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  1. Shiro smiles as Felicity danced around him, the warmth emitting from her making him more comfortable. As she danced around him, he listened to the girl talk. She likes Felli? Good, everyone that talks to me from now on has to like Felli. Then she steps closer and Shiro gets nervous, as she reaches out for his best friend he tenses up. Not knowing what to do, he just watches and tries to act like the world around him isn’t collapsing, but then Felicity steps in and begins to play around Mishiro’s arm. “Okay Felli, should I be getting Jealous?” His joke placed perfectly to help try and break the
  2. As Shiro became better acquainted with the little familiar that was the sole focus of the boy, a familiar voice comes from behind him. He jolts, caught off guard by the girl who had drawn him the picture all those years ago. The jolt wasn’t too obvious, but it was visible enough to make his familiar worry. “Her name is Felicity.” He says, a slight smile on his face. He had no idea what to say to this girl, words were his weakness. Misako was always better at this stuff. How can I get out of this politely? Oh crap. His eyes dart around, as Felicity floats above his shoulder, then slowly and alm
  3. Shiro heats his name and his ears perk up. No way I actually one. This is weird, but now I gotta talk to someone and accept... Then he sees it, the bright blue flame in a cage and he smiles. Like something grabbed the corners of his mouth and just pulled up as hard as the could. He didn’t even realize he was smiling until he started to talk. “Does it have a name? Or can I name it?” He asks with a tilt of the head and a smile on his face towards @Benny. He reaches out towards the small creature and it dances up his arm. What would I name it? Flicker? Scorch? Or would I go for Irony? Umbra would
  4. Shiro couldn’t help but smile and accept the request from the player he had spoken to. It was unusual for him to remain in such a place, but he had heard there was a raffle and wanted to at least enter to see if he could win. Nothing caught his eye though, but then he noticed the cloak. No way in hell am I passing up that. He walks over to @Benny and tips his head forward as a greeting. “Put me down for the raffle as well.” He says, spinning and looking around for a few minutes. No one here I want to talk to. Mishiro, Ice cream lady, and gray are here, but no one else. He begins to wonder how
  5. Shiro gets caught off guard by the man's sudden knowledge of who he was talking to. How the hell does he know who I am? I only know who he is there hearsay and a few questions for some higher ups. Though it does make this easier. "Call me Shiro. Okay, here's the thing, you've heard of symbiosis, I'll scratch your back you scratch mine?" He leans in a bit closer. "I propose this, I'll help gather information, and give it to you on anything you want. Think of me as the spy who can find anything, but I will need help mastering the art of sneaking. Can you help me with that?" He asks. This proposa
  6. "Oh sh*t. A party... And no Misako... Guess I'm not going there." He turns, noticing a face he recognized in as a frontliner. It was someone he had only heard of. Is that him? I'm guessing that's him. Let's find out. He pulls himself together and slides off of the roof he was on gracefully, dropping into the middle of the crowd, but then remembering that he was in a crowd and getting flustered. Why would you do that? Are you some kind of idiot? Well, now you're never gonna make it to the player you've spent weeks tracking down to no avail. His eyes race, looking for a way out. All the ways out
  7. Real Name: Yamashiro (Shiro) Kamanachi Username: Huginn Height: 5'9" Age: 16-18 About: History/personality Yamashiro Kamanachi was born in tokyo to a cop and a teacher. His father was a cop in tokyo, so until he was 10, Shiro would stay up all night in fear of his father not coming back. His twin sister always stayed up with him and he always stayed near her. The two were inseparable. His sister helped him open up, he was never shy around his sister. Shiro always protected his sister from the mean people of the world, and his sister always helped him open up to new people.
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