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Posts posted by Krysta

  1. Krysta listened carefully to what Amira was saying. "Well, I'm sure I'll be ready to see what you had in mind once I'm all set up." Amira spoke to Reinka, and the last few words seemed to linger in Krysta's mind. "Well, I can't say I blame you, I'm certain most of us put it off in fear of getting killed on the first day out there. But if you had some help, I'm sure you'd be fine. I haven't managed to get my hands on any yet, but I do intend to pick up on healing skills in the near future." Krysta noticed that some extra weight was not on her shoulder, but, rather, on her back. She nudged the familiar that was there to climb up to her shoulder. "I think these people are nice, Yolviinsil. Would you like to get to know them?" The small ruby red feathered dragon slowly climbed up, looking at the other players shyly.

    @Amira @Reinka @Core XI @Froppy

  2. Krysta looked back, and realized she was currently alone. She looked around her, hoping that nothing would be lurking nearby. Sure enough, she really was alone at this moment. "I sure hope they're okay..." She didn't want the mimic to pursue them, and hoped they would be able to make it out. She decided to stay put where she was, so that when the others got away, they could find her easily, and make it back to the safe zone without worry. She began to wonder, why would a mimic hide in a place where it would be concealed, rather than where anyone might find it? She guessed that it preferred to prey on the attentive. She sat down, wondering when the others would arrive. The mimic may have made a sudden appearance and all, but Krysta was certain that it couldn't possibly be capable of killing either of them.


  3. Krysta watched as Mars opened the chest, eventually she received some materials and col. The next question, however, was what to do with the rest, which item went to who. Vigilon chose to take one of the rare potions. Krysta had only one item in mind, the rest could be left to Pinball. "I'll go with the light armor." In total, what she received from the chest was 263 col, 2 materials, and a perfect quality light armor. Krysta looked to the sky, and it seemed that she would have to return to the safe zone. She looked at the other players. "Thanks for all of your help today. I really appreciate it!" Soon she was on her way back to the safe zone, with a new friend coming along with her. She didn't know for how long, but surely this small ruby red dragon would be by her side for at least a long while. It was only a matter of time before something would begin to stir within her...



    Krysta: 4 SP, 913 Col, 3 T1 materials, <<Unidentified T1 Perfect Light Armor>>, and T1 enhanced familiar

    @Pinball: 3 SP, 912 Col, 5 T1 Materials, and <<Unidentified T1 Rare Potion>>

    @Mars: 3 SP, 912 Col, and 1 T1 material

    @Vigilon: 3 SP, 912 Col, 3 T1 materials, and <<Unidentified T1 Rare Potion>>

  4. From what the man had said they were probably going to search for materials. "Um, no, I don't think any of us own a horse, nor are there going to be any times with you having the same problem happen in a row. At least, I don't think so." The girl with vibrant red hair introduced herself. "Amira...it's a wonderful name. I haven't heard anything like it." Whether it was a name or username, it didn't matter to Krysta, she thought it was a good, well thought out name. The only thing Krysta didn't know at the current moment was what was going to happen, now and later on. Reinka introduced herself, and soon began speaking of the man's issue regarding his trench coat. "Well, once I open my tailor shop, I could always try and sew a new one for him if the trench coat is in such terrible condition."

    @Amira @Reinka @Core XI @Froppy

  5. The small boar squealed as it rushed towards Krysta. "I'm sorry, but the circumstances of this game leave me little choice." Krysta was going to do exactly what she did before, but the problem was, the boar veered to the left to strike her leg rather than leap to try and ram her. The thought of having to do this weighed on Krysta slightly. Why these little things, rather than full grown boars whose tusks would be in much better shape, not to mention it would be an aggressive beast that had lived it's life? Sure, the creatures were small, but they could actually deal damage, despite that the damage was mitigated. But why could such small creatures have that kind of force to be able to harm people at so young an age? Game mechanics? Probably, although as a result it wouldn't make very much sense. She knew that she had to deal with these small creatures, but she never expected to feel so discouraged about killing monsters.

