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Posts posted by Roulette

  1. Roulette narrowed his eyes as several murmurs and whispers echoed around him. What was so interesting that they had to stop in the middle of the effing street? His eyes followed theirs up the scale of a house and he raised an eyebrow at the sight. What an odd sight it was. A girl that can't be much taller than a middle schooler was sitting almost peacefully on a villager's roof. The brunette's eyes narrowed at her. He didn't like the way she looked at people. She looked almost too at peace and it bugged the hell out of him. The player scoffed to himself. This floor certainly held people from all kinds here, freaks and all. She certainly looked... odd. The scythe in front of her didn't make her look any less normal, too. A weird weapon for a weird girl, he guessed. 

    He stared at the peculiar girl with bored eyes for a few more moments before walking off like everybody else. He didn't need to spend time looking at a toddler when he could be finishing this quest. 

  2. Roulette dipped his hands into the pockets of his pants and the corners of his lips tugged up into a blank smile people who knew him were too familiar with. His eyes did a once over of the two again and chuckled to himself when he realized that instead of the bright green crystal above the masked boy's head, there was a distinct orange one. How could he have not realized that sooner? He had a killer right in front of him! Although, the thought didn't faze him as much as he thought it would. Could this girl possibly be his next victim? Or were they friends? He wouldn't be surprised if this was the type of player to pick on newbies on the first floor, either. All eyes were on him now, that's good, right? He took note when he watched the grip of the girl's head tightened around the sword. "Oh, do I really look that scary to you?" He muttered, laughing quietly to himself. He didn't expect a reply but another laugh escaped from him when he heard faint mumbles coming from the pale haired player, already knowing that she was probably acting in for her rabbit again. He knew that much, at least. 

    The brunette let out a another humorless chuckle and cocked his head at them as they watched him. "You're an interesting group of people, don't you think? Here we are..!" He exclaimed, casually walking over to the two. "The murderer and the freak."

  3. The brunette had officially declared this floor hopeless. The people were hopeless and stupid. The terrain was stupid. Everything was stupid. How was he going to find inspiration in a floor where people hide in their damn rooms everyday, waiting for someone else to do the hard work for them? Was it so hard to find something to fuel his determination? He knew he should be doing his hardest to level up but how was he going to do that when he was surrounded by complete idiots?

    Roulette’s brows shot up by a fraction as he heard a yell and some muffled conversation after that. Why was he surprised? This is exactly what he was looking for! He slowly shuffled over to the commotion. As he neared the source of the voices, he quickly spotted two unfamiliar shadows. The brunette’s left eyebrow shot up, not in surprise but in curiosity. These two a strange bunch indeed and he scoffed quietly to himself. These two looked like they belonged in some gothic novel. The little lady had herself a... purple bunny? My, my, did he strike the jackpot! He cocked his head and smiled to himself when she started speaking for the bunny. After he spent a few heartbeats analyzing the girl, his eyes shifted to the boy— or he presumed due to his figure. Strange indeed, he had a mask resembling a fox of some sort and he stifled a chuckle as the two exchanged conversation. What a strange bunch of people.

    But did he really want to get involved with these two? Well, roulette is a game of risk, after all.


  4. Roulette calmly left the shop, although he was pretty sure he was going to lose that damn facade once he actually starts gathering. Seriously, what had he been doing for the last two years? Everything seemed quite a bit fuzzy to him and he couldn't explain why. Although, he was sure that the NerveGear was messing up his head... in more ways than one. Never had he ever felt so stooped in his life. There were frontliners with two years worth of progress under their belt and where was he? Doing the damned beginning fetch quest on the first floor when there are already more than twenty discovered. He didn't doubt himself, surely. He was most certain that he would join their ranks eventually. He was lacking time, though. Much of it. If he was going to be on top, he's going to have to finish things twice as fast.

    He pushed up his glasses and pressed his lips into a thin line. Did he really need glasses right now? They were useless now that his vision was as clear as day.

    He shooed the thought away and looked at the sun in the sky. It was smack dab in the sky. Noon. That should be enough time to gather a few materials and make a stupid potion. He didn't waste much time staying in that spot for long since he was already nearing the town exit. Roulette ran a hand through his tousled orange hair and sighed. There was a gut feeling he had and it made him feel uneasy. It's going to be a long ass day.


  5. 13a1cf73861d6c748f14c1ca32131ddf.thumb.jpg.2f37b22a4fa74e86d413a944b80dcc93.jpg-> ROULETTE'S SO-AND-SO DIARY:



    AGE: 22 -> 24 Y.O.

    HEIGHT:  6 ft./182.88 cm.

    WEIGHT: 193 lbs./87.1 kg.



    Ji-hu was never really much of a talker and it certainly made him the black sheep to his over eccentric family. As far as he could tell, Ji-hu had lived a pretty normal life. No tragic accident. No cliche history. Normal. He liked it like that. 

