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Posts posted by Krysta

  1. (OOC: I'm sorry I forgot to pick up the order earlier!)

    Krysta received Pinball's message, and returned to the shop. She was content with rare quality, so why did Pinball feel like he absolutely had to go for perfect? "Last time I checked the pricing, two rare desserts would come up to...1400 Col or 14 materials... Seeing that I'm currently saving up my materials, I'll have to pay in Col..." When she entered the shop and walked up to the counter to pick up her order, she said, "You know, you didn't have to try and go specifically for perfect. However, it's very nice of you to offer two rare items in place of one perfect item. Two rare items comes up to 1400 Col, correct?" She handed the Col payment to Pinball and received the two rare items.

    Paid 1400 Col to @Pinball

    + Floral Vanilla Cupcake

    + Floral Chocolate Cupcake

  2. Krysta listened to Gwydion's memory that was spoken aloud. It almost seemed sad, really. Gwydion managed to pull up an unusual plant from the pond's depths, but the momentum caused a few droplets of water to splatter onto the back of Krysta's garments. "Oh! Hm? Ah, don't worry about it, hahaha..." Gwydion asked another question regarding the rates. "Hm...It's probably just some kind of rate that makes it all similar to dice rolls, but not exactly." When she thought about the unusual material, she said, "How is it that there can be so many unusual things that could be useful, like that pond celery you found? Most likely, it just has some alchemical properties, but still..." She turned to the fog, where she thought her eyes were tricking her for a moment. She thought that she might have recognized someone, but she couldn't tell. "Gwydion, is it possible for one to start...seeing things within a fog? Because I believe I'm seeing someone who might be familiar..." This topic remained on her mind as she continued her search. She looked throughout the different patches of undergrowth, but either their luck was running thin, or she couldn't stop thinking about who she thought she saw.

    @Gwydion @Tressa

    ID# 94628 LD: 4(Failed)

  3. Vigilon seemed to be relieved when the question was dropped. Which was actually alright, she was just a little curious, but shouldn't have pried like that. Soon, Vigilon spotted the enemy and rushed straight into battle. He tripped, but at least he made sure the third enemy wouldn't be a problem. Should she just target the weakened one, or try her hand on one of the others? She didn't have any Area of Effect Sword Arts, just a stun Art and A Simple Sword art that strikes the foe twice. She unsheathed her weapon, rushed for the weakened foe, and used the Sword Art Rip Ravine to strike the monster twice at what she believed to be the weak point. The Wasp fell to the ground and shattered. "Whew, that's one down. Two to go! Hopefully none of the other wasps care about what's going on, or we'd be swarmed and overwhelmed!"

    @Vigilon @Kimi

    ID# 94509 BD: 10(Critical, +2 Base DMG)

    Rip Ravine: 6x2=12

    [0-0]Vigilon: HP 280/280, EP 25/33

    [2-1]Kimi: HP 160/160, EP 10/16 

    [0-0]Krysta: HP 120/120, EP 10/12 | 4 Base DMG | 18 Mit.


    Wasp Queen: HP 23/50, 20 DMG

    Queen's Guard 1: HP 16/40, 12 DMG

    Queen's Guard 2: HP 0/40, 12 DMG

  4. Her team was falling far behind! She had to find something! She needed a streak of finding or something of the like! It certainly would have helped if she had an item or consumable that would help with searching. Gwydion asked about what Krysta guessed was about searching. "Advice for searching? Well, items like typical clothing, trinkets, even snacks and desserts can help with searching. Materials of various sorts can be found anywhere outside the safe zone, unless you're in an owned building. Finally, someone once told me that searching, attacking, crafting, and other things all come in rates. Think of rolling dice in Dungeons & Dragons." A fog began to roll in nearby. Krysta hoped it wouldn't interfere with the search. She found a patch of undergrowth that seemed like it had something in it. She began moving her hand through it, but there turned out to be nothing at all. "You could easily say we now have a streak of unlucky rolls." She almost grimaced. "Reminds me of why I quit playing that game... It may have just been the dice, but still..."

    @Gwydion @Tressa

    ID# 94424 LD: 6(Failed)

  5. Kaya tried and failed to get another material, but Vigilon managed to find some wool. "Six to go, We're getting closer!" She needed to continue searching as well. She moved ahead a little, then looked around, starting with her left, then to her right. There was nothing to be found. Hopefully, the others would be able to spot some more materials. To think, years ago, back in the real world, she was looking for flowers to give to her mother. Now, she was looking for materials she would use for a profession that could bring her enough Col to assist in her survival. And it was like playing hide and seek with inanimate objects that would somehow be amazing at hiding at times, otherwise in fairly obvious places. "Well, we can find these materials working together. I'm sure we can find them all soon." They will find the remaining materials, they were sure to!

