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  1. Once I get my journal approved, does anyone wanna do a thread with me?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vigilon


      I'm up for a thread, too.

    3. Grimm


      I ready. Tell me wh- wait, Mr.Krabs? ???

    4. Benjamin Bookworm

      Benjamin Bookworm

      I would always be up to helping out some new players.  If you need another for a thread, or just want some extra potions to help out early on, drop me a message

  2. Profile Username: Rudymical Real name: Rudy Syega Age: 16 (14 at beginning) Gender: Female Height: 5'3 About: History/personality Rudy is a simple minded fun loving girl that was always off trying to have fun. Whether that be hanging out with her friends, playing MMOs, or playing music, Rudy was always looking to have as much fun as she could. Rudy is rather energetic, which can be annoying to people who aren't as fun loving as her, which is usually most people. But her friends consist of that minority of people that can keep up with her antics. Born in 2002, Rudy grew up in that
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