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Posts posted by Krysta

  1. Krysta just had to be able to strike down the monster with enough damage, and she would prevail. For now, she waited for the opportune moment to avoid the incoming attack as the Hoya Minotaur charged for her. Krysta misjudged the timing, and, for inexplicable reasons, she was knocked all the way to the end of the corridor, where one of the turns was. She looked to her hand, and her weapon wasn't there. The Star Saber's hilt glinted in the distance. "I...I don't....how...?" With some difficulty, she managed to get back up. Exactly how was she going to deal with this fight now? Clearly, she wasn't able to avoid the brute's attacks, nor could she land a single blow on the creature. This wasn't just some ridiculous luck streak like the small boar from the beginner quest. Once again, she asked herself, "Why do those who fight with the light of justice have the worst problems?" Now she had to either keep going, or wait for help to arrive. It was looking like it would be difficult to handle this fight alone.


    ID# 98599 Mob: 10(Critical! +2 DMG)

    ID# 98600 BD: 1(Critical Fail!)

    (The BD doesn't want me to win against the Hoya Minotaur. Just kill it already. I'm done with this bullcrap.)

    Krysta: HP 250/300, EP 25/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Hoya Minotaur 1: HP 45/45, 30 DMG

  2. (OOC: @Benjamin Bookworm Falmer actually aren't big at all. If they ever stood upright, they would be as tall as a human, or an elf, but...no, they aren't really big at all.)

    Krysta saw the creature charge towards the group. "Just...just what is that grotesque thing???" Vigilon recognized it as a Falmer, and he attacked with a stun Sword Art, immobilizing the creature. Mars then followed with his most powerful attack, working with his familiar, and dealt quite a bit of damage to the monster. Benjamin attempted to attack, but he ended up missing the creature. He asked Krysta if she could use a stun Sword Art on the monster. "...I need to train in the fist in order to use a rapier Sword Art that can stun. Besides, I couldn't stun it even if I wanted to." She said, remembering that when stun wears off, the afflicted becomes immune to it for a short while. "However, I can try to deal some damage to the foul creature!" She rushed for the creature, but she had a minor setback. Her blade got stuck in a crack in the ground, causing her to not only lose grip on her blade, but she fell on her backside due to losing her balance.

    ID# 98554 BD: 1(Critical Fail!)

    (OOC: with all these misses I've been getting, either the BD hates me, or I've lost a rabbit's foot.)

    [2] Vigilon: HP: 420/420, EN: 40/47 | 6 DMG | 19 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 Recovery

    Benjamin Bookworm: HP: 240/240, EN: 22/24 | 3 DMG | 10 MIT | 1 ACC | 3 EVA

    [1] Mars: HP: 460/460, EN: 29/46 | DMG: 12 | EVA:3 | ACC:3 | Savvy:1 | Regen:10 HP when hit

    Krysta: HP: 300/300, EN: 28/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Falmer: HP 292/500, 69 DMG

  3. Krysta wasn't going to back down, she was going to try and take this creature down. Surely, she would need to find a way to more easily avoid the Hoya Minotaur's attacks, for yet again she was knocked by the attack from the heavy two handed battle axe, several yards, preventing Krysta's attack for the third time in a row. "This...this is starting to become humiliating! How am I unable to lay a scratch on you?" She tried to recall the other times she'd had a problem like this. She would need to deal with the problem at some point. One possibility would be her approach. Another would be how she was fighting. She stood up, fixed her posture, and took her battle stance. "Luck may have favored you so far, but that shall end soon! Try coming for me again, and we shall see who claims victory in this fight!"


    ID# 98534 Mob: 9(Critical! +1 DMG)

    ID# 98535 BD: 5(Miss)

    (This is ridiculous! Three misses in a row??? I mean, HOW!?!?!?)

