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Posts posted by Krysta

  1. Krysta would need to act fast. Hopefully, this time she could evade and manage to strike. She would have to, anyway, if she was going to get the next quest mob to arrive. The Mother Boar was already headed her way, and she would need to make a quick reaction. She jumped out of the way in time, and the Mother Boar charged into a stone protruding from the ground. Krysta took the opportunity, and attacked with the Sword Art, Rip Ravine, will all due haste. As expected, when Krysta turned back to the hill, a small boar was at the top, waiting to see if she would get any closer to it. She walked towards it, and with a small squeal, it began making it's way toward Krysta, and would most likely attack once it reached her. "Hopefully, this will be quick, and once I have the material I need, I'll be on my way."


    ID# 97105 Mob: 1(Critical fail)

    ID# 97106 BD: 10(Critical, +2 Base DMG)

    Rip Ravine: 7x2=14

    Tusks collected: 2/3

    [10] Krysta: HP 114/120, EP 6/12 | 5 DMG | 18 MIT.


    [Wave 1]


    Boar pup 1: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 2: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 3: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 4: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 1: HP 0/10, 3 DMG

    [Wave 2]


    Boar pup 5: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 2: HP 0/10, 3 DMG

    [Wave 3]

    Boar pup 6: HP 5/5, 3 DMG

  2. (OOC: sorry for late reply, life has been hectic recently...)

    Krysta noticed Mars had given her a blank look in response to her objection to the rude comment. Tsu said that it wasn't a big deal, and that she got the question a lot. She also said she was fine with it...which was something Krysta didn't really understand. This player had been able to tolerate this kind of rudeness? But it was discrimination! Vigilon and Mars continued to speak, until Vigilon threw up his hands an slowed down to be nearer to Krysta and Tsu. "...Are you alright, Alex? Something wrong, or on your mind?" She didn't know what would cheer him up...yet. She'd learn more about him in time. Sure, she did know some things here and there, but She and Vigilon would need to get to know each other further if their relationship would be able to go anywhere. Surely, they might end up encountering the dragon soon, and Krysta would have to make the first try at attacking it.

    @Mars @Froppy @Vigilon

  3. Krysta would need to deal with this fight and finish it. She would try to evade, then strike when the opportunity rose. She wanted to get this over with, so that the next boar pup would arrive, and she would retrieve the last required item to finish the quest. "I'm sorry for the deeds I've already done, and that I must continue said deeds until I have what I was sent to retrieve...the circumstances I am in have given me little choice..." The mother boar tilted her head to the side, not understanding a word Krysta was saying. Then she rushed for Krysta...and the same exact failure to both sides had occurred again. Krysta was getting tired of missing this beast, and by the looks of it, the mother boar seemed to be having the same thought, and was squealing in it's frustration that neither was able to strike the other.


    ID# 96607 Mob: 5(Miss)

    ID# 96608 BD: 2(Miss)

    (OOC: BD, do you think this is funny?)

    Tusks collected: 2/3

    [8] Krysta: HP 114/120, EP 7/12 | 5 DMG | 18 MIT.


    [Wave 1]


    Boar pup 1: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 2: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 3: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 4: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 1: HP 0/10, 3 DMG

    [Wave 2]


    Boar pup 5: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 2: HP 10/10, 3 DMG


  4. Before stating his battle plan, Mars made a rude comment towards Tsu. "Wh-why would you say such a thing!? To be in this game, she would have to be from Earth, for one, and nobody's ever perfect!" Mars then explained his battle plan, not wanting any objections. "I guess this monster has a better HP and/or mitigation rating than damage, if I'm going first..." Mars's eyes were serious, and his familiar flared up a bit. Yolviinsil backed up, ready to back down further and hang from Krysta's shoulder. Vigilon walked over and said some words softly. Krysta was unable to hear, but she guessed it was pretty serious by the way he walked up to him. Tsu seemed content just being the healer. Krysta wondered, what kind of dragon was this? What exactly would she be up against? What would happen to Vigilon after whatever he might have said?

