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Posts posted by Krysta

  1. Krysta walked past the edge of the sixth floor's safe zone, wondering what the floor had in store for her. She hadn't really been in this floor, at least, not very much at all. She was going to see where fate would take her, when she stumbled upon a friend. "Oh! Mitria! How are you?" "Pretty good, Krysta! My, do I have something to tell you!" What Mitria just said had piqued Krysta's interest. "Oh? What would that be?" The safari gear clad woman adjusted her glasses and said, "I saw someone at a peculiar waterfall. When he opened his eyes, he told me I should take a seat on the flat stones, that I would feel rested. Well, I did so, and now I'm ready for almost anything! Of course, I've also heard some rumors of something strange happening there every once in a while. Perhaps it would be good to stop by at least once if you're going to explore this floor!" Krysta asked for and received the directions from Mitria, and was on her way.


    Stats and equipment:


    Level:  15
    HP:  300
    EN:  30
    DMG:  7(OHR Rank 3[+3], Star Saber[+3], Yolviinsil[+2])


    Star Saber(+3 DMG)

    Guardian Vest(2 Mit. [Total 18])

    Andvari's Blessing(3 LD)


    Standard Healing Potion(x3) (Restores 50 HP)

    T1 Over-health Potion(+50 temp. max HP)

    Roasted Chickpeas(2 ACC, 1 MIT)


    Skills:  One handed Rapier Rank 3

    First Aid Rank 1

    Familiar Mastery: Fighter rank 2[Does not apply, due to an equipped item]


  2. The shopkeeper named the price. It was a fair one, she could easily pay it with little worry. She paid for the item, laying a sum of col onto the counter. Yolviinsil noticed the bird that was perched on a rim. The small ruby red feathered dragon wondered if she would be able to make more friends, with familiars of course, she was a bit shy around people. Before leaving, Krysta said to the shopkeeper, "Thank you! Hope your shop continues to be successful!" She was sure the item she had just bought would be quite useful. She didn't know when, but the time would surely come...

    Paid 575 Col to @Spangie

    +Roasted Chickpeas(2 ACC, 1 MIT)

  3. Krysta was wandering the third floor, and she wondered if she would be able to keep up when fighting creatures that would be harder to face. She would certainly need to be more accurate, and there were chances she would need some more mitigation, as the enemies were growing stronger and stronger as she progressed in level. She noticed a building that kind of stood out in the open. She walked up to the building, and noticed it was a shop of sorts. She decided to enter the shop, wondering if it might have something she could need in the near future. It was a snug little place, with softly glowing lanterns hanging from the ceiling. Krysta noticed an item that was in stock, and when the young shopkeeper welcomed her and asked Krysta if she could help her. "How much for this bowl of roasted chickpeas here?"


    Ordered Item:


    (OOC: The name wasn't there, so I pasted the information instead.)

    Profession : Cook

    Rank : 1

    Roll : 12, Perfect, Success!

    ID : 97688

    Item Type : Snack

    Tier : 1 

    Quality :  Uncommon

    Enhancements : +2 Accuracy | +1 Migitation 

    Description : A small bowl of roasted chickpeas, dusted with salt and small onions.


  4. Vigilon agreed with Krysta's suggestion, and led her to a path hidden by nature. He disappeared into the overgrowth for about a second or two, then poked his hand out so he could gesture for Krysta to follow. Krysta was slightly surprised to find an actual path, rather than a path that would look nothing like one. The path was lined with trees, in such a way that the trees were practically a wooden wall grown by nature. "I...never knew this existed..." Vigilon led her though the path, making sure the path ahead was safe before making any turns. Soon, they reached their destination. Vigilon noticed that not only was the path a hidden entrance to the maze, but they also should be able to see just fine. She walked into the maze, and stopped. "Oh. Right. Maze..." She looked over to Vigilon. "How are we going to find the pendant in such short time at this rate?"