    Krysta: HP 264/300, EP 26/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Hoya Minotaur 1: HP 45/45, 30 DMG

  4. "Y-your sister? ...but you look nothing alike!" Rolling her eyes, along with a light smile, the unusual being said, "No, no, not that kind of sister. Now, are you willing to listen to painful truths? I'm not going to taunt you until you snap, like Nihilita believed...I'm actually not surprised at her fate. Always envious, always jealous. She assumed that making others feel worthless would make things better for herself...No matter, I shall show you a truth, whether you will accept it or not." "Just who are you? What do you want with me?" "I am Anidaxta, my goal is to show a painful truth within others...your courage is a mask. Whenever you assure yourself of something, you are merely lying to yourself..." Krysta would believe none of it. Krysta drew her weapon, and rushed for Anidaxta. The living blizzard blew her breath on the floor, and it became slippery, causing Krysta to lose her balance. Anidaxta formed a spear out of ice, and thrust it at Krysta. "Maybe if you're still, you might just have a moment or two to dwell on it before you accept it."

    ID# 98394 BD: 1(Critical Fail!)

    ID# 98395 Mob: 6(Hit)

    Krysta: HP 299/300, EN 28/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Anidaxta(Inner Demon 2)[Insecurity, Anxiety]: HP 100/100, 2 MIT, 14 DMG

  5. The Hoya Minotaur was ready to strike again. She grabbed her weapon just in time, and made her attempt to avoid the battle axe, as well as make an attempt to strike as well. The Hoya Minotaur swung it's heavy, two handed battle axe at Krysta again. She was knocked back a few yards by the attack, but at least her weapon wasn't dropped. Either way, this was starting to become a major problem. The Hoya Minotaur wasn't even scratched, since so far, Krysta had been failing to hit it. Krysta's HP was slowly starting to be chipped away at. Not to mention, both of the Hoya Minotaur's attacks on Krysta have knocked her back. "I am not done with you yet! You may have had practice, skill, maybe even training in guarding certain treasures! However, I will not back down here, and I will persevere! I shall bring forth justice on you, foul beast!"


    ID# 98389 Mob: 7(Hit)

    ID# 98390 BD: 3(Miss)

    (OOC: Seriously? On both times the mob attacks, the BD rolls a 10 then?? And screws up when it's Krysta's turn to attack??)

    Krysta: HP 276/300, EP 27/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Hoya Minotaur 1: HP 45/45, 30 DMG

  6. Krysta looked around, noticing that there was plenty of whatever gave significance to the room, for there was ice everywhere. She looked ahead of her, and she saw something that seemed to be in the shape of a human. She stepped forward towards the figure, and whatever it was opened it's eye. Well, actually, eyes, but one seemed to be covered by what seemed to be hair. When the figure got up, Krysta was able to have a better look at it. It seemed to be female, it had glowing, ice blue eyes, straight, flowing white hair, and...strangely, if she didn't know any better, she would say the human shaped creature's very flesh and bone were made from the ice, clouds, snow, and winds of a blizzard. Her dress also seemed to be made from clouds and ice. "So....you've come here, probably for the same reason you came for my sister..." Whatever she was, she was obviously another one of the creatures Krysta had to face.

    [Inner Demon 2 Spawned]

    Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 30/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Anidaxta(Inner Demon 2)[Insecurity, Anxiety]: HP 100/100, 2 MIT, 14 DMG

  7. Krysta noticed that the unusual figure was...a bit lighter in color. She then looked up, and noticed the clouds had dissipated slightly. However, the area as a whole, was still shrouded by darkness. She looked to where the previous door stood, and in place of it was a crystal highly similar to the centerpiece crystal back in the room the door had lead to. She looked to the other doors, and decided she would take them on in a specific order. She walked up to the next door. It depicted a crystal shattering, as if it was shattering from pressure, like something was placing more and more pressure than it could take. She opened the door, and appeared in another room. From what it seemed like, she was in another one of the castle's towers. Whatever gave significance to the room was hard to see, not only from the lack of light, but it was all coated in ice.

