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  1. Is anyone interested in an organization of villains, where individuals would mostly act on their own, but has a guild to count on for back-up in case something goes wrong?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mars


      color me intrigued

    3. Pick


      Oh? Shall we, too, start a thread, then?

    4. Mars


      Create a thread, tag me in it and i will join. The only thing i will need is possibly a PM telling me the general plan for the thread so we're both on the same page when it comes to that regard. Afterall at least having a plan for a thread going in can make the difference between awkward and a well written thread in my mind at the very least since it will seem more organized.

  2. Pick smiled when he watched the man come out. This was a clear indication that the axe had been made, especially since he had requested just a couple of seconds ago. The service was of extremely good quality, and he hoped that Dustin would have the exact same speed once he had practice with blacksmithing. Perhaps the profession would no longer be dominated by one man, but rather by a few competing professionals trying to provide players with the cheapest prize. Sometimes, it's good for there to be competition on the market. Usually, whoever has the cheapest items, gets the most customers, unle
  3. Pick walked into the highest skilled blacksmith shop on the first floor, and possibly even in the entirety of Aincrad. He knew that Dustin would probably help him out with a weapon, but he wanted one fast, and he wanted a really high quality weapon, that Dustin probably cannot make due to his low skill in blacksmith at the very moment. Hence, Pick decided to come into this shop, owned by a grand master to get the axe that he needs to farm Col. Why col? Well, he figured that materials were easy enough to obtain simply from the use of the gatherer skills, so now he was moving onto the Col stage.
  4. If anyone would like to take Pick on a quest or material gathering session, they can keep 50-70% of all the materials gathered.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shield


      Do you have a preference on the tier of material? If you're willing to make it exclusively tier 3 mats, then, I can guarantee you a ton of them and I won't take any, as long as I can take the Col and equipment.

    3. Pick


      I'm only capable of gathering materials XD

    4. Shield


      Yes, but I'll be fishing and looking for chests, which will get us plenty of Col and equipment.

  5. RIP, no one is available to talk to in the beach party... 

  6. Pick

    Pick - Pickpocket

    Profile: Username: Pick Real Name: Ivan Patricia Age: 18 Gender: Male Height: 5'10" About: History/Personality Ivan was born in the streets of Cordoba, Spain... and literally in the streets. His father had left his homeless mother, and soon after he was born, his mother died due to an unknown sickness that she was never diagnosed and treated for. Thus, Ivan was left alone to fend himself in the cruel streets of Cordoba. He made friends with the rats that roamed the trash bins, and made enemies with the dogs that fought to obtain their own food. His story began with trage
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