  5. Krysta was ready to face the tenth floor now, and she would be ready for almost anything. She wasn't going to let something simple stop her. Well, at least, not easily. She looked at the bulletin board, and saw Vigilon's note there. After she read it, she decided, "Alex could probably use my help. I should go!" And she was off. She guessed that the rumors about an area with certain creatures was true. Before she had gone to the tenth floor, she had been talking to Mitria in one of the previous floors. She spoke of there being rumors of monsters in the tenth floor that dropped some fair amounts of col, but had some bulk to their HP as a result. She approached the safe zone's edge, finding three players there. Vigilon, Benjamin, and Mars. "Hello! Nice to see you all again!" She looked to Vigilon. "I saw what you posted on the board. I would be delighted to help!" Thankfully, she was prepared for such a trip, for she had some items that would help her out during the trip.

    @Vigilon @Benjamin Bookworm @Mars

    Stats and Equipment:


    Level:  15
    HP:  300
    EN:  30
    DMG:  7(OHR Rank 3[+3], Star Saber[+3])


    Star Saber(+3 DMG)

    Guardian Vest(2 Mit. [Total 18])

    Andvari's Blessing(3 LD)


    Floral Chocolate Cupcake(2 LD)

    Chocolate Cupcake(1 ACC)

    Uncommon Health Potion(x5) (Restores 40 HP)

    Standard Damage Crystal (+3 DMG)

    Red Velvet Cake (Unique Consumable, grants +1 LD, +1 Prosperity)


    Skills:  One handed Rapier Rank 3

    First Aid Rank 1

    Extra skills:

    Familiar Mastery: Fighter rank 2[Does not apply, due to current equipment]



  6. Krysta was happy to know that Vigilon had managed to open up shop. She was actually a bit surprised when he gave her a Guild Discount. "A-a Guild discount, even though the Rising Dragons hasn't been established yet?" She smiled over his kindness. "Heehee, you're the best, Alex. Thank you!" She gave him five hundred and twenty five Col, and retrieved her new weapon. It was perfect. It suited her very well, and no doubt, it would assist her in plenty of battles. Now she needed some better light armor, and a trinket or something, and she would be ready for almost all the tier one floors had for her.

    Paid 525 Col to @Vigilon

    +Star Saber(+3 DMG)

  7. Krysta was walking in the town of Nimbus, wondering if there would be anything else for her at the moment. She looked at her weapon. A simple saber; it did some decent damage, but she was starting to get worried that it wouldn't be enough in the end. She began looking around, then noticed the nearby mountain where Vigilon had his shop. She decided, "Why not pay him a quick visit?" Surely, she would be doing more than expected during said visit. After a minor trek up the mountain, she knocked on the door. "Alex? are you there?" When she would be let in, she would notice that the interior had now looked like, well, a shop. There were armor and weapon racks, all stocked up with items. She took a look around, noticing a few things, like the dragon bone armor made from Bruniikahrel's remains. She laid her eyes on a Rapier of elegant design. "Um, Alex? If you don't mind, how much would it be for this rapier here?"


    Ordered Item: Star Saber

  8. A woman with pink hair, wearing a white kimono with rosegold detailing, pulled apart the branches, and seemed surprised to have found Krysta. "Ah...Krysta. My name is...Krysta." The green haired player that was with the woman sighed, and asked her to leave Krysta be. "Whew..." The woman, it seemed, wanted absolutely nothing to do with Krysta whatsoever...except for a single question. The woman asked Krysta if she saw Vigilon. There was only one right answer to this...and she wouldn't say it and betray her boyfriend. "N-no, I don't remember seeing anyone with red eyes, but when I turned and saw you, I thought you two were after me for certain. That's why I hid." It seemed that it worked, for the two players seemed disappointed, and then they moved on to a different topic. The green haired player asked if Krysta would join them in searching for the pendant. "So Vigilon was right..." She still was unwilling to even falsely betray Vigilon. "No, thank you for the offer though. I was...actually considering to look for it myself...but perhaps another time." When the players left, Vigilon came back out into the open. "I think we should take a shortcut to the maze now..."


  9. Vigilon explained his half of the situation. "Oh, dear. That...that sure puts a monkey in our wrench..." This was going to be a major issue. If these rivals were to acquire the pendant, She and Vigilon would ultimately fail. "W-wait, you have a rival?" Who was this rival? Why did this rivalry begin? The questions were unending at the moment. Vigilon took her hand and lead her into the forest, primarily trying to get away from those who were chasing after him. They tried, but the players behind them seemed to be on their trail or on their tail at all times. When Krysta and Vigilon managed to get far enough ahead, Vigilon suggested that they hide from sight, ending the chase. He dove into a bush, and seemed well hidden to whoever hadn't seen him jump in. She found a bush with white flowers, and decided that if she was to enter a bush at all, it would be this one, for the white flowers would make it harder to tell what areas of white were from Krysta's dress. Unfortunately, she didn't notice how late she had dove in, for it made a sound that the players chasing would hear. Hopefully, Vigilon was the only target of the chase, and she would be fine.