    @Kaya @Vigilon

    ID# 94414 LD: 10(Failed)

  6. Nova was happy to know that she wasn't alone. She soon called for the players' attention, to then speak of the different teams. Krysta was assigned to team Oregon practically by default. After all, she had already joined her teammates before the scene unfolded. It was official now, and she got to start off with one material, which she had found on her way to the event. Hopefully, she would be able to befriend her teammates. She walked over to her team. "Well then, we are officially a team now! Team Oregon for the win!" She said, hoping to boost her teammates' confidence and mood. She looked at the various directions where they could go. There seems to be a fair amount of density near that pond over there. Why don't we have a look?" She headed over to the said area, gesturing for her teammates to follow. She started by looking under a bush, but there was nothing there. "Well, there could always be more, so I'm not stopping here. We can search this area thoroughly, finding anything useful in sight!"

    @Gwydion @Tressa

    ID# 94302 LD: 2(Failed)

    Materials Found: 1

  7. Kaya and Vigilon managed to find some materials, and brought them to Krysta. It also seemed that the three of them didn't know very many materials that tailors used. Vigilon recommended that Krysta speak with various tailors after the quest. Krysta thought about it. String, silk, wool, cotton, leather, hide...that seemed like a fair variety at least. "Well, at least we have a fair enough variety for the time being. I can always see what else there is another time." To answer Vigilon's question, Krysta then said, "Right now, I'm thinking about ten materials." Now she had a search to continue. She looked to her left, then to her right. She managed to spot a cotton plant, and walked over to harvest the cotton. "That makes three so far. If we keep this up, we'll be done in no time!" Perhaps this optimism would encourage the players during this task.

    @Kaya @Vigilon

    ID# 94300 LD: 18(+1 T1 Mat)

    Materials found: 3/10

  8. Krysta was ready to just stand up, walk up to the player in dark armor, and say "If you wish to fight anyone at all, then stand and fight me, fiend!" She didn't want anyone getting attacked, and would take Outlander's place as challenged if she had to. Luckily, she didn't need to. Another player came and stepped in, saying that players should be working with each other rather than against, and that they should be holding one another accountable, rather than killing one another. Upon such words, Krysta responded with, "My thoughts exactly!" It was true, Krysta didn't want them to fight, and would have intervened herself if the player who was speaking didn't show up. Krysta silently agreed with the rest of the words said. The Dark Knight spoke in riddles before leaving. She looked to the other players who had done nothing to stop this fight, with her arms crossed, and looking upset. Shame. Shame on them for not caring about others' lives. She was soon spotted by... "Oh! Hello again, Vigilon! It does seem that we keep running into one another..." She walked up to the girl who intervened in the scene. "Thank you so much for that, I was actually about to intervene myself, although in a more reckless manner... I just don't understand why so many players would just stand and watch players kill one another. I certainly won't stand for it. Oh, where are my manners? I've forgotten to introduce myself! I'm Krysta." There were so many voices in the vicinity now, including Outlander, who had just mistaken Krysta for Tressa. She walked up to Outlander for one quick second at least. "Um, excuse me, but Tressa's out there looking for materials at the moment. My name is Krysta." After that, she waited for the introduction, then returned to the girl she was previously speaking to. "So you're the host? You definitely seem like a kind one." Krysta was now interested in trying to get to know the new faces as well as finding materials, perhaps she can find someone who might be willing to stand with her and Vigilon...

    @Novafire @Vigilon @Gwydion @Outlander @H3LL0 @Froppy @Benjamin Bookworm @Ryo @Hidden

  9. The two who she had joined seemed to be having no luck whatsoever in finding materials. Krysta would need to help if she and her team were to claim victory. Gwydion suggested that the three split up, which didn't seem like the best idea in her opinion. "O-oh... Well, then we'll meet back up in a bit somewhere." She began moving from patch to patch of overgrowth and undergrowth, hoping to stumble on something. She heard some noise, then began making her way towards it. As she moved along, she spotted a cotton plant. However, she tripped and fell on the material, which shattered, showing that it couldn't be gathered, or used, as a result. "Darn..." Vigilon had told her that stuff would happen, so it wasn't like he didn't warn her. She came up to the area where a scene was unfolding. Two players were about to fight, and near the undergrowth was Gwydion and two other players. She came nearby and crouched behind the undergrowth, beside the three players. Krysta actually believed that they were hoping to intervene. "How are we going to stop this? What is going on?"

