! (Players won't have to sing, but will be encouraged to.)

    What is needed? A Place for the event to be. (Note: Although refreshments will be provided, contributions won't be minded, especially if there is a larger turnout than what might be expected...)

    When? TBD (I haven't scheduled a date for this just yet, so there's plenty of time.)





    I was hoping to start an OP thread in which the players could have another chance to enjoy themselves. The primary thing standing in my way was, where would it be? Idk if there's gonna need to be a reward for this favor, but if so, idk what it will be. I don't really have that much...

  21. "Hmph, you still resist? You must think I'm lying to you..." Krysta was ready to strike at a moment's notice. "T-that was the past! No more am I with fear!" At the stutter in the start of what Kryta was saying, Anidaxta smirked. "You admit it inwardly, but outwardly, you deny it. You must depend on others so much, don't you? All of this, to hide just how afraid you really are..." Krysta still was unwilling to accept what must be a lie. "I'm not afraid! Not anymore!" "Then what are you going to do about it, hmm? What are you going to do to prove that you are without fear?" Krysta took her battle stance. "I shall prove my might, and vanquish you!" She rushed for Anidaxta, but she missed by an inch, do to almost completely slipping on the ice. Anidaxta formed a sword from ice, and swung the blade at Krysta. Krysta blocked the attack, and the two combatants had their blades locked.

    ID# 98683 BD: 4(Miss)

    ID# 98684 Mob: 4(Miss)

    [2] Krysta: HP 298/300, EN 20/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Anidaxta(Inner Demon 2)[Insecurity, Anxiety]: HP 54/100, 2 MIT, 14 DMG

  22. Vigilon came over to Krysta, and asked if she was alright. "I'm alright, thank you." He helped her up, and rushed back to the fight. He missed the creature by an inch. Mars attempted to attack the Falmer as well, but the creature dodged his attack. Vigilon was right. They may have been blind, but their other senses are more acute to make up for it. Benjamin managed to strike the creature, and from what the others had said so far, the party should attack all at once, giving the creature less time to react and evade. It was a good plan of action. Krysta would take this chance to attack, thus giving little time for the creature to respond. She grabbed the hilt of her rapier, and pulled it out of the ground. She then headed towards the Falmer, ready to strike it. The Falmer noticed the attack too late. Krysta managed to deal a fair amount of damage to the creature.

    @Vigilon @Mars @Benjamin Bookworm

    ID# 98682 BD: 6(Hit)

    Crucifixion: 7x6=42

    [2] Vigilon: HP: 420/420, EN: 39/47 | 6 DMG | 19 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 Recovery

    [1] Benjamin Bookworm: HP: 240/240, EN: 22/24 | 3 DMG | 10 MIT | 1 ACC | 3 EVA

    [1] Mars:  HP: 460/460, EN: 28/46 | DMG: 12 | EVA:3 | ACC:3 | Savvy:1 | Regen:10 HP when hit

    [1] Krysta: HP: 300/300, EN: 23/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Falmer: HP 244/500, 69 DMG [stun immunity, 2 turns]

  23. Krysta didn't know what she was going to do with this situation. She retrieved her weapon, and then she would just have to wait for the Hoya Minotaur to charge for her, and Krysta would attempt her battle plan once more. It failed, for the fifth time in a row. Krysta was definitely getting tired of this. Every time she would make sure there was something different, to assure herself of victory. But it was like this creature knew her every move, and was her bane. As the Hoya Minotaur's strike knocked her a good distance away, Krysta wondered if there was some secret to being able to avoid it's attacks, and be able to strike it, too. Right now, the answer was but a mystery waiting to be solved, and this battle may drag on longer than it should. If things became too problematic, she may have to flee. This creature was certainly no pushover, due to either having some kind of ability to take one's own luck for themselves, or...whatever it was.


    ID# 98680 Mob: 7(Hit)

    ID# 98680 BD: 2(Miss)


    Krysta: HP 238/300, EP 24/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Hoya Minotaur 1: HP 45/45, 30 DMG

  24. Anidaxta bent down before speaking to Krysta. "Jewel, you always try to assure yourself victory, you always try to remain confident, courageous, secure...but while it's all showing on the outside, you really feel something different, don't you? You're unsure, you're afraid, you're insecure...aren't you, Jewel? Just try and tell me that I'm lying to you." Krysta wasn't going to let this get to her. She managed to get the ice spear out of herself, and she suddenly attacked Anidaxta with the Sword Art, Crucifixion. After the successful attack, Krysta jumped back and took her battle stance. Anidaxta was ready to retaliate, and formed a javelin out of ice, proceeding to propel it at an extreme speed using the force of wind. The ice javelin thrust into Krysta, but right now, it didn't matter to her. After all, the damage was mitigated. Krysta wasn't willing to lose this fight, either, and would stand firm.

    ID# 98601 BD: 9(Critical, +1 Base DMG)

    ID# 98602 Mob: 9(Critical! +1 DMG)

    Crucifixion: 8x6-2=46

    Krysta: HP 298/300, EN 22/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Anidaxta(Inner Demon 2)[Insecurity, Anxiety]: HP 54/100, 2 MIT, 14 DMG

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