    ID# 97903 LD: 9(Too low, discovered)

  10. Krysta had only one that she could wait for. Vigilon. Anything else, she'd have a minor problem. Starting to get bored, she began looking through the area for anything a tailor might be able to use. There didn't seem to be anything, but she then guessed that it was because this was the edge of the forest. She turned and saw Vigilon sprinting towards her, two players probably trying to catch up, it seemed. When he would arrive, Krysta would say, "Nice to see that you came! I currently now have more reason to retrieve the pendant, for Mitria would like to see it, although we still get to keep it. Is...something troubling you?" Krysta wondered, why was he sprinting? Or was it because he wanted to get here as soon as possible? Who were the two players within sight? Did something perhaps happen between them? She hoped it was nothing bad.


    ID# 97900 LD: 4+3=7(Failed)

  11. Mitria smiled. "Sure thing! See you then!" She waved goodbye as she started walking back to the safe zone. Krysta needed to get back on track, and start moving towards the Forest of Wavering Mists. Who knows what would be in store for her and Vigilon during the trip through the forest, and the maze within? Minotaurs, obviously, but also a pendant that might be valuable, and/or highly prized. She was going to get there fast. She soon found the destination, the Forest of Wavering Mists, and began waiting for Vigilon. Hopefully, he'd be here soon, and they'd be able to search for the prized pendant, the Hoya of Minos, with all due speed. Now knowing that a friend was hoping to get a glimpse of it, she was raring to go on this journey into the maze. "I wonder, what are these Hoya Minotaurs like? will they be dangerous? Or just minor pushovers?"


  12. Krysta was actually about to start running when Hestia stepped in herself, and one-shot the mother boar with all due haste. "Whew..." Krysta sheathed her rapier. She couldn't help feeling like what she did was wrong, however. "A long day? I guess you could say that..." She noticed that evening would soon be approaching, and it was off to the blacksmith's shop to bring the quest items. She entered the building and placed the items in front of the blacksmith. "There." "Ah, thank you dearly, now I can get the rest of the day's work done... Something amiss? You look down." "I...I just...it just feels so wrong..." The blacksmith hesitated for a second or two before he responded. "Easy now, lass, sometimes to survive, one must do things they regret. I'm only after the smaller tusks because they were needed in the carefully described orders that came to me. I'm sorry if it became troublesome for you, but I'm sure you'd probably not have to worry about such a thing in the near future. If you have the time, could you please take this parcel to Hannah? She's a young Artisan who can often be seen painting pictures while sitting in a small grove." Krysta would walk out soon after the conversation was over. It was far too late to do anything more without any problems, for at this point, the moon was already rising. Krysta would trust that Hestia might know of a good place to rest for the night.



    Krysta: 4 SP, 400 Col, Simple Rapier(+1 DMG), and <<Safeguard Potion>>(Only usable in Third beginner quest)

    Hestia: 2 SP and 400 Col

  13. "So you would like us to retrieve the pendant for you?" "Oh no, I only wanted to see one of the many forms it could take. I'm only curious about it. I'm no major treasure hunter, despite that I'm hoping to open a merchant shop to sell some curios I might come across..." It was true, Mitria wasn't that much of a fighter. She was more of a seeker, but she made sure to have just enough combative skills to survive the wilds of Aincrad. Mitria's owl, Alya, began to spin her head again, causing Yolviinsil to try and follow, thus causing her to roll off of Krysta's shoulder. Both players giggled at that little stumble, and Krysta squatted down to help the small ruby red dragon back up. Alya seemed confused, and the look in her eyes would have come across as "Uhh, was it something I did?" Krysta made sure Yolviinsil wasn't dizzy or anything, then said, "Well then, in that case I should be off! When the pendant is found, should we meet up with you back in Delilah?"