    @Tressa @Gwydion @H3LL0 @Ryo

    ID# 94088 LD: 1(Fail, no question about it)

  10. Kaya seemed absolutely normal with the weapon of choice. Then again, it was her weapon. Krysta was ready to begin searching. She would probably need quite a few at the least, if she was to start off properly. Perhaps if any were going to help contribute, there could be a combined minimum goal of ten materials? That might suffice. From what Kaya said, the three were officially in agreement as to how they would proceed with the quest. Krysta looked around within the current vicinity, but there was nothing to be found. Vigilon began naming types of materials he knew that tailors could use, wondering if there were more kinds. "Like string? Cloth?" Krysta noticed the problem with the latter thought. Cloth was a material, yes, but it was made from other materials as well, right? Guess it pays to know plenty about the different kinds of textiles tailors used...

    @Kaya @Vigilon

    ID# 94087 LD: 7(Failed)


  11. Searching for materials, team with the most materials, and something about a deadline...? "So you and some others are competing to find materials? I would be glad to join in!" The brunette seemed like a kind person. "My name is Krysta." Ready to help out the other two, she started looking for possible materials. There seemed to be nothing in sight. Perhaps she wasn't looking hard enough, or this area was pretty much barren. "There could be more places where materials are practically hiding! But where?" She looked to her left, then she looked to her right. Surely there may be at least a few materials in this area... It wasn't like any of this would be easy... It was like there were inanimate objects playing hide and seek with her. "If I were a material trying to stay away from view, where would I be...?" She wondered and searched, hoping to spot at least one material.

    @Gwydion @Tressa

    ID# 94024 LD: 2(Failed)

    Materials found: 1

  12. Krysta's indecisiveness in this moment clearly caused her to blow it. Kaya was growing impatient, with a slight grimace on her face... "I...I apologize for my indecisiveness there, I just couldn't tell which was better if they both seemed to have the same outcome..." Krysta wasn't fazed at all with the sudden accent. After all, during the days back in the real world, when Leif was new to the country, his accent could always be heard. Although as the years passed, the frequency of the times he spoke in that accent diminished, but there would always be times where he spoke with the accent from the country he was born in. Probably Britain. She was told that he was born in the U.K., and, well, Britain just lined up with his accent. Long story short, she wasn't fazed by it because she was used to it. Vigilon explained his thoughts, and it just seemed to fit. It made plenty of sense. "Well then, It seems that we are going with Kaya's idea, although the visit and material search will end up swapped..." When they reached the edge, Kaya equipped her gear. When the scythe appeared, Krysta stepped back a little in shock. "Oh! Goodness!"

    @Kaya  @Vigilon

  13. (OOC: Nobody minds if I join either, right? I mean, this is an OP thread...)

    Krysta was strolling in the forest, hearing the sounds of nature, looking around at the scenery, and...hearing voices? "Probably some players or NPCs. Perhaps I could see what they are up to...I might just make a new friend!" She quickened her pace, now looking for players. Of course, she couldn't neglect the possibilities of nearby materials, either. She spotted a cotton plant, and walked over to retrieve the material from the plant. After she was done picking the cotton, she continued looking around as she walked, wondering, "Could something be going on? It could be a group fight, or a gathering trip, maybe even just social interaction...I'd be up for any of it, really..." To pass the time, she hummed a gentle tune, and was tempted to skip once or twice. Eventually, she caught sight of two players, one blonde, one brunette. She walked up until she was near, but not too close, then she asked, "Anything you two are doing today? Might I join you?"

    @Tressa @Gwydion

    ID# 94001 LD: 17(+1 T1 Mat)

    Materials found: 1

  14. Krysta stretched her arms open in the morning light. Even though it was within a virtual labyrinth, where players would die if killed, she still found the scenery beautiful. When she was looking straight ahead again, a message popped up in front of her. It was from Vigilon. She smiled, knowing she had a friend who made her feel included in things. She made a reply to the message and began making her way to the West Gate.



    I'm on my way, I hope to not be late.

