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    Solo Player

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  1. Does anyone want to take the lesson quests with me?

    1. Neopolitan


      If you're still looking for someone to do them with, I have an alt that would be able to come help out. They've already done it before, but they wouldn't mind joining in. I tend to post pretty quick, though I have moments I can't post for some time.

    2. TheLegend27


      Alright, what's your alt's name? That way I can tag you.

    3. Neopolitan
  2. Profile Username: TheLegend27 Real name: Pony Sarver Age: 14 -> 16 Gender: Female Height: 4'11 About: History/personality Pony is rather simple kind of girl, not really having much being all the special about her. She is a simpleminded foreigner who can't really find any specific place she belongs in. Pony is more of a drifter than anything when it comes to life. Drifting from one place to another, friend group to friend group. Pony tended to stick to gaming as a source of entertainment since she usually never had a single group of friends she hung out with for more than a m
  3. Hello people. It is TheLegend27 here. I was on this site a few years ago as Shadowpixel, but I wanted to get a fresh start on things. So I look forward to doing stuff with ya'll!

    1. Neopolitan


      Welcome back, how you enjoy your time here (again).

    2. Macradon


      Welcome back! :D

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