    ID# 95904 Mob: 7(Hit)

    ID# 95905 BD: 2(Miss)

    [2] Krysta: HP 118/120, EP 10/12 | 5 DMG | 18 MIT.


    Boar pup 1: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 2: HP 5/5, 3 DMG

  6. Krysta decided to breathe. Granted, it truly wasn't the best place or time to fight, but she hated it when injustice got away or got it's way. Soon, she received a message.


    Hello Everyone! 

    .   Hope you had fun today! I know I did! The competition is about to end in 8 minutes! Make your way to the start area immediately! We are going to see which team won!     


    The reason why she arrived later was because she went to where she previously was before the duel to bring her teammates with her. "Gwydion! Tressa! The game's about to end, come on!" She brought the two players along as she made her way to the starting point, keeping her eyes peeled for materials in the process. She spotted a cotton plant, and retrieved the material from it. Things looked like an event was about to end when she arrived. "Whew! Just in time, I hope!"

    ID# 95902 LD: 17(+1 T1 Mat)

    @Novafire @Vigilon @Dazia @Froppy @Outlander


    @Gwydion @Tressa

  7. Krysta liked the thought of possibly doing something else before leaving. Preferably not involving combat, for honestly she had enough for one day. It seemed that the others had also had their fill of combat. She looked to her new familiar, the small ruby red dragon, that landed on her shoulder, and brushed itself against her in thanks. It actually made her curious as to what the small dragon was dealing with regarding the larger one, Bruniikahrel. Could it have been fear? A threat made to it? Both? Either way, there were reasons somewhere. She looked at Vigilon when he suggested that they look for a chest, and said, "Why, that's a great idea!" She began to look in places where a chest might be concealed, while hoping it wouldn't end up like the last time a chest was found and opened... She found a fairly sized, but loose stone that made her curious. With some difficulty, she managed to move the stone away. "Hrrrnnnngggghhhh!!!" She looked where the stone was previously, and in a rectangular hole was a chest.

    ID# 95899 LD: 16+5=21(Found a chest)

    @Pinball @Mars @Vigilon

  8. Krysta had been hoping to not only get stronger and level up in this game, but she also wanted to make more friends. Both were necessities. She had also been told by Vigilon that potential players and friends tend to be at the gates. Thus did she head over in that direction. It had been five, maybe six months since she had decided to actually get out of the shell known as the Town of Beginnings. She soon found some players near the gates, only one of them did she recognize. She walked over, hoping she could join in the conversation. "Hello, I saw you having a conversation, and I was wondering if I could join in. My name is Krysta." She looked to the player she had met in an earlier time. "And hello again, Tsu, how are you today? Doing well, I hope." She hoped she could make some more friends during this conversation.

    @Amira @Reinka @Froppy @Core XI

  9. Krysta was wondering, and was worried about, what Vigilon might say. His answer was that her heart was like a gemstone, that she was a sweet young woman and a caring, kindhearted soul, and that one thing he'd noticed is how much she shined. She blushed softly, and her eyes sparkled as she looked into his eyes sweetly. "I... Thank you, Alex, you're very sweet..." She was practically at a loss for words, except what she'd managed to get out. His words had touched her heart and set it aflutter. This moment was getting more magical to Krysta, and if anyone was to ask her of this day, she would describe it to them as "A fairy tale becoming a reality". "I can't believe I'm experiencing such a wonderful day! Alex loves me as well, we got to dance, and are still dancing now! I will treasure this day always..."