    As she made her way to her destination, she spotted the bulletin board. She noticed the paper Vigilon left on it. "Well, that's one way to spread the word. It's not like there were others...were there?" She continued walking and eventually reached her destination. She spotted Vigilon and walked over. "Nice to see you again Vigilon. I take it that you have hopes to find friends and/or recruit?"


  15. Upon hearing that the blacksmith could use more help, Krysta noticed the quest notification appear. Clearly, this was the next beginner quest. "Why, I would be glad to help!" The NPC blacksmith smiled, and said, "Thank you. My problem is, that I kind of need some rarer materials to craft weapons with, and the like, but I'm just not as good in combat as I used to be. Not only that, but who would watch this workshop while I was out? What I need are three Boar Pup tusks. Now, I mean Boar Pups, not the full-grown ones. They can be found west of town, but they are usually near their parents, so it's best to be wary..." Krysta believed she could take on a small boar or two. "Then it's best I be off! I'll do what I can to bring the materials back!" Krysta walked out, and said, "It looks like we're going boar hunting on this quest, Hestia!"


  16. The others seemed to like the idea of fighting a miniboss. Since everyone was interested, it was time to go and face a miniboss. This fight will either be an average miniboss fight, or it will be the most difficult miniboss she ever faced so far. "So I guess that since we're all in agreement, it's time to face a miniboss. Seeing that you know the location, could you lead the way, Kaldui?" It already seemed that she had the same idea. Five players, one foe. This miniboss wouldn't stand a chance! Even if this was one of the strongest things that could spawn on this floor, they should be able to take it on. She had seen the battle skill of all but Kaldui. What was she capable of in combat? Healing? Protecting? "Say, Kaldui, was anyone with you when you faced this creature? What was it like?" Perhaps learning about the experience on Kaldui's end might give a hint as to what the miniboss was capable of.

    @Pinball @Mina @Vigilon

  17. It seemed that Kaya didn't want to remember the moment that Vigilon recalled. It seemed like Vigilon was defending himself judging by the manner in which he spoke. Veriost awakened, and may have been ready to blow some frost breath, and Vigilon closed the familiar's maw closed before she could. Kaya then thought that maybe her experience taking the quest was different because she was going for cook. Right now, Krysta was going for tailor, and if either way really could work, how could she decide? Vigilon then asked Krysta about what she would do for this quest. Honestly, she was hoping he wouldn't say that... "Umm...I'm not certain. Although it's true I want to get this quest completed as soon as I can so that I may start my tailor shop, but getting some practice in the process might help as well... Perhaps you both could decide in some way? Rock Paper Scissors? A number through one and ten??"

    (OOC: I really don't know how to proceed. Either method works for me. You don't mind your characters using the suggestions for decision that were given, do you? If you don't mind, I can try and explain in this note on how it might work. For R.P.S., what your character will go with could be hidden within a spoiler until both have posted. For the number through 1-10, I could just roll a d10 I have at home after both your characters have guessed for the result. Since you're up next, @Kaya, would you mind selecting from the two possible ways to decide, if possible?)


  18. After Krysta had asked her question, Mina and Pinball seemed to agree to what she was thinking, in their own ways, which apparently included silence. Krysta was worried that the handful of players was waiting for her to be the one to make a suggestion as to exactly what they would do. Then Vigilon spoke. He seemed to like the thought of doing something else than talking, but it seemed that the only option in this case was to leave the safe zone. Didn't she hear that outside the safe zone was twice as dangerous after dark? At the end of what he said, it seemed that he was looking at both the empty and full halves of the glass. Soon after that, Kaldui gave a suggestion, saying that there was a miniboss somewhere on this floor. If that was true, she could only hope it wasn't too powerful... "Well, It sounds alright. I guess we could try to take it on." She turned to the others. "So what do we do? Should we follow her to the miniboss she speaks of?"

    @Pinball @Mina @Vigilon

  19. It seemed that Krysta hit a nerve or something, whatever the term was, since Vigilon, unlike usual, seemed to be avoiding Krysta's question. Either that or he couldn't find the right words to say. Veriost looked at Vigilon and grinned, although the reason why was unknown. Kimi said that the three had reached their destination, and that they can check their equipment if they needed to. Krysta had a handful of potions, but she wasn't sure if she would be needing them. Vigilon had explained his stats once, and it was by that earlier event that she believed this wouldn't be much of a problem. At least, it shouldn't. "I have a handful of potions, but I'm not sure whether we will need them or not. Perhaps we can explain our stats to see where we are towards the likelihood of defeating this boss. I have a base damage of four, and I have eighteen mitigation."