  14. Krysta sighed when it was concluded that this small boar had undoubtedly spawned with some kind of handicap that increased either it's knowledge or luck. She got up, and kept her eyes looking towards the small creature, which was ready to charge again. Krysta would have to wait for the right moment, and evade when the time was right. She would then try to strike when the opportunity rose. The small boar made a small squeal and charged towards Krysta. She moved out of the way just in time, and saw where the creature would be headed, and when the small boar slowed down, she took the opportunity, and thrust at the small boar. It squealed loudly and shattered, then the loot menu came up in front of Krysta, showing that she had obtained the last quest item. She heard another squeal, and Krysta knew that if this kept up, she would be out of energy...which lead her to think that it was best she be off.


    ID# 97815 Mob: 5(Miss)

    ID# 97816 BD: 8(Hit)

    ID# 97817 LD: 20(Success! +1 Quest Mat)

    Tusks collected: 3/3

    [11] Krysta: HP 113/120, EP 2/12 | 5 DMG | 18 MIT.


    [Wave 1] Cleared out

    [Wave 2] Cleared out

    [Wave 3]

    Boar pup 6: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 3: HP 10/10, 3 DMG


  15. Krysta received a message, that stated he would be arriving, and would meet her at the Forest of the Wavering Mists, where the quest would be taking place. She crossed the border of the safe zone's edge, and began walking towards her destination. She saw a familiar face as she was walking. "Those creatures...they would definitely be either a problem, or just some pushovers..." "Oh! Hello again, Mitria!" The woman turned to see Krysta, and smiled. "Hello again, Krysta! I was just having some thoughts at the moment. I've heard of a pendant that takes different form every different time it is obtained, and it is sought out by many, for various special things. I would try and see it for myself, but I'm not sure if I'd be able to get past the Hoya Minotaurs..." Krysta thought for a minute. "Hoya Minotaurs? Umm....well, Alex and I were actually about to search for it ourselves!" "Truly? Well, if I could at least be able to see it in some form, I'd really appreciate it."


    Mitria(Note, this is just a visual image of the character, she is wearing safari getup such as the beige explorer hat/trenchcoat/etc.):




  16. Krysta heard a voice. She turned and saw Hestia. "Well, I'm almost there. I have two out of three quest items." Hestia decided to give a few pointers and help Krysta. She spoke of fixing the posture, keeping focus on the enemy, and knowing the timing for both evasive actions and when to strike. "Ah, now I see..." She made an attempt to implement the strategy given, and waited for the creature to charge for her. The small boar charged, Krysta sidestepped to the right, but it changed direction and somehow struck her in the leg, with just enough force to cause Krysta to lose balance yet again. Humiliating. Especially after she'd received a few tips and tried putting those very tips in action. "Why this? Why me? Why??" Was this game trying to be undeniably cruel to the just? Was this game doing whatever it could to give Krysta problems? She would have to figure it all out at some point...


    ID# 97731 Mob: 10(Critical, +2 DMG)

    ID# 97732 BD: 1(Critical fail)

    (OOC: This die...hates me. The freaking BD hates me.)

    Tusks collected: 2/3

    [10] Krysta: HP 113/120, EP 2/12 | 5 DMG | 18 MIT.


    [Wave 1] Cleared out

    [Wave 2] Cleared out

    [Wave 3]

    Boar pup 6: HP 5/5, 3 DMG

  17. Krysta began hearing of a place in the third floor said to hold a pendant that can appear as one of many different kinds and styles, yet it always remained a pendant. She wondered, what would it's form be if she approached the mystical treasure? There would be one way to find out, but she would never expect the events that would take place within the tomb where the pendant rested. She pulled up her messenger.


    To: @Vigilon

    Subject: Mystical Pendant

    Alex, I've received word of a pendant that takes different forms within floor three. I don't know if I'll be strong enough to tackle the challenge or what it may hold on my own. Would you mind coming along?

    She sent the message, and was on her way to the safe zone's edge, and would reach the area shortly, to wait for Vigilon's arrival. "I do hope he arrives soon..." She thought to herself.