  8. Krysta wasn't afraid to take on the creature. Such a beast to guard a treasure, it was actually kind of expected. The Hoya Minotaur bellowed it's battle cry, now knowing Krysta was unwilling to back down. Krysta took her stance, and the creature would charge to attack. Despite Krysta's attempt to avoid the incoming attack, the axe managed to reach Krysta, knocking her back to the wall. She was going to get up, and rush to attack, but she noticed something wasn't in her hand. She looked to the side, and noticed that her rapier had fallen out of her hand, and had fallen a few feet away from her current position. "Urgh, that...was a cheap, dirty trick! Y-you won't get away with that one easily! Despite you rather skillful first impression, I will rise above this task, and surely, I will vanquish you!" The Hoya Minotaur didn't seem to care.


    (OOC: Why didn't I just have Krysta attack first..?)

    ID# 98375 Mob: 7(Hit)

    ID# 98376 BD: 1(Critical Fail!)

    Krysta: HP 288/300, EP 28/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Hoya Minotaur 1: HP 45/45, 30 DMG

  9. The sight was beautiful. All these brilliant gemstones reflecting all this light... It was as if color and light became one, and together, they shone everywhere, casting colored light all over the area. The red of the rubies, the yellow of the topazes, the blue of the sapphires, the violet of the amethysts, the green of the emeralds, and so much more... She tried bringing herself back to focus, but couldn't help remaining in the room for a bit longer, looking around in wonder. . She remembered her recent fight with Nihilita, and what the creature had said to her. "She was wrong. Alex once told me that I shine...and as a matter of fact, I do." She looked around her. "I shine like all the light reflecting off these gemstones and crystals." Suddenly, the gemstones were falling down, the mounds of jewels flattening to a certain level, and blending into each other, too. However, the gemstones never came any closer to Krysta than a foot. She soon realized that it was because a certain kind of gemstone was practically being magnetized to a certain area, and diamonds arranged themselves to the shape of a door arch. Suddenly, a door made from a light blue crystalline material formed inside the arch. Krysta walked over to it, and opened the door, appearing back at the settlement's fountain plaza.


  10. The idea of messaging one another should there be terrible danger was a fairly good idea. Granted, it would be hard to message someone while running, fighting, or defending, so... Krysta continued on her path for a minute or more, then she turned right, then left, then right again. She slowed down, since she heard some noise. She remained silent, so she could make sure she wasn't hearing things. She heard the sound of something sniffing the air, as well as the thumping of heavy footfalls. She turned around, and behind her, turning in her direction was a minotaur carrying a heavy looking two-handed battle axe. It spotted Krysta, and roared as if warning her to not advance in the maze any further. "I understand if you are merely a guardian of the pendant. However, I have come for a reason, and I will not hesitate to fight if need be!"


    [Hoya Minotaur 1 Spawned]

    Krysta: HP 300/300, EP 30/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Hoya Minotaur 1: HP 45/45, 30 DMG

  11. (OOC: @Vigilon, The update has also affected cook enhancements. You haven't gained 18 MIT, you gained 10. I know, it sucks.)

    Vigilon saw the points the players were making, and made his response to each player. He also explained what he knew of the creatures the players would be facing. Mars believed there was no time to waste, and Benjamin said he was ready when Vigilon was. He also had a problem regarding how the buffs are now. Nevertheless, Krysta was also raring to go. "I'm ready whenever you are, Alex. Just lead the way, and I'll follow!" Yolviinsil, the small ruby red feathered dragon, unlike Krysta, was hesitant to be involved in this. She had seen a few familiar faces, such as Vigilon, Veriost, Mars, and even Mars's familiar. But she did not know Benjamin, and was shy as usual. She was on Krysta's shoulder, looking at Benjamin, wondering if he was the friendly kind. Krysta noticed where her familiar was looking, and said, "No worries, I'm sure that right now, you're only around friends and allies, Yolviinsil, no need to be shy."

