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Posts posted by Krysta

  1. Krysta was ready to try again. This was possible, she just had to come upon the correct combination or something! She would finish this quest before she knew it! She placed two entirely different ingredients into the base this time, and made sure the ingredients were ready before adding them in. When the result seemed pleasing, she waited for Zackariah to see the completed potion. "Ah, well done! I'll need to keep what you've made, but I'm sure there's plenty more you can find, or even craft yourself! I hope you don't mind doing one last favor for me, though. I have a package for a friend of mine, a local blacksmith, Lyle Tealeaf. Could you deliver this to him for me?" "I don't mind at all! I'd be glad to help!" The task was finished, and now she only had to run a short errand. She walked outside, the package in her hand. She walked over to Hestia and returned the borrowed item.


    ID# 91862 CD: 8(Success)

  2. Krysta was continuing to think about the things and materials a tailor would need. "Leather, cotton, cloth, string... There are plenty of different materials I might need." Her thoughts were interrupted by someone bumping into her. "Ah!" She looked in front of her and saw a girl who apologized for bumping into her. The girl got up and asked her if she was ok. Vigilon then came up and asked if both players were alright. "I'm fine, thank you for asking." She looked at the two players, then decided to tell the two what she planned to do today. "I was just thinking of what materials I would need if I was to become a tailor." Knowing Vigilon, she already assumed he'd try and tag along. She looked back to the girl, and thought it would be best if she introduced herself. "I'm Krysta." She would need to start gathering soon, if she was to get anywhere towards becoming a tailor.

    @Kaya @Vigilon

  3. Krysta listened to what Vigilon said. It seemed that he had worse luck on the quest than she did... "It sounds that you had worse luck than I did..." Vigilon began answering Pinball's question, and then Pinball and Mina kind of detatched themselves from the conversation. The girl Krysta was speaking to stuttered nervously, then introduced herself as Kaldui. Now that the players were all here, what were they going to do? Were they going to just chat and leave? Were they going to go out and do one more thing? She really didn't know what would happen. ...Nor did she know what else to say to the very shy girl named Kaldui. She looked at all of the players. "Umm....is this going to lead anywhere? Should we do something, or should we go our separate ways for the night? I'm guessing we must have been through some things already during the day, but then again, the night is still young..."

    @Pinball @Mina @Vigilon

  4. Krysta made a soft giggle when Veriost wanted her to pet her. "It seems so!" Krysta liked it when Veriost showed her cute side. While Vigilon explained what he knew about the familiar quest, Krysta was petting Veriost. "Thanks for the advice, I'm sure I'll need it." Kimi seemed to want to move on to seeking out and fighting the field boss. Krysta placed Veriost back on Vigilon's shoulder. Once the three had walked out, Krysta could see what a nice day it was, accompanied with a nice, gentle breeze. She decided to let that be a good omen, that the fight against the field boss would go smoothly, with no casualties. Kimi then asked how long it took Vigilon to find Veriost. Krysta noticed that she had said his and him when speaking of the familiar. The frost dragon was a she. Krysta decided to leave that part for Vigilon to deal with. "By the way, do you perhaps, know anything about this field boss?"

    @Vigilon @Kimi

  5. Krysta had heard of an artisan with a shop on the first floor from someone, and frankly, she had been looking for an artisan for a bit of a while. However, for the present time, she would go there in hopes of finding an Item that would help her on a future search for a familiar. She eventually found the place, and walked inside. She looked carefully at the list containing the prices, then looked at what was available for sale. She was greeted by someone in a maid's outfit when she reached the counter. "Um, I would like to purchase Andvari's Blessing."


    Ordered item: Andvari's Blessing(+3 LD)

  6. Krysta had heard of a tailor shop on the first floor. Seeing as she couldn't make equipment as a tailor herself just yet, she would have to pay a visit to the local player-ran tailor. She searched for a small while, for the outskirts of one of the largest settlements in the game was considerably large in comparison to others. She soon found a wooden two-story building, and wondered if this was the place. She came up to the building, and saw a hanger shaped sign. She walked up to the door, and confirmed to herself that this was the place. She entered the building and began looking at what was up for sale. She came across one item in particular: A cloak. She then walked over to the shop's owner and asked, "Excuse me, but how much for the Cloak of the Sea?"


