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  1. Anyone want to do a day one RP with me? o-o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Simba


      I'm interested, I need to do more private rps.

    3. Susan Markington
    4. Benjamin Bookworm

      Benjamin Bookworm

      I've just joined in today, and would love to join if it's not too late to join.


  2. Aria

    Journal of Aria

    « Roleplays » [SP/PP/OP] Insert Title << Insert Quest >> (+/- xxx Col /// +/- xxx Mats /// +x SP) « Friends List » Insert Player Name
  3. Aria

    Journal of Aria

    « Amelia Burns "Aria" » Real Life Info: Real Name: Amelia Burns Age: 18 /// DoB: 11/6/2004 Height: 162 cm [5'3] Weight: 56.2 kg [124 Lbs] Orientation: Straight History: Amelia born and raised in Great Britain, she was born in a wealthy family with huge political power in the country and was raised responsibly not spoiled, they taught her how to carry herself, they taught her how to present herself, and got her in a polite and elegant life style. However when she was young, she had fully gone blind, everything had gone blurry for her and she couldn't see a thing. However, th
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