    @Benjamin Bookworm @Mars

  12. Light pierced trough the clouds like golden spears towards the few windows, and light completely returned to the room. There were gemstones everywhere, the walls were a bright blue. Sparkling sapphires, radiant rubies, glittering topazes...the mounds of gemstones were in quantities that couldn't possibly be counted. "This is..." It was a treasure room. Krysta knew that the treasures in this very room must belong to somebody, so she wouldn't bother with them. However, she thought she saw a specific thing sparkle in the distance, so she thought she would take a look. At first, it seemed to be something that did not belong, but when she came up to it, it was a centerpiece crystal. Krysta picked it up only to take a look at it, then she looked ahead, and saw a pedestal that looked like the crystal would fit in. Assuming it was where it belonged, she placed the crystal on the pedestal, and light from the windows began reflecting off the crystal, making the crystal shine brilliantly, and the light reflected by the crystal began to reflect on the other gemstones in the room, causing radiant colored light to reflect everywhere. It was a sight to behold. "Wow..."


  13. Veriost returned to Vigilon, and the small white frost dragon seemed to be freaking out slightly. Must have found a path that shouldn't be tread... Krysta and Vigilon followed the path that Yolviinsil had found. When they had reached a T-intersection, both paths seemed to be lined with torches, although there were no more holes in the roof as a result. Vigilon suggested that they split up. Krysta looked to her left, she looked to her right. She could see where he was going with this. "I get it, like this, we can cover more ground, and possibly reach the pendant sooner! If one of us finds the pendant, we can message each other to confirm that the goal has been reached!" She nodded her head, and turned left. She would do what she could to find this pendant, the Hoya of Minos before those other players could manage to.


  14. Nihilita's tentacles began to wrap around Krysta, starting with the ankles, since her legs were flailing about. Clearly, Nihilita was hoping to immobilize Krysta. She couldn't let that happen. She was too close to victory for this to happen, she couldn't allow it. "Think about it all, Jewel. All that you strive for...is to no avail in the end. Your quest is futile...in the end, you're nothing more than another pretty face, a pretty, pretty little face..." Nihilita said as she stroked one of Krysta's cheeks with her hand, as if she was envious or something. "You know you can't win. You can't save anyone now, and you couldn't save anyone then, Jewel..." She leaned in and whispered in Krysta's ear, "You couldn't save Leif." And Krysta snapped, as her eyes welled up with tears, remembering the loss. She swung her blade and severed the tentacles holding and wrapping around her, and as Nihilita leaned far back, letting out a shriek of pain, Krysta dropped to the ground, and freed herself from the aimlessly wriggling and flailing tentacles she'd cut off. Once she'd done that, the severed parts of the tentacles shattered. She looked back to her foe, and rushed in to attack. She struck with the Sword Art known as Neutron, and finished the battle. "This...this isn't over, Jewel! My sisters...will avenge me...." Nihilita fell on her back, then shattered.

    ID# 98193 BD: 6(Hit)


    Neutron: 7x5-1=34

    Krysta: HP 299/300, EN 15/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Nihilita(Inner Demon 1)[Self-Worthlessness]: HP 0/75, 1 MIT, 10 DMG

  15. Krysta noticed something around the creature's neck. It was an amulet of sorts, with a strange design, made from quicksilver. How unusual. This creature had an amulet. But why? Did it serve any purpose, or was it just there? She got her mind back on the fight, for she had to finish it. "Your time is near, foul creature!" And she rushed in to attack. Nihilita saw the attack coming. "Not this time." She suddenly bunched five of her tentacles together, and used them to swat Krysta aside, preventing her attempt to attack. Krysta was going to get up, and a tentacle wrapped around her neck, the grip being firm enough to hold her, but not enough to choke her. Krysta was lifted into the air as Nihilita approached. Krysta had her left hand trying to free her from the tentacle's grip, her right hand still holding the Star Saber. "Now that I've got you, you should be able to listen now." She said as several tentacles straightened and thrust at Krysta like small spears.