    Ordered Item: Cloak of the Sea (Uncommon, 1 LD)

  7. Krysta was wandering the third floor, and happened to come across a two-story building under an overhang, beside a lake. "I wonder what this could be..." She walked up to the building, and opened the door to go inside. The interior was colored and decorated beautifully. She turned to her left and her right, taking in the sight, and noticing the crystals on display. She began listening to a few of the songs for a bit, then thought, "Perhaps the shop's owner knows of a song that could calm a monster or something?" She eventually spotted the owner, and walked up to him to make her order. "Hello. Do you, by any chance, know of a song that can calm or attract a potential familiar?"


    Name:  I'll have to let you pick this one, I guess...
    Profession: Performer
    Rank: 3
    Item Type:  Attraction Song
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Familiar Call
    Description: I'll have to let you pick this one, I guess...

  8. Krysta was wandering the floor, looking for a place where she might be able to prepare for a quest. She was hoping that she could begin her search for a familiar soon, but in that case, she wanted to be prepared. She spotted a clearing where there was a building beside a single tree. "Well, I guess I got lucky and possibly found something before I even reached the next settlement. I wonder, what will I find within?" She walked up to the door, and noticed three signs. "Might as well see what they have." She walked in to see a familiar face. "Oh! Hello, Pinball!" She thought carefully before saying any more. "I'd like to make a custom order, please."


    Name: (I'll let you pick)
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 4
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare or higher
    Enhancements: Loot Die
    Description: (I'll let you pick)


  9. Krysta heard a familiar voice from behind. She turned to see Vigilon, and before Krysta could say anything, Kimi beat her to the question. She looked to Vigilon's shoulder, hoping to see Veriost there. Despite that the familiar was laid-back, there were definitely moments when the small dragon would have her own share of antics. She would be taking the quest for finding a familiar soon, as it seemed like a lively experience. "We could definitely use your help. Oh, um, by the way, any advice on how or where to find the quest where I can find a familiar? Last I heard, it took place on floor 1, and it was one of those quests that came to you, rather than you finding it." She was sure that Vigilon would not only accept the offer of taking on a field boss, but would also confirm for her on what she currently knew of the familiar quest, although it would be nice if it was possible to find the quest, rather than the quest finding her.

    @Vigilon @Kimi

  10. Krysta had almost forgotten that she had borrowed gear equipped, and knew that as soon as she saw Hestia she would return it. "Right, now that we have the materials, I'd like you to help me craft a potion or two." Krysta watched Zackariah as he crafted a potion to demonstrate how it is done. "I don't know if I will be capable of this, but it's worth a try or two. Here goes..." She tried mixing two ingredients within a potion base, but the reaction was very poor. The ingredients fizzled down to what seemed to be ashes. "Ohh....." Zackariah came over to see the result. "Well, not all ingredients are compatible. However, it looks like you may be on the right track. Keep trying, I'm sure you'll get there." Krysta found the NPC's words encouraging. "Well, this doesn't seem to be my forte, but it's possible. After all, this is only a beginner quest, I'm sure it was designed to be possible!"


    ID# 91762 CD: 3(Failed)

  11. "A Healer DPS, then? Well, it does seem like what I would do..." She continued to dwell on that thought as she searched for another material. She looked to her left, and there was a material there. "There, that's all of them!" As the two began walking back to the Alchemist's shop, which from a previous moment, she believed it might sour the mood of Hestia's familiar, Krysta heard Hestia say that the quest happens on this floor, when a gypsy approaches her, and apparently it is her who tells the secret to taming a familiar. "Interesting. So I just have to wait for her to find me, or is it possible to seek her out?" This question might answer other possible ones, assuming it is answered. The two players soon reached the alchemist's shop, and Krysta considered herself ready for whatever might follow. "I'm back, and I've brought the materials you requested!"


    ID# 91718 LD: 17+3=20(Success)

    All 5 Quest materials found!