  18. Krysta really wanted to get this over with now, and she was hoping she wouldn't have to do anything like this anymore once the task was finally done. She didn't want this. She didn't want it at all. Now the small boar had just gotten over it's dizziness, and it would be charging for Krysta at any moment now. Krysta prepared herself to avoid and strike with all due haste. She wasn't going to lose this fight, and she wasn't going to tolerate them in the future. Unfortunately, the only thing that happened was a repeat of history. The small boar charged, and Krysta avoided the attack. However, Krysta's attack didn't go so well either, and missed by about an inch. "Darn...this is really starting to get annoying. All of it. I can't stand this poor luck I'm having here, and I can't tolerate the deeds I have to do. It's absolutely ridiculous!"


    ID# 97633 Mob: 2(Miss)

    ID# 97634 BD: 4(miss)

    Tusks collected: 2/3

    [10] Krysta: HP 114/120, EP 3/12 | 5 DMG | 18 MIT.


    [Wave 1] Cleared out

    [Wave 2] Cleared out

    [Wave 3]

    Boar pup 6: HP 5/5, 3 DMG

  19. Krysta had at least a partial plan as to what she would do. She would evade at the opportune moment, and strike at the right time. Hopefully, she'd be able to have it taken care of. She wasn't going to give up easily, even though she disliked her task. The small boar began charging towards Krysta again, and Krysta took the chance. She positioned herself in front of a stone, and jumped to the side. The small boar ended up crashing into the stone that was protruding from the ground. Krysta attempted to swing her blade and finish the fight, but the small boar somehow maneuvered out of the way in it's dizziness from the impact with the stone. She'd gotten the timing right, all right, but luck seemed to be in it's favor for avoiding attacks, although she couldn't say the same for how accurate it was. How much longer would this take?


    ID# 97413 Mob: 1(Critical Fail)

    ID# 97414 BD: 5(Miss)

    (OOC: I'm getting really tired of this...)

    Tusks collected: 2/3

    [10] Krysta: HP 114/120, EP 4/12 | 5 DMG | 18 MIT.


    [Wave 1]


    Boar pup 1: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 2: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 3: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 4: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 1: HP 0/10, 3 DMG

    [Wave 2]


    Boar pup 5: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 2: HP 0/10, 3 DMG

    [Wave 3]

    Boar pup 6: HP 5/5, 3 DMG

  20. Vigilon seemed to agree with what Krysta had said. "It's times like this when we can rest and relax from all the daily strife, and it seems that so many came here to have some good times, and even find people to dance with, if not potential significant others." She sipped some punch, and felt refreshed a little. Krysta noticed that Vigilon had stashed a few sweets in his inventory, most likely for Veriost. "Heehee, I'm sure Veriost would appreciate it, if that's why you're stashing a few sweets in there." She noticed some simple strawberries without chocolate, and wondered if feathered dragons liked fruit. With that thought in mind, she took a small handful of them and placed them in her inventory. "Surely, there might be something for Yolviinsil as well, like some of these strawberries." Vigilon told Krysta that he would have to leave soon, and he then asked if he could dance with Krysta once more. "Of course. We are in relationship now, aren't we? So why don't we make the most of this event?"


  21. Krysta watched as Mars defeated the baby dragon in one hit. It was kind of to be expected, for it was such a small little thing. Was it truly evil from birth, or was it only defending itself was the question. She sat down on a stone to contemplate it all. "Does Kayaba want us all to act like merciless, cold-blooded killers? The dragon had only hatched! Those young boars back in the beginner quests, they hadn't done anything wrong either, and hadn't been able to live their full lives! It's all so...wrong! So very wrong!" Krysta was trying not to cry right now. She could hardly believe it all. She didn't feel like it was right. Despite Tsu's thoughts on how the battle went, Krysta didn't feel like celebrating. Tsu handed her a bag of food. She appreciated the thought, but was too busy trying not to cry over how wrong it all felt to acknowledge aloud.


  22. Vigilon explained that he was concerned, then began to feel silly and ridiculous. "Alex, there isn't a problem at all! Your concern truly shows how much you care. I can handle myself, yes, but in the larger fights, I do need allies like yourself. Thanks for being here and caring about my welfare." When the party had reached the cavern, Mars told Krysta to head in and lead the charge against the creature. Tsu began to try cheering her up, and Vigilon grabbed Krysta's arm so he could ask her to be careful. "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." It was very sweet of him to have that thought. She turned to the cavern opening, and rushed in. "Beware, dragon from darkness, for the light has come to vanquish-" She slowed her words down to a stop, for what was before her was a hatchling coming out of it's egg. "Wh-whaa?? A hatchling?? ....Curse you, Kayaba! Not again!!!!" She already had this problem with the second beginner quest, and it had to return to her now. Nevertheless, she was given a task, and she would do it....begrudgingly. She tried to attack with Quadruple Pain, but the baby dragon swiftly dodged the attack.