    ID# 98188 BD: 1(Critical Fail)

    ID# 98189 Mob: 10(Critical! +2 DMG)

    Krysta: HP 299/300, EN 20/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Nihilita(Inner Demon 1)[Self-Worthlessness]: HP 28/75, 1 MIT, 10 DMG

  16. "Hold still and listen, Jewel. I didn't want to have to do this." Krysta looked to her and said, "Never!" She rushed forward to attempt another attack. She attacked with the Sword Art known as Crucifixion, thrusting her blade at her foe multiple times, tracing the shape of a cross. Nihilita was wide eyed. "A-a cross?? ...So you're serious about coming to kill me then... Very well, Jewel. If you're unwilling to listen to me, I'll just have to prove my point by force." Nihilita tried using four of her tentacles to strike Krysta as if they were whips, but each time, Krysta jumped out of the way. "I believe you'll have to be faster than that if you wish to catch me or harm me, foul creature of darkness!" Krysta was taking full analysis of the fight now. She was already keeping mental note of how Nihilita's tentacles worked, in hopes of being just as successful in her evasive action in the future.

    ID# 98185 BD: 9(Critical, +1 Base DMG)

    ID# 98186 Mob: 2(Miss)

    Crucifixion: 8x6-1=47

    Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 22/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Nihilita(Inner Demon 1)[Self-Worthlessness]: HP 28/75, 1 MIT, 10 DMG

  17. The unusual being sighed. "I think you mean to say who am I. I am Nihilita, and you've probably come here to bring harm to me and my sisters...Perhaps if you could listen instead of fight blindly..." Krysta drew her weapon, the Star Saber. "Oh, please. We don't have to harm one another to settle this and send you back. That weapon...your boyfriend made that, didn't he, Jewel? He gave you a discount and everything... You must feel so loved, don't you? If only you both knew the futility of your situation..." Krysta stepped back, and was confused. "Futility?" "Yes, your missives are all futile, they change nothing; They are worthless..." That, Krysta did not accept. "J-just how do you know so much about me? My missive for justice is not futile! The day will be won!" Nihilita scoffed, and Krysta assumed this was one of those she had to fight. She rushed in to attack. She attempted a Sword Art she had recently learned of, Crucifixion, but she missed her enemy, for there was enough distance for Nihilita to see her coming and move out of the way when she jumped to attack. Krysta landed on the ground, and she rolled out of the way just in time to avoid some tentacles coming for her like spears.

    ID# 98183 BD: 2(Miss)

    ID# 98184 Mob: 4(Miss)

    Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 28/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Nihilita(Inner Demon 1)[Self-Worthlessness]: HP 75/75, 1 MIT, 10 DMG

  18. Krysta found herself in a darkened room containing lots of gemstones. However, none of them sparkled, due to a lack of light. The windows in the room were the only source of light, even though the light provided was merely enough to see. She looked out one window, and she could see the settlement that she was in just a bit ago. She turned around, and there was something emitting an eerie neon greenish blue glow at the other side of the room. She began to step towards it, and suddenly she heard a voice. "All these beautiful gemstones...they're quite the sight, aren't they? ...But if only they weren't so...tarnished." The thing emitting the unusual glow turned around and stood up, revealing what it was. From the torso upward, it was a woman in appearance, with flesh as white as porcelain, long, wavy, flowing cyan hair and calm, yet intense cyan eyes, a cyan dress on. But below the torso, there were about forty cyan colored tentacles, which looked like they could stretch up to twice their normal length, and could do things the hands could do. Standing up, the womanlike creature was a solid seven feet tall. "W-what are you!?"

    [Inner Demon 1 Spawned]

    Krysta: HP 300/300, EN 30/30, | 7 DMG | 18 MIT


    Nihilita(Inner Demon 1)[Self-Worthlessness]: HP 75/75, 1 MIT, 10 DMG

  19. "H-hello? Um, where am I? May I ask who or what you are?" The figure stood up and smiled strangely, and four doors appeared. Thunder began to rumble in the distance. "You've come at last...the land you stand in is in turmoil. You must save it. The enemy has taken residence in the palace and its towers. The door to the palace cannot be opened at this time, but these doors here should take you to each one. Now, I ask you, fight the enemy, prove your might to them, and save this land from the darkness that slowly corrupts it." Krysta didn't get all of her questions answered there, but she knew where this was going, and as a result, she wasn't surprised when a quest notification popped up. She pressed accept, and thus she wouldn't be turning back. She looked at the four doors, and came up to the one completely to the left. It depicted a crystal for a few seconds, but then the door was suddenly blank. She opened the strange door, and suddenly she was somewhere else.