    Non quest materials: 1

  12. At this current rate, training trips had little value without something specific to do here and there. As Krysta walked throughout the settlement, she began wondering if there was another quest out there for her to take. There were plenty of quests yet to do, but she had to take her time, and become stronger just to be able to handle other quests. "Perhaps there will be someone who knows of a nearby quest around this settlement." She spotted an inn, and without hesitation, decided to enter. Upon walking in, she was greeted by a girl who asked her if she wanted to join a party she was forming to fight a field boss. "Um...sure, I guess..." She hoped this boss would be weak enough to not end up killing anyone. The girl then introduced herself as Kimi. "Nice to meet you, Kimi. I'm Krysta." Now she just had to wait for someone who can either deal or take more damage.

    @Kimi @Vigilon

  13. Krysta stopped to think about Hestia's question. "Hmm... Well, regarding what it is, I'd probably prefer something not so ordinary, like a mythical creature not found in the real world... As for enhancement...I'm not sure yet... Fighter or Healer..." As she continued to dwell on the question of which enhancement, she looked around again, hoping to find something. Another material right there. Just one more, and she would be able to continue with the quest. "I guess either could work. I plan on utilizing both damage and healing." It was nice to switch the subject to something more pleasant, and, frankly, would need to be dealt with soon. After the quest, of course. "So, who and where does the quest start?" While she was here gathering materials, it would help to know more about this quest that involved finding a familiar. She also hoped that she would soon spot the last material.


    ID# 91703 LD: 20+3=23(Success)

    Materials found: 4/5

    Non quest materials: 1

  14. Krysta stopped herself from dwelling on the disturbing subject any further, as it might cause a problem. "So...can we transition to a more pleasant conversation?" Those seemed like the best words for the current moment. Right now, she had three more materials to find, then she would have to bring them to Zackariah, and go from there, since she didn't exactly know if anything else was after that. She didn't know how difficult it would be, but she hoped it would go smoothly from here on out. She found yet another material. This was turning out to be a bit easier than first expected. What luck she was having so far! "Three down, two to go!" She could only hope that this would persist, and she would find the remaining two materials, and work towards completing this quest. She currently didn't have any ideas about what to change the subject of the conversation to just yet, so she continued to search while waiting for Hestia to respond.


    ID# 91603 LD: 12+3=15(Success)

    Materials found: 3/5

    Non quest materials: 1

  15. Hestia began to speak on Krysta's words, saying that the game was at fault for setting up the possibilities of murder, whereas the players were at fault for committing the murders. The remaining question was whether or not the player was in the right mind when committing the murder. Krysta began to dwell on that as she continued searching. "Once more on this spot, and if there isn't anything, moving to a different spot might help..." Upon finding a material, she thought that sticking around might be worthwhile. "Dazia seemed serious, not even a smile, when she was holding me in a false threat...It was truly on purpose, and she knew what she was doing... Rest easy, Leif, you will be avenged. The one responsible for your demise will not go unpunished..." It was a lot to take in, and she thought about this twice, including now. Something would have to be done...


    ID# 91528 LD: 15+3=18(Success)

    Materials found: 2/5

    Non quest materials: 1

  16. "It's nice to see you too. I'm doing well, how have you been?" Vigilon then noticed Pinball, who he recognized from the Halloween party. Krysta didn't know if Pinball would recognize him as well, due to the costume he was wearing. "We had just finished the quest <<Worn Out Welcome>>. Although the day was won, I didn't manage to land a hit at all!" It was true. Victory, yet not a single hit. At the present, however, she noted that detail while still keeping a smile. It was a trivial mishap, back in the past. She probably wouldn't have such an issue with a Dark Elf again anytime soon. Krysta then noticed a girl walking over to the four players, then approaching her shyly. "Seeing that she was beside Vigilon just a moment earlier, I can guess she already knows him by now." The girl greeted Krysta. "Hello, I'm Krysta."

