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    Aincrad Trading Post

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  1. Skill(s) Being Dropped: Heavy Armor Rank 1 Mod(s) Being Dropped: N/A SP Refunded: 5 Cost: 5,000
  2. It seemed that @Cosi was mostly distracted with the commotion that had been going on. Though she still couldn't quite tell what all was happening, it seemed like one of the players finally got escorted out of the place. With the commotion dying down, Hokori quickly excused herself to go stop by @Benny, signing herself up for the raffle. Perhaps she would win something, though that wasn't much of her worry. She was primarily concerned about getting the rest of her build together. This was just going to be a way for her to get some other form of bartering chip. She didn't want to have to be that
  3. Hokori followed @Cosi's gaze to see someone get themselves captured. It seemed to have started in the shadows, but most of it was in full view of the place now. Though it was quite crazy, she was pretty sure it had something to do with the wanted posters that had been scattered about recently. "I've never really been one for Christmas. I mostly just liked having it as an excuse to return to my parents for week or two before I had to fly back to university. Not that I was really able to afford flights that often. Crossing half the world does that." She didn't know why she felt like opening up s
  4. It hadn't been too long hanging around the town before Hokori spotted @Cosi. He seemed to be waving at someone, but she dismissed it. Instead she just came over and sat next to Cosi. "How are you doing? It's been a little bit again hasn't it?" Her tone was quite casual, and very tomboyish. Though she had never been very feminine to begin with, living at a college with mostly guys made her be all the more butch. It helped her stay casual with guys, but it wasn't always the best thing. It meant that guys got into the weird area of both wanting her to be their date while still staying in a platon
  5. Hokori was waiting about at the first floor. There didn't seem to be that many people still in need for the beginner's quests anymore. Perhaps the people left in the town of beginnings were few enough that the rate of conversion to actual players was getting lower and lower. She wasn't surprised, it was going to happen eventually. She just hadn't anticipated such a drop off. It could just be an anomaly with the pattern, but that didn't change the fact that she was without anyone to help. That was when she got the message from Cosi. It seemed that he was looking for some people to come wit
  6. Having received the notification that her request was finally ready. Hokori went into the shop once more. She thanked the blacksmith for his work after quickly inspecting it. It was exactly what she wished for, and knew she would be returning once she was in need of stronger gear. Though it may not be for a while, she could tell that there would be few that could match Macradon's skill. She put the equipment on and gave a little spin. The armor fit perfectly and the sword was well weighted. Leaving the shop with a small bow and a smile on her face, Hokori was looking forward to using the new e
  7. Having realized there was no point trying to find a shortcut anymore, Hokori decided she should try and get some gear before heading out into the game at large. She came across a nice looking shop located on the first floor. It was offering a discount to new players. "None of us are exactly new, though I guess the sentiment is what counts," Hokori mused to herself. She walked in, and after seeing what the smith had to offer she decided to ask for some custom pieces. She didn't have much, only what the game had given her initially, but it seemed that it would be enough to get a couple of pieces
  8. Appearance: Profile: Username: Katagawa Real name: Hokori Seigi Age: 24 -> 26 Height: 5'4" History: Hokori Seigi had never been one to have a lot of wealth. Her parents were low end workers, only affording a little more than the essentials. She still took pride in what little she had though. Going to a simple school, Hokori began to find whatever she could to recycle and reuse to learn more about the world. She wanted to learn to become a worker for some high-end company and let her parents live in comfort after all their strenuous years o
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