    ID# 97186 BD: 3(Miss)

    Mars: HP 420/420  | 10 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 1 Savvy | 2 regen

    Froppy: HP 40/40 | 1 DMG | 1 MIT

    Vigilon: HP 360/360, EP 41/41 | 7 Base DMG | 9 MIT | 1 Bleed | 1 ACC | EVA | 2 Recovery

    Krysta: HP 140/140, EP 12/14 | 6 Base DMG | 18 MIT


    Rhaegal, the Emerald Hatchling: HP 125/125  DMG:50   MIT: 25  (attack at the beginning of Mars' turn)

  23. The small boar was heading towards Krysta. If she was going to try and evade, she'd have to try a completely different method of doing so, for all the other tries usually ended with Krysta being struck by a small boar. She readied herself, then attempted her intended evasion tactic. However, although she succeeded, she swung her blade either too early or too late, for as soon as she had avoided the attack, she had swung her blade then. This would be yet another problem, for Krysta had hoped she'd have learned how to be able to evade and strike with enough ease. Was that truly possible, or was that supposed to be accuracy-related enhancements that could actually do the trick? Why couldn't experience(Not game experience, personal experience) be part of what affected her attacks? It all seemed significantly hit or miss... How was she going to go about this now, how would she proceed from here on? Could the answer be...timing?


    ID# 97108 Mob: 2(Miss)

    ID# 97109 BD: 4(Miss)

    Tusks collected: 2/3

    [10] Krysta: HP 114/120, EP 5/12 | 5 DMG | 18 MIT.


    [Wave 1]


    Boar pup 1: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 2: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 3: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 4: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 1: HP 0/10, 3 DMG

    [Wave 2]


    Boar pup 5: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 2: HP 0/10, 3 DMG

    [Wave 3]

    Boar pup 6: HP 5/5, 3 DMG

  24. Vigilon arrived at the scene when the player Krysta had approached stepped into the light. He said he was "The Raven", "Nevermore, The Cloak of Night". That sounded ominous, and nothing good. Perhaps she would try to see what that meant. Was this player among those with the darkness, only has yet to commit a crime? His cursor was green, so he hadn't committed any crimes worth fighting over as of yet. This player could also be one that hid from everything, but was around for the loot and materials. One that merely stuck to the shadows, and little else. The latter would be tolerable. Mitria's explanation had indeed been interrupted, but what was going on had brought her towards Krysta, and upon sight of the ominous figure, she stepped back suddenly. "Oh!" Krysta backed up a step, but she still had a hand on the hilt of her rapier, just in case there was a sudden move against any of the players around.


    @Nevermore IV

  25. Krysta would need to act fast. Hopefully, this time she could evade and manage to strike. She would have to, anyway, if she was going to get the next quest mob to arrive. The Mother Boar was already headed her way, and she would need to make a quick reaction. She jumped out of the way in time, and the Mother Boar charged into a stone protruding from the ground. Krysta took the opportunity, and attacked with the Sword Art, Rip Ravine, will all due haste. As expected, when Krysta turned back to the hill, a small boar was at the top, waiting to see if she would get any closer to it. She walked towards it, and with a small squeal, it began making it's way toward Krysta, and would most likely attack once it reached her. "Hopefully, this will be quick, and once I have the material I need, I'll be on my way."


    ID# 97105 Mob: 1(Critical fail)

    ID# 97106 BD: 10(Critical, +2 Base DMG)

    Rip Ravine: 7x2=14

    Tusks collected: 2/3

    [10] Krysta: HP 114/120, EP 6/12 | 5 DMG | 18 MIT.


    [Wave 1]


    Boar pup 1: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 2: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 3: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 4: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 1: HP 0/10, 3 DMG

    [Wave 2]


    Boar pup 5: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 2: HP 0/10, 3 DMG

    [Wave 3]

    Boar pup 6: HP 5/5, 3 DMG

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