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Everything posted by Ulaan

  1. As Beelii went with her sister towards the raffle, she couldn't help but wonder what they would do with the prizes. Even if they were incredibly high tier items that they could not use, that didn't mean it had no use. Even at a lower tier, the items could still be useful for their own use. Her sister was likely wanting to make sure that they could sell the items, though Beelii wished to be able to use them for themselves. That way, they could just farm out their own capital on their own terms instead of needing to deal with trading with another player. As useful as her charm was, it seemed mos
  2. It seemed that Beelii's words had left Katsuki struggling for words. As she waited for a response from him, another girl came over to them. They seemed to have two perfectly distinct sides to them, one talking with the people causing the commotion that nearly dragged her prey away from her and another being directed towards just the two of them. "Well then dear, I'll just have to leave you two to it then." She was sad to leave, but decided it would be best. There was quite the likelihood that The girl could follow through with a much greater threat, and Beelii didn't have much in the way of co
  3. Just as Beelii was about to keep going with the man calling himself Katsuki, he seemed to leave for the commotion happening in the square. She was a bit disappointed, as she had never really liked the heroic type. They were a little too easy to get onto the hook. It was more fun when she actually had to try to start the game of cat and mouse. Seeing him return, she perked up a little bit. Not visibly, but her energy did return. She gave a similar smirk back as he re-delivered his cheesy line followed by his recovery. Not acknowledging his recovery that much, "Well, perhaps you'd like to h
  4. As Beelii wandered about the town with her twin sister, she realized that there were quite a few stronger players about. Though she wasn't sure how well many of these introverts would respond to her, it might be fun to mess around with them. There seemed to already be a few awkward relationships brewing, and people disengaging from conversations as best as they could. The person Beelii set her eyes on though seemed to be a bit more of her type. At the very least, it would be better than some of the bad flirting she had witnessed going on elsewhere. "I'm Kian." She didn't say much for the momen
  5. Ulaan

    Ulaan's Diary

    Appearance: Username: Ulaan Real Name: Beelii Erdeniin (Gloved Gem) Age: 19 ->21 Height: 5' 5" History: Belli is the twin of Osgii and the daughter of a rich mongolian businessman. She had spent the majority of her life getting what she wanted, acting as the symbol of her father’s wealth with her sister. Of course, she lived in a strict household and was expected to get married off one day. Being the more charismatic of the two, Beelii did her best to charm her father out of his many rages. This left her tired and looking for an escape. As Osg
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