    @Vigilon @Mina @Pinball

  17. Hestia was glad to hear that Vigilon was doing well, and commented that he was a kind person. Krysta had to agree. Hestia gave Krysta a material, but it didn't seem to count towards the goal. She then began explaining what she meant by what was said earlier, and...it wasn't the most pleasant of explanations... "So some of these deaths...the game is at fault? And it is also responsible for some people turning dark and..." It was hard to admit at first, however, it was definitely possible. Could Dazia have been one of those afflicted? No, certainly not. There wasn't even the slightest tinge of abnormality or inhumanity, and it seemed that she knew very well what she was doing. Remembering that moment, she recalled that Dazia called Wardege a fool. He was not foolish at all, so then why would she get such an impression? She was now completely confused in this matter, but she brushed those thoughts away for the time being. She still had a quest to finish. She looked around her. Still nothing. Perhaps she could try a different spot?


    ID# 91411 LD: 4+3=7(Failed)

    Materials found: 1/5

    Non quest materials: 1

  18. Krysta was happy to know that the loot from the chest was easily split fairly. The other two seemed to enjoy what luck was upon them during this trip. They were ready to return to Delilah. "Then let's go!" As the three made their way back to town, Krysta had something to say. "So, Mina, I must say the way you handled yourself in battle was impressive. I know someone who is looking for players with potential such as yourself. His name is Vigilon. He wishes to start a Guild called the Rising Dragons, if you are interested." Krysta already wished to join Vigilon, but he himself seemed to be having a hard time finding allies that would stand with him. Thus Krysta saw fit to help him out, in her own way. The three reached their destination, and Krysta entered the building. "I've returned with the material you requested." "Thank you so much, I will be just a moment or two." It wasn't long before he brought back the requested custom armor. Once Krysta obtained it, the quest complete notification popped up on her menu. The quest had been finished. As she walked out of the building, she stored the uncommon light armor in her inventory. "I think this was a pleasant time we've had on this quest." She noticed two players walking in a direction that was towards her, one of them she recognized. "Hey! Vigilon!"

    (OOC: Vigilon and had an agreement that I would end this thread in this way for the sake of another thread starting from the last sentence or two. Just PM me or Vigilon if you would like to take part in the thread.)


    Krysta: 2 SP, 283 Col, 3 T1 Mats, 1 <<Unidentified Rare Consumable>>, and Elegant Vest(Uncommon Light Armor[Mitigation])

    @Mina: 2 SP, 283 Col, 3 T1 Mats, and 1 <<Unidentified Rare Consumable>>

    @Pinball: 2 SP, 283 Col, 2 T1 Mats, and 1 <<Unidentified Perfect Shield>>

  19. Krysta was ready to step outside the safe zone again. She had grown a little fond of the third floor. It was truly a fascinating floor. Sure, it's wilds were mostly consisted of plains and the like, but the settlements, rivers, and even the forest...such lovely sights they were. She was ready to leave the settlement known as Delilah, and she had been thinking, when would she start a shop? She would need to do so in order to make a living, help others by crafting what they would need...things like that. Which profession to settle for was the next question. There were two options remaining for her, from all that she could discern by what skill she had back in the real world. Preformer or Tailor, that was the question. She could sing, and she could sew. "Hm, while it is true that I sing, I don't take an interest in every song, nor do I sing that often...Well, that question was easier to answer than expected. Tailor it is, then. So, What would I need?"

    @Vigilon @Kaya

  20. Krysta was thinking and dwelling on the possibility, and it seemed that Mina considered the possibility as well. Sure, they may not have souls like the players do, and they might even respawn, but even they might have lives and feelings... It was time to see, was it treasure or a monster? The result? Some things that would have to be split fairly. Pinball asked how the three should split it. She thought for a minute and said, "I wish to take 150 Col, 3 materials, and one of the two consumables. Is that fair?" She hoped it was, as she didn't like the idea of friends fighting one another for a single item. Once the loot was properly shared and split, she looks at the material received from the Dark Elf's remains. She looked to the sky. Evening would be approaching soon, and the three had a quest to finish. "So, are we ready to head back?"

    @Mina @Pinball

  21. Krysta listened to what Hestia said. "He has been doing quite well. Still trying to find potential friends and allies, taking quests when he believes that he can handle them... I guess I can also say he is very busy..." Krysta began to wonder, other than the future Guild he'd planned to start, the Rising Dragons, other than constantly trying to do what it is possible for him to do, How did he spend his time? She believed that she knew some about him, but the rest remains a mystery... However, what did Hestia mean exactly by "especially since the stakes are high if you aren't doing good in any state of your body"? As she looked for another material, she asked, "So, um, what exactly do you mean by that? What you said, 'especially since the stakes are high if you aren't doing good in any state of your body'." She noticed that there was nothing in sight, as Hestia explained how fetch quests were annoying in the sense that it relies on players hoping this "RNG" is with them. "Well, I suppose you could say that again..."