    Ji-hu had an early realization to life, and it certainly wasn't a pretty one. It was a dog eat dog world. Kill or be killed. He's obsessed with being on top of the food chain. Knowledge was power to him. The more he knew, the more power he had and this eventually led him to become a studyholic. If he wanted to be on top, he was going to have to work for it. Though Ji-hu wasn't particularly gifted with intelligence, just knowing him could tell you that he had a knack for dedication and focus. His family-- his mother, father, younger sister, and grandmother-- were delighted to know that Ji-hu was accelerating at his studies, but they couldn't help but be concerned for his not-so healthy habits. It was always the same routine with him.





    Ji-hu found his family a nuisance. A mere obstacle in his way to achieving power. So he ignored them. Yes, a douche move, but he wasn't going to let anything get in his way. 

    He eventually found himself graduating school with high marks and much to the dismay of his family, he decided to study abroad-- in the United States specifically. His parents offered to just simply move there instead, but he persisted on telling them no. He didn't want the emotional baggage with him, which would only make his life harder than it already was. His mind was already set and he would spit venom whenever one of his parents, grandmother, or even his sister try to talk him out of it. 

    So that was that. He moved to the U.S. and never looked back. He would eventually have to get back to South Korea but until then, he continued the same routine everyday, every week, every month, every year for four years straight. The only time he did leave America was when news of his grandmother having a severe heart attack and later death spread to him. Of course, resulting in him having to leave America to attend her funeral back in Korea, and when he did arrive, he didn't treat his family members any different from when he left. It wasn't like he willingly went back. His mother and father had to practically beg for him to come back. Even then, he didn't hold much emotion at the funeral, but that was really how he is. Some of his extended family members and even his own family loathed him at that moment. He was practically raised by his grandmother for God's sake! Though, she was the most quietest of the family and she didn't speak against him most of the time, so he had a shred of respect for the woman. 

    After returning to America, he completed the rest of his four years in a college off of the East Coast and soon returned back to Korea to spend the summer until he can go spend another four years in a medical school in Japan. The rift between him and his remaining family grew even more during that time due to the excessive amount of time he would be locked up in his room.

    Time passed and he eventually found himself in a whole new country all over again. He didn't mind though. In fact, it was just a minor setback learning a whole new language, again. A year passed and communication was still slim between he and his family... or so he thought. 

    In the middle of his second year, his family chose to give him a surprise-- or what he would call it, an unnecessary intrusion of his privacy. His family realized that they were being just a tad too cold with him and they wanted to mend the broken relationship they had with him. With the news of the renowned NerveGear and Sword Art Online game, they thought it would be the perfect gift for Ji-hu! He however... did not. He spat at them for getting him such a useless gift. What was he supposed to exactly do with this piece of junk? Never ever had he played video games in his life, why now? However, his sister, Seoyun, was a huge video game nerd and of course had bought her own set of the gear and game. It took a lot of bribing and begging for him to finally put the damned helmet on his head and Seoyun promised that if he didn't like it, she would take it back. He just needed at least five minutes in the game. Five minutes and she would be right next to him when he came back. He scoffed at her statement, already knowing that this would be a total waste but started the game anyway. 

    Little did he know, this would give him a major setback.


    -> VIRTUES:

    • Dedicated: The last thing that Ji-hu wants to do in any situation is to give up. Honestly, if you were to name one good thing about Ji-hu, it would be that he's dedicated. Nothing can really break him out of his little dedication bubble. It's go big or go home with him. There is no losing when it comes to Ji-hu. He lives to win, and that's what he's going to get.
    • Flexible: Ji-hu can easily make do what he's got. He's pretty open to trying new things and doesn't really say no to much of anything, really. Of course, it has to be useful to him. What was he going to do with something that's useless? Nothing! Exactly that. 
    • Tolerant: Since Ji-hu has lived with his unbearable for so long, he grew to eventually tolerate his family as well as the other obstacles in his way to power. You could say he had patience but he had to honestly differ. Ji-hu doesn't have much of an anger issue, so it wasn't very hard for him to tolerate idiots and people alike.

    -> FLAWS:

    • Reclusive: As far as he could tell, Ji-hu has never had any real friends, and he was perfectly fine with that. He liked the silence. It was peaceful for him. He doesn't necessarily avoid people, but that doesn't mean he likes being around them nonetheless. People were just baggage he didn't have the space for.
    • Blunt: Ji-hu doesn't hide his thoughts and he simply does not care what people think about him. Of course, Ji-hu thinks before he talks but he doesn't sugar coat his words at all. He could honestly care less about other people's feelings.
    • Secretive: Ju-hi doesn't like much of his own personal life revealed to other people as much as you think he would. He sees his own secrets as a weakness to him, thus creating more obstacles in his path. And by I mean he doesn't like it when you pry, I mean he really doesn't like it. He'll practically bite your head off if you bug him too much about his secrets.


    -> SKILLS:







    Weapon Skills:

    > R1 2H Spear Skill: 4 DMG

    -> EQUIPPED:

    > Beginner's Spear: 2 ACC

    > Beginner's Armor: [Vanity]


    > "DPS Package"

    > [3] Starter Healing Potions: Heals 50 HP

    > 2,500 Col

    > [10] T1 Mats


    0/5 Used


    +5: Beginner's amount

    -5: R1 2H Spear Skill


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