  20. Still confused, she decided to ignore the scenery that wasn't right in front of her. After about what seemed like half an hour, she found a cobblestone wall with an open gate. She decided to enter, and she found herself in what seemed to be an empty settlement. She looked up, and noticed there were clouds about, blocking the sun, and causing there to be less light reaching the settlement. When she reached the center of the seemingly empty settlement, she saw several things: Far ahead of her was a white stone palace, the spires of the castle's three towers being a sky blue, but the colors appeared as grey and deep blue, due to the clouds casting shade on the scenery. Most of the settlement's buildings looked highly similar to the buildings on floor three's settlements. In the center of this circular plaza there was a water fountain, where an unusual figure noticed Krysta approach.

  21. There was no waterfall, there were no flat stones she was sitting on, there was no jungle. Instead, she was sitting in a colorful meadow, full of daisies, lilies, orchids, and many other elegant floral life. "It's all just so lovely, but where am I?" The meadow seemed to stretch for miles and miles. Were these the wilds of another area or floor, or was it something else? She could hardly understand. Every here and there, there seemed to be a small grove of trees in bloom. She was absolutely confused as to what she would do. She turned around, and noticed that two rosebushes were growing in a certain direction, forming a path of sorts. The roses seemed to be in multiple colors, and any thorns shrank until they were nonexistent when she came near. "That's strange..." She continued along the path that the rosebushes provided, and sometimes when she passed by a grove, the trees were almost covered with the flowers that grew from them.

  22. Krysta made her way through all of the native flora, trying to reach her destination with all due haste. If there would be something worthwhile there, she might as well take a look. Once she had finally arrived, she felt so calm. She felt comfortable, as if she had left a world of danger and entered one of serenity. She felt drawn to sit down and relax. She found a set of flat stones, and sat down on one of them. Mitria wasn't kidding about this place, the tension in her shoulders had already lifted as if it didn't even exist in the first place. The beauty of nature, the calm waterfall, the seemingly relaxing sounds... Krysta suddenly felt sleepy. Her eyes became heavy, and she drifted off into what she thought was sleep...but it wasn't. When she opened her eyes, she noticed the original scenery was missing. She wasn't there anymore. Could someone have taken her somewhere while her eyes were closed?

  23. Krysta accepted the party invite, and listened to the other players as they shared their thoughts. Benjamin seemed worried over how many they would face, although he was ready and willing to participate, and do what he could. Mars simply said that he was ready to fight whenever they set out. Krysta remembered what she had read from what Vigilon had posted on the bulletin board, and it got her thinking for a moment. "Um, Alex? When you posted on the bulletin board, you said that there is usually more than one prowling about at a time? Doesn't that mean there is still a chance of picking them off one by one? I do hope so, in case more than one is more than we can handle at a time." Krysta had a fair damage output, but she didn't know if it would work against these creatures for long, since they always seemed to grow stronger whenever she did.

    @Vigilon @Benjamin Bookworm @Mars

  24. Vigilon decided to have Veriost assist with navigation. He explained his idea to the small white dragon when she seemed to think the idea was impossible. When the little frost dragon took flight, Krysta looked over to Yolviinsil. "Well, Yolviinsil? Would you like to help Veriost? I'm sure she wouldn't mind a little help." The small ruby red feathered dragon took flight, and began to follow Veriost a bit closely. As shy as she was, Yolviinsil liked being able to do things for friends, especially if she knew it could be accomplished. No doubt, the small ruby red feathered dragon would be a tremendous help to the small white frost dragon. Krysta knew not to worry. Yolviinsil was a sensible little thing, and could quickly retreat if something went wrong. When Yolviinsil returned to Krysta, the little ruby red dragon would be ready to lead Krysta and Vigilon to the correct way to proceed.


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