    @Mars @Froppy @Vigilon

  5. Krysta smiled when Vigilon offered to pour the punch for her. The formal choice of words were a fair effort. "Ahahaha, Alex, did Leif give you examples on formal behavior? Still, thank you very much, you're very sweet." Vigilon asked her if something was bothering her. "Um, Alex...I...I just wanted to tell myself that this wasn't a dream at all. I wanted to be sure that all of this was real. It may be in a game, but I can say that this time we've had together is real enough for me. What others may think is not my concern anymore." She wasn't going to let a simple "It's just a game" ruin this, she wasn't going to let this "It's all a dream" haunt her, she wasn't going to care about what others would think of the relationship, either. She looked into Vigilon's eyes endearingly. "I'm just so happy we're actually together." Vigilon was looking to the couples who were dancing, and no doubt enjoying themselves. "And I'm sure they're happy to be enjoying themselves, too."


  6. (OOC: Yes, it's daytime.)

    Mitria continued her explanation with the nest. "So, anyway, within the nest, or den, as you have called it, had some intriguing lore written on it's walls. Bruniikahrel was one of fourteen dragons. Since he is dead, though, there are only thirteen left. They lay asleep in their homes, awaiting for the right moment, and then they strike unexpectedly. I know these dragons as the 'Dragons of the Seventh Order', for a few reasons, one of them being that there is one for every seven floors...." Krysta was going to go back to just looking for materials, in case Mitria was unwilling to stop her explanation, when she heard something. "Wait, what was that?" She ran towards the sound, a hand on her rapier just in case. She spotted a peculiar figure with a mask, and approached slowly, a hand still on her rapier, ready to draw it out just in case. "...Who might you be, trying to hide in the shadows like that?"

    ID# 96601 LD: 8(Found Nevermore IV)

    @Nevermore IV

    @Vigilon @Benjamin Bookworm

  7. Mitria seemed to notice that the shorter boy and Krysta knew each other by different names, possibly their real ones. This did seem to support his words that he and Krysta were at least a bit more than friends... "My name's Mitria, I'm an explorer of the wilds of Aincrad! I'm not really into fighting, just enough to get by the occasional dangers. However, I am fairly good in finding items and secrets... Speaking of which, I'll be honest, Krysta, I thought I misheard you there. Did you say you killed the dragon?" Krysta turned to the woman. "Sure did, but not without help." Mitria paused, and then said, "So that explains why the trail had a dead end right out in the open... I honestly thought the beast was still out there, but oh well..." "What had your interest regarding the terrible brute?" "Bit hard to explain, but I started on his trail as soon as I left his nest." "His...what?" "Yup, he had a nest, all right. saw the area before, actually. Must be some kind of event, since while the dragon was asleep, the open space in the area was far too narrow for anyone to get through, no matter how small, and if one was to try breaking the stones to make a larger entrance, well, you'd only get the words 'immortal object' to appear, but by the looks of it, it was only temporary, for when I was there last, the entrance was significantly bigger, and appeared to have been blown from some force from the inside..." As Krysta listened to Mitria's explanation, she looked for any materials that could be found. There didn't seem to be anything around. Yolviinsil rested contentedly on Krysta's shoulder. "In that case, the stones guarding the entrance must become vulnerable when the beast awoke." "Exactly! I also have reason to believe that there is a dragon with a similar nest on every floor that has a number which is a multiple of seven, meaning that the first one, Bruniikahrel, would be found on this floor, and the next one would be sighted at floor fourteen, the next at the twenty-first floor, and so on..." It seemed that Mitria would speak of this topic for a bit...

    @Vigilon @Benjamin Bookworm

    ID# 96504 LD: 3+3=6(Failed)

  8. Yolviinsil noticed how Krysta and Vigilon looked at one another. She had noticed something slightly different about Krysta after she came to pick her up from Vigilon's shop, but it never occurred to the small ruby red dragon that the two had gotten into a relationship. She began to feel out of place. Krysta noticed and said, "Aww, don't worry, Yolviinsil, there's no need to feel that way, besides, most of the time, Veriost never leaves Vigilon's side, so you still have a friend of your own you could be comfortable fighting alongside." Krysta then turned to Tsu and said, "Well, in that case, I might get a glimpse of what being a healer is all about!" Mars made his explanation, as well as asked of the current builds. "All I've currently got is a rank 2 in Rapier, and a fire breathing small feathered dragon, as well as an alright weapon and decent mitigation from my light armor. I've brought a potion in case things got rough for me as well."

    @Mars @Froppy @Vigilon

  9. Krysta waited for the opportunity to evade, then she would strike. If she got this over with fast, she would be able to move on and be able to collect the last boar pup tusk. She also began to believe the mobs were coming in waves, the mothers being the ends of the waves. However, a question she still had for herself was, where were the fathers in all of this? Perhaps if she were to use her Sword Art before her opponent could strike her, she might get through this without any damage. Unfortunately, that strategy didn't work. She used Rip Ravine, but both she and the Mother Boar missed each other simultaneously. This whole ordeal was starting to prove annoying. She didn't want to go milling about, killing young boars for something that could easily be gathered from the matured ones, and she didn't want to keep having to deal with all these missed blows. She would need to find or purchase something that would help her to be more accurate.