    @Vigilon @Kimi

  20. Krysta listened to the shop's owner, who offered the item free of charge, in return for a small favor of spreading the word about his shop. Although Krysta intended on becoming a tailor, she was a kindhearted soul who didn't mind there being competition. She would gladly do this favor. "Th-thank you! I'll do what I can to spread the word, even if I plan on becoming a tailor myself! It's the least I can do for your generous deed!" She said with a smile on her face. She received the item, and was on her way. It wouldn't be much longer before that quest came to her. It wouldn't be long before she found a familiar.

    + Cloak of the Sea(1 LD)

  21. (OOC: Sorry for the long wait...)

    Krysta listened to the girl, who explained a little about the quest <<Earning A Living>>, which was apparently what the thing Krysta was planning to do was called, and then introduced herself as Kaya. With the introduction, she stepped out of her thoughts and realized something. "Ah! I-I'm sorry, I was deep in my thoughts, and it was my fault for not noticing you were coming this way..." She would still have to go back to dealing with the quest, but she felt that she get this belated apology for not paying enough attention done first. After all, better late than never! Vigilon then seemed confused, claiming all he had to do to finish the quest was collect materials for the profession that was being sought out. Now Krysta was confused. By what all this seemed like, both players had completed this quest, but in two different ways. "Umm....Which way is more efficient?"

    @Kaya @Vigilon

  22. (OOC: Kimi, I should tell you, if you are indeed interested in the Feeding the Enemy thread I plan to start, you might want to check out the link I left on my status update before you consider the thought further. However, the thread is about a ways away, so to speak, so I guess there's still plenty of time...)

    Krysta listened to what Vigilon said. So even though he had a familiar that was by his side at all times, he still felt lonely every now and then? That was something Krysta didn't exactly understand at all, especially with the fact that he said he was introverted. Weren't introverts the kinds of people who enjoy being alone every once in a while? Or did he mean some other kind of loneliness? "Vigilon...what do you mean exactly by lonely? Do you not like it from time to time, or is it something else?" Vigilon also spoke of an area where the Wasp Queen would spawn, which was nearby...and they were headed in that direction now. Kimi then noticed that Vigilon had fought the beast before, and by the words she was using, Krysta found out that the field boss was the Wasp Queen. "Well, there's the answer to my question..." At least it wasn't a spider or anything...

    @Vigilon @Kimi

  23. Krysta's question didn't get answered. Was it that nobody heard, or did neither of the two players have a clue as to what they were up against? Kimi said that she wanted a familiar as well, but was unsure of where to start. She also said that she considered the thought of someone always by your side to be very comforting. Krysta thought about that. Sure, a familiar would be a good start, but what about finding someone she can trust to always be at her side, especially when things get difficult? That was certainly a question that needed answering. Kimi then asked Krysta if she wanted a familiar too, possibly like Vigilon's. "I indeed plan to find a familiar. I don't know if I will happen across a frost dragon, but I would be fine with a familiar that I wouldn't see every day, especially in the real world. I guess a small dragon is a nice thought..." She then had a question for Vigilon. "Tell me, Vigilon, do you never feel alone with Veriost around?"

    @Vigilon @Kimi

  24. "Well, I'm guessing I have, but there is this package I have to deliver to a blacksmith named Lyle Tealeaf, but on the whole, I'd say I'm just about done." Hestia then asked if Krysta would be fine with Hestia tagging along on the next quest also, or if she would rather go alone or with someone else. "I wouldn't mind you coming along on the next quest at all!" The trip to the blacksmith's workshop was as long as it could possibly be when traversing through the largest city in Aincrad that was also very populated. Krysta looked to the sky, to see that the day was still young, and she had time to accomplish more than one quest today. Upon reaching the destination, she knocked on the door to see if the blacksmith was there. When Lyle Tealeaf opened the door, Krysta handed over the package, saying that the said package was from Zackariah. "Ah, I've been needing that package for a fair amount of time. Thank you very much." After putting the package down, he looked at Krysta for about a minute, then said, "If you're willing, I could use some help on a matter of mine..."



    Krysta: 3 SP, 200 Col, 1 T1 mat, 5 T1 Uncommon Health Potions(Restores 40 HP), 1 T1 Uncommon Damage Potion(+1 Temp. Base DMG), and 1 T1 Over-health Potion(+50 temp. max HP)

    Hestia: 1 SP, 200 Col, and 2 T1 Mats


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