  10. Krysta saw the area on the horizon as Hestia responds to Krysta's response. Hestia patted Krysta on the back, saying that she would leave the task to her alone unless things got out of hand. Of course, with her current light armor on, it would be unlikely for any damage higher than one to occur. Krysta went on ahead, and spotted one of the quest mobs, falling behind on trying to keep up. It noticed Krysta, and began staring at her. She walked towards, it, and it suddenly began rushing for her. The small creature managed to ram into Krysta, but all it took was to thrust her weapon into it's back, and it shattered. Nothing was dropped, however. She looked to see another small boar heading her direction, probably upset about the loss of it's sibling. It was times like this where she actually felt sorry for some of the creatures here in the game, despite that they didn't have souls and were only part of a game.

    ID# 95878 Mob: 9(Hit)

    ID# 95879 BD: 9(Critical, +1 DMG)

    ID# 95880 LD: 5(Failed)

    [2] Krysta: HP 119/120, EP 11/12 | 5 DMG | 18 MIT.


    Boar pup 1: HP 0/5, 3 DMG

    Boar pup 2: HP 5/5, 3 DMG

  11. Krysta noticed how the other two players suggested that they flee instead. Kimi began her attempt, but the mimic ran up to her and bit her on the leg. Under normal circumstances, she would have tried to fight the creature anyway, so that it wouldn't be around to bother anyone else who would come in this area, but there were indeed some valid points on why they should leave instead. "As much as I want to vanquish this creature, I guess I'll have to come back to it later..." She began to turn tail, hoping the Mimic wouldn't spot her trying to get away... Krysta looked back at the situation, and noticed that the mimic seemed too distracted to notice that Krysta was getting away. Hopefully, Vigilon would get away as well, and Kimi would be able to outrun the deceitful chest with teeth. The area where they encountered the Wasp Queen began to be farther and farther away from her, as she hoped the others would be able to escape, and regroup before returning to the safe zone.

    @Vigilon @Kimi

    ID# 95873 LD: 15(Successfully fled from combat)

  12. Krysta listened to what Hestia had to say. She had a good point, thus meaning for Krysta that she would have to start working on her healing skills soon. "You have a good point. I know someone who is trying to primarily be a DPS, so I guess healing skills might help him possibly save col on potions..." She remembered how Vigilon did what he could, but his mitigation wasn't the best, so he couldn't always get into rough fights. Krysta's damage wasn't as good as his, but that wouldn't matter if players' HP kept running low. There were many reasons to have healing skills, along with other things that would help to support others. At her current rate, she wouldn't have the skill directly after this quest, however, she was certain that she would be able to utilize healing to keep other players fighting later on in the game.


  13. Krysta noticed that Vigilon seemed to have a state of either shock, silence, most likely both. Her face began to redden, right now the cheeks were a soft hue of rose. "I...um, ah..." What she did not expect from Vigilon at all was for him to kiss her back. She was truly surprised. Her blushing intensified. Her heart quickened it's pace. She had mixed feelings of affection, surprise, but also uncertainty. They transitioned back to a waltz, and Krysta now had a question for Vigilon. "...Alex, I know this question is a bit sudden and deep, but...I was wondering... Why do you love me?" Immediately she wanted to take the words back, but she knew that she couldn't. She was worried about how he would answer, but if there was one thing that was happening here, it was that both Krysta and Vigilon seemed to be completely honest here, leaving no question unanswered regarding their newly established relationship.


  14. (OOC: Wait, hold on, Mars! Krysta has already learned of the crush in a different thread!)