    ID# 96300 Mob: 4(Miss)

    ID# 96301 BD: 5(Miss)

    Tusks collected: 2/3

    [8] Krysta: HP 114/120, EP 6/12 | 5 DMG | 18 MIT.


    [Wave 1]


    Boar pup 1: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 2: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 3: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 4: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 1: HP 0/10, 3 DMG

    [Wave 2]


    Boar pup 5: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 2: HP 10/10, 3 DMG


  10. Krysta noticed that Vigilon had stopped to think before he made his answer. When he did, he brought Krysta over to the refreshments table, while holding her hand. So far, she had loved this day. It was wonderful, it was magical, it was almost as if it were a dream. She was actually worried that she might wake up and all of this would have never happened. She started with some punch to hopefully quench her thirst from all the dancing and excitement. She began wondering if anyone would be willing to talk to her and Vigilon. She and Vigilon may have entered a competition, but were they doing fairly, or poorly? Who would she vote for, or would she abstain? These thoughts began to rise up within her, but she stopped herself, and did what she could to focus on the good things, such as the fact that she and Vigilon were finally in relationship.


  11. Krysta kept her eyes on the quest target, so that she could be able to evade, unlike last time. The small boar was ready to charge, and She would have to be swift, and end this quickly. The small boar still managed to strike her, but Krysta knew exactly how to retaliate to the attack this time. Within a split second after the attack, Krysta had gotten her blade thrust into the small boar, which squealed loudly and shattered. The loot menu popped up to reveal that she had successfully obtained another boar pup tusk. Krysta looked back towards the hill that the boars were coming down from, and noticed another mother boar was on her way. Krysta sighed, for such a thing was to be expected. A good mother would always arrive to protect and/or avenge her young, wouldn't she? Krysta wasn't interested in her usual justified battle stance this time, for she felt awful about all this. She wanted to get this all over with, and not do it anymore.


    ID# 96289 Mob: 8(Hit)

    ID# 96290 BD: 10(Critical, +2 DMG)

    ID# 96291 LD: 13(Success! +1 Quest Mat)

    Tusks collected: 2/3

    [8] Krysta: HP 114/120, EP 7/12 | 5 DMG | 18 MIT.


    [Wave 1]


    Boar pup 1: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 2: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 3: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 4: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 1: HP 0/10, 3 DMG


    [Wave 2]


    Boar pup 5: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 2: HP 10/10, 3 DMG


  12. The small boar didn't seem to notice any deaths, but it charged for her nevertheless. Krysta prepared herself to evade and strike, as soon as the opportunity rose. She would have to deal with having to kill the poor things, until the objective was complete. Krysta tried sidestepping to the right, but the small boar had charged in that direction, striking Krysta's leg and causing her to lose her balance. "WhoooOOOAAAA!" She fell on her back. "How embarrassing..." She got up, and grabbed her weapon, saying, "Despite that little mishap, I still don't want to do this. But alas, I cannot change the goal the quest has set for me." She knew she was practically talking to herself, as a little boar couldn't possibly understand human speech. She didn't want this, she didn't want to kill young boars for something that could easily be obtained from the mature boars. It didn't seem right at all.


    ID# 96275 Mob: 8(Hit)

    ID# 96276 BD: 1(Critical Fail!)

    Tusks collected: 1/3

    [6] Krysta: HP 115/120, EP 7/12 | 5 DMG | 18 MIT.


    [Wave 1]


    Boar pup 1: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 2: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 3: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 4: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 1: HP 0/10, 3 DMG

    [Wave 2]


