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About FunMom1988

  • Birthday 04/09/1988

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  1. Once I get my journal approved, can someone help me start out?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Itzal


      I'm up for a thread whenever your ready if you'd like~  Any questions about the mechanics/system, or anything about the site don't be afraid to ask

    3. Persephone


      I'm always happy to help out a new player. We can RP sometime and have fun!

    4. Pinball


      I'm also down for a thread, just lemme know~

  2. ProfileUsername: FunMom1988Real name: Lucoa LilicoveAge: 29Gender: FemaleHeight: 5'8About: History/personality Lucoa is a mother who is secretly very into video games. She often snuck portable games to work, which almost got her fired a few times. She worked at a Gamestop in Kyoto, which was almost her dream job. Despite being good at video games, she still comes off as the "Cringey mom that plays video games". As she aged, Lucoa noticed that she just wasn't cool anymore, no matter how kept up she was on trends. Video games remained her passion, even with her daughter to take care of.
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