    It seemed that the other party members had their own responses to Krysta's second failure regarding dealing the final blow. Pinball used a basic attack, Mars said that he was a man of his word(which Krysta found alright), and used a sword art to attack the creature. It was a weaker sword art, so it didn't do much damage. Mars glanced at Krysta and basically told her to hurry up and finish the task, but she also thought that she misheard him, from certain details that he may or may not have said. "Eh?! Oh, right, got it, I'll be sure to finish it this time!" Vigilon had climbed up a tree and tried to bring the dragon down to the ground by applying momentum to a basic attack. However, that didn't seem to go as planned. Bruniikahrel Looked back to Pinball, and Krysta ran over towards the dragon once more. Bruniikahrel glared at Pinball. "Fus...Ro Dah!!!" A powerful wave of force came from his maw, sending Pinball flying quite a few meters, the impact from the landing dealing the damage. Krysta readied her sword art ash she rushed for the dragon, saying, "Begone, foul beast!" This time, she successfully struck the creature. She had done it! Bruniikahrel's HP depleted to zero while he cried out, “Niiiiiiii!!!!! Zu’u los bah! Zu’u los ruth! Zu’u nis kos viik voth lir med hi!” He glared at Krysta as he started to crumple to the ground. “Hon pruzah, zohungaar kulaas, daar los gut nol ko! Dii zeymah fen vaaz hi tum ahrk drun hi sosaal!” And the dragon shattered. The loot menu appeared, showing that the monster had dropped 1400 Col and four materials. She looked to the other players. "I couldn't have been able to do this without you guys. Thank you!" She thought about what was earned, and managed to figure out the amounts each would get. She handed 350 Col each to the three players, along with one material each. Leaving Krysta with 350 Col and one material to herself.

    350 Col and 1 T1 material given to @Pinball

    350 Col and 1 T1 material given to @Mars

    350 Col and 1 T1 material given to @Vigilon

    (OOC: If you guys don't mind, maybe I could try looking for a chest before we wrap up this thread.)

    ID# 95860 Mob: 9(Critical, +1 DMG), LD: 3(Attacked with Unrelenting Force)

    ID# 95861 BD: 9(Critical, +1 Base DMG)

    ID# 95862 CD: 12, LD: 15+5=20(Looted 1400 Col and 4 T1 Mats)

    Quadruple Pain: 9x4-5=31

    Krysta: HP 120/120, EP 6/12

    Pinball: HP 182/280, EP 6/28

    Mars: HP 320/320  EP 5/32

    Vigilon: HP 286/300, EP 28/35




    HP 0/350 48 Damage 5 Mitigation

    Attack list:

    <Unrelenting Force>

    Inflicts stun on CD 10-12, and is used on a LD roll of 1-5.

    <Dragon’s Rage>

    A typical attack. Used on a LD roll of 6-10.

    <Fire Breath>

    Inflicts burn on CD 10-12, used on a LD roll of 11-15.

    <Frost Breath>

    Inflicts freeze on CD 10-12, used on a LD roll of 16-20.


  15. (OOC: Um, whenever I use italics for an entire quote, it's me trying to show that those are Krysta's thoughts. I'm only saying this just in case.)

    As the two players were on the way to the area where the quest mobs would be spawning, Hestia asked about Krysta's intended build. "While I know that damage is important, I also wish to focus on healing and supporting. I honestly don't know which to prioritize, though..." The topic of builds actually reminded her of one of those times where she had been able to talk with Wardege before he was murdered, when the topic of builds came up. The memory played itself like a video within Krysta's mind.

    "I find myself better off serving players by taking hits and restoring their HP. That is to say, I intend on becoming a tank and a healer." Krysta smiled. "Your generosity to all players has no limits, does it, Leif?" With a gentle chuckle, Wardege said, "Even I don't truly know the answer to that, Jewel. Right now, there are plenty of players out there who are far more capable than I will ever be at this rate. However, I will do what I can to play my part in this game..."

    But he never got his chance. Krysta tried to push away the now melancholy memory away, as their destination was in sight.


  16. (OOC: I completely forgot about this thread! I should get to it right away before I end up too close to a position where I can't do these quests anymore!)

    Hestia stood up and told Krysta about what she would be doing, also telling her to not worry if she missed often during combat due to inexperience. She kept that in mind, in case anything was to get out of hand. However, if these were supposed to be the easiest battles in SAO, she wouldn't have to worry. "I'll keep your advice in mind, Hestia." She looked to the sky, seeing that it was still blue and everything. There was still half a day, so why not make use of it and clear a quest? She started walking over towards the direction of the west gate. "Surely, I'll be able to tackle more than simple mobs when I finish these quests. I still have far to go right now, but I won't let that bother me!" These battles with boar pups might be some practice for the future battles that lay ahead. She needed to become stronger, she needed to avenge Wardege, she needed to clear quests, help other players, save lives and more! These were but the first steps to achieving those goals.