    Boar pup 5: HP 5/5, 3 DMG



  13. Krysta was walking in the rocky fields of the seventh floor, when she heard a familiar voice, on that she had heard a few days ago. "Darn it, the trail ends here..." Krysta walked over to the player dressed as an explorer. "Hello again, Mitria! Thanks for the bits of info about my familiar earlier!" The safari gear-clad woman looked at Krysta, same with her familiar, her owl, Alya. "Oh hello again, Krysta! Perky as ever, I see." The owl on Mitria's shoulder spun it's head around clockwise, as she often did. Krysta looked to the forest and asked, "Do you think there could be anything hiding there?" "Hmm, I don't really think so, besides the occasional chest, that is." "Well, there are always materials, right?" She started for the forest, looking around for anything useful once she was inside. She found a cotton plant, and retrieved the material from it, Mitria arriving after. "Hey now, I was going to say something. I don't suppose you've seen a large black dragon, have you?" Krysta looked at her as she continued on. "Oh, if you're looking for Bruniikahrel, he's already dead. Dealt the final blow myself. I couldn't have done it without a few friends, though..." She noticed two familiar faces on the horizon, and headed over to them. "Benjamin! Alex! how are you two?" Mitria followed her, and noticed the other two players. "These two friends of yours, Krysta?"

    @Vigilon @Benjamin Bookworm

    ID# 96251 LD: 19+3=22(+1 T1 Mat)

  14. The mother began charging towards Krysta. She had a fair guess as to what she would do. Most likely, this boar had more common stats, thus meaning the most efficient choice would be to use a Sword Art. Krysta tried to evade again, but this one was smarter than her young. She knew exactly where to attack Krysta, but the impact wasn't as fierce as expected. Although Krysta knew that this boar was fighting for vengeance for her young, Krysta didn't have any qualms on fighting her, not like she did with her young, the quest targets. Krysta readied her Sword Art, Rip Ravine, and struck the creature twice, ending the fight as soon as it had started. "Whew...that was easier than I thought it would be." As if on cue, she heard another squeal. It was from yet another small boar, heading over aggressively. "Oh dear, here we go again..."


    ID# 96248 Mob: 7(Hit)

    ID# 96249 BD: 8(Hit)

    Tusks collected: 1/3

    [6] Krysta: HP 116/120, EP 8/12 | 5 DMG | 18 MIT.


    Boar pup 1: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 2: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 3: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 4: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 1: HP 0/10, 3 DMG

    [Wave 1 Cleared!]

    Boar pup 5: HP 5/5, 3 DMG

  15. She opened the window of the room she was renting at the inn, and stretched her arms, admiring the bright blue morning sky. Today was another day, so what should she do now? Look for materials? Find some allies and train for a bit? Visit her new boyfriend? She had chosen to spend her night after the event in one of Taft's inns, so when she looked down, she saw the settlement of the first tier two floor. She soon received a message, and on that, she got her things together, helped Yolviinsil up on her shoulder, and was off to the teleport gate. She appeared in the Town of Beginnings, and quickly saw the others. "Hello Tsu, how are you today? And hello Mars, I received the message, and I'm ready to help! I don't have any healing skills yet, but I plan to get to that soon." She also noticed that Vigilon was invited to this as well. "Heehee, hello again, Alex..." She said as she looked at her boyfriend with an endearing smile.

    @Vigilon @Froppy @Mars

  16. The small boar charged for Krysta, and she readied herself to evade and strike, ending the fight quickly, and hopefully bringing her closer to her goal. She didn't want to do this anymore, but she had no choice, she had to do it, despite that the thought of it was disturbing, and was fairly censurable in her opinion. She blocked the boar pup with her weapon, and it rolled onto its back, struggling and squealing. Krysta held her blade over it, closed her eyes, and stabbed the little boar, causing it to squeal fairly loud before it shattered. When she opened her eyes, the loot menu popped up to show Krysta that she had retrieved a boar pup tusk. "Whew, one down... Two to go..." She was a little disheartened, since she would have to keep killing young boars. She heard a fairly normal squeal, and looked to see a normal sized boar heading her direction...and it wasn't pleased at all. No, she wasn't pleased at all. It was the boar pups' mother!


    ID# 96245 Mob: 1(Critical fail)

    ID# 96246 BD: 6(Hit)

    ID# 96247 LD: 20(Success! +1 Quest Mat) (OOC: Thank you.)

    Tusks collected: 1/3

    [5] Krysta: HP 117/120, EP 10/12 | 5 DMG | 18 MIT.


    Boar pup 1: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 2: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 3: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 4: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Mother Boar 1: HP 10/10, 3 DMG

  17. Krysta responded to the words, one thing at a time. "Well, like I said before, I had come across someone well learned in various things. She's hard to miss, actually. Dressed like an explorer, studies lore and the wilds of Aincrad, and she has a familiar as well. Her owl, however, tends to be a little awkward, and is alert to sounds. She had a book with the translations, allowing her to always keep her notes with her, in case she ever forgets. Turns out, she's got a lot of books in her inventory." Reinka seemed to explain quickly that she wasn't into PKing whatsoever, which calmed Krysta and confirmed the positive side. She then explained her intention to be a dungeon delver in-depth. "Well, that kind of adventure seems as good as any." Krysta said as she smiled. "You both really seem like nice people. I'd love to have some adventures sometime." She said as she pulled up her menu, and sent friend requests to Reinka and Amira.

