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Sweets Is Not Enough

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Posts posted by Sweets Is Not Enough

  1. Chizuru.gif.9a9901a09c876548c6db43a774d1b478.gif

    Username   Simply_Sweets         LV: 03

    Real name  Kai Jeong ( Virtuous and loyal)

    Age/ DOB   2 1 /November

    Gender       Female

    Height        5’ 10”


     Kai has a large and loving family, but it could be suffocating having four siblings and two live-in caretakers. With little to no privacy at home, Kai often spent her free time at a local noodle shop where her classmate Ryuji Sakura and his father Mr. Sojiro lived and worked. Kai thought of the comfy two bedrooms as a home more than her family's house and even dreamt of moving at a time or two.

     The Jeong family was known for its old money and the several businesses they owned throughout the small city. The attention always made Kai a little uncomfortable, sometimes leading to an anxiety attack. To prevent any more health issues her parents let her stay home during social gatherings. However, Kai was expected to go to every vacation or family outing. This included an annual Christmas trip to a predetermined location, often a beach on some privately owned island of a family friend.

     An advertisement was all it took. The moment Kai Jeong learned of the full dive system, she knew her life would never be the same. Virtual Reality had been a part of everyday life but till then it was a fantasy to be inside it. The thought of purchasing one became her obsession. She dropped out of the family Christmas vacation, used her money for the trip and then some to afford a system and it’s first game, Sword Art Online.

     Because of the price and difficulty getting a single copy Kai and Ryuji decided to share the game and that Kai would be the first to play. Every day she would think back on this decision and about what Ryuji would do. Instead of holding up in herself she was determined to see her friend again and made a promise that she would not die inside the virtual world.





      Upbeat- Kai has a tendency to look for the brighter side of situations and in people. Being one of several middle children she's experienced there's always another side to a story or a reason for someone's actions. She also doesn't like pouting around for long, feeling down won't get anything done or won't help make her feel any better.

      Generous- Kai enjoys sweet things but likes sharing them more. With a lot of siblings, it's impossible to keep anything to one's self. She also uses sharing as a means of connecting with others.

      Trusting- Kai looks to the brighter side of people, having hope in other's humanity and heart. She doesn't like building walls against people and much prefers keeping an open heart.








      Introvert- Without preparation, large crowds or gatherings of people cause unease and in extreme cases anxiety attacks. Since Kai was young she could feel everyone's eyes on her, expecting something great like the rest of her family.

      Trusting- Looking towards the brighter side of people often leads to ignoring the bad things. Kai wants to believe in the good of others rather than distrust them.

      Air-headed- not always thinking things thru, easily distracted or excitable, tends to forget things easily for no reason. Being a space cadet comes naturally to Kai.



    Profession  [  N / A  ]





    »►Searching <Rank 1>
      Effect: +1 LD per rank. +1 to Stealth Detection per rank.
     Description: Increases your perception, making it easier to find treasure, detect hidden creatures, and increases your chance of obtaining better loot from monsters.











    Weapon skills







    2H Assault Spear (Good)



    Basic Starter Amor (Good)



    (3) Tier 1 Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP/per)

    (5) Tier 1 Healing Potions Uncommon (Heals 40 HP/per)

    (1) Tier 1 Damage Potion (+1 Damage)

    (1) Tier 1 Over-Health Potion (+50 temp HP)


    2,200 Col

    (25) Tier 1 materials

    SP: 8


    [SP- F8] A Natural Begining (Ongoing)

    [PP- F01] << The First Few Lessons Are Free >>


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