  17. (OOC: Easy now, Vig, I was gonna do it anyway. Just a little hesitation, that's all. XD)

    "Interesting words, Alex. I'm actually starting to wonder which styles of dance are compatible with a rapier...but back to this moment, for I hope to enjoy every second of it." Krysta twirled about a few minutes after her response. She continued to keep her urges in check, but it seemed to be heading towards unavoidable. The two had transitioned their dance to another common slow dance, and Krysta's feelings were getting stronger and were practically trying to break down the emotional gate she had set up to keep things from going too fast. Vigilon asked her if something was on her mind, and that she shouldn't be afraid to speak. "I-it's nothing, Alex, I...I-I...." And her feelings burst through. It was as if something came over her entirely, and she closed her eyes as she leaned in and kissed Vigilon. This lasted for about seven seconds, and Krysta became worried that she had gone so far too soon.


  18. Krysta thought about the first part of Vigilon's answer. She looked to her left and to her right, noticing the couples around. Despite that they were competition, possibly rivals, to Her and Vigilon, she was happy to know they were enjoying the event. "I see what you mean. Almost everyone seems so happy..." She turned her head back to him and said, "Of course, I couldn't possibly be happier, since I'm having this wonderful moment with you, Alex. I, too, feel like I'm dreaming..." Her heart was beating faster and faster. Was it the feelings welling up from within or something? She hoped she wasn't going too fast, not only that, but the wonderful dancing, the soft, beautiful music, and the fact that she and Vigilon loved each other, it was practically a special moment or mood. Her feelings were building up, possibly leading to an action that might be considered going too fast. Their relationship had only begun, this was their first dance as a couple! And yet she was getting the urge to kiss him. This moment had been unlike any other so far, and she hadn't ever felt such feelings to this extreme in her life! She did what she could to keep the urge at bay, and just enjoy the music and the dance with Vigilon.


  19. Pinball failed to strike the beast and compensate for Krysta's miss. Mars seemed upset for some reason. Maybe he wanted to be the one to kill the dragon, since he had dealt the most damage to it? Most likely. He dealt enough damage to bring Bruniikahrel's HP to just about zero. Vigilon decided to avoid attacking altogether so that Krysta would be the one to strike it down. He also encouraged her, and told her not to worry. "You're right, I can do this!" Bruniikahrel was now thinking(primarily regarding Mars's presence and strength in battle) that he was biting more than he could chew. Nevertheless, if he was to go down, he would do so fighting. He roared at Pinball, then proceeded to attack with rending claws and snapping maw. However, he felt no flesh be torn by either. He had missed entirely. Such an evasive target his foe turned out to be. Krysta ran up to the beast, saying, "Whoever said I was done with you yet? I shall fell you with this blade!" The dragon's head turned to her. He made use of his wings and took to the air, about three yards above the ground, and had made enough distance to avoid Krysta's attack. "Hi nis qahnaar dovah, mal kulaas!"

    @Pinball @Mars @Vigilon

    (OOC: Dang it, not again!)

    ID# 95731 Mob: 3-3=1(Miss), LD: 10(Attacked with Dragon's Rage)

    ID# 95732 BD: 3(Miss)

    Krysta: HP 120/120, EP 9/12

    [4] Pinball: HP 231/280, EP 6/28

    [3]Mars: HP 320/320  EP 5/32

    [1]Vigilon: HP 286/300, EP 28/35


    <<Bruniikahrel>> {Stun immunity: 2 turns}


    HP 13/350 48 Damage 5 Mitigation

    Attack list:

    <Unrelenting Force>

    Inflicts stun on CD 10-12, and is used on a LD roll of 1-5.

