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Everything posted by Miaki

  1. To anyone who has thought about getting involved but haven't, you should. I had my first chat off and on from 6-11:30pm est and had an absolute blast!
  2. And that is why we love you Haine. The show really does an amazing job explaining itself. The first two episodes paint the story in a well written way.
  3. Okay we all can agree that for the most part subs are better than dubs when it comes to anime. Whether this is because we like the way the Japanese language sounds (that would be an interesting study...... #LinguisticStudent) or we are so used to hearing a show in Japanese when it finally comes to English it never seems right. So what I want to know is, which do you like better and why. Also mention what you like about both of them if you can. I personally have yet to get around to watching the entire series in English and have only gotten as far as episode 3 or so. So I can't say which is
  4. Alright.... Here it comes 3......2.......1....... THE MASKED MAN!!! :O But seriously Im not sure which one I should share so I've narrowed it down to a few which I will take a quick poll on.... Which one should I show? - posing like Im on a Half-Life cover - refined look - the action/war hero - posing for the next I Am Legend - the action shot - the samurai - the candid shot (unscripted, whatever stop whatever Im doing and take the blasted picture)
  5. Miaki opened his mouth, with his hand point to the sky. "Uhhhhhhhhh......" Realizing he had forgotten himself which was odd for him considering he was usually good with direction, in a remarkable speed a swipes with his hand he opened his GUI and brought up a map. "That way." He pointed eastward. "Follow the path for a short while and you'll reach a small town."
  6. Miaki had realized he was hold his breath and seeing Yue's eyes open made him release his breath. "Thank you, Elyth was it?" Facing her has she started to leave.
  7. Watching Haine cry hurt Miaki more than ever. Her best friend was hurt. Miaki attempted to make her feel better. He couldn't see Yue's HP but knew that since the white wolf hadn't vanished then it was something else. "Well she isn't dead otherwise we wouldn't be here looking at her. It must be something else. A status effect or something." He looked around at everyone gathered. "Does anyone have a cure crystal?"
  8. MacGrath seemed a little confused. Miaki slowly walked up to him with a hand held up, palm forward toward MacGrath. "You okay dude? What just happened?"
  9. MacGrath's scream startled Miaki and he jumped around instinctively drawing his sword. When he saw the look on MacGrath's face, he froze for a moment then sheathed his weapon.
  10. He's breathin' alright! Buut he fainted." She gave him a thumbs up and was all perky and cheerful. A sweatdrop formed for a brief second as he heard the obvious told to him. "Oh of course." He tried to say this in a non-condescending way and he hoped that Haine didn't think she was insulting her. He got up and walked over to them. Back in the real world, Miaki had gained some experience in first responding and CPR. He looked at MacGrath breathing steadily which was very reassuring. Aside from the fact that he was passed out, there didn't seem to be anything else wrong with him.
  11. Miaki sat up hearing Haine shout. He looked over and saw Haine shaking MacGrath, who had feinted, wildly. "ARE YOU ALIVE MISTER?!" She looked frantic. Thats when the other voice was heard. "Well of course he's alive. Keep on shaking him and you might give him a brain damage." Miaki saw behind her the white wolf. With this sight he jumped up in surprise. How did he not notice this familiar before? "What the?" He stared at the white wolf in awe then back at MacGrath, still passed out. "Is he breathing?"
  12. The two boys laughed while staring up at the sunny sky. The sheer detail of the world around them was enchanting to the eye. The rolling fields and forests around them with the spots of villages and cities further than that. "Well for now let someone else take care of them. I'm tired from that last one." He said lazily watching the clouds go by.
  13. Miaki stabbed the earth with his sword and dropped to one knee. Panting having put more energy into his last two attacks then was probably necessary. Miaki just knelt there. "That was something else, eh?" Miaki rolled and fell on his back. "I'll say. That thing just wouldn't die." Taking a deep breath Miaki slowly started laughing.
  14. Miaki eye'd the health bar of the boar as MacGrath made contact. "Come ooooon." He thought and the health bar dropped. It then settled on <<1 HP>> and held there. "Oh for the love of-" Annoyed Miaki skipped charging another sword skill and jumped in the air with his sword trailing behind. "Drop you blasted animal!" He shouted as he brought his blade down on the boar. Boar: 1/5 Battle Dice: 0-2 Miss 3-5 Boar dodges 6-8 Hit (1 Damage) (Killing it) 9-10 Critical (2 Damage) (Killing It..... with style?)
  15. Starting to get a little frustrated at how their last two attacks both missed, Miaki huffed and planted his feet into the earth. "Is he playing with us?!" Yelling at the boar he charged up another attack. "Why won't you-" His blade glowed bright green. "DIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!" He charged full speed at the boar, yelling as he ran forward. Boar: 2/5 Battle Dice: 0-2 Miss 3-5 Boar dodges 6-8 Hit (1 damage) 9-10 Critical (2 damage) (Killing it)
  16. Miaki watched as MacGrath charged his sword skill and attacked the rushing boar. Miaki's eyes widened as MacGrath dealt a critical attack. "Nicely done!" Miaki yelled. "Switch!" Miaki leaped forward, hoping to deal the finishing blow. Boar: 2/5 Battle Dice 0-2 Miss 3-5 Boar dodges 6-8 Hit (1 damage) 9-10 critical (2 damage) (Killing it)
  17. Miaki distanced himself from the boar. Satisfied that he made contact he smiled. He heard Haine start cheering. "YAATAA!!! THATS HOW YA DO IT!!" This made Miaki form a big, toothy grin. "Alright dude here it comes. Go for it!" (5 HP... Got it! -makes mental note)
  18. Miaki saw MacGrath smiling, starting to get enthusiastic about training. "I'm ready to fight more now!" He heard MacGrath say. "Then lets take another swing at these things." He said this while drawing upon his blade again. "These boars are fairly weak. Comparable to slimes or small bats from other RPGs." Miaki spotted another boar spawning onto the field. Once he locked onto the boar he saw in his vision the HP of it appear. In the last engagement he wasn't paying attention to that, something that if he kept slacking on would end up very grim for him. "These boars here have 3 HP it loo
  19. Miaki kept his wrists loose by swinging his blade around before finally sliding it behind his back. "No sweat." He thought for a moment of how so many players seemed too afraid to leave the safety of the <> and that they would be killed as soon as they stepped out. Why were they so scared to leave? With proper preparation one would do fine out here. He stopped focusing on this and brought his thoughts back to the now. "Shall we try another boar or two? It's nice to be out here with someone for once."
  20. "Nice hit man! I'll finish it off!" Miaki held his blade with both hands in front of himself, waited til the blade glowed and jumped toward the boar. "KYAAAAA!" Battle Roll 0-5: Miss 6-10: Killed (From here on out lets use the correct Battle Dice use as Haine corrected previously)
  21. Miaki rushed up to the small group and saw Yue, now in Haine's arms, completely limp. He focused on her and a cursor appeared over Yue but he couldn't read her HP because he wasn't in party with anyone. "What's wrong with Yue? Was she in a battle?"
  22. Miaki watched as Haine rushed in and made a clean slash at the boar. She jumped away from the boar who needed one more clean strike to die. "Alright MacGrath its all you!" He watched as the boar began to advance on MacGrath.
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