    Friend requests have been sent to @Reinka and @Amira

  18. Outlander began to speak again, but it wasn't any more pleasant from the last time he spoke. "If you don't watch your tongue, someone may decide to cut it off." She said in a manner close to a growl. Outlander continued to speak, saying that although he didn't hate people, but wasn't excited about their existence, and pointed to the white haired girl, making her an example. The very thought. He then spoke of the inevitable end, then just expected everyone to leave him be. He had finished speaking, but what all that he said ended up doing was riling Krysta up. "Why you careless, cold-blooded miscreant of a beast!!" She drew her rapier, her eyes ablaze. She glared at Outlander. "The minute you commit a crime, I shall not hesitate to vanquish you!" She was a justified young woman, and would not stand for any of this. "The heavens have no place for you, foul monster..." Right now, she would be ready to start a duel, but this time, she wanted to see if the other players had the same thought. "The light of justice always wins in the end, while the darkness retreats into the realm of suffering from whence it came!" She wondered, how would he respond to all this hate he was getting?

    @Outlander @Dazia @Vigilon @H3LL0 @Benjamin Bookworm @Froppy @Novafire


  19. Vigilon told Krysta that Veriost was originally left at the shop to rest, although there was still a fair chance for some activity. "I guess she'll be able to relax with a new friend." She said with a smile. Vigilon then said that he'd almost forgotten something. He pulled out a box from his inventory, and gave it to Krysta, saying he'd been hoping to give this to her. She received the box and opened it to see what was inside, revealing some sweets. In the center of the box was a chocolate cupcake Around the centerpiece cupcake, there were milk chocolate hearts and pieces of white chocolate in the shapes of crystals. In each corner, there was a strawberry dipped in chocolate, with white chocolate stripes. "Why, these are wonderful, how thoughtful of you, Alex, thank you." She closed the box and stashed it in her inventory, then gave Vigilon a quick kiss on the cheek; an action to support her words. There was an opening for them to take a small break and possibly socialize and/or raid the food tables before everyone else finished off all the refreshments. "Should we take a small break, Alex?"


  20. Reinka began to ask Krysta some questions about Yolviinsil. "Thanks, If you're asking how I came by the name, well, it kind of started when a powerful monster, a large dragon that was wreaking havoc on the seventh floor until recently, seemed to address her. About a day or two later, I came across someone well learned in various things. Turns out, what I had a hunch about was true. She was being addressed and spoken to. Yolviinsil is actually her original name. It is in dragon tongue. When translated, it means Fire-Shine-Soul. You can find and tame familiars out in the wilds. It works like a quest, and can happen on any floor. Unlike most quests, this one will come to you. There will be an elderly woman who will tell you the secret to taming familiars, which will start the quest." Reinka returned to speaking to Amira for a bit, then she spoke about her friend, what she'd planned to do in the future, and what she aspired to be in this game. At first, Krysta was confused. "A....what??" She had heard both fantasy and reality of the two words. Being a justified soul, she normally didn't stand for certain things. She focused on the positive, and asked, "So, wait, by that, do you speak of your planned profession, and that you wish to scour the dungeons and wilds of Aincrad for loot?" She also had the first part of what Reinka said in her mind. "I have a friend who intends to start a Guild as well. Vigilon hopes to lead a Guild that will protect the players of Aincrad and help other players to rise in this game. This Guild he wishes to start is called the Rising Dragons"

    @Reinka @Amira

  21. (OOC: Not at all. It's much more complicated than that, actually. I'm sure there are staff members with some knowledge of NPC Players you could message. Not only that, but last time I checked, somewhere in the tutorials, there is a FAQ where there should be some minor information regarding NPC Players. From what I know, they are created by players with accounts, in a manner similar to other entities that aren't the player the account owns. They can contribute to story and rp, but cannot be given stats/rolls unless they are fighting/dueling with an actual player. There are also some other restrictions that I haven't fully learned of.)