    <Dragon’s Rage>

    A typical attack. Used on a LD roll of 6-10.

    <Fire Breath>

    Inflicts burn on CD 10-12, used on a LD roll of 11-15.

    <Frost Breath>

    Inflicts freeze on CD 10-12, used on a LD roll of 16-20.


  20. Krysta watched as Pinball and Mars continued their assault. They managed to bring the creature's HP down fairly low, and Vigilon recommended to Mars that he rest for the remainder of the fight. He attacked the dragon and stunned it. Bruniikahrel roared in annoyance. Krysta made sure nobody was looking, then she pulled out and used her damage crystal. She came up to the beast, and took a justified stance, saying, "Your demise is at hand! You will torment the people and creatures of Aincrad no more!" Bruniikahrel looked to her with annoyance. "Dii morah los ni nau hi. Hi los ni mul, hi los pahlok wah grind Dovah, ahrk hi los nid Dovakiin..." If only Krysta could understand this gibberish. "I don't care what you say. Fall to me, dragon!" She attempted to strike the beast with Quadruple Pain, but she missed by an inch. "Darn it! I was so close! Don't tell me the stun wore off while I was speaking!"

    @Pinball @Mars @Vigilon

    - Standard damage Crystal

    Krysta's base damage has increased to 8 for remainder of thread.

    ID# 95666 BD: 4(Miss)

    (OOC: Dang it... I still want to reap better rewards, and not let the items be for nothing, so if possible, don't overdo it, k?)

    Krysta: HP 120/120, EP 10/12

    [4] Pinball: HP 231/280, EP 8/28

    [2]Mars: HP 320/320  EP 12/32

    [1]Vigilon: HP 286/300, EP 28/35


    <<Bruniikahrel>> {Stunned}


    HP 58/350 48 Damage 5 Mitigation

    Attack list:

    <Unrelenting Force>

    Inflicts stun on CD 10-12, and is used on a LD roll of 1-5.

    <Dragon’s Rage>

    A typical attack. Used on a LD roll of 6-10.

    <Fire Breath>

    Inflicts burn on CD 10-12, used on a LD roll of 11-15.

    <Frost Breath>

    Inflicts freeze on CD 10-12, used on a LD roll of 16-20.


  21. Dazia successfully managed to strike Krysta, but there was hardly any damage dealt. She then spoke of her regrets, and asked for a ceasefire, if not a truce. Krysta looked around her. The purpose of this trip was intended to be peaceful, but there seemed to be nothing but conflict here at the moment. "......Fine. I shall consider this to be your surrender, but you may think of it how you would like. Just like at that Halloween party, this is among the worst of times and places for settling this. But listen well, I WILL settle this once and for all at some point, so don't be getting any ideas!" She pulled up her menu and ended the duel. Now she would have to get back to searching, so that her team might be able to win this! She assumed that her team may have lost by now, but she would continue for the sake of gathering materials, and to stay optimistic. "There. The fight's over."

    @Dazia @H3LL0 @Froppy  @Benjamin Bookworm

    [Duel Ended!]

  22. Krysta saw how Vigilon made his answer. She decided to roll with it, as he probably was doing. She curtsied and said, "Why, of course." She took his hand, and soon the two were starting off with a classic waltz. Krysta really enjoyed this moment, and hoped that she could savor the memories she was making here for years to come. "Don't you think all this is wonderful, Alex? Not having to worry about helping others constantly, training, facing terrible beasts, terrifying dragons, and grotesque creatures waiting to pounce on us, just the two of us together?" She didn't know where he was from in the real world, and hoped they were close enough to be able to see each other often once they escaped from this game. She felt the mood of the calm music, the feelings within her, and she soon left behind the thought of the others in the vicinity. There was Krysta, Vigilon, the music, and this moment that she would hopefully treasure forever.


