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About Gwydion

  • Birthday 05/26/2002

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  1. I killed the wolf

    1. Ryo


      *tosses confetti over the wolf's corpse*

  2. you know that moment when you get yourself into solo combat with a monster that has 12 health and you deal 2 damage

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kasier


      That moment when everyone dies at level one and quits.

    3. Gwydion


      That literally happened to one of my characters in the past

      killed by a boar at lvl 1

    4. Aereth


      That moment you realize hoe freaking unbalanced combat at low levels is...


  3. Gwydion


    Completed Threads [Not Dying Immediately] <<The First Few Lessons are Free>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15845-sp-f1-not-dying-immediately-complete/
  4. Gwydion


    Gwydion Appearance: Gwydion's build and straight-backed posture lend power to his tall form. His brown hair falls over the shoulders and back like a cape. Within an oblong face rest tawny eyes; these would be focused, but in supposed seclusion, they'd dart about. Something about Gwydion's stance seems forced. Profile Name: Gwydion Real Name: Samuel Adams Age: 24 Gender: Male Height: 6 Feet H
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