    Krysta seemed to have arrived in time, and things would be drawing to a close at some point, if not soon. The white haired girl that was accompanying Dazia made a comment on ego, which seemed to be directed at Outlander. Dazia tried to discourage her from that, but it didn't seem to work. Did this Outlander have an ego issue, or was the girl just poking fun at him? Most likely, it was both, from where this began to lead. Outlander responded to the girl's comment in a rather offending way, which included one of many ways of murder, then he smiled. "W-why would you even DO that? Why would you dare to give someone such a death threat, while keeping a smug smile on your face?" The white haired girl took quite the offense over being called not-so-existant. Outlander's next comment that was in response to the girl's response wasn't good either. He said that she acted and looked like an NPC, then said another rude comment involving harm. "I'm starting to wonder if what the dark armored brute said about you was true." Krysta was offended by how he seemed to act. Why did he have to be so cruel?

    @Outlander @Dazia @Vigilon @H3LL0 @Benjamin Bookworm @Froppy @Novafire

  22. Krysta was waiting for the others to arrive. She was hoping nothing bad had happened to them. She soon noticed Vigilon arrive, but Kimi wasn't close by. She was going to ask where Kimi was, then Vigilon said that Kimi should hopefully arrive soon. "I sure do hope so, I don't want to feel like a coward who left her ally to die." It was true, she didn't want to feel like anything bad that happened was because of her. Being one who hated injustice, and the suffering of others, she didn't like the idea of unintentionally causing it. She got up and asked, "So then...what should we do in the meantime?" One thought would be to gather materials, another idea would be to chat or something. She wondered if Kimi was going to be okay, and if she would be able to get away from the mimic that had hidden itself prior to the situation.


  23. Krysta watched the little boar make it's way towards her, and she would try and evade, probably with a different direction to sidestep, at least. Her rapier in her hand, she was ready to try and end the fight quickly, for quick battles might make this whole ordeal easier on her. Once again, Krysta did not expect the small boar to rush in the right direction, once again, Krysta managed to stab and defeat the creature, and once again, the quest mob had dropped nothing. "Just how often are these tusks actually dropped? Could they be so small and frail that the tusks are hardly dropped at all?" She looked ahead, and, as expected, there was another small boar on it's way, most likely to be after Krysta in order to avenge it's siblings. Krysta had already had enough of this, but now she had a question for herself. Where are the small boars' parents?


    ID# 96014 Mob: 7(Hit)

    ID# 96015 BD: 8(Hit)

    ID# 96016 LD: 9(Failed)

    (OOC: Come on, LD, for crying out loud, the third time in a row???)

    [4] Krysta: HP 117/120, EP 10/12 | 5 DMG | 18 MIT.


    Boar pup 1: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 2: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 3: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 4: HP 5/5, 3 DMG

  24. Vigilon seemed to be a little lost in thought, but he definitely heard what Krysta said, and returned to the moment in not much time at all. He smiled, and then seemed to notice something. He then asked her if he could ask a quick question. "Certainly, Alex." He then asked her about where Yolviinsil was. She realized that she'd completely forgotten about that. Her familiar, Yolviinsil, was a shy creature after all. She then looked through her memories of the day, and remembered that Yolviinsil sneaked into Vigilon's shop in hopes of being able to have a play date with a fellow small dragon, Veriost, Vigilon's familiar. "I-I think she got into your shop looking for Veriost. She's been wanting to get to know a fellow small dragon for about a bit of a while, now." Despite how shy Yolviinsil normally was, she felt more comfortable around familiars she didn't know than players she didn't know.


  25. The small boar squealed as it readied itself to charge at Krysta again. Krysta was prepared to evade and strike, although she was liking the idea less and less. The miniature boar managed to veer in the right direction, but Krysta stabbed it after taking the mitigated damage. The small boar squealed and shattered, but once again, nothing was dropped. Krysta sighed regarding her second failure to recover a material from one of the specified quest mobs. She looked forward, and there was, yet again, another small, young boar on it's way to avenge it's fallen siblings. At this point, Krysta wasn't liking this at all. "Can't I just gather the tusks from the fully grown ones? It just feels so wrong to slaughter their young!" Sure, the game would probably tell her to just keep going, whether she liked it or not, and she would be left to deal with it.

    ID# 95991 Mob: 9(Hit)

    ID# 95992 BD: 8(Hit)

    ID# 95993 LD: 8(Failed)

    [3] Krysta: HP 117/120, EP 10/12 | 5 DMG | 18 MIT.


    Boar pup 1: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 2: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 3: HP 5/5, 3 DMG

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