  23. Krysta blushed slightly, appreciating the compliments to her name and appearance. "Heehee...why thank you, Alex. I also think you look rather handsome and dashing." Someone announced the arrival of Fae, a player she had met earlier at a different holiday event. The setting of the place, although slightly cliché, was nice, and it began to seem more fairy tale when this happened. She smiled and waved to the little girl. "Hello, @Fae!" A player was brought up to the stage to sing, although it was eventually revealed that there was a mix-up afterwards. The song didn't exactly, completely match the kind of setting the event was in, but she appreciated the effort in improvising. Krysta looked around, noticing that things were starting to become more active. She looked at Vigilon. "Before we do anything else, do you think we should dance?" They had to look like a nice or cute couple if they were going to win. Besides, she wanted to dance anyway.


  24. Krysta heard the sound of footsteps. She sidestepped, and then she heard the sound of someone running into a branch. Vigilon came by, spoke to Benjamin about leaving Nova alone, as if he was worried something would happen to her. Most likely he was worried that something would happen to an innocent player, which she completely understood. He then ran off towards where his teammate probably was. Krysta turned, and also noticed that the fog was clearing up, giving her a clearer shot at her target. She attacked when the opportunity rose, dealing some decent damage to Dazia. Judging from her opponent's HP level, she had dealt one eighth of the required damage to win. "There! How's that for some damage?" Krysta's HP hadn't gone down very much, so she felt confident that she would claim victory. All she needed to do was continue striking her target several times or until the timer ran out, and she would win.


    ID# 95645 BD: 9(Critical, +1 Base DMG)

    Quadruple Pain: 6x4-14=10

    Turns left: 13

    Krysta: HP 118/120, EP 5/12 (2/60 HP depleted)


    Dazia: HP 150/160, EP 10/16 (10/80 HP depleted)


  25. Pinball attacked and froze the creature, then gave the two possible options, fight or run. "No, we shouldn't run! The small dragon needs us to fight it! Besides, it's frozen solid, so we have a chance to strike!" Mars attacked with full force using the Sword At known as Acupuncture. He then stated that their victory would be assured. The fight was almost halfway over. Krysta looked, and noticed that Bruniikahrel wasn't frozen anymore. Vigilon then said that he believed Krysta should deal the final blow. He handed a food item to her, saying that one of it's enhancements will increase the amount of col gained from killing a monster. She looked at the beast, and saw his point. Plus, there was the amulet she was wearing, and the buff from the cupcake was still active, so she had the best shot at reaping rewards from this fight. Bruniikahrel now had his full attention on Pinball, for being frozen not only humiliated him even further, but ticked him off pretty badly. "Lir! Zu'u fent drun hi sosaal!" Bruniikahrel closed in to attack. "Fo...Krah Diin!!!" The frost breath dealt quite a bit of damage, but thankfully Pinball didn't end up frozen. The sudden attack had caused Krysta to jump back a little. She looked at the item in her hand, the one Vigilon handed to her. She was indeed still out of combat, so she decided to eat it real quick, so that she would join in at a moment's notice.

    @Pinball @Mars @Vigilon

    - Boar Bacon

    {{Vitality takes no effect(Krysta's energy is full!)}}

    [The col multiplier for Krysta's looting has increased to 4x]

    ID# 95622 Mob: 9(Critical, +1 DMG), LD: 18(Attacked with Frost Breath)

    Krysta: HP 120/120, EP 12/12

    [3] Pinball: HP 231/280, EP 16/28

    [1]Mars: HP 320/320  EP 21/32

    Vigilon: HP 286/300, EP 35/35




    HP 187/350 48 Damage 5 Mitigation

    Attack list:

    <Unrelenting Force>

    Inflicts stun on CD 10-12, and is used on a LD roll of 1-5.

    <Dragon’s Rage>

    A typical attack. Used on a LD roll of 6-10.

    <Fire Breath>

    Inflicts burn on CD 10-12, used on a LD roll of 11-15.

    <Frost Breath>

    Inflicts freeze on CD 10-12, used on a LD roll of 16-20.


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