    ID# 91301 LD: 1+3=4(Failed)

    Materials found: 1/5

  22. Krysta equipped the cloak, apparently shown in her inventory as <Golden Fleece>, although it did make some sense knowing the allusion in Hestia's username. Hestia explained that having a familiar really can be a lively experience, especially if it is energetic. "I actually know someone who has a rather laid-back familiar. Vigilon. His familiar, Veriost, seems to be sleeping often..."  Hestia then told Krysta that she hadn't seen anything yet if she thought her familiar was lively, speaking of a familiar that could move, apparently, at a speed that almost reaches, well, Krysta couldn't guess the actual estimation from what was spoken without thinking Sound or Light speed. Then Hestia explained that there was a quest that Krysta would have to take if she was to find a familiar, and the rate of finding a good one. She felt ready to start looking.  "Well, it's time I get searching." And there was a material right there. "One down, four to go."


    ID# 91231 LD: 20+3=23(Success)

    Materials found: 1/5

  23. (OOC: It's all right, I don't mind the chest search)

    Clearly, everyone wanted this fight to be over with. Mina used a sword art and attacked the Dark Elf, finishing him off. The foe dropped the needed material, and tossed it over to Krysta, who caught it with little trouble. "Glad to know that's over." From what Krysta could tell, Pinball rather enjoyed this little venture, and she could easily say that she did as well. However, it would have felt much better, too, if there was no death that killed you in real life in this game. Sadly, injustice currently reigns here, and something had to be done... Pinball spotted a chest, and revealed it to the other two. "If it's not a mimic, could it have been a treasure hoard that the Dark Elf was possibly even guarding? The possibilities sure are boundless, that's for certain..." Krysta thought about it, then asked the other two players, Mina and Pinball, "Do you ever wonder why these chests are everywhere, though? For all we know, this chest might actually have been the Dark Elf's property before we killed him, though, if that's true...I guess he won't be needing it anymore..."

    @Mina @Pinball

  24. (OOC: So, What is the Item Krysta is borrowing? and What is it's quality? I know you mentioned it's name and it's enhancement, but what is the exact bonus?)

    Krysta noticed the familiar's reaction to the mere presence of the alchemist's shop, and how Hestia had responded to the reaction. Krysta let out a soft chuckle. What would it be like to have a familiar? So far, from the ones she had seen, it was a lively experience, and you'd never really be alone... It seemed so wonderful, and Krysta wondered, should she find out how to find a familiar soon? "Having a familiar seems like a lively experience. Honestly, I'm considering looking for one soon already!" The edge of the safe zone was closer than expected. "Well, that didn't take very long at all." "But now comes the tougher part: actually finding things all around, since players are all over the areas, gathering materials like I'm going to do right now, whether it be for this quest, or for other reasons..." She considered herself ready, and stepped outside the safe zone.


  25. Krysta was going to strike her foe this time, she was sure that she would. She readied her sword art as she rushed for her enemy. She came at her foe with Rip Ravine, and successfully hit the Dark Elf this time around. It wouldn't be long now, just two basic attacks or a successful sword art should finish it. "I think he's been weakened! We might be able to finish him off with two attacks or one sword art!" They were almost done with this fight, and it was going faster than first anticipated. Although, it was also rather annoying to have failed to land a strike or two twice in a row. "I don't know if this fight will finish or persist. Either way, I won't stop now. If my allies fail to strike it, it means that I will have to finish it off. That being known, I must be ready for anything..."

    @Mina @Pinball

    ID# 91156 BD: 8(Hit)

    Rip Ravine: 4x2=8

    [1] Mina: HP 80/80, EP 4/8

    [2] Pinball: HP 200/200, EP 8/20

    [1] Krysta: HP 60/60, EP 0/6


    Dark Elf: HP 6/50

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