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  1. The night sky was full of what seemed to be a thousand stars and even here, in the midst of the city, it was still a sight to behold. Frank had a special warmth in his heart for a clear-enough night sky that you could see the stars. It wasn't the stars that he loved, but it was his daughter, eight or nine years old, standing outside with her telescope looking at the constellations. Frank looked up at that sky and he would flash back to some of those nights, nights where the two of them would be sprawled out with a blanket and a telescope, just staring through its lenses and finding the constel
  2. Frank gathered with the crowd awaiting the results. He had picked up a cup of hot chocolate, and slowly sipped on it, standing with his back to the nearest wall. Being around this many people made Frank a little on edge, simply because he hadn't been around this many people at once in what seemed like a long time. Still the hot chocolate was delicious and took his mind off of things. With a bit of anticipation built upon by the showmanship of Benny and his assistants putting on a drum-filled musical display, Frank could feel a bit of excitement begin to take the air. Through the vapors of his
  3. Requesting this, (Illegal Enhancement Cap) be corrected too,
  4. It hadn't been an arduous journey to the store known as "Everyday Miracles", but it had certainly been a long one. The store was nestled around a series of plateau's giving a beautiful, serene, and very green, set of surroundings. The overgrown moss in places made it look as if the shop had always been there, or the stone building had at-least. Making his way into the shop, Frank spent time looking through the options carefully, and eyed several Unique Items locked up behind display-cases. Financially out of his reach, Frank decided instead to settle on some different equipment for now. A shie
  5. Perusing the many vendors was no small task, you had merchants hawking furs, merchants hawking potions, crystals, and other consumable items. It was a smorgasbord of activity and going-on's. Of course, it was obvious that these street vendors were small-time. The main event, if you will, was a large stall set up in such a way as to be unmissable. Making his way inside the tent, Frank first took note of the red-headed boy bustling around the shop with a small dog dancing about his feet as he worked. The second thing Frank noticed was as unmissable as the stall had been from the outside, a regul
  6. Breaking away from his deep reflection, Frank turned his attention to the sights around him. More then the surface details of the town, their were younger-aged players who were grouping up and conversing, laughing together, seemingly enjoying each others company. Frank could hear snippets of the conversations too, a physical compliment here, a small boast from a red-eyed male, a girl with dark hair had launched into a personal story of a family Christmas event involving her parents back home. Just kids, doing kid things, Frank thought to himself. With a sigh, he suddenly felt very old in
  7. Frank silently walked himself through the bustling settlement of Snowfrost. The snow falling from the sky was light, and strangely, not as cold as one might expect. The town was lit by what seemed to be strand after strand of Christmas lights, and they each cast different colors onto the snow, the buildings, and out into the night. Wreaths hung from the doors, and garland from the roof-tops. The kids, and some of the adults, playfully threw snowballs at one another. Frank could see across the street, someone he didn't know had been pelted by a particularly large snowball, but soon those i
  8. Thread Summary 1 Boar Killed Reward +1 Skill Point (20 Posts) <<Unidentified T1 Rare Armor>> 2 Crafting Materials +400 Col Thread Completion ABANDONING THIS THREAD AFTER SIX MONTHS OF NO STAFF REPLIES.
  9. Making his way back down the river-bed, Ry noticed there were many caves and outcroppings in the rock-face. This at one time, must have been a mighty stream, he pondered, thinking that it would have taken strong river currents to cut-away at the rock. But then again, did a game like this even have that kind of passage of time? Or were they all created immediately into their current form? If the game had a sense of time, did the monsters also have some sort of natural selection where they would attack each other and in-time create a dominant set of monsters? These were all questions Ry would ha
  10. Bending down towards the water, Ry was interested in taking a long drink from the cool stream. Kneeling, he stared back out over the water. Something it seemed, had caught his eye. ID# 101020 results: Loot: 2 But as he looked closer, Ry could see there was nothing there. Reaching his hands into the water, he brought them up and took a long drink of the refreshing stream. In fact, now that his HP had restored itself, he was feeling much better then he had been just a few moments ago. Standing, he began to walk along the shore line, back towards the Town of Beginnings, intent to
  11. Ry was intrigued by the items he had just been rewarded with, but not being able to identify the armor was going to be a problem. Still, it's probably something I can handle when I'm back in town, he thought to himself. As he looked out over the plains, he was taken in with the beauty of Aincrad. The game itself was absolutely gorgeous, a true masterpiece of creation. The hills rolled off in the distance and you could see the grass just moving under the light breeze. Watching his health tick back up slowly, Ry knew he didn't want to rush anything right now. It would be too easy to run out and
  12. ID# 100992 results: Battle: 6 (HIT, 1 Base DMG) MOB: 4 (MISS!) Ry Lv 1 HP 1 / 20 EN 0/2 Boar1 Lv 1 HP 0 / 10 DMG 3 Driven by a desire to finish this beast, Ry charges forward, swinging his battle-axe in a brazen uppercut-motion. The tip strikes the ground, creating sparks, but the swing continues through, ripping into the boar, and finally, finally ending this near-death battle. Sitting back on his haunches and letting out a deep sigh, Ry was just glad to be on the winning end of it. This game is going to be A LOT harder then I first imagined. Suddenly his th
  13. ID# 100991 results: Battle: 8 (HIT, 1 Base DMG) MOB: 1 (MISS!) Ry Lv 1 HP 1 / 20 EN 0/2 Boar1 Lv 1 HP 1 / 10 DMG 3 The blackness was approaching. The final eternity begged Ry to succumb, to submit, to give in. It wasn't just the darkness, it was the solitude. The freeing moment when it would all be over. He could feel the longing in his own soul, the longing to not worry about this mortal realm anymore. Flashing through his mind he could see his life, everything in an instant, suddenly, sharp intake of breath, the voice inside his soul screaming inside his head, C
  14. ID# 100988 results: Battle: 1 (MISS) MOB: 9 (HIT, 3 Base DMG + 1 CRIT) Ry Lv 1 HP 1 / 20 EN 0/2 Boar1 Lv 1 HP 2 / 10 DMG 3 Ry was growing tired of this battle. Impatient and looking for a finish, he charged his enemy, he was going to hit his opponent, and it was going to be devastating. As the two neared, Ry suddenly tripped. On a rock, over grass, it was hard to say. But what happened next was bad. The beast didn't waste any time in capitalizing on Ry's fall and pounced on him, ripping and tearing at him, bringing Ry to the very edge of his health-points. To the
  15. ID# 100985 results: Battle: 4 (MISS!) MOB: 7 - 2 EVA = 5 (MISS!) Ry Lv 1 HP 5 / 20 EN 0/2 Boar1 Lv 1 HP 2 / 10 DMG 3 Stepping towards the wild animal, Ry knew that he couldn't let his battle-rage consume him completely. He wasn't strong enough for that here, in this world which felt so alien to him. He had never played games, and this was so much more then a game. Instead, he knew, he would have to be careful. Stepping up, he made his attack, it was close, but the beast narrowly avoided his strike. However in turn, Ry was able to roll out of the way of the beasts
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